Top 50 Apps Similar to 微头条 - 新闻快讯, 探店分享, 商家点评

凤凰新闻 7.49.2
CHNM 1.21.1
CHNM is a comprehensive platform for domestic and overseas Chinese.
即刻 7.31.1
Interested community
【精彩視界】鳳凰衛視官方App【鳳凰秀】,全球華人每天都在看!影響,有影響力的人。海量內容,我們全天候送達;熱門話題,獨家評論員犀利點評;鳳凰王牌節目《軍情觀察室》、《魯豫有約》、《名人面對面》,線上線下同步看!《雙語佳片Bilingual》鳳凰自製雙語大片,包攬海內外紀錄片大獎;追憶鳳凰王牌評論員阮次山,鳳凰秀推專題紀念欄目,重溫《風雲對話》經典片段;《魯豫有約》對話乘風破浪的姐姐:寧靜、鐘麗緹、伊能靜,帶你認識舞台下的“無價之姐”;獨家原創《島國聊不完》,曹劼、徐量用VLOG暢談英國房產投資、留學、教育話題。更多精彩,請關注我們的同名官方抖音賬號“鳳凰秀”。多平台聯動,滿足你的好奇心!【產品簡介】 鳳凰秀,影響有影響力的人鳳凰秀是鳳凰衛視為用戶打造的新媒體客戶端產品,是鳳凰衛視從電視端向互聯網端延伸的核心平台。可提供7*24 小時的新聞報導與直播,以及70余檔鳳凰衛視欄目的獨家播出。鳳凰秀是鳳凰衛視重要的全媒體戰略轉型產品,融合鳳凰集團技術、內容、運營、商業化等領域專業團隊,技術團隊分布於中國科技前沿深圳和國際都市香港,內容、運營、商業化團隊立足北京、香港、上海、深圳、台北,輻射亞洲、大洋洲、歐洲、美洲、非洲各地。【產品特性】1.資訊:鳳凰秀專注國際熱門話題,解析世界格局變化。帶用戶瞭解天下事,整合熱點專題;2.節目:鳳凰秀為用戶呈現超70檔鳳凰衛視節目,其中包含鳳凰衛視資訊台、中文台、香港台、歐洲台、美洲台和電影台6個電視頻道的節目,幫助用戶訂閱觀看:《軍情觀察室》、《魯豫有約》、《鳳凰大視野》等王牌欄目;3.片刻:鳳凰秀短視頻平台,幫助用戶獲取新鮮熱點、世界話題;4.直播:鳳凰秀為用戶實現收看鳳凰衛視資訊台、中文台、香港台的全天候24 小時電視播放同步直播。 【官方信息】官方郵箱:[email protected]商務合作:[email protected]鳳凰秀官網:https://m.fengshows.com鳳凰秀媒體開放平台:
开眼 7.5.11
「开眼 Eyepetizer」是一款汇聚全球优质短视频APP,每日精挑细选优质高清短视频,为你奉上惊艳的视觉盛宴,让你大开眼界。应用内汇聚了旅行运动、创意广告、生活集锦、科普干货等新鲜有趣的视频,给你视觉上的惊艳和了解世界的新方式。「每日精选推荐」每日人工精选出有趣高清短视频和社区用户图片视频创作,看到这个世界此时此刻精彩的瞬间记录和奇思妙想的创意内容。「分享美好瞬间」人人都是创作者,无论是摄影创作、旅行记录、生活集锦、美食探店,向世界展示你眼中理想的生活「发现潮流文化」寻找运动、美食、游戏、旅行、创意等各个领域的新鲜达人和创作,发现志同道合的朋友与明星作者---------------------开眼社区定期还会组织各种新奇有趣的特别活动「开眼周末计划」开眼每周会提供线下精致生活指南专题,帮助对生活、审美有追求的年轻人丰富周末时光。从衣食住行到吃喝玩乐,全方位的玩法等你来探索。「开眼观影团」定期组织用户免费观看电影,目前观影团已经组织「未择之路」、「蚁人2」、「碟中谍6」、「无双」、「影」、「毒液」等线下观影活动,参与社区热门话题,更多机会免费领取「IMAX」电影票看大片。「开眼探险团」开眼会不定期组织一些高品质的户外探险活动,带领大家走出去,大开眼界,目前已经策划组织过「开眼带你去北极」、「开眼带你去南极」等高品质的活动---------------------如果你在使用「开眼 Eyepetizer」时,有任何意见或建议,欢迎通过以下方式联系我们:1. 开眼 Eyepetizer客户端:打开「我的」进入「意见反馈」,填写并提交您的意见 2.关注微信公众号并留言:开眼Eyepetizer 3.关注新浪微博并发送私信:开眼视频官微 如果其他事务的想法和需求,也欢迎联系我们:- 商务合作:[email protected] -加入开眼:[email protected]
歡樂語音-台灣歌友歡歌歡唱全民K歌,唱歌聊天交友的手機KTV 3.1.6
Multiplayer K song chat software, singing competition withmillionsof singers
微博 13.11.3
Follow celebrity hotspots, learn about news, watch livevideobroadcasts, and discover new things anytime, anywhere
Sweetalk 5.1.8
Sweetalk is an AI translation communication app. Six AItranslationfunctions can help you stay in touch with businesspartners andfriends around the world, Barrier-free communication,and easilyconnect with friends in the world. Why use Sweetalk? 1.Five AItranslation scenarios cover online and offlinecommunication:texttranslation、voice translation、 calltranslation、video calltranslation、translation headset etc. 2. 30multilingualtranslations covering more than 100 countries worldwide3.Multimedia support:text、picture、video、voice、phone andotherfunctions. 4. Circle of friends:always share wonderful momentsinlife with friends around the world. 5. Chat pagecolor:alwayschange the color of mood with friends. 6. Make newfriendsworldwide and explore new international businessopportunities. 7.Privacy protection, strictly protect the privacyof users,one-click incineration function, completely erase data.Welcome tothe world of Sweetalk artificial intelligence. AItechnologyenables social interaction, changes the socialinteraction method,and completely breaks down barrier-freecommunication worldwide.
Sina Weibo International Edition, Discover! Hot new stuff atyourfingertips.
WeCom 3.1.7
WeCom is a business communication and officecollaborationtooldeveloped by Tencent WeChat Team. WeCom providesthefamiliarcommunication experience as WeChat and connects withWeChatin anall-round manner. It also offers productivity tools suchasEvent,Meeting, WeDoc and WeDrive, and flexible OA appsforeffectivebusiness communication and management.  WeComhasbeen widelyadopted by millions of leading organizations,includingRainbow,P&G, Cartier, WalMart, Chow Tai Fook, L'Oreal,IKEA,Bank ofChina, PICC, Deppon Express, and Changan Automobile. 1.Afamiliarcommunication experience [Ease of Use] Provides aIMexperienceconsistent with WeChat’s. [Reliable Storage]Enablesreal-timemessage syncing to PCs, mobiles phones, the cloud,andotherdevices. [Efficient Communication] Allows users tocheckmessageread status to ensure effectivecommunication.[CorporateDirectory] Allows administrators to batchimport andmanagecorporate directory. Finding co-workers has neverbeeneasier. 2.Connecting with WeChat [Exchange Messages] AddWeChatusers ascontacts and offer services via private or groupchats.[ContactCustomers] Companies can view and manage customersaddedbymembers, and assign customers of former members.[CustomerMoments]Share posts about activity information and productupdatestoMoments to interact with customers. [Customer Group]Groupchatwith WeChat can reach up to 100 people. Members canuseefficienttools in group chats, and companies can assign groupchatsofformer members. [Company Pay] Companies can use WeChat Paytomakefunds with WeChat users, and can also receive paymentsfrommembersor send red packets. 3. Integrated with kinds ofefficiencytool[Event Management] Simultaneously, through "MakeanAppointment",you can easily check the idle/busy status of thegroupmembers andselect the appropriate time to start the event.Memberswillreceive the event invitation in their Eventapp.[Multi-personMeeting] Initiate and join online meetingsanytime& anywhere,allowing sharing documents and screens amongup to25 participants,and providing some management features forhosts.[WeDoc] Onlinereal-time collaborative docs and sheets. Editscan beupdated inreal-time, freeing collaborators from transferringthefiles witheach other. [WeDrive] Free 100 GB of shared spaceforfile sharingbetween colleagues. Space permission can bespecifiedas needed forreal-time sync of files and higher securityof data.[BusinessMailbox] Send and receive business emails andforward toGroupChats if needed. 4. Diversified Office Apps [BasicOfficeApps]Preset ready-to-use office apps such asAttendance,Approvals,Reports, Announcement, and Forum. [Third-partyApps]Providecompanies with high-quality third-party apps andhardware,coveringmobile office, and other fields, as well assmartattendance,unlimited screen casting, and meeting television.[APIs]Providevarious APIs, making it easier for you to integratecompanyapps.5. Strong security andmanagementcapabilities[all-round safeguard]Based on the integration of offense and defense capabilities of Tencent over the past 20 years, WeChat Work is the first domestic office product to pass SOC2Type2 auditing, and has obtained ISO27018, ISO20000, ISO27001, and national three-level certifications to provide reliable data security guarantee for companies.[CorporateDirectoryManagement] Batch import contacts into adirectory wherethey aremanaged in one place for convenient andaccurate lookup.[AppManagement] Manage all company apps andconfigure theauthorizedscopes. Sending messages by apps, customapp menu, assetlibrary andother features are also provided.[PlentifulConfiguration]ConfigureEmployee Identity Informationand viewpermission to CorporateDirectory, hide departments ormembers ifneeded. WeCom, OfferingEvery Enterprise their ownWeChat
文学城 - 5.2.0
文学城( Android客户端. 系统支持: Android 2.2 ~ Android4.x文学城APP与文学城网站实时同步,我们提供最新的华语热点新闻更新。为海外华人提供论坛讨论区及博客服务。文学城致力于服务全球华人。依托于我们广大读者群,文学城打造出了如下特色品牌:子女教育 –子女培养?上藤校?家长关系?……在海外养孩子不是孤军奋斗 我爱我家 – 装修、家长里短、邻里关系……家永远是最温馨的港湾私房小菜 –不论是私房食谱还是美食地图,在私房小菜论坛里你都能找到你的那盘菜 海外原创 – 分享生活,讲你的故事 流行时尚–展示自我充实自我的平台 影视人生 – 国内流行看什么?请看影视人生论坛 世界风情 –读万卷书不如行万里路文学城以成为“跨出国门信息第一站”为目标,将信息窗口与网络社区相结合,为海外华人提供第一线咨询和方便的在线互动平台。文学城将会不断完善,为用户提供最便利的信息传播渠道,丰富广大读者的生活。
7CPLAY (傾心陪玩) 2.0.9
Let you play games without getting tired
Venus Live
With the most popular platform for handsome guys, hot girls,andversatile amateurs, anyone can show off their life, interests,andtalents. Venus will become the only life recording platform youcanuse. Today, let 500,000 People fall in love with you!
微信读书 7.3.0
Good books for free reading, no advertising experience!
新浪新闻 7.92.3
The fastest and most accurate information platform mobile Chinese
下厨房-美食菜谱 8.8.4
Chinese recipes and more comprehensive, more populargourmetcommunity
AC chat 2.2.1
The purpose of AC app is to help all English learnersbuildacomfortable daily English communication environment, acommunityofpure and original English lovers. Features of AC app:--Theroleplay is not easy to talk and speak Englishpersonally--Classicalscript practice dubbing, AI evaluationcorrectpronunciation--Voice does not look at the face of the play,andgame interactionpractices oral English --Daily practice oforaltopic, fastdevelopment of English thinking --Make friends,study ingroups,and have language partners with wheat every dayWhat's here?-Thereis a treasure trove of scripts, which areselected andaddedaccording to the standard of life style, manydialogues andclearpronunciation, and are constantly updated; -Thereare a lotofbeautiful sounds, excellent spoken dramatists, andscriptsfromtheir original contributions or dubbing; -There'sasuperinteresting spoken English Studio, which can sendbulletscreens,gifts, AI test scores, and pia of super hi peelspeaksEnglish;-Here are voice questions from real people. They comefrompopular,controversial and borderless questions; -Here arethecurrent hottopics that our young people care about, and thepunchin topicsmeet the actual social needs of Englishconversation.Nothing here?There is no mechanical and old-fashioneddialogue inbooks andtranslation software. We hope to present youwith the mostrealdialogue scene; There are no paid courses, norecharging, nomoneycollection class teachers, only sincere languagepartnershere;There is no accent discrimination, no garbageinformation, andtheindecent and unidentified species that makegarbage can notsurvivehere; There is no zero basic learning coursehere, and userswithzero basic may cause some discomfort in thecommunity;Theprinciple of AC community: Do not be dumb,do not beevil Don'tbesilent, speak bravely, and don't ask too much foryourEnglishexpression; Don't do evil. Don't be harsh andoppressive.Give helpinstead of criticism and ridicule. Contact usWeChatsearch "ACAPP" Official account and focus on User QQgroup:698338782
iPick 2.2.1
iPick is a FREE social food app that provide you the bestculinaryexperiences!
Easy to understand the star social dynamic information, stardynamicmaster
China Radio 中国电台 中国收音机 全球中文电台 2.16.10
EC App Studio
Most popular Chinese radio stations from China and other countries.
世界日報 4.3.4
oohla inc
內容提要:世界日報官方客戶端。您想要的內容都在這裏,報紙、新聞資訊、世界黃頁、生活資訊隨手掌握。Wj Mobile還可根據個人喜好個性化定制閱讀。它具有強大的互動分享功能。使用者看到的文章或圖片均可通過微博、郵件、短信等多種方式評論分享。還可給您感興趣的商戶發消息,輕鬆互動。功能介绍:1.閱讀世界日報: 閱讀報紙、快速聯繫商家、往期報紙閱讀、隨時分享;2.查看世界黃頁: 商情資訊、周邊商家自動定位、字母筆劃檢索;3.發佈生活資訊 各類生活資訊、爆料身邊事、內容隨時自主添加。北美、美国、加州、洛杉矶、纽约、德州、拉斯维加斯、旧金山国外报纸、即时新闻、时事评论、头条、华侨、华裔美食、租房、买房、招聘、二手交易、买卖、购物、旅游、移民、留学、法律、好莱坞、折扣好奇心日报、daily、华盛顿邮报、华尔街日报、纽约时报、周末画报、读读日报、知乎日报、城市画报、第一财经、凤凰新闻、美国中文网、chinadaily、两颗红豆、北美省钱快报、亚米网Summary:World News official client. You want content here, newspapers,news,yellow pages world, lifestyle information readilygrasp.Wj Mobile also based on personal preferencecustomizationreading.It has a powerful interactive sharing capabilities. Usersseearticles or pictures can be shared through a variety ofwayscomment microblogging, e-mail, text messaging and so on. Youmayalso be interested in a message to the merchant, a livelyandinteractive.Features:1. Read World News: reading newspapers, quickly contact the merchant, to the issueofthe newspaper reading, feel free to share;2. Check the Yellow Pages in the world: Business Information, businesses around automaticpositioning,letters stroke retrieval;3. Publish lifestyle information kinds of life information, broke things around, feel free toaddtheir own content.North America, USA, California, Los Angeles, New York, Texas,拉斯维加斯,San FranciscoForeign newspapers, breaking news, current affairscommentary,headlines, overseas Chinese, ChineseFood, rent, buy, recruitment, secondary trading, trading,shopping,travel, immigration, study abroad, legal,Hollywood,discountsCuriosity daily, daily, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal,NewYork Times, Weekly, Daily read, know almost daily, CityPictorial,CBN, Phoenix news, the United States Chinese network,china daily,two red beans, North Province money Express, Yaminetwork
今日头条 热门视频 热点资讯 网络文摘 喷嚏意图 喷嚏图卦 4.9.0
中国影视-影视大全,美剧,韩剧,日剧,大陆剧,中国古装剧,动漫,综艺 2.2.0905
【精彩内容,现在就要】《云南虫谷》:胡八一夺得雮尘珠,破除红斑诅咒,暗示告白雪莉杨!《与君歌》:齐焱烟织联手,正式对仇子梁下手,夫妻双剑合璧夺天下《我的砍价女王》:满屏狗粮,甜到尿糖!《百灵潭》:有仙侠虐恋那味儿了《周生如故》:周生辰和时宜的两个孩子,幸福的生活在一起!更有《海上繁花》《千古玦尘》《你微笑时很美》《盗墓笔记之云顶天宫》《贺先生的恋恋不忘》《三生三世枕上书》《安家》《奈何BOSS要娶我1+2》《两世欢》《完美关系》《庆余年》《大唐女法医》《下一站是幸福》《谁都渴望遇见你》《新白娘子传奇》《都挺好》《东营》《怒晴湘西》《如懿传》《知否知否应是绿肥红瘦》《古董局中局》《小女花不弃》《老中医》《逆流而上的你》《扶摇》《将夜》《三生三世十里桃花》《人民的名义》《双世宠妃》《楚乔传》《锦绣未央》《沙海》《延禧攻略》《香蜜沉沉烬如霜》《 那年花开月正圆》《陈情令》《公主驾到》《斗破苍穹》《芸汐传》等精彩内容等你发掘,所有视频内容一律免费观看。
知乎 9.8.0
Zhihu Inc.
If there is a question, there will be an answer
Sina Finance Finance is the leading brand in China, hundredsofmillions of investors' choice
ExpressReader 2.9.1
ExpressReader, Read China’s News At Once
起點小說﹣正版中文網路小說追書神器 1.9.0
The whole network of the most genuine original novels, newusersfree reading
Chinese Conversation Practice 2.2
Improve your ability to communicate in Chinese withdailyconversations.
懒饭 2.9.7
Follow the video and learn a dish in a minute. Cooking isactuallyvery simple!
豆瓣阅读 5.37.3
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36氪 9.3.0
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Zhengfa Dang
Mizuki Community (Tsinghua BBS) ad-free Open Source Android Client
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◎ 人生中必定有一首歌,20歲覺得音樂動聽; 30歲能體會歌詞含意; 40歲聽使你感動落淚...你的那首歌,是哪一首呢?◎700位跨世代經典國語歌手,為您獻唱。 ◎40,000萬多首令你回想起年少青春歲月的歌曲,終生免費聽到飽!懷念國語精選:【天王歌星一人一首成名曲】、【三四年級懷念經典】、【五六年級經典國語歌曲】、【費玉清經典】。。。持續新增中。三四年級經典懷念歌手劉家昌, 費玉清, 姜育恆, 鳳飛飛, 謝雷, 張琪,余天, 劉文正, 姚蘇蓉, 江蕾, 歐陽菲菲, 張鳳鳳,龍飄飄, 楊燕,甄秀珍, 蔡琴, 于櫻櫻, 楊小萍, 王芷蕾, 鄧麗君,高凌風, 甄妮, 翁倩玉, 青山, 謝雷, 紫薇, 張魁,金燕, 劉藍溪五六年級經典懷念歌手 杜德偉, 金素梅, 譚詠麟, 葉蒨文,關正傑, 林憶蓮, 黃舒駿, 蘇芮, 許志安, 張雨生,劉德華,高明駿、陳艾湄, 羅大佑, 陳昇, 費玉清, 邰正宵, 黎明,周華健, 王傑, 王芷蕾, 蔡琴, 李茂山, 王傑、葉歡,城市少女,趙傳, 姜育恆, 鄺美雲, 林隆璇、周慧敏, 林良樂, 鄭怡,陳淑樺, 葉璦菱, 方季惟, 殷正洋, 甄妮, 張艾嘉,鄭智化,金智娟, 童安格, 林子祥、葉蒨文, 李宗盛、林憶蓮, 張信哲,成龍、陳淑樺, 關淑怡, 林淑容, 張信哲、劉嘉玲,吳宗憲,呂方, 金佩珊, 七匹狼, 曾淑勤, 梅豔芳, 齊秦, 鄧妙華, 小虎隊,草蜢, 萬芳, 紅螞蟻, 黃品源, 黃大煒,張洪量,林慧萍, 東方快車, 丘丘合唱團 支援台湾 Line / Facebook好友一鍵分享 本應用遵守YoutubeAPI使用協議:不得將視頻與音軌分離(無法提供背景撥放功能)不得修改任何視頻內容(無法提供去除人聲功能)不得拷貝任何視頻內容(無法提供線下撥放功能)本程序為Youtube串流撥放器,並無販售任何實體或虛擬產品。本程序按歌手發行專輯及歌曲名稱,在線即時搜索Youtube影片資料庫,並將搜尋結果最優排序。==========DISCLAIMER==========Thisis NOT an official app from thevarious media services, andthis isonly an unofficial 3rd-partyclient that complies with their3rdparty API terms of service.This app is NOT an affiliated norrelatedproduct of thoseservices. Per their APIdeveloperterms:"Youdo not need special approval to use YouTube APIs or topromoteAPIfunctionality in your application" provided that theguidelinesarefollowed.==============================本程序為第三方的媒體撥放器,開發團隊並未發佈任何視頻,也無意侵犯版權1.本程序是符合YouTubeAPI服務條款的第三方撥放器所有視頻都是透過Youtube官方提供的API撥放器進行撥放以ContentID系統維護著作權人的權益若有未經合法授權的視頻被搜尋到,權利人可以向YouTube提交版權下架通知如果您有其他疑問,請與我們昆仑工作室聯絡:[email protected]=====COPYRIGHTINFORMATION===== All videosare provided by the publicthird-partymedia service YouTube. Alltrademarks and copyrightsbelong totheir respective owners and areused here under the termsof FairUse and the Digital MillenniumCopyrights Act (DMCA). Sincethe appsimply links to content ontheir service via their 3rdPartyDeveloper API, the app does nothave any direct control oftheircontent. If there are any contentthat may infringe uponanyone'scopyrights, the following link canbe used to report thecontent:
国际新闻 World News & Newspaper 8.40.0
CCL App Dev
全面及时的新闻报道新闻来自各大网络新闻网站,目前有BBC,纽约时报,路透社,华尔街日报,法广,金融时报,美国之音,环球网,世界新聞網,联合早报,德国之声,日经中文网将陆续增加分类包括头条,国际,中国,金融,经济,科技,生活等24小时不间断每30分钟更新,助你掌控全球最新资讯简洁易用的界面设计极简风格和清晰的排版,同时保持稳定和流畅方便的导航,左右滑动打开下个新闻,观看下个图片点击图片打开图片游览器,手勢控制放大拖动支持直屏模式(手机),横屏模式(平板)最低限度的广告,不影响阅读 各种功能提升用户体验省流量模式 -在没有WiFi时,只加载纯文字新闻,用户点击加载图片,避免消耗流量夜间模式-在黑暗的环境下,缓解眼睛疲劳,更易于阅读简单分享新闻,打开源网站此应用将持续维护与更新,请帮助反应你遇到的错误,以更快的修复与改进。如果觉得此应用对你有帮助,就留下好评吧。
大马报纸 | 马来西亚新闻 Malaysia Chinese News & Newspaper
CCL App Dev
Bring together news sources from newspapers across Malaysiatoprovide comprehensive and timely news coverage.
Learn Chinese - 5,000 Phrases 3.1.2
Learn common phrases for conversation. Speak Chinese fluentlyandfast.
Yeetalk-Chat, talk with native 2.5.5
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Dianping 10.56.20
Android application for
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FT中文网 6.8.4
FT中文网 is a Chinese website under the British FinancialTimes(Financial Times), which provides Chinese readers withprofessionalbusiness financial information, in-depth analysis andcomments.
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