Top 2 Apps Similar to Picture Spelling Grade!

Brilliant Spelling Tutor with 2.23-pro
Spelling tutor AI with complete spelling lessons. Great fordyslexiaand ADHD.
Kids Learn Words Free 1.0.4
A new learning game for toddlersandpreschoolchildren with pictures to learn to recognize andspellwords whilelistening to how it's spoken. They would enjoy thesupereasyinteractive way of learning the spelling andpronunciationofEnglish words.Several categories, animals, shapes, alphabetsarespecificallydesigned for toddlers and the cute hand drawncartoonswould makethem wanting to learn. The animal flash cardswithpictures likethe lion, giraffe, tiger, camel, donkey, cat andmanymore wouldhelp your toddler picture the words.Features:- There are NO ADS with friendly designemphasizedonToddlers- Alphabets and pronunciation- Cute Animal cartoons and pronunciation- Shapes- Colors- Quiz mode for toddlers to have even more fun !!Offers different categories:Alphabets: Kids would start by learning alphabets. Eachalphabetiswritten with a nice font with a zoom animation toattractToddlers.Touching them speaks out the alphabet for the kidstofollow. Asimple touch on the arrow button navigates through alltheEnglishalphabets. This focusses on the American Englishaccent.Animals: Every kid is attracted to cartoons and the bestwaytolearn new things is to present educational value throughthem.Eachanimal is hand drawn with cute face and touchingthemwouldpronounce the name of the animal. Your toddler could skiptothenext level by hitting on the arrow or complete the nameoftheanimal. The best part is, once each puzzle is completed,anicemotivation screen is presented.Colors: Learning colors has never been so easy. Yourkidispresented different colors. With kid friendly voice, eachcoloriswell pronounced.Shapes: This category is a new addition and a littleadvancedforyour toddler. Again, these shapes are drawn specificallyto bekidfriendly. Several everyday shapes help kids learn andtospeak.Different Levels:This app is simplified with easy to use buttonsandattractiveimages. Any toddler could open the app to selecteitherLearn modeor Quiz mode by simply tapping the buttons. Learnmodeoffers anunique way to lean the name of the animal presented.Thelettersare in sequence in order to enable the Toddler torememberandmemorize the correct spelling. Your kid getsanexcellentopportunity to also learn the pronunciation ofalphabetswhentapped.Quiz mode on the other hand presents a cute animalpicturewithletters shuffled. Your toddler could hear the name bytappingonthe picture and guess the correct name of the animal.Inadditionto this, your kid is presented a nice sound and apleasingscreento inspire and motivate to continue playing.Toddler games are games explicitly designed forToddlerswitheducational purposes, or which have incidentalorsecondaryeducational value. All types of games may be used inaneducationalenvironment. Animals for Toddler game isspecificallydesigned toteach Toddlers about English language andvocabularythrough cutecartoon images of Animals to assist them inlearning astheyplay.Cute Animal cartoons will help kids remember theirnamesbyvisualizing content which is illustrated to educate as wellastoentertain.The quiz mode requires toddlers to put a slight effort tohavefunwhile to test themselves with the correct spelling ofanimals,colorsand different shapes. Toddlers learn thepronunciation bytouchingthe image and try to guess the word. Thisis the best appfor anyToddler and kindergartner to learn theirfirst words.