Top 14 Apps Similar to 【無料】音符アプリ(女子用):音符・記号を覚えよう!

miyns Inc
"SCOREAD" is the game for training of score reading .
My Little Note for Android 1.0.5
My Little Note for Android is an application to learnreadingmusical note!
(light) learn sight read music 7.0.5
learn to sight read music notes including sheet music withoutateacher
DoReMiNotas Read Music
Learning musical notes on the staff
Musink 1.4
Texel One
Musink offers several activities to learnhowtoread music and improve your sight reading.Improve your sense of rhythm:- Over 200 rhythms exercises accompanied by explanations.- A brand new graphics system to view your actions witharealaccuracy.- You will never be short of exercises with aconfigurablerandomgenerator.- Rhythmic dictation to test your memory and rhythms knowledge.Improve your music reading:- Learning the order of notes, thirds, fourths and fifths.- Train over 160 sight reading exercises in clefs G, F, C4,C3andG+F.- Write the notes on the staff to become familiarwiththeirpositions.- Has 2 different learning methods, a relative methodusingmarkersnotes and an improved absolute method.If you want to make progress to read music and improveyoursightreading. Musink is perfect to accompany youthroughoutyourlearning.
Capture Music Notes
Capture songs and generates SheetMusic for variousmusicalinstruments
Learn to read music notes
Music Buddy - learn music notes, keysignatures(circle of fifths) and intervals, practice sight readingsheet musicusing flash cards.Read sheet music quickly and effortlessly like a pro. Learntorecognize key signatures, notes, and intervals in the blink ofaneye. Three independent learning modules in one app. Set asidefiveminutes a day for this app, and you will be reading sheetmusiclike a professional musician in no time.The app uses an ingenious approach to memorizing informationthroughrepetition and visual patterns with a focus onhard-to-rememberpieces of information.The simple, elegant, and intuitive interface allows you toswitchbetween the different note-naming systems used in majorcountriesaround the world:• CDEFGAB (major + minor, 大调 + 小调, 大調 + 小調)• CDEFGAH (dur + moll)• Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si (mayor + menor, maior + menor, majeur+mineur, maggiore + minore)• Дo Рe Ми Фа Coль Ля Си (мажор + минор)• ハ ニ ホ ヘ ト イ ロ (長調 + 短調)• 도 레 미 파 솔 라 시 (장조 + 단조)Key Signatures module: Learn key signatures – this module willhelpyou memorize a circle of fifths – a must for every musician.Youwill learn to recognize keys based on the number of sharps orflatsin a key signature at the beginning of a staff.Choose from three learning modes using the buttons at the bottomofthe module home screen:• Learn key signatures for major keys only – left button• Learn key signatures for minor keys only – middle button• Learn key signatures for both major and minor keys –rightbuttonNotes module: Learn music notes – this module will teach youtoquickly recognize notes without thinking – you’ll look at it,andyou’ll simply know it.Choose from three learning modes using the buttons at the bottomofthe module home screen:• Learn notes from the treble clef only – left button• Learn notes from the bass clef only – middle button• Learn notes from both treble and bass clef – right buttonIntervals module: Learn intervals – this module isespeciallyhelpful for pianists. Skilled pianists don't need toidentify everynote in a sheet. They recognize patterns based on thedistancebetween notes (intervals) and automatically stretch theirfingersaccordingly.Choose from three learning modes using the buttons at the bottomofthe module home screen:• Learn harmonic intervals only – left button• Learn melodic intervals only – middle button• Learn both harmonic and melodic intervals – right button
Melody Ball (for Kids) 1.0.1
Ball flying across the screen,playingthemelody, to stimulate the child's sensibility.How to PlayBall will appear when you touch the screen.You will hear a sound when the ball hits the pianoandhandbells.Gear, seesaw, piano, hand bells can move.
Easy Piano Lesson with Movie 1.0.3
Yuki Hirobe
聞き流す!聴音2 hiMudic2 1.2.21
Hiragana(Japaneseaひらがな) 1.78
Japanese chat support. Hiragana is a learning app.
DoReMiNotas Plus Read Staff
The simplest and most effective oflearningmusical notes on the staff!Will no longer be difficult to read notes, with DoReMiNotas Pluscanimprove your music reading, improving the identification ofeachnote according to its location on the stave.Learn the notes at your own pace, anytime, anywhere!1. Choose the clef you want to learn. Treble Clef, Bass Clef,AltoClef or Tenor Clef.2. Select the group of notes, from 3 notes to all notes.3. And start practicing!Also check your successes and failures.English - Spanish - French - Japanese -
絶対音感テスト 音符よみクイズ 中級 1.0.1
App wave EX
ピアノレッスンをしていても譜面が読めない方は多いと思います。耳で聴いた音をしっかり勉強していくには普段から音に慣れるようにしましょう。今後、音楽をやっていく上で非常にプラスになるかと思います。繰り返し遊ぶことで自然に譜面を読む学習になります。【アプリ説明】ホーム画面の各ボタンをタップすると自動でメロディーが流れてきます。どちらの譜面か当てる択一クイズアプリです。もう一度聴きたい場合は再生ボタンを押せば聞くことができますのでよく聴いて回答できます。答えは譜面で確認する事ができますのでおさらい勉強になります。【注意】端末によってはメロディーが再現できない場合もございます。ご了承ください。【免責】このアプリを閲覧したことで生じたいかなる損害に対しても、私は一切の責任を負いかねます。It is in thepianolessonsI think that people are often not read music.It is to continue to study hard the sound heard in the earTrytoget used to the sound from the usual.In the future, I think it becomes very positive on thegodoingmusic.By repeat play will be learning that naturally readthemusic.[App description]When you tap the buttons on the home screen you havemelodyflowsautomatically.Both are of music or shed alternative quiz app.If you want to listen to it again so you can hear if youpresstheplay buttonWell listen to you be able to answer.The answer will be to recap study so you can checkinthemusic.【Caution】Depending on the terminal there is also the case that melodycannotbe reproduced.Please note.[Disclaimer]For any damage caused by the browsing this app, I can notassumeallthe responsibilities.
【無料】音符アプリ(男子用):音符・記号を覚えよう! 3
Smart Lab
【概要】音符を勉強できるアプリ(男子用)です。※使用前に下に書いている使用方法を一読お願いします。☆女子用はここをクリック☆※男子用と女子用の違いは、アイコン・色のみで、機能は同等です。 【価格】無料です。 【使用方法】《スタート画面》「ス タ ー ト」ボタン・・・音符の勉強を開始します。 《一覧画面》「音符」ボタン・・・表示したい音符を選択します。 《詳細画面》「音 符」エリア・・・音符名が表示されます。「 次 」ボタン・・・次の音符に移動します。「 前 」ボタン・・・前の音符に移動します「一 覧」ボタン・・・一覧画面に戻ります。 【詳細説明】1.収録されている音符は35種類の音符・演奏記号です。 【その他】・誤字脱字等、誤りがあればご連絡頂ければ幸いです。・機能追加等、要望があればご連絡頂ければ、時間は掛かると思いますが、出来る限り対応したいと思います。 【変更履歴】■バージョン1・一番最初のバージョンです。 ■バージョン2・タブレットサイズに対応しました。 ■バージョン3・全休符と2分休符の画像が入れ替わっていたのを修正致しました。 ※ご指摘のご連絡を頂いた方ありがとうございます。 以上です。[Overview]Application that can study the note is (for men).※ I read ask how to use you're writing down before use.☆ Women's or girls' Click here ☆※ The difference between boys and girls for use, only icon,color,function is equivalent.[Price]Free.[Usage]"Start screen"I will start the study of the "Start" button ... note."List screen"Select the note you want to "note" button ... display."More screen""Sound mark" area ... note name is displayed.I will move to note the "next" button ... next.I will move to the note "before" button ... beforeI will return to the "List" button ... list screen.[Detailed description]1. Note that is included is a note, performance of 35differentsymbols.[Others]· I am happy if you can contact us if you have anytypographicalerrors, etc., is an error.- I think such as added functions, if you can contact us if thereisa demand, it would take time, but I would like to correspond asmuchas possible.[Change History]■ Version 1· It is the very first version.■ Version 2-I was supported tablet size.■ Version 3· We have modified image of a 2-minute rest and whole note restishad been replaced.※ Thank you for the person we receive your contact youpointedout.That's it.