Top 21 Apps Similar to Sunnahs of Rasoolullah(SAW)

Prophetic Medicine 2018 22.0
Islamic Medicine - Concise collection of Medicines from Quran&Sunnah in Islam
55 وصية من وصايا الرسول ( صلى 1.8
The commandments include all Muslims, urges the virtue offastingand prayer, and so good deeds
الف سنة في اليوم Sunnah 1000 2.3.0
If you like your lover Prophet Pray him Votbah in each case itgoing
L'eveil Islamique (Livre) 1.0
Aws Books
L’EVEIL ISLAMIQUE :REGLES ET CONSEILSEcrit parMUHAMMAD IBN SÂLIH AL-CUTHAYMÎNTRADUIT PARABDULLAH AL-FARANSÎIntroduction de l’auteurLa louange revient à Allah, nous Le louons, Lui demandonslepardon,et cherchons refuge auprès de Lui contre les maux denosâmes, etcontre nos mauvaises actions. Quiconque Allah guide,alorsil n’y apersonne qui puisse l’égarer, et quiconque Il égare,iln’y a alorspersonne pour le guiderJ’atteste qu’il n’y a rien qui mérite d’être adoré endehorsd’Allah,Seul et sans associé, et j’atteste que Muhammad estSonserviteur etSon messager. Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) l’aenvoyéavec la guidéeet la religion de vérité. Il a transmis lemessage,honoré sesengagements, s’est montré loyal envers lacommunauté eta combattupour Allah comme il se doit. Il a ainsilaissé sacommunauté sur unepreuve claire et limpide, sa nuit étantcommeson jour. Nul ne s’enécarte sauf celui qui est voué àpérir.Ensuite lui ont succédé les califes bien-guidés de sacommunauté,lesguides religieux qui ont emprunté le droit chemin,ceux qui ontsuivila voie du messager d’Allah (alayhi salatou wasalam) danslacroyance, l’adoration, le comportement, lestransactions, laprêcheà Allah (azza wa jal) et le combat dans Sonsentier. C’estainsiqu’Allah, à travers eux, a montré le chemin etilluminé cequiétait obscur.On trouve à leur tête Abû Bakr le véridique (Radhi Allahu‘Anh)puiscUmar, celui qui tranche entre le vrai et le faux(RadhiAllahu‘Anh), puis cUthmân, celui qui a reçu deux lumières(RadhiAllahu‘Anh), puis cAlî Ibn Abî Tâlib (Radhi Allahu ‘Anh) àqui leprophète(alayhi salatou wa salam) a annoncé lorsqu’il l’aenvoyé àKhaybar :« Rends-toi doucement à leur rencontre, jusqu’à ceque tuarrivessur leurs terres, puis appelle-les à l’Islam etinforme-lesdesdevoirs qu’ils ont envers Allah [dans cettereligion]. CarparAllah, qu’Allah guide par ta cause un seul hommeest bienmeilleurpour toi que de posséder des chamelles rousses».Mes très chers frères, personne n’ignore ce avec quoi Allahacomblécette communauté islamique dans ce pays et dans d’autres,parcetélan béni et cet éveil plein de vitalité que l’on constatechezlesjeunes de l’Islam si l’on considère le cap vers lequel ilssesontorientés. Et cette orientation saine est celle qui a pourbutdeparvenir à la législation islamique à travers le Livred’Allah etlaSunnah de son messager (alayhi salatou wasalam).Aussi, il ne fait nul doute que ce réveil et ce dynamisme–commetous les autres réveils et mouvements dynamiques qui sontbonsetbénis – verront se dresser face à eux des ennemis. Eneffet,dèslors que la lumière de la vérité devient ardente, le feudufauxs’attise. Cependant, « ils veulent éteindre de leursboucheslalumière d’Allah, alors qu’Allah parachèvera Sa lumière endépitdel’aversion des mécréants ».En outre, le réveil islamique dont nous faisons le constatcheznosjeunes hommes et femmes – et qu’Allah en soit Loué –neserestreint pas exclusivement à notre pays, maisseretrouveégalement dans toutes les contrées islamiques. Aussi, ilabesoind’un certains nombres d’éléments qui en ferontunmouvementprofitable et constructif par la permissiond’Allah(Subhanahu WaTa’ala).Dans ce qui suit, je vais clarifier – en demandant l’aided’Allah–ces éléments et ces règles pour permettre à ce renouveaud’êtreunsuccès et d’être bénéfique et constructif par lapermissiond’Allah(Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala). Et je demande à Allah(Subhanahu WaTa’ala)qu’Il y mette la lumière et qu’Il en fasse unargument enfaveur deson auteur, son lecteur et de l’ensemble desmusulmans [lejour duJugement].L’auteur.ISLAMIC AWAKENING:RULES AND ADVICEWritten byMuhammad ibn Saalih al-CUTHAYMÎNTRANSLATED BYABDULLAH AL-FARANSÎIntroduction of the author  Praise returns to Allah, we praise Him, ask Him forforgivenessandseek refuge with Him against the evils of our souls,andagainstour evil deeds. Whoever Allah guides, then there isnonethat canlead him astray, and whomever He wanders, then thereisnobody toguideI bear witness that there is nothing worthy of worshipexceptAllah,alone with no partner and I bear witness that MuhammadisHisservant and messenger. Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) senthimwithguidance and the religion of truth. He conveyed themessage,honoredits commitments, has been loyal to the community andfoughtforAllah as they should. He thus left his community on aclearandclear evidence, the night is like its day. No onedeviatesexceptone that is bound to perish.Then successor the rightly guided caliphs of hiscommunity,religiousleaders who have taken the right path, thosewho followedthe path ofthe Messenger of Allah (SAW Salatou wasallam) inbelief, worship,behavior , transactions, preaching toAllah (azzawa jal) and thestruggle in His way. Thus does Allah,through them,has shown the wayand illuminated what wasobscure.It is headed by Abu Bakr the truthful (Radhi Allahu Anh)and'Omar,the one who decides what is right and wrong (RadhiAllahuAnh),then Cuthman, who received two lights (Radhi Allahu Anh)CalithenIbn Abi Talib (Radhi Allahu Anh) to whom theProphet(alayhiwasallam Salatou) announced when it was sent toKhaybar:"Makeyourself slowly to meet them until you land on theirland, andcallthem to Islam and inform them of the duties they havetowardsAllah[in the religion]. For by Allah, may Allah guide yourcauseone manis much better for you than possessing red camels."My dear brothers, everyone knows that with which Allah hasfilledtheIslamic community in this country and in others bythisblessedmomentum and this awakening full of vitality that weseeamongyoung people of Islam if Considering the heading to whichtheyaredirected. And this healthy orientation is one that aimstoachievethe Islamic law throughout the Book of Allah and theSunnahof HisMessenger (alayhi wasallam Salatou).Also, there is no doubt that this revival and dynamism -likeotheralarm clocks and dynamic movements that are good andblessed -willrise up against them enemies. Indeed, since the lightoftruthbecomes fiery, the fire will flare false. However, "theywanttoput out of their mouths the light of Allah, but AllahwillperfectHis light, though the disbelievers are averse."In addition, the Islamic awakening which we are the findinginouryoung men and women - and by Allah be praised - notonlyrestrictedto our country, but is also found in allIslamiccountries. Also,it needs a certain number of elements thatwillmake this aprofitable and constructive move by the permissionofAllah(Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala).In what follows, I will clarify - asking Allah's help-theseelements and rules to enable the renewal to be a successandto bepositive and constructive by the permission ofAllah(Subhanahu WaTa 'to the). And I ask Allah (Subhanahu WaTa'ala) Hewill put thelight and that He makes an argument in favorof itsauthor, thereader and all Muslims [Judgment Day]. The author.
Hisnul Muslim Arabic 1.1
Important Note: You can changeText/Thekrfontproperties from settings screen.Hisn Almuslim book is one of the most popularIslamicbooksworldwide. It provides the muslim with the importantZekr andDua'aduring Day and Night. The mobile application of HisnAlmuslimmakesreading and listening to these Azkar easy anduseful.Main Features:* Azkar from Prophet Mohammed Sunna and Holy Quran.* Reading and Listening to Azkar.* Azkar during day and night.* Notification at the time of MorningandEveningRemeberance/Azkar.* Auto Azkar hourly.* Sebha for counting Azkar.* Attractive UI and Many features.* Options to customize text font.* Enable/Desable notifications.* Share Zekr in good design.hisnul muslim application includes a lot of Azkarformanysituations:- Morning and Evening Rmemberance.- Sleeping Azkar.- Food Azkar.- Clothes Azkar.- Wedding Azkar.- Mousque Azkar.- Ablution Azkar.- Azan Azkar.- House Azkar.- Sadness Azkar.- Prayer Azkar.- Sickness Azkar.- Death Azkar.- Hajj & Omra Azkar.- Grace of Dua'a for Prophet Mohammed.- Grace of Zekr.- Disclosure of the peace- Baby Zekr.- Momen Zekr.- General Azkar and Dua'a.hisnul muslim application has attractive UI design thatmakesiteasy to browse and read Azkar. hisnul muslim includessoundsofazkar that should played online or downloaded frominternetforoffline mode.hisnul muslim has a big features which issharingattractivedesign of selected text in azkar. There are manyoptionsfor thedesign to be shared in social netowrksandcommunicationapplications like facebook, twitter, google+andwhatsapp, line andinstagram.If you liked the app, then share it in socialnetworksandcommunication applications such as facebook, instagram,twitterandwhatsapp, line and blackberry messanger to give benefittoyourfriends and family.Don't hesitate to send us feedback in app email.
Hisnul Al Muslim - Hisn Invoca 2.4.0
Fortress of the Muslim, Invocations from the Quran and Sunnah
Tafsir Mimpi Menurut Islam 1.0
Tafsir Mimpi Menurut IslamTafsir Mimpi Menurut Al-Quran dan As-SunnahInterpretation ofDreamsAccording to IslamInterpretation of Dreams According to the Quran and Sunnah
Sahih Bukhari Urdu 4.1
My Qalam
Sahih Bukhari is the most authentic Islamic hadith book. Inwhichthe descent actions , talks and permission of Prophet peace beuponhim are discussed with complete references. A common Muslim ,whowants to act upon the Sunnah and hadees of the Prophet P.B.U.H,has a great opportunity to study this book in which no doubt ofanyauthenticity. This Islamic App is designed especially forUrdureaders and viewers , in which complete and easy urdutranslationof sahi Bukhari is available. The collection includeshadeeth ontopics of Revelation (Wahi), Belief (Faith / Aqeedah),Knowledge(ilam), Ablution, Bathing, Menses, Prayers (salat /Namaz), Eid,Funerals, Charity (Zakat), Hajj, Fasting, Sales andtrade, Debt,Quarels, Oppressions, Partnership, Mortage, Slaves,Gifts, Witness,Testaments, Fighting for cause of Allah, Creation,Prophes, Quran,Marriage, Divorce, Food, Sacrifice, Medicine, Law,Dreams, Onenessof Allah (Tawheed) Features: - Complete ShahihBukhari book in Urdu- Can change text font size - Day and nightreading mode - Easy andquick index navigation - Auto Bookmark (Lastread topic &hadith) - No internet or online connection requiredfor reading -Designed for both Android mobile phones and tabletsNote: This freeApp is supported by Ads. Jazak Allah Kheir.
MyPerisai 3.1
El Ilmy
MyPerisai adalah aplikasi yangdibangunkanuntuk rujukan masyarakat bagi menjaga keselamatan diri,keluargadan harta daripada bahaya-bahaya jenayah seperti jenayahkecurian,ragut, rompak, rogol, bunuh dan sihir yang semakinmenjadi-jadisekarang ini. Panduan adalah menurut rujukan utama umatIslam iaituAl-Quran dan As-Sunnah. Dapatkanlah aplikasi ini untukpanduankeselamatan anda. Antara kandungan aplikasi ini ialah:1. Pesanan Ustaz: Bersama Ustaz Dr Abdul Basit Abdul Rahmanuntukpanduan cara mendapatkan perlindungan dalam Islam.Bolehkahmenggunakan tangkal, ilmu kebal dan mendapatkan khidmatbomoh?Bagaimana cara mendapatkan doa yang makbul?2. Doa Daripada Al-Quran: Doa-doa yang dipetik daripadabanyakayat-ayat Al-Quran berkaitan perlindungan keselamatan.Bolehdiamalkan bila-bila masa seperti selepas solat, sepertigamalam,ketika berpuasa dan sebagainya.3. Doa Daripada Hadith: Doa-doa yang diambildaripadahadith-hadith shahih berkaitan perlindungan keselamatanseperti doaperlindungan kepada anak, ketika keluar rumah, ketikapagi danpetang, sebelum salam dalam solat, masuk masjid dansebagainya.4. Amalan Sunat: Amalan-amalan sunat yang disebutkanfadhilatnyadapat menjaga keselamatan contohnya amalan menjelangmalam, bilamenguap, bila marah, bila mimpi buruk, larangan dalammembuanghajat dan sebagainya.5. Tips Keselamatan: Tips-tips umum untuk menjagakeselamatandiri, keluarga dan harta seperti tips keselamatan jalanraya,mengelak pecah rumah, mengelak kes penculikan, caramenghadapipenjenayah dan sebagainya.Terdapat banyak lagi doa-doa dan amalan sunat yangtidakdimasukkan ke dalam aplikasi ini kerana aplikasi ini hanyafokuskepada penjagaan keselamatan.
Alligator at Saw Grass Road 1.49
Join Alligator in this exciting digitalbookapp as she raises her young once they hatch from theireggs.Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and follow along withthreefun ways to read! Kids will love learning as they watchthebaby alligators learning to hunt, swim, and evade dangerthroughoutthe story.Explore Alligator at Saw Grass Road:- ENCOURAGE literacy skills with highlighted narration- FOLLOW along with three fun ways to read!- LEARN new vocabulary with tappable words- TAP objects to hear their name read aloudThis title was developed under the direction of curators fortheSmithsonian's National Museum of Natural History.Designed for children ages 3-8------------------------------------------------------------------------We'd Love To Hear From You!- Please share your thoughts in a review! Your experience matterstous.- Need tech support? Contact us at [email protected] Say hello to us on FB! Smithsonian Institution licensed app
Hadith Book Sahih Muslim-أحاديث
Hadith Book Sahih Muslim-أحاديث best collection of Hadith onthemarket
Tarihin Manzon Allah SAW 1.0
Da Sunan Allah Mai rahama Mai Jinkai, godiyatatabbata ga Allah Ubangijin halittu, tsira da amincin Allahsutabbata ga Annabi Muhammad (SAW) da iyalansa da zuriyarsadasahabbansa da wa]anda suka biye musu da kyawon aiki har zuwaranarsakamako.Wannan tarihi na wani littafi ne, wanda na yi masa fassarazuwaharshen Hausa, mai suna kamar haka: “The Life of Muhammad(SAW),”wanda Dr. Muhammad Husain Haikal ya wallafa, kuma SheikhIsma’ilRaji A. Al-Faruki ya fassarasa da harshen Turanci dagaharshenTuranci a zab’i na takwas. Saboda haka Hajiya DaulaJusticeMuhammad Bello ta dauki nauyin fassara, kamar yadda maikaratu zaifahimci mafarin wannan fassara. Ni Is’hak Yunus MuhammadTukurAlmashgool Bauchi na fassara daga harshen Turanci zuwaharshenHausa, ta re da yin wasu gyare-gyare a wasu bangarori dasuka shafitarihi. Musamman tarihin da Orientalists (mustashiribai)suka samarna karya dangane da rayuwar Muhammad (SAW) da abubuwa dasuka shafiaddinin Musulunci, Allah Ya karba mana wan nan aiki YasanyaAljanna ce makomarmu.
99 Names: Allah & Muhammad SAW 3.1
Quran Reading
99 Names of Allah and Prophet Muhammad PBUH with Audio and Meanings
Hadees-e-Rasool S.A.W 1.2
Apps Array
Hadees-e-Rasool S.A.W is a beautiful efforttospread ahadees. Every Muslim should read these ahadees and usethemas a guidance for their daily life. This app will help us forthebetterment of daily life. Download and read this app andspreadthis knowledge.
Hakeemi Taxi -Funny Urdu Novel 1.0
This app contains very funny UrduNovel"Hakeemi Taxi"-Flip like Real Book-HD Quality.-Go to Any Page Option.-Zoom Option.
Assim Al Hakeem 2.1.0
This is the official app of Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem(SaudiArabia)With this app you can: - Access 5800+ preloadedquestion&answers on Islam - Search through the databaseofquestionsinstantly - Listen to audio lectures of the Shaykhrightfrom yourmobile - Read articles and khutba's of Shaykh -Askyourdoubts/question on islam and get them answered byShaykhAssimAbout Shaykh Assim: Shaikh Assim al-Hakeem graduatedfromtheprestigious Umm al-Qura University in Makkah, Saudi Arabiain1998.At present Shaikh Assim is an Imam of a masjid in Jeddah,arolewhich he has held for the past 20 years, where theShaikhdeliversthe weekly Friday sermons and lectures on variousIslamicSciences.Shaikh Assim al-Hakeem also participates regularlyon bothIslamicradio and television programs to spread theauthenticteachings ofthe Qur'an and Sunnah. The Shaikh also hadstudies forseveralyears the books of the great scholar Shaikh SalihIbnUthaymeen(raheemaullah). The official Website of theShaykhis This app is brought to youbyDawahDesk. About Dawah Desk: Dawah Office For EveryDa'eeMission:Da'wah desk is a website aimed at building virtualDa'wahofficefor every Da'ee around the globe right from the speakerdowntoanyone who wants to do some Da'wah bi-ithnillaah. Inadditiontothis, it has been envisioned to make it as an openDa'wahsourcefor all the Da'ees Visit us at
Tauba Kay Aansu - Islamic Book 1.0
Tauba Kay Aansu (Islamic Book) writtenbyHazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sahab is awonderfulread for all muslims. By reading this islami book/topicyou willget to know that:1. What are the main pre requisites of Tauba2. Fazail of Tauba3. Types of Tauba K AansuDo read "Tauba (repentance) Kay Aansu" and share with others,weare also compiling more islamic books, islamic topics andislamicarticles and they will be shared soon
Sunnah Rasulullah 1.0
Matrama Group
Aplikasi Sunnah Rasulullahberisiberbagaikumpulan sunnah yang dilakukan oleh nabi besarMuhammadSAW. Kitasebagai umatnya, sudah sepatutnya menjadikanbeliausebagai panutandan oleh karena nya sudah menjadi kewajibankitauntuk mengikutisegala sesuatu berdasarkan apa yang dilakukanolehbeliau.Semoga dengan Aplikasi ini kita dapat bertindaksesuaidengantuntunan nabi Muhammad SAW agar hidup kita semakindamaidantentram. Kami akan terus menambah informasi mengenaiaplikasiini.Jadi terus install aplikasinya yah. Terima kasihDISCLAIMER :Content like Articles, Pictures and Video in thisapplicationwerecollected from all over the web, so if I haveviolatedyourcopyright, please let me know and it will be removed assoonaspossible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned bytheirrespectiveowners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliatedwithNetworkStudios or any other affiliated entities.ApplicationsSunnahSunnahcontain various collection performed by the greatprophetMuhammadSAW. We as the people, it is fitting to make him ashisrole modeland therefore it is our obligation to followeverythingbased onwhat was done by him.Hopefully, with this application we can act in accordancewiththeguidance of the Prophet Muhammad to make our livesmorepeaceful andserene. We will continue to add information aboutthisapplication.So continue to install the application well.ThankyouDISCLAIMER:Content like Articles, Pictures and Video in thisapplicationwerecollected from all over the web, so if I haveviolatedyourcopyright, please let me know and it will be removed assoonaspossible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned byReviewstheirrespective owners. This app is not endorsed by oraffiliatedwithNetwork Studios or any other affiliated entities.
Life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH 3.8
Quran Reading
Complete App about the Life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH
الجامع لشرح الحديث النبوي 1.0
شروح السُّنَّة النبوية المطهرةأصول الدين الإسلامي قائمةٌ على القرآن الكريم والسنة النبويةالمطهرةفالقرآن هو الدستور العامُّ والشامل للإسلام والسُّنَّة هيالشرحالعملي له، وقد كان النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم قرآنا يمشيعلىالأرض فَتَمَثَّل في حياته أوامر الحق جل وعلا ونواهيهومُرَادَاته،وكانت أقواله وأفعاله وتقريراته صلى الله عليه وسلم نبضاحيا لضخالمعاني الكُلِّيَّة والنماذج العملية لأحكام الإسلام ومرادالحقسبحانه وتعالى من عباده.والقرآن الكريم هو الوحي المقدس الْمُنَزَّل لفظا ومعنى بواسطةالأمينجبريل عليه السلام من اللله عز وجل على نبيه محمد صلى الله عليهوسلم،والسُّنَّة النبوية هي وَحْيٌّ من الله لنبيه محمد ولكنه بتصرفلفظيمن ألفاظ وكلمات النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، فكل ما يصدر عنه كأنهصادرعن المولى سبحانه وتعالى، ولما كان القرآن يتناول عمومياتفإنالسُّنَّة تتناول كثيرا من التفصيلات لبيان هذه العمومياتوتطبيقنماذجها على أرض الواقع كما أرادها صاحب الوحي ورب الأرضوالسماء جلفي علاه.وكان اهتمام الصحابة بحفظ السنة النبوية في صدورهم مساويالحفظهمللقرآن الكريم، حتى إنهم نقلوا لنا أدق تفاصيل الحياة النبويةفيقيامه وجلوسه وصلاته وصيامه وذكره لله، وموعظته للناس، وقيادتهللدولهوحروبه وغزواته، ووصاياه، ومعاملاته مع أزواجه ونسائه، ومعالمسلمين،ومع غير المسلمين، ومعاهداته ومواثيقه، وتقريراته، بل أنفاسهوخطواتهوسمته وهيئته و...... حتى كأن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يعيشبينأظهرنا فلا نمر بموقف عَامٍّ أو خاصٍّ إلا ووجدنا قدوتنا ومبتغانافيهعند رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم مع كتاب ربنا جل وعلا، ووجدناعندأصحابه التفسير المنير والموضح لكل المعاني النبوية المرادةمنسُنَّتِه.وتوارثت الأجيال الإسلامية هذه السنن النبوية ودَوَّنُوها في كتبمصنفةومرتبة وأقاموا علم الرجال وعلوم الحديث لحفظ السُّنَّة من الغشوالوضعوالتدليس والكذب، وهو علم شامخ لا يوجد عند أمة من الأممالأخرى،فعرفوا أحوال الرواة جرحا وتعديلا وتوثيقا وحفظوا الأسانيد فيسلاسلمنتظمة من الراوي إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، فأصبحتالسُّنَّةالنيوية المدونة في الكتب المعتبرة في الدرجة العالية منالحفظ فيالصدور والتدوين في الكتب والسطور.ثم إنه بعد انتشار الإسلام في مشارق الأرض ومغاربها وبعد انتظامأمورالدولة الإسلامية تفرغ العلماء لشرح هذه السنن والآثار المدونةفجمعواتفسيراتها الواردة عن الصحابة الكرام وعن تابعيهم وصنفوا كل ذلكفيكتب عُرِفَتْ بأنها شروح للسنة النبوية المطهرة، وكان كل عالميتناولشرح السنة النبوية بحسب المدخل الذي يُتْقِنُه ويرى الحاجةإليهمَاسَّة فَأَثْرَوا المكتبة الإسلامية وَأَغْنَوْها بصنوف ذهبيةمنالشروح للسنة المشرفة فوجدنا شروحا فقهية وأخرى لغوية وثالثةعقدية،وغير ذلك، والهدف من ذلك كله هو تَجْلِيَةُ وتوضيح وتقريبُمفاهيمالسُّنَّة النبوية لكل مُتَطَلِّع ومتعطش لها.ونحن في عصرنا هذا تباعدت عنا هذه المفاهيم النبوية وكان لزاما علىبعضالمسلمين ومن باب الدعوة إلى الله وإلى دينه دين الإسلام أنيواكبواوسائل العصر الحديث لتقريب السُّنَّة ومفاهيمها وشروحهاللبشرية كلهامسلمين وغير مسلمين، وهانحن نشارك في هذا الباب العظيمونقدم شروحامتنوعة ومتعددة للسُّنَّة النبوية مستخدمين أحدث تقيناتالعصر الحديثراجين من الله سبحانه وتعالى أن ينفع بهذا العمل عمومالمسلمينوخواصهم، وجميع العالمين من عرب وعجم ومسلم وغير مسلم،وندعوه سبحانهوتعالى أن يتقبل هذا العمل وأن يكتب له القبول فيالعالمين.وأخيرا فإننا نأمل أن نقدم أعمالا أخرى تالية تكون من بابالدعوةالخالصة إلى الحق وإلى صراط الله المستقيم.وآخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله رب العالمينAnnotations to the SunnahIslamic religion assets based on the Koran and the Sunnah TheKoranis the year the Constitution and the destruction of Islam andtheSunnah is the practical explanation to him, was theProphetMuhammad the Prophet Koran walk on the ground represents inhislife right Almighty and prohibitions orders and Mradath, werehiswords and deeds and Tgarirath prayed God him alive pumppulsemeanings college and process models to the provisions of IslamandMurad right Almighty slaves.The Koran is the holy revelation home for rude and meaning bytheSecretary Gabriel, peace be upon him Alllah Almighty toProphetMuhammad the Prophet, and the Sunnah is revelation from Godto theProphet Muhammad, but the disposal of verbal than words andthewords of the Prophet, peace be upon him, all issued him likeissuedby God the Almighty, and what was the Qur'an addresses outsof theyear dealing with a lot of the details of thisstatementgeneralities and application models on the ground as hewanted hisrevelation the Lord of heaven and earth majesticgaze.It was interesting companions save the Sunnah in their chestsequalto memorizing the Holy Quran, so they moved us the mostaccurateprophetic details of life in carrying and sitting andfasting,praying and said God, and his sermon to the people, andhisleadership of the state and its wars and conquests, andhiscommandments, and his dealings with his wives and his wives,andwith Muslims and non-Muslims and its agreements and covenants,andTgarirath, but his breath and steps and called its body and......even though the Prophet, peace be upon him live among shownnotiger stance public or private, but we found our ideal andourdestination where the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him withabook of our Lord gel and Ola, and we found when hiscompanionsenlightening interpretation and prophetic meanings shownfor eachof the desired enacted.And inherited the Islamic generations this Sunnah of theProphet,and they wrote in the books classified and tidy and set upofmodern men and science to save the year of the fraud andthesituation, fraud and lying, a lofty aware of no when thenationfrom other nations, Frvo conditions narrators wound andanamendment and documented and kept grounds in the regular chainsofthe narrator to the Messenger Allah, peace be upon him,becameAlnaoah Blog year in the prestigious books in the high degreeofconservation in the breasts and blogging in booksandwriting. Then that after the spread of Islam in all over the worldandafter the regularity of things Islamic State emptied scientiststoexplain this Sunan effects Entries they gatheredtheirinterpretations contained all valued companions and theirfollowersand classified all of that in the books known as theannotations ofthe Prophetic Sunnah disinfectant, addresses explainthe Sunnahaccording to the entrance and it was all the world whichis good atand see the need to urgently acquiring influence Islamiclibraryand Ognoha golden Besnov of explanations for the yearsupervisingand found explanations doctrinal and other linguisticand thirdnodosum, and so on, and the goal of all is shed light andclarifyand bring the concepts of Sunnah each looking up andthirstyher.We in our time diverged from us this prophetic concepts and I hadtomake some of the Muslims and the door of the call to God andtoreligion, the religion of Islam to keep abreast of the meansofmodern times to approximate the year, concepts and explanationsforall humanity, Muslims and non-Muslims, and now we're engagedinthis great door and offer explanations diverse andmulti-yearprophetic Takinat latest modern users hoping to GodAlmighty thatthis work benefit all Muslims and their properties,and all theworlds of Arab and Ajam, Muslim and non-Muslim, and wecall theAlmighty to accept this work and writes his acceptance ofbothworlds.Finally, we hope to offer other jobs to be next door to calltheexclusive right to the path of Allah and the rectum.And Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds
Allah Ke Habib Ki Sunnaten 5.0
Allah Ke Habib (PBUH) Ki Sunnatein aur Adab-e-Zindagi