Top 22 Games Similar to 秀泰影城

電影時刻 MovieTime 5.4.1
Good helper for watching movies and TV
“Watch your favorite contents - anytime, anywhere!” LINE TVisapremium video streaming service where you can watchallthecontents for ‘FREE’. You can watch high-quality video contentinavariety of categories such as TV dramas,entertainmentshows,movies, Y-series, music videos, and more. ◆Everything isFREE! onMulti-Devices You can download LINE TV app onsmartphones,tabletsand Android TV and watch all contents For Free!Just log inwithyour LINE email account on your device! To checkyour LINEemailaccount, go to LINE app > Settings > Accounts>EmailAccount Registration ※ PC Version :◆TrendingTV Shows Check out the most trending dramas,variety,movies andyour favorite shows from leading TV station onLINE TV.The moreyou watch, the better LINE TV gets at recommendingcontentsforyou, based on your watching history. ◆ LINE TVOriginalWatchexclusive LINE TV Original contents which are offeredfor LINETVusers only. ◆ Experience more with LINE TV on a biggerscreenYoucan enjoy LINE TV on big screen through Android TVandChromecast.※ For best performance, we recommend using LINE TVonAndroid TV OS8 or higher. ◆ Easy to explore by Category Findallthe latest andmost popular videos organized into categories suchasDrama, Movie,Music, Entertainment, Y-series, Lifestyle and more.◆Search withany words You can also search for specific videosbycontent’sname, clip title, genre, or cast members. ◆ Non stopMusicPlaylistEnjoy Music videos and shows from global partners onourMusicplaylist player! You can shuffle, play by order or evenrepeatitagain and again. ◆ Become a Fan of Your Favorite ChannelsBecomeafan of your favorite channels and be informed when newcontentisadded. ◆ Personal Video Recommendation Enjoyyourpersonalizedrecommendation of contents through FEED view onLINETV. ▣ In caseof any error, please send us your feedback withyourinformationbelow to analyze the problem. ※ Device Model ※OSversion ※ Carrier※ App version Your valuable feedback will helpusimprove ourservices For our latest content and moreprograminformation, youcan follow LINE TV social mediaaccounts:Facebook:*Content availability varies by countryand issubject to changewithout notice. ▣ Notes: ※ For bettervideostreaming, pleaseconnect to a Wi-Fi network. ※ Forbestperformance, we recommendusing LINE TV on Mobile APP OS 5.0orhigher / TV APP OS 8.0 orhigher. ※ LINE uses thirdpartyadvertising agencies to placeadvertisements. To measuretheeffectiveness of the advertisements,we install third-partymoduleswithin the Apps. We may also installthird-party moduleswithin theApps in order to help us understandhow the Service isused. Detailsregarding the Apps in which suchthird-party modulesfollow: -Installed on: LINE TV 3.1.0 andhigher for Android/iOS -Operator:Nielsen - Details Obtained:Advertisement Identifiers -Aims: Tomeasure audience of LINE TV inThailand - Sharing tothird-parties:No - To learn more about theinformation that Nielsensoftware maycollect and your choices withregard to it, please seethe NielsenDigital MeasurementPrivacyPolicy:(App)
愛奇藝隨刻 - 電視劇電影綜藝動漫影音線上看 11.4.1
The full horizon in your palm! Watch popular dramas, movies,varietyshows, animation, and live sports events online! DownloadiQiyi fromnow on, complete the daily designated tasks, that is,you will havethe opportunity to obtain VIP members, you can watchand get it, agood App, don’t you want it?
A wealth of information and movie trailers online andprovidemembers can draw bit "Ambassador Studios Official MovieApp."
TaiwanMovies 2.0.12
Just enjoy TaiwanMovies!!
電影即時通-全方位電影資訊情報站 2.2
不知道要看哪部電影嗎?滑一滑三不五時都一堆廣告出現阿呵呵超阿雜的!沒錯 一定要好用又有料才行啊!不僅沒廣告還獲多位部落客電影影評人駐站電影評論每天影評即時更新!!訂票功能反應快又省錢!還有信用卡優惠整理~~這麼多好看好玩一應俱全!所有頁面反應 “超 快 速”快來免費下載!全 無 廣 告 跳 頻 喔!知名科技部落客「電腦玩物-異塵行者」熱情推薦!!!!「看電影道地推薦:電影即時通 App 連信用卡優惠都有呦」[電影即時通]主要功能:1. 電影排行榜2. 戲院時刻表3. 網友影評4. 訂票連結5. 戲院查詢6. 影片推薦7. 信用卡優惠資訊8. 電影部落格推薦9. 依時刻快查!!10. IMDB 與爛番茄評價11. 哈拉區12. 二輪電影等功能, 為喜愛電影的您, 帶來更多的生活樂趣.
Your Daily Dose Of Awesome Short Movies & Stories!
MOD - 電視頻道電影紀實霹靂線上看+機上盒便利操作助手 3.0.130
After binding the MD number to the MOD set-top box, enjoymoreconvenient services and enhance the viewing experience.
美麗新影城 6.1.0
[Beautiful New Studio] Mobile APP Exclusive offers,movieinformation, online booking, event inquiry!!
FUN電影 1.35.2
我要看電影! 1.0.11
Yelling Goat
簡單、快速的電影時刻查詢工具,對於複合式的、複數的查詢特別有效,可以一次依時間列出兩部以上電影、兩間以上戲院的場次資料。使用方法:1. 任何畫面,只要出現電影名稱,都可以點擊著色(隨機顏色),再點一次可以清除。此著色是永久的。2.場次時刻表可以「折起來」(隱藏未著色電影)或「攤開」(顯示未著色電影),除了使用上方功能列的按鈕之外,也可以用手勢來觸發(二指縮放)。3.「偏好戲院」的作用是作為進入「今日剩餘場次」時戲院條件的初始值。使用場次時刻表上方功能列的按鈕可以隨時改變查詢的戲院條件,不影響「偏好戲院」的設定。4. 「今日電影列表」列出今日全天全部戲院上映的電影,而場次時刻表上方功能列的按鈕則是列出現在場次時刻表中出現的電影。
來去看電影 1.0
House Studio
台北瘋電影(台北找電影院,看電影必備) 2015.09.09.16
可以快速查訊到附近電影院資訊Quickinquiry to the cinema nearby News
愛電影-時刻\資訊\電視\PTT 2.5.3
影城電影時刻表-點擊快速訂票 電影評分-IMDB,爛番茄,PTT 評分 電影資訊-劇情簡介/預告片/圖輯電影台電視時刻表PTT雷文自動分類-方便瀏覽鄉民評論
JW Utility
Application to see films, dramatic works.....for Jehovah's Witnesses for faster accessibility.
「Vieshow FUNMOVIE」Official APP 4.1.6
This is the New Official APP launched by「FeelCreative」 and 「Vieshow Cinemas」.By using this new APP, you can easily book seats withoutliningup, and you may find the process of booking becomes morefun.This APP shows lots of movie information, including what'scomingsoon and what’s showing now. Please expect our coming upapp’sAdditional features like interactive and iShow zone. You willfindlots of promotional events on it.
Viki: TV Dramas & Movies 22.2.0
Viki, Inc
Be entertained with a variety of TV showsandmovies from Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand,entertainmentnews and more with the Viki On-the-Go app. All yourfavorite showsare translated into more than 150 languages by acommunity of avidfans. Together we’re breaking down barriers thatstand betweengreat entertainment and its fans, no matter where theyare!GLOBAL TV POWERED BY FANS• Watch TV shows and movies from Korea, China, Taiwan,Japan,Thailand and more!• Subtitles available in English, Spanish, French, Chinese,German,Portuguese, Arabic, Romanian, and many other languages• Stay entertained with TV and movies from popular genresincludingK-drama, C-Drama, romance, comedy, costume & period,SciFi& fantasy, action & adventure and beyond!• Rate and review your favorite shows; discover high-ratedseriesrecommended by other drama fans• Join live conversations with the fan community• Stream videos anywhere and anytime with a WiFi or3Gconnection• Share your favorite shows via Twitter, Facebook, LINE, SMSandemailSubscribe to Viki Pass today and get 7-day free trial of ourpremiummembership!What is Viki Pass?• Watch your shows in HD, without ads on all your devices• $4.99/month (enjoy a 7-day free trial)• Browse through our growing library for more Viki Passexclusivetitles• Payment is charged to your Google Play account at confirmationofpurchase• Your account will be charged for renewal at least 24 hoursbeforeend of the current period• Auto-renewal may be turned off at any time by visitingAccountSettings after purchase• You can cancel anytime by turning off the auto-renewal inyourAccount Settings• After cancelling, your subscription benefits will be terminatedatthe end of your current billing period cycle.For questions, comments or suggestions - please email [email protected] of Use: Policy: access to even more content by becoming a QualifiedContributor(QC). Learn more at NOTE: Due to the nature of some licensing agreements,somecontent may not be available in all regions.This app requires access to the following permissions toperformfull functionsREAD_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissionsarerequired by exoplayerREAD_PHONE_STATE permission is being used for tracking viaQuantcastSDKGET_ACCOUNTS permission is used for Google Plus SigninCAMERA permission is required for adding photo to usercreatedcollections.
时光网–选座购票,百万电影资料 5.4.4
时光网 www.mtime.com国内首家提供全球百万影视和明星资料库搜索,500多个城市电影院放映时间实时查询和在线选座优惠购电影票APP功能简介:1. 全球百万影视,明星资料库搜索——影迷、粉丝必备- 覆盖全球160多个国家的电影、电视剧和影视明星的详细资料库,方便影迷粉丝实时搜索查询- 提供剧情介绍、演职员及角色介绍、高清剧照海报、预告片视频等影视资料- 提供影人荣誉成就、演艺经历、代表作品、高清写真生活照等影人资料2. 电影院选座购票,全国影讯实时查询——看电影更方便,更实惠- 覆盖全国500多个城市4300多家电影院- 实时搜索身边的电影院,还可根据地区、商圈、地铁沿线查询影院,提前规划你的出行路线- 随时了解电影院环境、优惠及周边信息3. 新片资讯,观影指南——成为电影达人就这么简单- 每日全球新电影新闻、新片预告视频抢先看- 丰富的电影榜单,时光网Top100,华语电影Top100,国内、北美、香港、日本、韩国票房榜,以及各种特色电影榜单- 网友精彩影评,网罗新片看点、槽点4. 时光电影商城:原创设计,正版授权- 获得迪士尼、漫威、DC、环球等品牌正版授权- 与国内外多家顶级授权商和知名品牌独家合作- 电影发烧藏品独家预售,精致包装送礼佳选
Pakistani Dramas 1.11
Number 1 app, for watching Pakistani new and old dramas withallepisodes
WhatsCap 氹人開心:搞笑圖片
[純粹搞笑]每日海量爆笑低能,時事改圖,職場生活,哲理名言,WhatsCap在手,簡單一圖看得明白,每天一笑,減壓必備![完美演繹]經典電影電視明星表情,為你精彩演繹心中所想!搞笑對白,不再下載,一按立刻分享到 WhatsApp / Line / Facebook/ WeChat!蘋果日報報導:人氣截圖簡介- 收集過萬張經典電影電視對白- 簡單易用分類:霸氣/ 憤怒/ 興奮/ 請求/ 嘲諷- 熱門人物,如周星馳、馬英九、劉德華- 設有上載功能,用戶生成內容不斷更新*Facebook專頁亦會上載網絡熱門圖片*為提升用戶體驗,上傳圖片會先經審核,一般情況下只要是CAP圖都會審批的。»電視節目表(含數位電視 + MOD) 1.5.14
●自由時報、數位時代推薦。最好用電視節目表●數位電視節目表,HD高畫質好節目不錯過●食尚玩家、康熙、非凡大探索..即時美食店家資訊我們不是線上看電視的TVAPP,而是讓你不會錯過精采節目的電視時刻表,也是最快速能提供即時電視美食資訊的嚮導。nio、senseTV...網站或APP的愛用者,也歡迎下載,我們會盡力提供和他們一樣好,甚至更好的功能和服務。(ptt網友推薦Android優質軟體 )我知道我們還不夠完美,有任何意見可以寫信到客服信箱: [email protected]**陪你看電視,帶你吃美食**(1)電視節目表:提供「有線電視」、「數位有線電視」、「MOD」的節目表,並可利用『時段快選』和『節目列表』兩種不同查詢方式。『時段快選』依您有空的時間為基礎,提供您該時段裡播出的節目清單。而『節目列表』則是讓您可以一次查詢多天的頻道節目清單。(2)全台有線電視業者全囊括:我們比對了全台的有線電視業者,包含台灣大寬頻、凱擘、中嘉(bbtv)...等業者的頻道號,只要您到設定區,選擇所屬的頻道業者後,即可看到(3)電視美食:『電視美食』提供了第四台美食節目中的店家聯絡資訊和部落客食記,包含了康熙來了、食尚玩家、非凡大探索、旅行應援團、愛玩客...等10餘個節目,節目結束後就奉上所有店家資訊,不再看到美食流口水卻找不到店家。(4)電視情報:每天為您精選必看的優質電視節目,不錯過任何首播電影、連續劇(華劇、韓劇、日劇、大陸電視劇、美劇、偶像劇)、綜藝節目(台綜、韓綜、韓娛、日綜)、現場轉播賽事(NBA轉播、中華職棒賽事直播、MLB美國職棒)、卡通動畫(5)頻道涵蓋廣:涵蓋大家最常看的頻道,諸如:華視、中視、台視、緯來戲劇、八大戲劇、東森戲劇、衛視體育、Animax、衛視電影、StarMovies、HBO、FOXsports、緯來日本、TVBS、NHK、東森電影、迪士尼(Disney)、CN卡通頻道、緯來體育、Discovery、TLC旅遊生活頻道、動物星球、BBC、MTV、國家地理、FX、星衛、日舞(sundance)、福斯家庭電影、GoodTV、Starworld、AXN、MoMo親子、ChannelM、八大(GTV)、CNN、BBC、公視、愛爾達、博斯、三立都會、民視、年代、JET、東風、cinemax、Syfy、FOXCRIME、DIVA、Z頻道、國興衛視、東森洋片、中天、超視、YoYo台、三立台灣...等(6)美食收藏:您可以收藏喜愛的電視美食,並標示距離遠近,讓您可以就近找到您想吃的電視美食。(7)節目搜尋:記不得節目名稱沒關係,只要輸入關鍵字就可找到。(8)鬧鐘提醒:Timely可貼心的做設定,提醒您您想看的節目播出時間快到了。(9)電視遙控器:和台灣一線大廠BenQ合作,BenQ電視+BenQ電視上網精靈最完美的電視遙控器方案 (T客邦開箱文: )(10)更多延伸服務:豐富您觀看電視的樂趣,包含補充節目相關的Youtube節目精華影音、新聞,都會整理好為您送上客服信箱:[email protected]**關於 索驥創意 與**以客廳的第二螢幕為目標,一手掌握好看節目、好吃美食、好玩互動為最終目標。
PTT好雷比 3.6