Top 3 Apps Similar to Cleo's Rock N Pole

Cleo for Families 10.0.1
Meet Cleo. The support system for working parents. ConsiderCleoyour village.
Al Sirah Al Nabaweyya 1.7
The biography of Prophet Muhammad
OnBase Mobile 1.5.23
An OnBase® ECM Solution is required. OnBase Mobileprovidesworkerswith easy access to OnBase documents and processesattheirconvenience, or while they’re on-the-go. ByextendingOnBasesolutions to mobile devices, organizations candecreasedocumentprocessing times, while simultaneouslyincreasingworkerproductivity. Features available are dependent ontheOnBaseApplication Server version. Using familiartouchscreengestures,users can: Version 10.0.1 or greater: - Browseand accessWorkflowat their convenience - View, zoom and navigatemulti-pagedocumentsand keywords - Execute Workflow Ad-Hoc tasks -Add, view,edit anddelete OnBase Notes Version 11 or greater -Executesearches withOnBase Custom Queries Version 12 or greater: -View,Edit, and SaveE-Forms and Unity Forms - View Workflowrelateddocuments Version12 SP1 or greater: - Create new E-Forms andUnityForms Version 13or greater: - Upload photos - Filter andsortWorkflow queuesVersion 14 or greater: - Barcode support forUnityForms Version 15or greater: - Custom URL Integration Points-Default KeywordSupport for Upload