Top 1 Apps Similar to WJEC Science Review - Year 10

WJEC GCSE Physics Review WJECPhysicsF03
Review helps you succeed. It makes arealdifference.Here's our first look at the new WJEC GCSE Physics courseforWales. The complete two sections of the first unit are herefreefor you to use.Tell your friends about this app now. They will be grateful forafree app, and each download we see happening makes it morelikelythat we'll continue to produce more material.At the end of September we will start to charge for this app-but if you get it now all upgrades will be free for you. Pleasedotake advantage of this offer. In return, we'd appreciateyourfeedback, and, eventually, a five star review.At the same time as releasing this app we are writing toeveryHead of Science in Wales, to let them know about it, but ifyoulike what you see perhaps you could remind your scienceteacherthat we exist!Review is like having a good teacher who's always there tohelpand support you. It will systematically step you throughyourscience - it's been written to exactly match the newWelshspecification. It offers help when you need it and givesfeedbackon your progress. It assumes nothing on your part, exceptyourdetermination to do well.Best of all, it puts you completely in control. Youtakeresponsibility for your own learning, doing what you choose asandwhen you choose, at the rate you find most comfortable. No oneislooking over your shoulder, and no one monitors you overtheInternet.The app itself is how you like it, completely distractionfree.There are no ads; it doesn't try to sell you anything,exceptitself! It's completely safe - it doesn't try to collectanyinformation or images. Review is here to help you withyourscience, and nothing more.If you're prepared to put the time in, the benefit for you isthatit will quickly improve your results. You'll feel moreconfident inscience at school, get more from your lessons and dobetter intests..It's an extensive resource with extra material for thehigherlevel - this version contains 673 questions at higher level,and636 at foundation. It helps you to learn throughunderstanding,giving you a firm foundation to do well in science atGCSE.The app is comfortable and straightforward to use. You don'tneedto use a keyboard, and all the touch areas are largeandresponsive.Most of all, this app has been written with you in mind. It'snotthere for your parents to monitor you, nor is it for yourteacher inschool to fill in a homework record or mark book. It'sfor you. Whenyou say to yourself 'I want to do the very best I canin science'and are ready to take action, then that's the time tostart usingReview.Good luck!TEACHERS - Review is SAFE AND SUITABLE FOR USE IN SCHOOL.It'sad-free and content-rich, and written and checked byexperiencedteachers.If you have school tablets there is no reason not to makethisapp available on them all. It has been written to match the2018onward specification.