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Pocket Guide UK Grasses 2.4.1
Senet Mobile UK
The Pocket Guide UK Grasses is an idealguideto help identify around 100 UK Grasses, Rushes, Reeds andSedgesuseful for gardeners, walkers or ramblers, school fieldstudies orperhaps for lake wardens or even to help with ideas forinterestingpond plantings.Main View• List around 100 Grasses, Rushes/Reeds and Sedges foundacrossthe United Kingdom• Categorise plants by Family, Genus, Type, BNVC• Includes thumbnail images along with English andBinomialnamesEntry Details• Detail page for every plant with useful information- nb. Characteristics, alternative names, flowering monthsetc• Also includes details of Butterfly larval food plants• Full colour photo for every plant- nb. Select the photo to use pinch to zoom to view a higherqualityimageSearches• Find plants by text searching or filtering. eg. look forplantswith blue flowers.- nb. Wildcards are supported, your custom notes can alsobesearched• Picture gallery view- nb. Select image to view detail page• Unique Colour finder, find by distinctive colour featuresComprehensive Content• Specialised Glossary• Useful Website and other References View• Locate some entries on an interactive map, eg. KEWGardens,Millennium Seed Bank, Eden Project.- nb. More locations will be added as we continue to developthisapp further.Custom Features• Easily bookmark search results or individual entries tothebookmark view• Add your own Custom Notes to ANY entry with the handyeditfeatureSocial Networking• Post notes to your wall or feedOther useful utilities are included to help when you areoutGardening or Rambling such as• Flashlight• Compass• A Range and Height Finder.• Moon phases for the next 70 days.- nb. Northern Hemisphere only.• Sunrise/Sunset, Moon Rise/Set and Twilight Start/Set.- nb. set your location on the map and GMT offset as required.Updating the data• CHECK DATABASE function to update data when required.Contacting UsWe are happy to consider including new features and anylocationsfor the interactive maps in future releases.Please contact us to discuss the app, ask support questionsormake suggestions for improvements using any of the following.• Website• Webpage Contact Us Support Form• In App Contact Us Support Email• Support Email Address• Support and News forums for each appContact details• [email protected]••• your Facility or Business• Please contact us to discuss if you would like to haveyourfacility included on the interactive map, especially ifyourbusiness or facility relates to for example Gardening,NatureActivity Centre etc.• Please contact the developers if you would like toconsiderproducing a customised Pocket Guide specifically foryourfacility.Notes:• This App requires an internet connection forsomefeatures.• There are NO IN APP PURCHASES required for thisappsfeatures.• Images may be saved to the devices external storage alongwithattribution and license text making them available for reuseasrequired by associated license agreement where stated, wherenolicense is stated image reuse is not permitted please contactthedevelopers to discuss.• Please contact us directly with any support questionsorissues.• Please let us know if we have missed any UK Grass, Rush orSedgeentries that would be useful to you so we can add them inlaterversions.Icon image attribution: By Kim Hansen (Ownwork)[CC-BY-SA-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 (],viaWikimedia CommonsSource image: