Top 27 Apps Similar to Touraine Tech 2023

Dynamics 365 for Tablets
Microsoft Dynamics 365 is theessentialbusiness solution for busy professionals who need toengage withcustomers while staying productive at work and on thego. Arriveprepared for every appointment and update notes, tasks,andattachments – along with relevant service and sales records –whilethe details are still fresh.Dynamics 365 provides salespeople, agents, and supervisors withthebest tools for managing their data, and updating records andstatusboth online and offline. A seamless set up experience enablesyouto configure the app once and deploy it everywhere – onmobile,desktop, or tablet.Features· New look and feel with compact layouts and stackedelements,optimized to give essential info at a glance· All-new Workspace, a personalized action hub to help you gettocommon tasks, suggestions and records quickly· Enhanced note taking experience with seamless access to cameraandother device capabilities· Offline access with synchronization, so you can be productiveonthe go· Access your activities, accounts, contacts, and leads fromaneasy-to-use home page· Guided contextual business process· Track progress for key performance indicators visuallywithcharts· Access your personalized views of lists and grids so that youseethe data most important to youWhat’s new• Stacked elements – more efficient view of your dashboardsandrecords• Workspace, a personalized action hub• Access to camera, photos, video & audio recording,barcodescanner, and more• Improved user interface
Dynamics 365 for Phones 4.3.22042.2
Microsoft Dynamics 365 is theessentialbusiness solution for busy professionals who need toengage withcustomers while staying productive at work and on thego. Arriveprepared for every appointment and update notes, tasks,andattachments – along with relevant service and sales records –whilethe details are still fresh.Dynamics 365 provides salespeople, agents, and supervisors withthebest tools for managing their data, and updating records andstatusboth online and offline. A seamless set up experience enablesyouto configure the app once and deploy it everywhere – onmobile,desktop, or tablet.Features· New look and feel with compact layouts and stackedelements,optimized to give essential info at a glance· All-new Workspace, a personalized action hub to help you gettocommon tasks, suggestions and records quickly· Enhanced note taking experience with seamless access to cameraandother device capabilities· Offline access with synchronization, so you can be productiveonthe go· Access your activities, accounts, contacts, and leads fromaneasy-to-use home page· Guided contextual business process· Track progress for key performance indicators visuallywithcharts· Access your personalized views of lists and grids so that youseethe data most important to youWhat’s new• Stacked elements – more efficient view of your dashboardsandrecords• Workspace, a personalized action hub• Access to camera, photos, video & audio recording,barcodescanner, and more• Improved user interface
Gallica 4.0.3
The digital library of the National Library of France (BnF) anditspartners.
Washington, D.C. Travel Guide 1.0.16
Trip planner. 100% Free. Top Tours. Best rated activities.
Tech News 2.1.0
All the best Tech News sites in one app
myCWT 23.2.23352
CWT Global BV
myCWT™ allows you to plan, book and track your travel itinerary.
Egencia 9.26
Egencia LLC
Smart travel: A single app for all users, all business travel needs
Geek Tech - High Tech News 3.0.3
This application is the most appropriate to follow new technologies
Dynamics 365 for Financials 2.4.16511
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Financials isabusiness management solution that’s connecting people andprocesseslike never before. From day one, it makes ordering,selling,invoicing, and reporting easier and faster.Turn your multiple disconnected systems into one. Boostefficiencywith automated tasks and workflows—all from withinfamiliar Officetools like Outlook, Word, and Excel. Get a completepicture of yourbusiness and make better business decisions, withbuilt-inintelligence when and where you need it.With your business running in the cloud, it’s easy to changeandadapt at your own pace without IT. Start with what youneed,quickly and easily, then be ready for growth.Requires Android 4.4.3 or later.NOTIFICATION: With the release of Android 7, we willbediscontinuing support for Android 4 in an upcoming updateduring2017.By installing or accessing this app, you accept the terms of use© 2017 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
Verisure 10.2306.161
Access your connected and protected home with the Verisure app.
Le Actu en direct
Suivez l’info en direct et retrouveztoutel'actualité en France et à l'international, mais aussil'actuéconomique et politique avec la nouvelle application!Vous êtes de plus en plus nombreux à lire l’actualitésursmartphones et tablettes Android, c’est pourquoi nous avonsconçuune toute nouvelle application dédiée à l’information pourmieuxrépondre à vos attentes et développer un traitement spécifiquedel'actualité pour les mobiles.■ Retrouvez une sélection des informations essentielles du momentetdes récap’ réguliers de l’actualité tout au long de lajournée,élaborés par la nouvelle rédaction mobile■ Suivez l’actualité en temps réel avec les alertes d’info etleswidgets de news disponibles pour votre écran d'accueil■ Personnalisez votre application en sélectionnant vosrubriquesfavorites (politique, économie, monde, bourse, etc) etaccédez àvos news partout, tout le temps, même hors connexion■ Découvrez un univers thématique complet avec plus de 30rubriquesdédiées à l’actualité politique, l’actu internationale,l’actuéconomique, l’actu des entreprises, l’actu culture,l’actulifestyle, l’actu de la bourse et l’actu de la finance.TOUTE L’INFO EN UN GESTE :■ A LA UNE : retrouvez l’essentiel de l'actu sélectionné parlarédaction mobile du et ne pas ratez pas lesdernièresinfos■ LE FLASH : suivez toute l’actualité en direct minute à minuteàpartir des Flashs info thématiques (Flash Actu, Flash Eco,FlashSport)■ MA UNE : personnalisez votre application et retrouvez toutel’actudu Figaro et les derniers news issues de vos rubriquesfavorites(politique, économie, sport, etc)■ VIDEOS : découvrez l’actu avec toujours plus d’images et devidéosdu et ses émissions phares : Le Talk, On ne parleque deça, Le Live, Le Buzz TV.UNE TOUTE NOUVELLE EXPERIENCE UTILISATEUR :■ Une navigation fluide et une ergonomie intuitive pour uneinfoplus agréable. Feuilletez les pages de droite à gauche pourpasserd’une actu à une autre■ Vous pouvez désormais réagir et commenter les articles,lessauvegarder pour les lire plus tard, et partager l’info avecvosamis.DECOUVREZ LE FIGARO PREMIUM :Abonnez-vous au Figaro Premium en un clic et profitezd’avantagesexclusifs dans votre application :■ Tout Le Figaro en illimité : accédez à l’intégralité desarticlesde la rédaction.■ Une navigation sans publicité pour un confort delectureinédit.■ La rubrique Premium réservée aux abonnés.■ Le journal et les magazines en version numérique.■ Abonnement hebdomadaire à 4.99€, sans engagement.■ Gérez votre abonnement directement depuis votre compte GooglePlayStore après l’achat.ET TOUJOURS AVEC LEFIGARO.FR :■ L’actualité enrichie : avec des illustrations plus larges,plusvisuelles, mais aussi les infographies de la rédaction duFigaro etun nouveau mode plein-écran qui s’active automatiquementlors de lalecture d’un article,■ Vos news accessibles tout le temps : les articles sonttéléchargésà chaque lancement de l’application. Vous pourrez ainsiconsulterl’actu, même hors connexion. Utilisez la fonction «Précharger lesarticles » pour consulter plus facilement vos newsendéplacement,■ Mise à jour ultra-rapide des news : retrouvez toute l’actu àlaUne du en quelques secondes seulement,■ Partagez plus facilement une info sur les réseaux sociauxouutilisez la fonction “copier le lien” pour partager une actuavecvotre entourage.Bonne lecture avec Le Figaro ! Vos commentaires sur cettenouvelleversion sont les bienvenus : continuez à nous faire part devosremarques et suggestions à [email protected].
Field Service (Dynamics 365) 3.21085.26
Our next generation Field Service app powered by Dynamics 365.Goto for more information about the appandourField Service solutions. The Field Service mobileappisspecifically crafted to the field service worker’sneedswithfeatures such with robust offline capabilitiestocontinueaccessing and interacting with the data that theyneedwhenvisiting remote destinations withoutinternetconnectivity.Periodic data sync keeps the back-officeinformed ofwork beingperformed, so that the proper actions can betaken orkick-startedas appropriate. Built on the Microsoft PowerAppsplatform, themobile application is entirely customizable todefinewhat types ofdata field service workers can access and muchmore.License Terms
Viator: Tours & Tickets 11.1.0
Viator App
One app, 300,000+ experiences you’ll remember.
i24NEWS LIVE & VOD 2.6.0
International news ­- 24x7 - on i24NEWS in English, French,andArabic.
Air Tahiti Nui 1.1.9
Travel is bliss with your new travel companion app: Air Tahiti Nui!
SharePlus - SharePoint Mobile 2.0.545
SharePlus is the ultimate mobile SharePoint and Office365experiencefor Android devices. Benefit from all the advantagesofthehigh-performing modern mobile workplace: • ConnecttoSharePoint,on-premises or in the cloud. No need to installservercomponents orto have special SharePoint permissions. •Accessadditional storageservices, like OneDrive for Business,GoogleDrive, or Dropbox. Plus,you can also access Network drivessharedby your colleagues. • Editall your content and documents onthe goby taking advantage ofSharePlus’ seamless integrationwithexternal editors. • Discoverinformation buried in SharePointwithEnterprise Search. Search allyour portals and have yourcontent athand with quick access toRecent Content and Favorites. •Updateyour SharePoint contenteffortlessly, withSharePlus’behind-the-scenes contentsynchronization that keeps allyourrelevant information updated.Your SharePoint content,includingDocuments, Libraries, Lists, anditems can be accessed andeditedeven while offline. • Get your teamin sync while workingonSharePoint, enjoy easy document check in/outand quicklyshareDiscussions, Tasks, Contacts, Wikis, Issues, and avariety ofothercontent types. Supported SharePoint versions: •SharePoint2007 •SharePoint 2010 • SharePoint 2013 • SharePointOnline (Office365)• Windows SharePoint Services 2007 (WSS) •SharePointFoundation2010 • SharePoint Foundation 2013 Additionalstorageproviderssupported: • OneDrive for Business • Google Drive•DropBox •Network Drives (Windows File Shares) UpgradetoSHAREPLUSENTERPRISE! SharePlus Enterprise is more than justamobileSharePoint app – it is a flexible and extensible platformtobuildsolutions that meet all of your connectivity,security,deployment,and configuration needs. SharePlus EnterpriseforAndroid includes:• Application Launchpads – Create customscreenswith rich dynamicinteractions that give you a personalizedaccessto your SharePointcontent, even without connectivity. •Enhanced Security -Keep your business data private bydeployingSharePlus in-house orthrough an MDM Server •CentralizedConfiguration • PrioritySupport - in-app or by emailEmailusat [email protected] tolearnmoreabout SharePlus Enterprise. CONTACT US If you haveanyquestions orcomments, don’t hesitate tocontactusat: [email protected] Have an idea howtoimproveSharePlus? Submit and voteforideasat
Kizeo Forms, digital forms for the mobile & tablet 7.4.116
WHAT’S NEW? *A more intuitive, ergonomic and user-friendlyinterface*Planning function. *Sketch element *View PDF’s directlyon yoursmartphone and tablet. *Automatic saving. *And many moretodiscover! REPLACE YOUR PAPER FORMS WITH YOUR MOBILE ORTABLET!Regardless of your activity, your teams will have a truemobiletool and will be able to capture the information from thefield inreal time! —> You will be able to: *Create your ownforms thatwill perfectly fit your needs and your profession!*Collect yourdata on your mobile or tablet wherever you are, evenwithout aninternet connection! —> Test, use our sample forms:*Sitesupervision or daily reports *Reports (Intervention,security,meeting, etc) *Sales visit reports *Intervention report*Medicalvisit *Making contacts *Delivery report *Inspectionchecklist*Expense report *Security intervention *Attestation*Timesheet*Purchase order *etc…   The freedom that Kizeo Formsofferswill allow you to customize your forms from A to Z,whilerespecting your internal procedures, thanks to a multitudeofpossible combinations. HOW IT WORKS? —> From the webplatform:*Create your fully customized forms *Manage your users andaccessrights *Send information directly to the mobile or tablet ofyourusers *Get your reports in WORD, Excel, PDF formats *Analyzeandefficiently exploit your data —> From the mobile app: *Entertherequested information *Take pictures and annotate them *Haveyourclients or stakeholders sign directly on the mobile or tablet*Savefor your report to be generated and sent automatically byemail WHYUSE THE KIZEO FORMS APPLICATION? -> It works OFFLINE.-> Itis totally CUSTOMIZED. -> Create and send UNLIMITEDforms anddata entries. -> SIMPLE and QUICK implementation ->It allowsto CAPTURE AND SHARE INFORMATION in real time. -> Itoffersintelligent options such as GEOLOCATION, PHOTOS and BARCODEreading. -> It can be INTEGRATED with your internalsystemsthanks to our API. -> Optimize the COMMUNICATION withyouremployees HOW TO BENEFIT FROM THE FREE EVALUATION VERSION FOR15DAYS? Step 1: Create an account on ourwebsite *You will receive a freeevaluationversion with no commitment for 15 days. *You will haveaccess toall available features offered in the subscriptionversion. Step 2:Create your form on the web platform. Step 3:Collect your data inthe field with the mobile app. Step 4: Retrieveyour data andreports in the formats of your choice. DO YOU NEEDHELP? You willfind tutorials and tips on our Oursupport and customer service team will alsobe happy to assist you(via phone and mail).
Real Estate Properties in Luxembourg and Greater Region
RT News for TV 2.8.5
RT news - find out what the mainstream media is keepingsilentabout.
With an security system,youcan monitor and control your home or business in real-time andfromanywhere.’s interactive security, videomonitoring,energy management, and home automation solutions giveyou instantawareness and remote control for the places you careaboutmost.Note: This app requires a compatible system and service plan. Feature availability variesbased onsystem, equipment, and service plan. Visit www.alarm.comfor moreinformation.Remote features:✓ See what’s happening at your property✓ Arm or disarm your security panel✓ Watch live video and recorded clips from yoursecuritycameras✓ Turn on or off lights✓ Set the ideal temperature✓ Lock or unlock doors✓ View images of important activity captured by Alarm.comimagesensors✓ Search your complete system event history✓ And much more!With, you can also receive real-time email, textmessage,and push notifications for the specific events that matterto you.Beyond important emergency related events, you can alsoimmediatelyknow when:• Your kids get home from school• You left for work or vacation and forgot to arm your system• The housekeeper arrives or leaves• The garage door is left open• The dog walker or cat sitter arrives• There's flooding or a water leak in your basement• Your children open your medicine or liquor cabinets• Someone changes your thermostat settings• Your security system is disarmed (and who disarmed it)• Someone attempts to log into your account• And much more!
FRANCE 24 - Android TV 2.1.0
Live TV & International News 24/7
Yale Smart Living Alarm
Supports Sync, SR-Smart Home, EF-KIT3, EF3000i, HSA6600, &YaleAlarm Kit (AU)
SmartMixin Weather 1.42.8
The Weather Intelligence Platform
Nicko Brennan
With PocketGrib GRIB file viewer you caneasilydownload, view and analyse global weather data.Wind, preciptation, pressure, temperature and wave dataextractedfrom GRIB files are displayed through our simpleinterface.This GRIB viewer is perfect for sailors (both sailing and inthepub), windsurfers, storm chasers, outdoor enthusiasts, amateurandprofessional meteorologists.Features- Choose your map location and have weatherinformationoverlaid- Mapped weather can be animated- Weather can be viewed as a meteogram (graph) or raw data- Configurable download to minimise file sizes (greatforroaming)- GRIB files can be downloaded to your PC- Displays online or offlinePocketGrib downloads and displays the following weathertypes:- Wind speed and direction (10 m above mean sea level)- Precipitation (rain, snow etc)- Pressure- Air temperature- Waves (including Mediterranean and Black Sea)- Cloud cover- Relative humidity- CAPE (Convective Atmospheric Potential Energy)- Current (Atlantic only)Direct download of GRIB data from NOAA's GFS (GlobalForecastSystem) model- Forecasts up to 8 days- Data steps: 3hr, 6hr, 12hr- Worldwide Coverage- Resolution: 0.25°, 0.5°, 1°, 2°- Data updated 4 times a day (every 6 hours)Also support for COAMPS, WW3, NOGAPS, RTOFS (Currents) and FNMOCWW3(Mediterranean wave) models.By downloading only what the user needs it it possible to keeptheGRIB files small which makes it especially convenient forlowbandwidth regions or when roaming internationally.GRIB forecasts are published without human intervention orreview.Therefore some knowledge and awareness is required by theend user.Most GRIB models do NOT accurately forecast hurricanes andtropicalcyclones so their use should be combined with specifichurricaneand tropical cyclone forecasts.
Home Network 2.7.1
devolo AG
Easy setup and management of devolo home networks
Procore 2023.1016.1117
Construction project management for Android.
mydlink+ 3.8.16
Stay connected to what matters most.