Top 17 Apps Similar to CPU Thermometer PRO

Cpu Temperature Pure 3.5
Cpu Temperature PureIt's function is same as the app cpu temperature,but it hasnoadvertisement.You should better download the free version withadvertisementfirst to ensure the app is support your devices. app can:1、get the cpu temperature(not the battery temperature)2、get the cpu usage.3、get cpu frequency4、get the battery info5、monitor the cpu temperature,usage and frequency change6、get cpu info7、cpu temperature pressure test8、cpu temp overlay*Getting the exact cpu temperature depends on thelinuxkernal,otherwise it will show you the temperature byalgorithmE-mail:[email protected]
Precise thermometer 1.0
You can check ambient temperature using your phone!
Thermometer 7.7
Accurate indoor and outdoor digital thermometer. Humidityandpressure display.
My Thermometer 4.0
My Thermometer gives you temperature around you by usingyourdevice's sensors.
Good thermometer 51.0
If you want to check actual and accurate temperature - downloadthemost advanced thermometer for Android! It's easy to use andfasttool for checking how hot it is in your place. It usesphonesensors to calculate ambient temperature. It shows temp intwoscales: celsius and fahrenheit. Good thermometer is very easytouse: 1. Open the app 2. Check current temperature in a verypreciseway
Galaxy Thermometer & Sensors 1.3.1
Turn your phone into a realthermometerusing the built-in sensors of your device. Measurethe ambienttemperature, the humidity, the health conditions oftheenvironment, and display the data of all other sensors ofyourdevice. No network connection required. No permissionsrequired.Lifetime return policy!All sensors data are displayed:· Temperature· Humidity· Health Conditions· Altitude (using as altimeter the barometer sensor)· Pressure· Light Level· Magnetic Field· Acceleration· Rotation· ProximityAdditional features:· 6 different widgets that can display the time, date,temperature,and humidity· Select the startup screen with the tab you prefer· Lock the orientation of the app· Set your preferred temperature unit (°C, °F, or K)· Set your preferred altitude unit (meters or feet)· Set your preferred pressure unit (mbar, mmHg, or inHg)· Change the update rate of the widgets· Read the info of each sensor (range, delay, power usage,andmore)Optimized battery consumption:The sensors are used only while the application is running. Onceyoupause or exit the application all sensor listeners are removed.Youcan also customize the widget update rate to optimizeconsumptionfor your needs.Note:This application uses the ambient temperature and humiditysensors,which are currently included only in Samsung Galaxy S4 andSamsungGalaxy Note 3. The Galaxy S5 unfortunately does not haveeither atemperature or humidity sensor, however you can display thedata ofthe rest of the sensors.In case you need anything simply send us an email at [email protected]. Ourfriendlyteam is always here to assist you.In addition, if you are not happy with the app or if theappdoesn't work with your device just send us your order number andwewill instantly refund you. We offer a lifetimereturnpolicy.
Thermometer 1.0
- This app only works on android devices that haveambienttemperature sensors. - The temperature displayed is onlyasaccurate as the temperature sensor, which may be affected byheatgenerated by the device, or the user's body heat. - Ifthetemperature displayed is found to be inaccurate, then an offsetcanbe added or subtracted from the sensor temperature to displayanadjusted reading under the "Calibrated Temp" heading. Whenthedisplay mode is set to "Sensor and Calibration", the offset canbeadjusted using the '+' and '-' buttons. - The display modeandtemperature scale settings are accessible on the settingsscreen. -All Fahrenheit temperatures are calculated fromCelsiustemperatures. - All values are rounded off to the nearestdegree(after calculation).
The app uses weather sensors.temperature available in celsius or fahrenheitavailable sensors- ambient and battery temperature- atmospheric pressure- environmental humidity
Thermometer 1.0
Thermometer is a simply free App to makeuseofthe forecast temp detectors in your phone to showthetemperature inCelsius or Fahrenheitclose in yourphonesurroundings. There aresome basic features of the App:- You can choose default hot or not unit(CelsiusorFahrenh)- Outstanding high quality Graphics candy crafts lookssotasty- Downloadable to play on smartphone and tablet devices- Easily sync the weather meteorology andunlockThermometersfeatures when connected to the InternetWe will continue bringing you the top finest gamesandtrendyapps, keep your eyes open on our other outstanding Appsandgetchance to play. Good Luck!!
Bluetooth Thermometer 2.3.1
Reads temperature from a Bluetooth thermometer (Hardware Device)
Cpu Float 2.3.8
Daan Muller
CpuFloat (free) gives you system information on top of thecurrentapp.
CPU Monitor 6 PRO 6.55
CPU Monitor Advanced Edition PROThis version unlocks the following features:* Record CPU temperature, frequency and usage* Export data from charts* Disable/Enable media scanning processes forimprovedperformance* You can try the lite version before you purchase. out what is slowing down your Android device! AdFreeVersionUnlike other tools, CPU Monitor Advanced PRO is anadvancedtechnical app which records historical information aboutprocessesrunning on your device. You can configure the length oftheinformation capture. You can store and review up to100captures.CPU Monitor Advanced PRO will even automatically beginrecordinginformation when an application exceed the set thresholdsfor CPUover a specified time interval.You can use the information stored over time to identify trendsinapplication behavior and to identify processes that utilizetoomany resources over a period of time.CPU Monitor Advanced Edition is capable of manual andautomaticcaptures or snapshots. The app can automatically start asnapshotcapture of what processes are running and what amount ofresourcesthey are consuming.The app also allows you to graph each process captured inthesnapshot and you can graph the CPU, the memory and thebatterydrain.The app also allows you to kill the process as well as O/Sprocessesif your phone is rooted, otherwise it will kill onlyuserprocesses.The app only uses about 4% of the phone's CPU to run inbackgroundmonitoring mode and about 8% when capturing data.CPU Monitor Advanced PRO will help you identify processes whichslowdown your phone over time.
CPU Monitor Micro 1.2.1
CPUMonitorMicro shows the CPU usage and frequency on top ofotherapplications.
CPU Info (open-source) 4.7.0
KG Soft
CPU Info provides information about device hardware and software.
Stress CPU 1.0.4
Blue Phoenix
Stresses the phone's CPU.Shows information about the CPU and Battery.====CHANGE LOG====1.0.4 - Fixed wrong display of CPU temperature on SamsungS7,Edgeand Note 7 devices.1.0.3 - Added CPU temperature support for more devices.1.0.2 - Added conversion for Fahrenheit.Fixedbattery/CPUtemperature displaying NULL.1.0.1 - Fixed layout issues on low DPI screens.Addedcurrentcapacity display for the battery.1.0 - Initial release
CPU Utilization Info 1.0
CPU Utilization InfoCPU temperature is something that should be watchedclosely.Suddenrises in temperature can indicate a problem, andiftemperaturesrise too high the heat can damage system components.Avariety oftools are available that will monitor thetemperaturereadings inthe sensors in your system.Monitoring the temperature of the CPU in your phone is donebyusingsoftware that is able to read sensors that are on someoftheinternal components. One software utility you are able tousetodisplay temperature information for your . You may alsousetheSpeedfan or CoreTemp programs to monitor thetemperature.Theseprograms will display the current CPU temperaturein eitherCelsiusor Fahrenheit.CPU Status processor booster - See the percent of time CPUruninfrequency state since device switched on,temperaturecheck.Battery Monitor - Monitor level, overclock cpuandroid,temperatureand voltage of battery with beautifulgraphs.Internet Speed Monitor - See current download & uploadspeedinnotifications and combined speed in status can choose the theme you like.
CPU X : Infographic CPU 1.0
Infographic CPU is a free CPU identification tool for Android.