Top 16 Games Similar to 培養偶像之蛋

プリンセスメーカー 1.0.10
あんさんぶるスターズ!!Basic 3.0.83
"Ensemble Stars! Is a major update to "Ensemble Stars!" ! Powerupto l Produce while interacting with idols!
내 손안에 작은 악마 【귀여운 무료 방치 육성 게임】 1.4
funnel Inc.
Suddenly appeared [Palm] children living with only one man. Itcamesuddenly You and crossroads of life of the child ...
じょしつく!〜女子校をつくろう!〜 1.0
Astronest : Xeno worlds 3.1.1
Develop epic space fleets and dominate inter-galactic war inthisMMO strategy!
束缚人的女友~在漫画中发展的新感觉游戏~ 1.8
Love危險關係【與各類型帥哥來一場危險的戀愛遊戲】 1.4.5
一個不小心,就栽進了大財團社長、天才外科醫生、夜店大老闆、潮流時尚偶像・・・這些人的人生當中,也因為如此,才發現到看似光鮮亮麗的他們,背後卻似乎都有一段不為人知的故事?覺得日子太平凡嗎?那麼就進入Lovex危險關係與帥哥們來一場危險的戀愛遊戲吧!【故事背景】突發事件造訪了原本平凡的一天。父親的公司突然倒閉。還欠債了5000萬!?決心要幫父親還債的妳,正想著該如何籌到這麼龐大的欠款……此時出現在妳眼前的,居然是他?才認識不到一天的帥哥竟然向妳求婚?還表明要幫你還完欠款,這些條件的背後,究竟隱藏著什麼事實?錯綜複雜的劇情就如同連續劇般的急展開,不心動的話可能無法繼續!?「只要現在馬上跟我結婚、我就給妳5000萬讓妳還完欠債、但交換的條件是・・・」「我和妳是有合約綁定的」「說好的誓言之吻呢?」「不論做什麼,妳都會答應對吧?」與上流社會的型男帥哥們開始展開了危險戀情!?【角色介紹】■白金總司(SHIROGANE SOUJI)白金財團的富二代。IT企業的社長。財團的接班人必須要有結婚的先決條件。有著超級S傾向的虐待狂缺點但同時也是他的魅力。■黒崎諒(KUROSAKI RYOU)強硬派的天才型男外科醫生。強硬的另一面,卻似乎對主角抱持著不同於以往的情感・・・!?■有馬志信(ARIMA SHINOBU)經營夜店的帥哥老闆。是有名政治家的私生子。比起有名份的小孩,父親更疼愛他,甚至計畫讓他成為接班人・・・。冷酷的性格。是一場謎團又謎團的深層心理戰。■佐治十真(SAJI TOUMA)現在大受歡迎的絕頂偶像藝人。因為佐治喜歡的對象被迫作策略結婚。為了將這件事掩蓋在黑幕中而・・・健談、外向的一面、意外的屬於害羞性格。究竟從虛偽的結婚當中是否會出現真實的愛情――!?歡迎進來享受這不現實,但又有可能存在的女性向戀愛遊戲♪[戀愛遊戲的遊玩方法]每天會提供5張的故事券,讓妳輕鬆閱讀故事劇情。可愛的紙娃娃裝扮系統。不定時開放的支線劇情活動系統。透過造型裝扮獲得好感度提升、有機會取得特別的戀愛故事劇情。※免費暢由基本遊戲內容。一部分特殊劇情、道具為付費品項。
DatingSim-Alice:Love&Labyrinth 1.0.4
Beautiful lady, have you ever wished thatfairytales will come true?"Alice: Love & Labyrinth" is the first otome game (datingsim)title of the brand new "Alice" novel series, brought to youbyKoyonplete.The second title, "Alice: Love & Murder" will be aspin-offstory of the same characters in a parallel world. Pleasestaytuned![Features]Mysterious creatures from "Alice in Wonderland" are turnedintohandsome ikemens!- Gentleman x Mysterious: White Rabbit- Goofy x Cute: Cheshire Cat- Sadistic x Gangster(?): HatterOther major characters including March Hare, the Dormouse,Billthe Lizard, the Caterpillar and the Queen of Hearts - and ofcourseAlice - are also waiting for you in this new Wonderland of amodernAlice![Charismatic Characters]You can choose your interest of love from 3 charismaticcharactersof distinctive personalities; White Rabbit, Cheshire Catand theHatter!Beware; the Queen's murderer could be among one of them. Keepsilentfor love or to fight for justice, it's all up to you! Trydeducingthe truth behind, and through the truth you shall findyour own path- our dear "Alice ".[Multiple Endings Depending on Your Choice]Your relationship with different characters and the storyendingsall depends on choices you've made in the game. Enjoy thestoriesin various flavors![Heart-throbbing CGs]This time, Koyonplete has further improved the quality of CGs.Youmust not be disappointed with the high-quality characterandbackground graphics![Alice - Characters]♠White RabbitLove of Protection"Loving those roses is my job...but if that is what would hurtyou,I shall not allow it to happen."Identity: Lord of the House of SpadesAppearance: Wears a white shirt with blue vest, has red eyes,silverhair and huge white rabbit ears. Always standing straightwith theperfect posture like a butler.Used to be the butler of the Queen of Wonderland. Well-trustedbythe Queen, a gentle-mannered master of housework.The gardener of the Rose Garden and enjoys the soothing timeoftrimming roses.Not really good friends with Chershire Cat and Mad Hatter.♦Chershire CatLove of Freedom"Hmph...that was cute. But that's only gonna make me want toteaseyou more darling.Lucky! You're my bride."Identity: Lord of the House of Diamonds (Used to be in chargeofprotecting *???*)Appearance: Wears fluffy, soft costumes. Has super cutecatears.A man full of mysteries. No one knows what Chershire Cat'sjobused to be, and he appears to be jobless and fooling around allthetime and never stays in his own castle. A creature of moodsjustlike a cat.Yet if you talk to him, you'd find him warm and bright likeasunflower. His soft brown hair and glossy eyes likecandiesfascinates everyone - even his words sound like honey.Would there be something hidden behind his always-smiling face?♣ Mad HatterLove of Conquest"Looks like you've caught a cold. Your lips are on fire.I hate you...that is the only reason I'm staring at you."Identity: Lord of the House of ClubsAppearance: Has black hair and a eerie smile. Always wears atophat. A heavy smoker.Very capable and reliable. Generally a cool guy but canbestubborn at times. Deeply trusted by people in the Wonderland.TheMad Hatter could seem quite sadistical from the way he talks,butinside he is actually a nice person. Treats non-livingthingsseriously with care and emotions.What would be hidden behind his scary looks?Note : "Alice" is a free-to-play app, but fees may apply tosomeof the contents. We need your support in order to bringmorequality games for everyone!***More!***Right now, Koyonplete apps have novels in the categories ofschoollife, first love, office love, YAOI , forbidden love, manga,anime,comic, idols, romance, suspense, history, comedy,Cinderella,Ikémen, Royal,illicit, Forged Wedding, Princess,Scandal, gossip,Seduced, triangle, etc. More stories will be addedeach month!Check them out when you can!
스타프로젝트-윤 ver
♥♥세상에서 가장 달콤한 무.료.게.임 이 당신을 찾아왔다!!♥♥연예인의 꿈을 가지고 상경한 시골 청년과가진 건 깡뿐인 기획사 여사장 겸 매니저인 '당신'이 만난다면?!육성과 연애를 한번에!스타 지망생 '윤'과 함께 화려한 연예계 데뷔를 시작해보세요!아름다운 일러스트와 심쿵 로맨스가 함께 합니다!■ 여심저격 안방극장 드라마부터, 상남자 액션극까지!다양한 TV출연, CF출연으로 당신의 '윤'을 핫 셀레브리티로 육성해보세요!■ 내 남자의 옷은 내가 고른다!100여종의 테마/시즌별 의상으로 여러분의 '윤'을 꾸며보세요!■ 달콤한 러브스토리!'윤' 이 레벨업 할 때마다 달달한 연애기류 포착!'윤' 과 당신의 추억이 담긴 보석같은 이야기를 모두 모아보세요!■ 콩닥콩닥 데이트!방송활동과 힘든 스케줄을 마친 후에는 둘 만의 가슴설레는 데이트타임!오늘의 데이트에선 과연 '윤'이 어떤 이야기를 들려줄지...?!지금 바로 스타프로젝트- 윤 에서내가 직접 키우는 아이돌과 핑크빛 추억을 만들어 보세요!※ 본 게임은 로컬저장 게임으로 게임 삭제시 모든 데이터가 삭제되오니 삭제 시 유의하시기 바랍니다.----개발자 연락처 :070-7505-9472 (고객센터)서울 구로구 구로3동 대륭포스트타워 1차1204호 (주)아툰즈♥♥ sweetest free intheworld. Ryo. To Lim came looking for you !! ♥♥Artists who have a dream to Tokyo and rural youthThe manager met with cases if 'you' only agency Caenpresidentyeosajang ?!Once the nurturing and love!Get started with a brilliant debut showbiz star wannabe'Yun'!Simkung beautiful illustrations and romance together!■ yeosim sniping from home theater drama, on the manuntilaeksyeongeuk!In various TV appearances, CF appeared Try nurturing your 'Yun' asahot celebrity!■ I pick the clothes of my men!Decorate your 'Yun' as the theme of 100 species /seasonaloutfits!■ sweet love story!'Yun' daldalhan love airflow capture every time you level up!Collect all the stories, such as 'Yun' gem filled withyourmemories!■ kongdak kongdak dating?After the broadcast schedule is tough work and chest onlytwoexciting time dating!In today's dating really "Yun" which tells the story givethis...?! Right now star project - from YunI Feel yourself an idol and pink memories grow!※ Please note that the game is deleted when deleting all thedataerases saved games to a local game.
摩納哥假期◆玫瑰與愛之公主◆女性向美男戀愛模擬養成遊戲 1.0.0
KOYONPLETE提供的女性向戀愛養成遊戲,在世界上已被800萬人下載深得大家厚愛!年度力作!日本當紅的豪華聲優陣容(CV:小野友樹,CV:逢坂良太,CV:岡本信彦)爲您獻上宮廷愛戀~聖誕節大酬賓,全部「物語紀念券」優惠70%!!◆《摩納哥假期》故事簡介◆以摩納哥為舞台,和5位王子共度3個月的時光!你是夢想成為花藝設計師的花店店員。踏入26歲,你決心要一步步為夢想前進,啟程到摩納哥實現自己的心願:親睹萊蒂西亞王妃玫瑰園的風采。在這夢想國度的旅途中,你邂逅了5位優雅高貴的年輕人。他們正是你一直憧憬的萊蒂西亞王妃的子孫:摩納哥的王子們,同時也是王位繼承權的候選人。受到意料之外的邀約,你前赴王宮參加舞會。沒有舞伴的你,獨自一人在陽台上眺望蒙地卡羅璀璨奪目的夜色。就在這時,一片鮮紅的玫瑰花瓣在空中飛舞,輕輕落到你的腳邊。「我能有這個榮幸與您交換玫瑰嗎?⋯⋯公主」向我遞出鮮紅玫瑰的王子,是誰⋯⋯?◆《摩納哥假期》角色介紹◆菲利普CV:小野友樹「讓我等了這麼久,你給我做好心理準備吧…………還不夠……完全不夠。 」完美主義×傲嬌 29歲被公認為最接近王位的王子。一直努力不懈,深得國民愛戴的他,其實隱藏著很大的秘密――?蒂奧CV:逢坂良太「嘴上說不要卻露出這樣的表情,怎麼看都是在誘惑我吧…呐,可以吧?⋯⋯」野心家×唯我獨尊 27歲大受歡迎的足球選手,被稱為「受勝利女神眷顧的王子」。對王位繼承權有著非比尋常的野心,背後似乎有著什麼原因⋯⋯查爾斯cv:岡本信彥「可以親你嗎?你的反應這麽可愛,我可是會忍不住的⋯⋯」優雅×神秘感 28歲宛如在童話裡登場的白馬王子,同時也是蒙地卡羅的賭場老闆。在優雅華麗的外表下,隱藏著他不為人知的一面――盧卡斯CV:???「我說,你就那麽想被欺負嗎?」孤獨冷酷×壞心眼 28歲「冷靜沈著,不輕易外露感情的王子。曾經是一級方程式賽車手的他,自從某個悲劇之後一直被夢魘纏繞⋯⋯?」吉恩CV:???「你真的很可愛呢」溫柔×假面「雖然身為摩納哥王子,但在好萊塢非常活躍的人氣影星。表面看來對繼承王位一事興趣缺缺,但他內心真正的想法到底是⋯⋯?」注1:很多功能需要連接互聯網,請在通信穩定的地方啓動遊戲。注2:《摩納哥假期》是免費遊戲,不過遊戲內附有一些付費內容。還請大家支持,我們會用更用心制作的遊戲回饋大家!■■ 爲您特別推薦! ■■・您喜歡電影、電視劇、漫畫、動漫、輕小說、小說等戀愛類作品嗎?又或者喜歡浪漫遊戲、戀愛遊戲、適合女孩子玩的遊戲、奇迹暖暖、戀愛模擬、乙女遊戲、看視頻嗎?“Koyonplete” 至今已經發布近40個APP,翻譯世界多國語言。〜 主打作品〜・戀學院・彼岸花之戀・Purelove・壽司戰隊・一起睡嗎?・愛麗絲 愛戀與迷宮・灰姑娘與玫瑰
大乱闘! 僕と47人の少女 1.2
美少女を育てて、爽快バトルをしよう!簡単回収!どんどん強くなるキャラクター!爽快なタップバトル!全国のユーザーとのランキングバトル!①軍資金の回収タップするだけのお手軽回収!日本各地に生成される名産品を回収しよう!②美少女を強化回収したコインを使って美少女を強化しよう!レベルが上がれば上がるほど、指数的に能力UP^^③爽快大乱闘バトル仲間にした女の子が沢山の武器を投げて行う大乱闘は必見!爽快バトルに参戦しよう!あなたのタップが彼女たちの力に!!④全国のユーザーと勝負ランキングバトルシステム搭載!全国のライバルと競争だ!!ランキング上位入賞者には豪華特典も★Grow a beautiful girl,andtrying to exhilarating battle!Easy recovery!Steadily become stronger character!Exhilarating tap Battle!Ranking battle with nationwide users!Recovery of ① war chestEasy recovery it only wants to tap!Let's collect the specialties that are generated in various partsofJapan!Enhanced ② girlLet's strengthen the girl using the recovered coins!Higher the level is raised if rises,Exponentially ability UP ^^③ exhilarating Melee BattleLarge brawl that girl that was in the fellow is performedbythrowing a lot of weapons must see!Let's compete in exhilarating battle!Your tap !! her our powerUsers and game of ④ nationwideRanking battle system installing!It is competing with rival nationwide! !Also luxurious benefits to the top ranking winners ★
프린세스 에반젤 AD 2.4.0
아이플레이 게임의 특징 ▶풀보이스를 지원하는 미소녀 연애 시뮬레이션(미연시) 게임!!! ▶탄탄한 스토리 속에서다양한매력을가진 미소녀 캐릭터들을 공략가능 ▶자연스러운 연출과 아름다운 일러스트 CG ※ 본 게임은 AD버전으로여러가지광고와 코인결제를 통해 본편과 같은 진행을 할 수 있습니다. 일본 유명 타이틀 프린세스 에반젤『PrincessEvangile』을정식 한글화 비주얼노벨의 역사에 한 획을 긋는 게임 드디어 한국에 상륙!!! -시놉시스 - 금남의여학교 『사립 반센누』그 학교의 공학화 찬반을 결정하기 위해- 샘플로써 한 명의 남자가 선택되었다!?남자는 「가족」을제외하면… 단 한.번.도!만난 적이 없는 미소녀 아가씨들. 그 속에서 벌어지는 지조 없는 남자와미소녀들과 펼쳐지는하렘 이야기!!! 아이돌 보다 더아름답고 색다른 매력을 가진 4명의 히로인들. 당신은 과연 누구를선택할 것인가? 아침드라마 보다 더 막장 같은 스토리를가진 본격 미소녀 하렘물 프린세스 에반젤! 지금 시작됩니다.[미연시 뿐만 아니라다양한 장르의 게임도 개발하는 아이플레이가되겠습니다.] ■ 아이플레이의 첫번째 미소녀 연애시뮬레이션(미연시)작품입니다. ■ 공략할 수 있는 다양한 미소녀들이언제나 준비되 있습니다. ■ 본 게임은 스토리와CG, 일러스트 연출을중심으로 진행되는 비주얼노벨 게임입니다. ■ 4명의미소녀들 중 각각 한명씩 총 4가지의 엔딩이있습니다. ■ 일본어공부에도 꽤나 도움이 됩니다. ※ 프린세스 에반젤홈페이지: ※아이플레이카페::※페이스북:※트위터: ※ 고객 문의: [email protected]※개발자연락처: 070-7510-7288 ---- 개발자 연락처 : 010-3060-3626
프린세스 에반젤 2.3.0
아이플레이 게임의 특징 ▶풀보이스를 지원하는 미소녀 연애 시뮬레이션(미연시) 게임!!! ▶탄탄한 스토리 속에서다양한매력을가진 미소녀 캐릭터들을 공략가능 ▶자연스러운 연출과 아름다운 일러스트 CG 일본 유명 타이틀프린세스에반젤『Princess Evangile』을 정식 한글화 비주얼노벨의 역사에 한 획을 긋는 게임 드디어 한국에상륙!!!-시놉시스 - 금남의 여학교 『사립 반센누』 그 학교의 공학화 찬반을 결정하기 위해- 샘플로써 한명의남자가선택되었다!? 남자는 「가족」을 제외하면… 단 한.번.도! 만난 적이 없는 미소녀 아가씨들. 그 속에서벌어지는지조없는 남자와 미소녀들과 펼쳐지는 하렘 이야기!!! 아이돌 보다 더 아름답고 색다른 매력을 가진 4명의히로인들.당신은과연 누구를 선택할 것인가? 아침 드라마 보다 더 막장 같은 스토리를 가진 본격 미소녀 하렘물 프린세스에반젤!지금시작됩니다. [미연시 뿐만 아니라 다양한 장르의 게임도 개발하는 아이플레이가 되겠습니다.] ■ 아이플레이의첫번째미소녀연애 시뮬레이션(미연시) 작품입니다. ■ 공략할 수 있는 다양한 미소녀들이 언제나 준비되 있습니다. ■본게임은스토리와 CG, 일러스트 연출을 중심으로 진행되는 비주얼노벨 게임입니다. ■ 4명의 미소녀들 중 각각 한명씩총4가지의엔딩이 있습니다. ■ 일본어 공부에도 꽤나 도움이 됩니다. ※ 프린세스에반젤홈페이지: ※아이플레이카페::※페이스북:※트위터: ※ 고객 문의: [email protected]※개발자연락처: 070-7510-7288 ---- 개발자 연락처 : 010-3060-3626
Happy Pet Story: Virtual Pet G 2.2.3
Happy Labs
Raise your own virtual pet in your pocket! 200+ outfits &300+decos to collect!
City Island 3 - Building Sim 3.5.3
If you love city building games, then you'll love playingCityIsland 3 offline
Plague Inc. 1.18.7
Can you infect the world? Plague Inc. isaunique mix of high strategy and terrifyinglyrealisticsimulation.Your pathogen has just infected 'Patient Zero'. Now you mustbringabout the end of human history by evolving a deadly, globalPlaguewhilst adapting against everything humanity can do todefenditself.Brilliantly executed with innovative gameplay and built fromtheground up for touchscreen, Plague Inc. from developerNdemicCreations evolves the strategy genre and pushes mobile gaming(andyou) to new levels. It’s You vs. the world - only the strongestcansurvive!◈◈◈ #1 top game globally with 200 million+ games played ◈◈◈Plague Inc. is a global hit with over half a million 5 starratingsand features in newspapers such as The Economist, New YorkPost,Boston Herald, The Guardian and London Metro!The developer of Plague Inc. was invited to speak at the CDCinAtlanta about the disease models inside the game!▶ “The game creates a compelling world that engages the publiconserious public health topics” – The Centers for Disease ControlandPrevention▶ “Best Tablet Game of 2012” - New York Daily News▶ “Plague Inc. will snag your attention in all the right waysandkeep it there” - Touch Arcade▶ “No denying Plague Inc.'s high-level of quality” - Modojo▶ “Plague Inc. should not be as much fun as it is” –LondonMetro▶ “Will leave you hoping to destroy the world, all in the name ofabit of fun” – Pocket Lint▶ “Plague Inc.'s gameplay is infectious” - Slide to Play▶ Winner – “Overall Game of the Year” – Pocket Gamer▶ “Killing billions has never been so fun” – IGN◈◈◈Features:● Stunning HD graphics with a highly polished interface(Contagionguaranteed)● Highly detailed, hyper-realistic world with advanced AI(Outbreakmanagement)● Comprehensive in-game help and tutorial system (I amLegendarilyhelpful)● 12 different disease types with radically different strategiestomaster (12 Monkeys?)● Full Save/Load functionality (28 Saves Later!)● 50+ countries to infect, hundreds of traits to evolveandthousands of world events to adapt to (Pandemic evolved)● Full game support for scoreboards and achievements● Expansion updates add the mind controlling Neurax Worm, thezombieproducing Necroa Virus, Speed Runs and real lifeScenarios!Localised in English, German, Spanish, BrazilianPortuguese,Italian, French, Japanese, Korean and Russian. (morecomingsoon)P.S. Give yourself a pat on the back if you got all thethemedliterature references!Special sale price to celebrate being the 15th mostpopulartouchscreen game of 2012!◈◈◈Like Plague Inc. on Facebook: me on