Top 5 Apps Similar to YOURART 藝游網

米公益 3.6.8
米公益是一款养成好习惯就能做公益的应用。米公益有早起、走路、答题和联系亲友四个好习惯,通过习惯养成可以赚取大米,用赚取的大米支持喜欢的公益项目,公益项目集满大米就可以获得资金和物资资助。在养成好习惯的同时也可以帮助别人,成为不止更好的自己。我们刚毕业,贫困潦倒,但是仍然希望帮助世界。然而,我们并没有钱。我们想去做公益,然而却没有时间。有一天,我放弃了个甜筒省了3块,然而我并不知道该相信谁,所以还是去买了罐椰子汁。我们觉得做公益应该有无比的快乐,现在只是哪里不对。我们决定都不吃甜筒,一起憋出了这款应用。让大家不花钱,开心做公益。在米公益,走3000步就可以捐一枚鸡蛋,早起3天就可以捐一个土豆。在米公益,有捐书换土豆,帮助宣传不停睡觉病和其他更多有趣的公益项目。在米公益,走路、早起、答题赚来的米由你自己决定捐给谁,并且能看到他们的实施。我们每天都希望自己变好,或许我们丢下了谁。为什么不在成为更好的自己同时帮帮别人。米公益,一款习惯养成就可以做公益的应用,一起成为不止更好的自己。为了让我们重新吃上甜筒,快来下载我们吧!米公益官方网站:www.ricedonate.comM welfare is a goodhabitcan do public service applications.M welfare have to get up early, walking, answer andcontactrelatives and friends four good habits, Habits can earn byrice,rice with earned support projects like public, public projectssetfull of rice, you can get financial and material support. Atthesame time to develop good habits can also help others becomebetterthan themselves.We have just graduated, impoverished, but still want to helptheworld.However, we do not have money.We want to do public service, but did not have time.One day, I gave up a cone of the three provinces, but I do notknowwho to believe, they still buy cans of coconut milk.We feel that public service should be very happy, where nowjustwrong.We decided not to eat cones, together Biechu thisapplication.So that we do not spend money, happy to do public service.Public interest in the rice, taking 3000 steps you can donateanegg, get up early three days you can donate a potato.Public interest in rice, potatoes have a book donation exchange,tohelp promote kept sleeping sickness and other public projectsmoreinteresting.Public interest in rice, walk, get up early, answer earned meterwhomade you decide to donate, and to see them implemented.Every day we want to get better, maybe we dropped a Who.Why not become better yourself at the same time help others.Meters welfare, develop a habit can do public serviceapplications,together into more than better themselves.In order for us to re-eat cones, Come download us!M Public Official website:
搖搖愛心碼 1.0.5
ChiHong Lin
藝文控 1.0
Taiwan Art & Cultural Events 1.8
S. H. Chen
This app provides the latestcultureinformation in Taiwan. When you travel in Taiwan, it isquite handyfor you because the culture activities are ordered bythe distance.The activities could be set into your Google Calendareasily and tobe share through social network. So you could enjoyyour life byjoining these culture events. The major categoriesinclude:1. Performing Arts2. Exhibition Square3. Live Music4. Lecture5. Film Scope6. City Kaleidoscope7. Family Outings8. Beyond TaipeiHope you enjoy the life and the culture events in Taiwan.
幸福台灣EverSmile 1.0.6
創新永續的全家人服飾專家樂活時尚 優質平價 社會關懷幸福台灣EverSmile是宏遠興業EVEREST TEXTILE 創立之服飾品牌。宏遠是高科技創新研發導向的紡織製造商,以創新永續製程,生產對人類及生態無害的紡織品,供應全球知名運動、戶外活動、休閒和都會流行服飾品牌。● 幸福台灣 採簡單、樂活時尚設計,定位為優質平價,人人買得起● 幸福台灣堅持台灣製造(MIT),實踐「在地幸福經濟、創造共享價值」,以「人本關懷」的精神,促進在地產業發展,增加就業機會● 通過全球最嚴格之瑞士 bluesign® 環保紡織品認證,是高科技環保布料專家● 營業額 1% 做為支持台灣社會慈善公益之基金,讓消費者購買商品同時也為公益行善盡一份心力Family ofinnovativesustainable clothing expertsThe Broadwood fashion high quality affordable social careThe happiness Taiwan EverSmile is a clothing brandfoundedEverest EVEREST TEXTILE.Everest is high-tech innovation and R & D-orientedtextilemanufacturer of innovative sustainable process, harmless tohumanand ecological production of textiles, the supply ofworld-renownedsports, outdoor activities, leisure and will fashionbrand.● happiness of Taiwan adopted a simple, the Broadwoodstylishdesign, positioning for quality affordable that everyonecanafford● happiness Taiwan insists Made in Taiwan (MIT), practice"tohappiness economy, creating shared value" to the spirit of"peoplecare", to promote the development of the real estateindustry,increase employment opportunities.● by the world's most stringent Swiss bluesign ®environmentallyfriendly textiles certification, is a high-techenvironmentalprotection fabric expert● 1% of turnover as a charitable fund to supportTaiwan'ssociety, allow consumers to purchase goods and also do goodfor thepublic good, make a contribution to