Top 10 Apps Similar to Gentian - Encrypted SMS

TextLock - Encrypted Messages 1.1
Have you ever been afraid thatsomeonemightread your messages or emails on your phone?Have you wanted to be able to send private messages thateveryonecanread, yet no one can understand?Well, you're in luck, because with TextLock, you candoexactlythat.TextLock uses a modified and a much more secure versionoftheVigenère cipher so that your messages are encrypted in awaythatcannot be decrypted by even the most powerful ofcomputers.Onceyou enter your message and set a password, you cansharetheencryption with whoever you want, through any sort ofsocialmediaand only the people with the password will be able todecryptit.You can send encrypted messages on a group chat, so thatthepeoplewith a password understand it, while the rest are left inthedark.It is the most simple solution to your privacyproblems.Are you still going to risk sending yourmessageswithoutencrypting them?
Encrypt text with CryptMax 1.2
OVERVIEW:A simple, minimalistic, user friendly app, that allowsyoutoencrypt text¹ using a secret key² into a ciphertext andthensendit via SMS, social apps or simply copy and paste itwhereveryouwant. This app uses AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)toencrypttext, so far the only working way of breaking AESwithoutknowingthe secret key is by brute force which can take up toa fewbillionyears for a good password.If you want to read an encrypted text message youshouldfirstknow the secret key and the key length(128, 192 or256),withoutknowing them you can't decrypt the ciphertext andreadit.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------USAGE:The usage of this app is pretty straightforward,howevertwothings are worth mentioning:1. CHANGING THE KEY LENGTH is done by pressingthe"AES-###"button at the top of the app, where ### is the bitlengthof thesecret key, it can be set to 128, 192 or 256. Differentkeysizesencrypt text differently even with the same key.2. PASTING TEXT³ can be done simply by long pressingthetextfield.*You can encrypt text with this app multiple timesusingdifferentsecret key and key size.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DISCLAIMER:1. The developer of this app distances himself fromthecontentsof the encrypted messages made by its users. Usinganykindencryption for criminal activity is illegal.AES(AdvancedEncryption Standard) also known as Rijndael developedbytheBelgian cryptographers Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen isthemostwidely used symmetric-key encryption algorithm todayandisavailable for free use in many apps.2. In case of a published practical cryptographic"break"fasterthan a brute force against AES, the developer of thisappmustchange the encryption algorythm within a week,howeverthedeveloper will not be responsible for anypreviousencryptedmessages that can be broken.3. The developer of this app is not responsible if aciphertextissomehow decrypted using the secret key (or the samebitstream)by anunwanted third party, the secret key can beuncovered inmultipleways for example using a malicious software(keylogger) orbeingleaked by one of the original users. So far thefastestmethod ofbreaking an AES ciphertext, having only theciphertext,is a bruteforce attack, so using strong passwords ishighlyrecommended.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE_1: The text can be written in any language andinanyalphabet that is widely used today, allUnicode/UTF-8characterscan be used.NOTE_2: The key also accepts all Unicode/UTF-8characters,thestrength of the secret key is determined by itslength andthevariety of different characters that are beingused.NOTE_3: Pasting the ciphertext into the text fieldistherecommended way of inputting a ciphertext. Simply copythetextmessage from the SMS or any other app.NOTE_4: Encrypt text with this app and enjoysafecommunicationwith you friends and colleagues.
Privaty 1.0.2
Do you want more privacy to chat infacebook?Use Privaty.Do not be afraid to send their personal messages that you usethechat!The application Privaty prevents the contents of the messagestobe viewed by third parties, spied or exposed even if theuserforgets to open Facebook in school computer or a friendforexample. This app is free.Entirely free app where you can send encrypted messages!Thesemessages can be deciphered only by those involved thatconversationand only using this application.With Privaty your privacy is secure.
Encrypted Messages 1.1
Want to communicate in private,even inplainsight! Send encrypted SMS text messages, emails, saveencryptednotes and more with Hacker Daily's Encrypted Messagesapplication.The Swiss army knife of encrypted communications andencryptedlocal note files.This app allow people to communicate in private without usinga3rd party servers or services.Use public sites such as twitter and facebook to pasteyourencrypted messages.Has feature such as GPS share where you can insert yourcurrentGPS location and share it encrypted, the receiving partywillreceive a URL to Google maps showing the location. Built incannedmessages as well.We welcome feature suggestions for upcoming versions.
Secret Text Messenger 1.5
With Secret Text you can be sure thatonlythepeople you intended to read your message will.How it works is that you choose a common password betweenyouandyour chosen contact(with an Android phone) and usethatpasswordwhen you message them. The app encrypts the messageusingyourpassword so that no one can view the message on eitherphonewithoutputting in the password you chose.With the image encryption you can open or capture animagefilewith Secret Text and encrypt it as you would with text.Onceit'sencrypted you can save it to your device, email it withGmailorshare it with other apps like Dropbox to share itwithotherpeople. Once the file is encrypted it cannot bechanged/scaledorit will not be able to be decrypted.How to Use:-After you have added a contact Click on it to openyourSMSMessenger window.-The lock image on the top and by the send button isyourencryptionindicator. If it is unlocked and white then themessagesare sentand viewed decrypted. If it is locked and bluethenanything yousend is encrypted and you can view theencryptedmessages sent toyou. Press the lock to change from one totheother.-Use it like you would any other SMS Messenger.You can buy an upgrade in the Settings (top rightbutton).Theupgrade removes the ads from the add and speeds uptheencryptionand decryption of the messages.If you have any questions or feedback about the app,pleasefeelfree to email me at [email protected]
Enssages: Encrypted Messages 1.1.0
Enssages is designed for sendandreceiveEnd-to-End Encrypted Messages with a focus on theultimatesecurecommunication in the world.Enssages forced to use a variety of opensourceencryptiontechnologies work together to provide protectionformessages atrest and in-transit.Your messages including your name are fully encryptedandonlypeople you trusted could read.
OpenKeychain: Easy PGP 5.8.2
heylogin GmbH
Encrypt your Files and Communications. Compatible with theOpenPGPStandard.
Sayfe Secure Private Messenger 3.1.19
Sayfe is an encrypted messaging app thatgivesyou the flexibility to customize the degree of privacy youpreferduring your everyday chat experience. We provide safetyandsecurity you can fully trust for free. Our unique andproprietaryrevive feature is only available in the Sayfe app. Torevive amessage, simply tap on the expired text, photo, voice noteorvideo. The recipient of your revive request can then approveordeny your request. Additionally, you can take back and deleteanymessage you regret sending. All of our features are tailoredforboth 1-to-1 conversations and group chats.Features:- Sender-to-receiver full encryption- Group chat with up to 100 users- Expiring multimedia messages- Revive expired messages to individual members of a group- Silent take back and deletion of messages- Custom emojis and poke- Notifications when screenshots taken- Disabled chat screenshots in selected cases- English and Arabic language supportWe value your privacy.- We don't store messages; we CANNOT read messages due toend-to-endencryption- We don't capture user information, except phone numbersandtime-stamps- We don't collect location data or IP addresses- We don't sell any information- We don't allow third party advertisement- We don't own rights to anything you sendWe want to hear from you. Communicate with us and shareyourfeedback at:
Oversec 1.5.15
Oversec transparently encrypts and decrypts any text in any appYoucan use it to exchange private encrypted and covert chat- oremailmessages or store your own encrypted notes on your phone. Seeourdemo videos:Introduction:[]EncryptingEmails:[]EncryptingImages:[]Oversecis completely agnostic of the subjacent app, it workswithWhatsapp™, Line™, Snapchat™, Instagram™ or any other chat app.Italso supports sending and receiving PGP encrypted messages withtheGmail™ or any other Email app. End-to-End Encryption wasyesterday.Oversec introduces "Eye-to-Eye" encryption. Encrypteddata is onlydecrypted while it is shown on the screen! No cleartext is everpersisted and thus cannot be extracted from the filesystem oraccidentally be backed up into the cloud. We alsocarefullydesigned Oversec so that it doesn't require internetaccess.Because of that, you can rest assured that no decryptedinformationcan ever leave your device. How it works: Oversecconstantlymonitors the text on your screen. When it finds anencrypted text,it tries to decrypt it and then shows the decryptedtext as anoverlay in place of the encrypted text. Conversely, itcan readtext out of an input field, encrypt it, and then put theencryptedtext back into the input field. In order to encrypt atext, Oversecshows a button next to an active input field. Afterhaving enteredthe secret text, tapping that button makes Oversecread the text,encrypt it and put back the encrypted text into thefield. It isnow ready to be sent in the subjacent app as usual -the appdoesn't even know that it is sending encrypted data! Oversecalsofeatures a unique way of encoding the encrypted messages. Itstoresthe encrypted text in invisible (zero-width) characters andlet'syou add decoy text at the end. That way, a message will justshowe.g. "The sun is shining!" with no visible sign of anyencryption,whereas in reality it contains a hidden encryptedmessage. You mayalso encrypt and send photos through Oversec - itsunique cameramode even allows you to take and send an encryptedphoto withoutever storing the original photo on the device. Oversecencryptsyour data either using symmetric keys (using ChaCha20cipher +Poly1305 MAC ) or using asymmetric PGP encryption (makinguse ofthe OpenKeychainapp[]).Oversecis now open source and the code can be foundhere: This app usesAccessibilityservices.
ConverText 1.3
Send encrypted messages to anyone withthiseasy to use application! Using an array of encryptionalgorithms,you can make your messages unreadable to almost anyonewith a touchof a button. It can be sent through SMS, email,Hangouts, Facebook,or many common apps that can send text. Thereceiver can decode themessage manually or they can download thisapp too for ease of use.Each algorithm has its own special settings, so be sure tocheckthem out! Current algorithms include: binary, octal,decimal,hexadecimal, ASCII Character Shift, and a simpleSubstitutionCipher. Algorithms to come: AES 128-bit, AES 256-bit,personalsubstitution ciphers, RSA(public key), and much more!Another version of this app called EncrypText is coming soonwithfull SMS integration!