Top 25 Apps Similar to 大家學標準日本語:日語結構解密

大家學標準日本語:高級本 2.4.2
Soyong Corp.
A must-learn application course for activating Japaneseproficiency.It connects the grammar and allows users to apply whatthey havelearned to achieve natural Japanese in accordance withtime, place,and person, enriching the level of conversation andintegratingcommon expressions in Japanese life. Target.
Is it difficult to learn Japanese? Through the guidance oftheauthor of this book, Mr. Kou Jin, you can inspire friends whowantto learn Japanese, quickly find the correct way to learnJapanese,and work steadily, so that your Japanese ability can beimprovedstep by step!
時雨日文單字本(N5) 1.1.3
【功能介紹】單字:按照「數字、家族、職業.....」等分類排序。搜尋:可用日文、中文、假名作為關鍵字查找單字。星號:可為單字加上星號,集中不熟的單字。發音:點選喇叭可聽發音。重音:每個字都標示重音,讓學習者掌握單字發音。測驗:新增測驗,可驗收自己。生字本:加上星號的單字都會匯聚在此。隨堂測驗:可於設定中開啟本功能,建議先設定練習方式,比方說將「顯示日文」打勾,其餘選項移除打勾,並記得「啟用隨堂測驗」,即可任意選擇單字作答。 單字測驗:出題範圍為所有單字,出題順序隨機。曾經答錯的單字都會收錄在一起,學習者可以回顧錯誤單字,並從中學習正確答案。 【測驗說明】由於測驗是系統評分,答案將以單字本收錄內容為主,答錯的情況是指跟單字本收錄內容不同,不表示作答者一定是錯的,例如動詞一律收錄辭書形,若回答ます形或其它變化形都會被判定錯誤。答案畢竟不是人工審核,判定不完善之處敬請諒解。
檸檬樹-標準日本語每日一句 生氣吐槽篇 1.6.0
Don't misuse impolite sentences in Chinese thinking!Swearingemotions should also be combined with grammatical rules toteachyou how to use frank Japanese that is suitable for notsuppressingemotions, not caring about politeness, and self-willedvent.
JLPT日語單詞 1.0.3
Rudy Huang
Help Chinese users to learn Japanese words No JLPT Japanesegradeexam preparation
Soyong Corp.
Choose the right method, and the kana syllabary can beeasilylearned! Using the memorizing formulas and associations ofthesource, shape and sound of the word, with the writingfunction,beginners can easily remember 50 sounds!
生活口語的日文教室-兩個傻瓜 4.2
A Taiwanese and a Japanese have an interesting conversationeveryday to learn Japanese together.
五十音輕鬆學 ! 4.1.2
Soyong Corp.
Choose the right method, and the kana syllabary can beeasilylearned! Using the memorizing formulas and associations ofthesource, shape and sound of the word, with the writingfunction,beginners can easily remember 50 sounds!
日語最強相關用語-王可樂の日語教室 13.1
Read the most practical words, listen to the most beautifulvoice,Wang Kele let you, learn Japanese as good as the first love!
Japanese Remember, JLPT N5~N1 2023.04
Japanese vocabulary app includes learning,quiz,and pronounceforJLPT N5 ~ N1
Minna no Nihon Daily - 每日日本語 2.0.2
Study Japanese is hard before you install this APP!
英文記單字,字根,邏輯,諧音,字典/多益/英檢/基測/學測 2023.05
Are you still memorizing English words by rote? The best way istolearn radical character groups, logic and homophonicmemorizationof words, apply the skills of phonetic meaning andcomprehensivetests to quickly memorize English words, and you willalsoencounter unrecognized words in the future. Can guess themeaningof the word
CET4精选词汇--大学英语四级精选词汇! 3.1.0
Learning English words weapon selection CET (CET4) examessentialvocabulary! Simple application itself, easy to use, cangreatlyimprove learning efficiency.
MeBooks英語學習館 2.5.1
The MeBooks English Learning Center satisfies your desirefordiverse English learning in the most economical and affordableway!During the subscription period, you will have all-you-can-eatgoodbooks, including ICRT Daily News English news, movies andAmericandramas.
NewCompleteMaster N2 Word Book 1.2
With this App, you can hear the headwords and reading passagesin“新完全マスター単語N2”.
Oyomi - Japanese reader 1.2.12
Machine learning based Japanese reader and grammar analyzer
KanaOrigin - Learn Japanese 1.6.12
Learn Japanese Kana from the origin
讀創故事 1.18.1
"Reading Story" is a diversified high-quality creativecontentplatform that gathers literature, novels, humanities,knowledge,life, graphics, etc., dedicated to providing authors withthe mostcomplete creative stage and giving readers the richestspiritualfood.
英语轻松读 1.02
Learn English with Real World English Corpus
Japanese Grammar Listening 2 1
本アプリには、『文法まとめリスニング初級2―日本語初級2 大地準拠―』といっしょにご利用いただくための音声が収録されています。
Japanese (Travel, Jlpt N5, N4 2.9.1
Japanese for Travelers by conversation daily will be easier.
是日日本 - 日本深度旅遊的景點觀光指南 1.6.6
AnD Space
"The same preference, different places; the same place,differentpreferences"
史記 2.3.1
王羲之蘭亭序 1.9
王羲之是中國書法史上的最高峰,後世稱其為書聖,而蘭亭序又是王羲之最得意的作品,有天下第一行書的美譽,今選取蘭亭序傳世摹本中的最佳本-馮承素臨本做成應用,以饗各位書法愛好者。主要功能: 1. 碑帖瀏覽功能。 2. 單字瀏覽功能。 3. 臨摹功能。 4. 集字功能。另有書籤,收藏夾,歷史記錄的輔助功能。
NHK Easy Japanese News Reader 13.17
Read and listen to NHK News with Furigana &MultilingualDictionaries