Top 39 Apps Similar to 台灣公共自行車

BusTracker Taipei 1.71.0
Bus tracker provide different kind of transportation informationforTaipei.
BusTracker Taiwan 1.73.0
Bus tracker provide different kind of transportation informationforTaiwan.
台北搭公車 - 雙北公車與公路客運即時動態時刻表查詢 19.9
Jie App
Taipei bus and Xinbei bus instant dynamic quick query
公路客運通 - 國道客運即時動態時刻表查詢 19.9
Jie App
State Road and Highway Passenger instant dynamic Timetable
台北搭捷運 11.0
Jie App
Taipei/Taoyuan Airport MRT/Danhai Light Rail/Ankeng Light RailMaproute planning and fare travel time query
YouBike微笑單車1.0 官方版 4.14.3
YouBike Smile Bike 1.0 official version APP
台鐵訂票通 - 火車時刻表搶票快手 23.4
Jie App
Taitung timetable for quick inquiry, 3 seconds booking!
高鐵訂票通 - 高鐵時刻表搶票快手 23.4
Jie App
Fast high-speed rail timetable inquiries, booking three seconds!
雙鐵時刻表(台鐵高鐵、航班、搶票、公車單車、轉乘、捷運) 8.13.36
Xavier Wu
The total number of downloads across Taiwan exceeded 5 millionquerytools, the best companion for commuting travel, listed formore thanten years, the most complete public transportation query🌟Thissoftware was selected as the "APP NEXT 2013 Best PopularityApp"🌟💯
Taiwan public bicycle (ubike)
Public bicycle information of Taipei, Taoyuan, Tainan,Taichung,Kaohsiung, etc.
台北微笑單車 - YouBike2.0查詢 11.1
Jie App
Shuangbei public bicycle inquiry(supportYouBike1.0/YouBike2.0/UBike)
雙北搭公車 - 雙北公車與公路客運即時動態時刻表查詢 19.9
Jie App
Taipei and New Taipei Bus instant dynamic fast search
松山機場航班時刻表 8.8
Taipei International Airport flight tracking query, the besthelperfor going abroad and returning home!
桃園機場航班時刻表 8.8
Jie App
Taoyuan International Airport flight tracking query, the besthelperfor going abroad and returning home!
高雄機場航班時刻表 8.8
Kaohsiung International Airport flight tracking query, thebesthelper for going abroad and returning home!
台中微笑單車 - YouBike查詢 11.1
Jie App
Taichung public bicycle inquiry(supportsYouBike1.0/YouBike2.0/electric bicycle/iBike/UBike)
高雄搭公車 - 公車即時動態時刻表查詢 19.9
Jie App
Kaohsiung Bus instant dynamic fast search
台中一中校園資訊 1.5.7
台南搭公車 - 公車即時動態時刻表查詢 19.9
Jie App
Tainan bus instant dynamic fast search
Loco樂區 - 單車,吃喝,玩樂 2.8.0
【LocoBuy】The latest trendy online shopping [LocoTaxi] Betterthan15% off taxi call service 【LocoFun】Real-time play bookingservice[LocoBike] Shared bicycle service
Taoyuan Metro Timetable 3.3.5
Taoyuan Metro airport MRT timetable
台灣警報-地震,颱風即時訊息 4.26.1
Taiwan to provide warning of natural disasters News
Lime - #RideGreen 3.132.0
Replace your car trips with the world’s largest sharedelectricvehicle company.
Bus+ (Bus, Train, Metro, Bike) 3.6.1
Transo Ltd.
Most intuitive bus & MRT & Ubike app in Taiwan!
ofo — Get where you’re going on two wheels 2.30.1
With ofo, it’s just you, two wheels, and an app. Since ofoisstation-free, you can go wherever you want. All you have to doissafely park your ofo when you’re done wherever local lawpermits.Now — where will ofo take you? Curious how ofo works? It’seasy.Open the app. Grab an ofo & go. Get there & lock itup.
火車時刻表-台鐵時刻表 5.0.2
Train timetable, delay information, fare information,transferinformation
台北愛旅行 - 旅遊景點探索/路線規劃/飯店訂房 1.6
Jie App
Taipei and New Taipei offers attractions to explore / routeplanning/ hotel reservations and other services
oBike-Stationless Bike Sharing 3.4.7
oBike Inc
oBike, No.1 Global Bicycle Sharing Platform, offers commutersanaccessible, convenient and eco-friendly alternative modeoftransport. It is the first homegrown smart stationlessbike-sharing platform, originally from Singapore and is available24/7.Its latest smart Bluetooth technology improves thelocationaccuracy of its bicycles, enabling users to easily identifythenearest oBike. Scan the QR code via the oBike app and cycleyourway to better fitness! To return the bike, simply park it atanydesignated public bike-parking areas. It’s as easy as that!Here’swhat oBike can do: 

 Sign upwith yourphone number and allow the app to use your location sothat you canfind the nearest oBike on the map. 
In a hurry?Click on the bike icon to reserve it. Your oBike will bereservedfor you for 10 mins. 
 Unlock the bike by scanningthe QRcode via the oBike app or by entering the bike ID which canbefound on the bike. 
 Payment can be made viaCreditCards and debit card. More payment options will beavailablelater.
 If you have any suggestions or feedback, do emailus [email protected]
台灣樂透彩 3.2
Taiwan lottery and Uniform Invoice gadget!
WIND - Smart E-Scooter Sharing
WIND Mobility
WIND is a smart dock-less mobility platform. We offerdock-freeelectric scooter (WIND, “E-Scooters”) and bicycle rentalstofulfill short distance urban trips. We are committed toprovidingyou with an easy, healthy, convenient, reliable,andenvironmentally friendly way to travel by combining anadvancedidea with IoT (Internet of Things) technology. No keys,cash, IDcards, or deposits needed. After just a few clicks on theapp, youcan immediately hop on and enjoy your ride. WIND will takeyouthere! Why WIND? - Easy to use: Unlock with one click in theWINDapp. - Smooth and secure payment: Either via PayPal or creditcard.- Safe ride: Outstanding hardware quality. - Low cost: Ourpricingfits every need. How to use? 1. Download the WIND app(Formerlynamed BYKE in Germany). 2. Open the app and search fornearbyE-Scooters (or bicycles in Germany). 3. Scan the QR code tounlock.4. Enjoy your ride, follow local regulations, use bike laneswhereavailable, and do not ride on sidewalks. 5. Reach yourdestinationand “End Ride” in the app. Park correctly and make surethe vehicleis not obstructing others. Download the app and enjoyyour ride!Tips and Notice: 1. Please enable GPS and Bluetooth onyoursmartphone for a better experience. GPS can provide a moreaccuratelocation service. Bluetooth will increase success inunlockingvehicles. Keeping the GPS running in the background,however, candecrease battery life. 2. Before locking, please openthe app tomake sure the trip successfully ends. 3. Users must be 18years orolder to use and operate vehicles. 4. Please park inappropriatelocations and make sure the vehicle is not obstructingothers. 5.Please always wear a helmet while riding our E-Scooters,this isrequired by law. More info:
台語歌精選 MV 2.0.5
Via this app, you can always browse the many Taiwanese singer whointhe latest MV YouTube channel and music videos!
台灣收音機 台灣電台 台灣廣播 1.1.44
EZLife Studio
Still looking entity on the radio? Or if you're nice to findabroadcast APP feel upset it? Can be very simple onlinelisteningvia mobile phone or tablet
台中搭公車 - 公車即時動態時刻表查詢 19.9
Jie App
Taichung Bus rapid real-time dynamic queries
台北捷運 2.11
台北捷運圖 讓您能暢遊台北Taipei MRT map so youcanswim in Taipei
ONN - Ride Scooters, Motorcycl 3.5.5
Your everyday commute solved - pick any scooter, e-bike,ormotorcycle you want
大紀元時報 6.8
Taiwan Epoch phone App
台灣最新即時新聞 2.24
Midas Touch
First-hand the latest breaking news nine news media in TaiwanandTaiwanese news broadcast, update the fastest
台灣溫泉特搜 (全台各地人氣泡湯指南) 1.0.4
今年冬天,來一趟幸福的溫泉小旅行吧!雄獅集團欣傳媒《好遊趣》推出免費App「台灣溫泉特搜」,精心整理全台各地人氣溫泉,提供最完整的資訊,讓您從南泡到北,身心靈都暖呼呼。【主要功能】1.地區查詢:今天想去哪裡泡溫泉?簡單明瞭的北部、中部、南部、東部四大地區分類,再依行政區選擇,就可以找到您的秘湯資訊,輕鬆安排溫泉之旅,前往台灣各地享受不同特色的泡湯風情。2.周邊查詢:臨時起意想泡個湯,只要打開「台灣溫泉特搜App」,可利用LBS定位功能,快速查詢您所在位置附近的溫泉清單。除了由近至遠排序的列表之外,還可切換至地圖模式,瀏覽各家溫泉分佈位置。3. 地圖導航:路癡免驚!點擊溫泉地址後,可看到溫泉所在位置的地圖,更可直接呼叫手機內建導航功能,為您規劃交通路線喔!4. 我的收藏:喜歡的溫泉好多間,趕快先加入個人化收藏,之後就能快速查詢景點資訊,不必再重新搜尋。5.泡湯情報:「泡湯+住宿5折起!」、「買泡湯券送下午茶!」台灣溫泉特搜App還提供最新的溫泉資訊、和泡湯小知識,讓你泡湯超實惠又長知識喔!【關於我們】《好遊趣》以愛台灣、發現台灣味的精神,持續探索底蘊豐厚的台灣之美,展現台灣好遊樂趣。每期特刊皆以豐富圖文介紹台灣各地必玩旅遊勝地、必吃美食、必買伴手禮、舒適住宿,並網羅各領域或在地達人,以活潑輕鬆角度深入當地,配合主題式導覽,為讀者規劃路線,並提供新玩法,一本在手,即可暢遊特色行程。欣傳媒為華文世界第一個旅遊生活網路平台,以生活為核心,提供各項「吃、喝、玩、樂、遊」的精采內容,讓大眾可以重新體驗旅遊、文化、美學、時尚等交融的新生活態度。欣傳媒跨足網路媒體、分眾社群網站、平面雜誌、叢書、講座分享、影音製作等,結合文創力和社群力成為生活媒體產業的領航者。欣傳媒官網:欣台灣官網:好遊趣粉絲團:
Taoyuan Bus Timetable 1.482
Goder Hsu
Bus Timetable, TRA/THSR Timetable, Nearby POI Search,DirectionPlanning