Top 12 Apps Similar to WHOIZ - Domain Name WHOIS Tool

WHOIS Lookup & DNS 2.0.1
Simple Android WHOIS client with DNS lookups 🤓
WhoIs, DNS lookup Domain Tools 1.1.3
Domain Tools - WhoIs and DNS lookup (record A, AAAA, MX, NS,TXT,PTR, SOA...)
Reverse Email Lookup - Search 2.0
Reverse Email Lookup is a tool for finding email's collegefriends,distant relatives, coworkers, or others with whom you havelosttouch or wish to reconnect with someone from your past. Itwould bevery useful if you can find some information about an emailon theinternet. Sometimes you may discover very surprising thing!Give atry to search for your email address, then you will know thevalueof this reverse email lookup app. Searching for an email isnowfaster and more stable. Any suggestions let us know about ouremailsearch app.
TruthFinder Background Check 1.35.0
Enter any name, phone #, or email and get background checks,names,etc.
Domain Search 3.2.7
Furkan Kavlak
Search for a domain, add it to your favorites and follow!
Network Toolbox 5.3
Network Toolbox is your one stop shop for all the tools youneedtotroubleshoot your network on the go. Whois: ✔LookupWhoisinformation for any domain right from your androiddevice.✔Quickly check if a domain is available forregistrationbyperforming a Whois lookup ✔ Choose from any of 254knownwhoisservers, or add and query your own. ✔ Formatted Whoisresultstoimprove readability DNS: ✔ Forward and reverse DNSlookups.✔Supported DNS record types: A, AAAA, APL, CNAME, DNAME,MX,LOC,NS, PTR, RP, SOA, SPF, SRV, TXT DNSBL / RBL Black ListCheck:✔Check any host or IP against over 60 DNSBL / RBL servers ✔GetTXTstatistics for IP or domain from NetworkBlockInfo(ARIN): ✔ Get Network Block information for any host orIP.✔Choose which Regional Internet Registry(RIR) to queryforNetworkBlock Information Ping: ✔ Ping any host or IP. ✔ Alsoworksonnon-rooted devices from Android 4.3 Port Scan: ✔ Scan a hostorIPfor Open ports ✔ Scan progresses from Port 1 to 65535, butcanbecancelled at any time. App will display results up tolastscannedport. External IP Address: ✔ Find your external(Internet)IPaddress for the network you are currently connectedto.GeoLocation: ✔ Find the country, city, area code,region,metro,postal code, latitude and longitude of any IP address✔Viewlocation coordinates on a map CIDR Calculator: ✔Determinestartand end addresses, address count, broadcast andnetworkaddressesfor a CIDR address in the format xx.xx.xx.xx/yyTest EmailServer:✔ Test your email server's configuration. CheckrDNS andbannermatches, server security and response times. ✔ Clickhere toreadmore about the RBL check, Geo IP and Email ServerTestfeatures: Daytime and Quote of the Day(QOTD):✔Supports getting date and time from any serversupportingtheDaytime protocol (RFC 867). ✔ Supports reading Quoteof theDayfrom servers supporting the QOTD protocol (RFC865).OtherFeatures: ✔ Extremely fast and light weight. ✔ Easilyshareresultsfrom all tools with other apps on your device. ✔Allowstextselection and copying of results ✔ Designed for Android4.0(ICS)but also works with older Android versions Based on theopensourceJFreeWhois project: Basedonthe opensource dnsjava project:
Domain Name Checker 1.0
Domain Name Checker allows android users to check the status ofadomain name.
Whois 1.01
Simple Android Whois client
Whois & DNS Lookup - Domain/IP 2.0.4
Simple Whois Lookup and DNS Lookup tool for Domain nameandIPv4/IPv6 addresses
UltraTools Mobile v1.1 1.1.1
Neustar Inc
UltraTools Mobile for Android includesfourteenuseful tools for DNS, website, and network administration.Turn yourAndroid mobile device into a true network-troubleshootingdevice.Get the most useful tools from a single application broughtto youby Neustar UltraDNS, the industry leader in ManagedDNS.Domain Health ReportCheck the health of your DNS configuration from your smartphone.TheDomain Health Report tool evaluates a domain configuration withoverseventy tests in nine different categories, and shows you whatcanbe changed to optimize your domain.Visual Traceroute Check the route between yourmobiledevice to a server — both over the network and around theworld!The Visual Traceroute tool uses traceroute information andGeoIPdata to give you a better sense of the route and physicaldistancethat packets travel over the network from you to theserver.DNS LookupQuery any domain nameserver for information from your phoneortablet! You may even select the type of query. The DNS Lookuptoolgives you a way to check DNS answers over the mobile orWiFinetwork so that you can understand what your users maybeexperiencing with your DNS.WHOIS Lookup Check DNS domain registration andownerinformation from the datacenter or conference room — withouthavingto open a laptop. The WHOIS Lookup tool provides a quick waytoquery WHOIS data from multiple providers.SSL Examination Is the SSL certificate of awebsitepresent — or more importantly, is it valid? Check right fromyourphone or tablet with the SSL Examination tool.DNS Speed Test Does your website seem a little slow?Usethe DNS Speed Test to check the response time for DNSqueriesdirectly from your mobile device — and show the databaseteam thatit's their problem, not DNS.Ping Is the server up? Is the IP address being used?Nowwith the Ping tool, you can check from anywhere your mobiledevicehas connectivity.GeoIP Lookup: Where in the world is that IPaddresshosted? The GeoIP Lookup tool will show you thelocationinformation and plot the results on Google Maps.RBL Lookup: Are your mail servers listed onreal-timeblack lists (RBL)? Now you can check & remove themeasily rightfrom your mobile device with the RBL Lookup tool.Port Scanner: Do you know which TCP ports are open onyournetwork connected servers? The Port Scanner tool performs aquickcheck for common services — and custom ports. Now you cancheck if anetwork service is available (or if you should turn itoff).Connection Speed: Does the network seem slow to you?Check— and compare — network download and upload speeds from yourdeviceover whichever network you may be connected to with theConnectionSpeed tool.IPv4 to IPv6 converter: Planning to support IPv6 onyournetwork? If you have any transition strategy, you’ll want toknowthe IPv6 equivalent of IPv4 addresses. You can convertaddressesconveniently with the IPv4 to IPv6 Conversion toolIPv6 Compatibility: Can you reach a domain usingIPv6addressing? Find out if your domain is ready for IPv6 with theIPv6Compatibility tool.Device Information: The Device Information tool isasingle location for critical information about your mobiledevicehardware, operating system and connected networks. With it,you nolonger need to hunt through the device menus, searching forhard tofind device or connection information. - Network Tools 0.6.4
Network diagnostics that you need as a Network Engineer orSystemAdministrator.
Domain Whois Lookup Pro 1.3
The fastest, secure, reliable and user-friendlyasynchronousdomainlookup app to be built to date, is finally out!You cansearch andcheck for your favorite top-level domains (TLDs)andcompile a listof your favorite ones. Whois app supportsthefollowing extensions;com, net, org, info, be, tc, tv ,biz, io,co,mobi, ,pl, us,, uk, de, cn, xyz, ru, nl, eu, br ,fr,au, in, ch, at, cc,jp, tw, top, ist, istanbul Whois appdoesn'tuse any special API toidentify domains, so that all thedomainsadded to your personallist are saved privately and securely,justfor your viewing. Startcompiling your domain list now!