Top 3 Games Similar to Better Golf

Powerful Golf Hypnosis for Men 1.0.1
Golf is a sport that reacts dramaticallytoGolf hypnosis and visualisation. Many golfing errors aresimply‘address’ inaccuracies easily adjusted through mind control.Agolfers address position is the key to his game because it’sthefoundation of the swinging motion.Another important aspect of golf enhancement is the focusofattention on the ‘ball flight direction’, both of these pointswillbe dealt with in the following Application.If you concentrate on hitting the ball you will lose much ofyournatural flow. This is why pre-programming using hypnosis issoeffective. With subconsciously programmed behaviours youractionswill become automatic and tension disappears.Take the opportunity whilst listening to this Application togothrough the motions in your own mind of that perfect shot youwishto achieve. Access the thoughts, feelings, muscle tensionandsounds that will accompany the shot. Visualise the reactionsofothers around you at your successful shot, and your ownelatedfeelings at being supreme.
Better Mobile 2016 1.0
Rimani sempre aggiornato con una appdinotizieRSS dal web.App gratuita per portare con te gli aggiornamenti dellatuapassionedelle scommesse.Segui better lottomatica.Stay up to datewithnewsfeeds from web app.Free app to bring with you the updates of yourpassionbetting.Follow lottomatica better.
WomenRun Safer Run Better life 1.2.17
More women than men perform regularphysicalactivity outdoors.50% still have difficulty organizing and strugglewithinsecurity.WomenrunFirst running secure application specifically dedicated towomen.Our solution takes into account the specific needs of women:multiple days , need calming, willingness to share , isolation,outof everyday life, to enjoy a moment to themselves, needmotivationand personal advice to start and to integrate all on goodpracticewalking and running…Why Womenrun exists?Women assume triple days that leave little room foressentialphysical activity. According barometers INPES and recentstudies,women are more vulnerable to physical inactivity andhealth-risksin stress-related increase. Women change in 50 % ofcases theirclothing habits because they feel insecure in publicspaces.Womenrun is a turnkey running solution. It allows anyonetooxygenate with confidence to stay in top form. Womenrun isanapplication designed for women who are still reluctant toundertakeactivities like walking or running alone or outside.Basedonsolidarity and trust, Womenrun provides secure andcontrolledsharing of data to practise outdoor activityfreely.Who we are?Womenrun is a mixed startup 100% French .Our ambition is to Reply to need for freedom, well-being,autonomyand security, foundations of living together.With this version we wish strengthen solidarity to isolatedpeople,and allow them to establish Regular contacts and getconfident ontheir CAPABILITIES.I invite you to download this new version and to make it knowaroundyou . We are Listening to users (90% of the base are female)causeWomenRun launches early 2016 with this new version in twolanguages​​(French and English).Womenrun has no equivalent and is much more than a classicRunningApplication.Our collaborative platform delivers services to women. It allowstomanage in times a physical activity and its own safetyduringworkouts and intends to motivate more women to go outside.Womencan take advantage of our latest technological developmentsawayfrom the daily routine.Mode offline or anonymousThis mode is anonymous for testing the application andmeasuringyour physical activity. In option you can choose theperson toreceive an alert message.Mode onlineThe use of Womenrun with your your personal data in advancedmode,in an area where the network is available is suited to accesstoall the features of the application like: save youractivities,choose your contacts, receive send notifications, shareyourmovements when you decide to be visible...New social network tailored to the needs of female freedom,privacyand security, WomenRun keeps you motivated for walking orrunningwith confidence and well-being.As with location-based applications that prevent a close, thisnewtool offers women to stay motivated and to anticipate risksontheir journey. An alert function Informs your group and membersofthe community and facilitate calling the nearest emergencyservicesin real time depending on you your mobile operator.Breath of fresh air, WomenRun planning personal time to discoverthegreen urban spaces, cities, break a situation of isolation,whilepracticing walking activity adapted to their health profileandwell-being of each and every one.Moved to cities and companies wishing to invest in thewelfare,WomenRun favors in her feminine services reconcilingprofessionallives, private and family and gender equality in sport.For allthese reasons , our application deserve to be known andrelies onWomenRun community worldwideThe app also adapts its brand and services to communitiesandcompanies that want to act in favor of women. Besides thisuniverseof trust, sharing and discovery, WomenRun be transposed tootheruniverses as Cycle or tourism.More information on the sitehttp://[email protected]