Top 6 Apps Similar to My Customers

Sales Tracker 2.2.6
Sales Tracker is a handy tool for you to manage salesandprofit.Sales Tracker provides friendly UI to enter sales ofproductorservice easily. You can import sales record from ebay,market, csv file. You can view sales record and profitbyweekly,monthly, and yearly profit trends with bar chart andlinechart.[Features] 1. Trace sales and profit with daily,weekly,monthlyand yearly 2. Add/delete/edit sales record 3. Importsales,itemfrom csv file 4. Sort/filter sales record 5. Bar chartandlinechart (require internet) 6. Sales report in csv, html andexcelxml7. Export/Email sales report 8. Backup and restore databasetoSDcard, Dropbox™ and Google Docs 9. Auto backup database toSDcardwhen exiting the app 10. Auto backup database toDropbox™whenexiting the app 11. Manageable currency 12.Configurable firstdayof week 13. Configurable date format, timeformat 14.Passwordprotection 15. Add new record with default value16.Default emailaddress for receiving report 17. Share databasewithmultipledevices by using Dropbox™ 18. more... ※ If you liketheapp, thenplease give us a good rating as the driving forcebehindourcontinued development, thank you. ※ Since we can't replyreviewsinthe market, if you have any suggestions or questionsplease mailtoour mailbox directly. For market reviews, please justleaveyourrating and cheers, thanks again. kw: sales logger, saleslog,salestracking, sales track, track sales, track profit,salesreport,sales management, profit tracker, profit logger,profittrack,sale, sales
My Customer PRO Key 4
THIS IS THE KEY TO UNLOCK THE LIMITATIONSOFTHE FREE VERSION (MAX 40 CUSTOMER)BEFORE DOWNLOAD, TRY FREE VERSION.YOU MUST HAVE INSTALLED THE FREE VERSION (MY CUSTOMER)IN PRO VERSION THERE IS NO ADVERTISING AND NO CUSTOMERNUMBERLIMITATIONSYOU DON'T NEED TO REINSTALL APPS OR COPY THE FREEVERSIONDATABASE.YOU NEED TO INSTALL THIS APP AND RESTART MY CUSTOMER APPDO NOT UNINSTALL MY CUSTOMER, ELSE YOU LOOSE ALL DATA.-----News!!!--------Now also for PC!! You can download the software (beta Version)tomanage my Customer database directly from your PC you can share our data between your mobile devices andyourPC----------------------"My Customer' comes from my experience in sales. I needed to haveonhand and easily accessible address book with the telephonenumbers,contacts name, email addresses of my customersI need also to have a vision in the map of the location ofmyCustomer to better plan my activities and visits.I had the need to include brief notes of the customerwithoutwasting too much time to enter data into CRM verycomplex.With My Customer I have on hand all of your customers, youcansort them according to distance from your location, name or dateoflast change.You can organize your customers into severalcustomizablecategories (eg customers, prospects, Large Account,etc.) and youcan easily see their location on the map. So you areunable toorganize your appointment optimizing your travel.Also on the map you can see only one kind of customersYou have so many customers and don't you want to import themoneat a time on the application?With My Customer, you can import all your clients from anExcelsheet, also when importing the application calculates theGPScoordinates directly from the address of your client byqueryingthe database of Google (if it's required). For thisfunction toread the instruction manual that are in the applicationsettings.You can always change GPS coordinates of customerlaterFor each client you can have an unlimited number of contacts,andyou can make calls and send emails directly from the apps. Whenyouenter a new contact you can choose to directly enter thephonenumber in the phone Contacts or lessMy clients also has a manual that can be viewed off-line fromtheapplication optionsor downloaded at the following link: Free version has advertising and is limited to handleamaximum of 40 clients.For any suggestions or bug send an [email protected]
inSitu Sales: Invoicing, order taking and payments
inSitu Sales
Claim A 14 Day FreeTrialHere: an all-in-one cloud based mobile order managementsystemwith ERPintegration (QuickBooks®, Xero, SAP and Excel).Give salesreps anddrivers the flexibility to create mobileinvoices or takeorders onthe go. Territory management and routeaccounting offerpre-planneddelivery routes with GPS tracking,time stamped activity,andinvoice submission locations withoptional signature captureforyour field sales reps. All reps andmanagers will receive an endofday report reflecting how much wassold, how many saleswerecompleted, and how much inventory remainsto replenishwarehouses,making sure stock is returned andaccounted for in futuresales, andno payments are missed. All datataken on the field willwork withdual-sync QuickBooks® integrationto ensure that data isalwaysaccurate and meets estimatedprojections. Eliminate manualdataerrors such as wasted time onroutes, misplaced/lost inventory,orloss of revenue on inaccuratebilling, with automated DSDsoftware.
Customer Events & Records CRM - Contacts Manager 10.40.000
Siyami Apps, LLC
Manage client contacts, notes, appointment and bills anywhereyougowith this CRM App. Customise form fields on the Client Pagetomatchyour business. Grow by effective customerrelationshipmanagementand excellent customer service. NO Internet,NO DataPlan, NO Mobilenetwork needed for using the app. GoogleCalendar,Assistant andWhatsApp integration is available directlyfrom theClient ProfileScreen. WhatsApp messaging is also availablealongwith SMS forappointment and billing [email protected] forquestions! Less Typing and MoreTappingoffers immediate boost inproductivity. Possibilities areunlimitedwhen you create thetemplates to match your business needs.Youclient is now in yourpocket! Useful for Service orientedbusinessprofessionals such asfreelancers, insurance agents,leakdetectors, lic agents, realestate brokers, DrivingSchoolInstructors, Photographers, Boilerengineers,Electricians,Plumbers, Home Improvement Designers, DanceSchool,Karate school,Private lessons, Lawn mowers, Snow Removal,CleaningServices,Tuition classes such as piano, saxophone, musicor evenyoga,Contractors, Hair Salons, Beauty Parlours,InvestmentConsultantsand Travel Agents, Spa/Tanning centres,Cosmetologists,Massageclinics, Beauticians, Small businesses, Minior MicroEnterprises,Repair shops, Solo Businessmen, PestControlTechnicians,Investment Agents or Brokers, Cable Operators,Caterer,Bakers,Sellers, Newspaper Stand, entrepreneur,interiordesigners,Tuitions tracker, baby sitters, Seamstresses,SoleProprietors,Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Door to Door Salesman,DogAnimal VetTrainers and more. Efficient, quick, GTD andeasyinformation atyour fingertips available to you on the go.Youclient is now inyour pocket with our CRM apps! - 100 customformfields to designyour own app. - View Historical recordsandactivities entered forthe Contact. Import Clients into theAppdirectly from existingdevice contacts - Create Customer Groupsforvarious purposes suchas tagging, workflow and more. SendSMSBroadcast to groups. Showgrouped customers on the Map so youcanoptimise your travel or useinsights for other business purposes.-Schedule events orappointments and view them by day, week, monthoryear. Remindclients via WhatsApp, SMS, email or phone callwithjust ONE tap.App even pre-fills the message for you that youcancustomize asyou please. Supports Google calendar sync -Broadcastbulk SMS forgreetings, emergency messages, special offersetc.Extra chargesapply as per your Carrier Plan as the App usesyourcell phone SMSplan to send Texts. Needs your permission forSMS. -EnableAutomatic SMS reminders to prevent no-showappointments. -ViewNearby Clients on the Map when you are on theGO. Requireslocationpermission. - Support for photo, audio, video,file ordocumentattachments for client, project,sales/order/contract andeventrecords. - Export-Import to share datawith existingpracticeapplications by uploading and downloading CSVfiles foryourexisting system. - Backup your data so you can storeit safelyortransfer it to the other mobile device or PC. Savebackups toyourchoice of Cloud Drive or locally on the device. -GoogleAssistantenabled search. - Print or Save HTML or Textformatteddata fromthe app to share. - Bills/Collection and BalanceDueReport -Allows you in just ONE tap to text, call or emailyourclients whohave balance due. Keep Easy account balance orledgertracking forcredit, debit or cash. Goodbye calculators as appwillcomputeaccount balance using old balance and amount paid / due.-Attachfiles like PDF, images, statements, invoices,agreements,receipts,documents and more. - Contact Us - We valueyour opinion& lookforward to build what your needs are. Emailus especiallybeforeleaving negative feedback. Thanks!Likeus
The Customer Factor 14.1.43
Android App Feature List - Customers and Prospects - Searchable-Addnew - Edit existing data - Add/upload photos - Viewcustomerjobhistory and prospect estimate history - Convertestimates tojobsseamlessly. - Appointments - Schedule jobs,estimates, tasks,orpersonal appts. - Edit/Reschedule/Delete - Timetracking forjobs -Send an "I'm on the way" text message - See astreet view ofeachappointment - Invoice - Generate Invoice - ViewInvoice PDF -PayInvoice (Third party API is used for Credit Cardprocessing)-Capture customer signature. - Email Invoice withpredefinedtemplatetext - Print Invoice if connected to an airprinter-Estimate/Proposal - Generate Estimate - View Estimate PDF-Captureprospect (or customer) signature. - Email Estimatewithpredefinedtemplate text - Print Estimate if connected to anairprinter Weupdate our apps regularly with new features and tomakesurethey're at 100%, so we suggest turning on automaticupdatesondevices running The Customer Factor app.
Sales Representative
Indispensable for manage customers and orders in a simpleandintuitive way.