Top 11 Apps Similar to New Projects Marketing (NPM)

Advertising & Marketing Plan T 1.2.1
Marketing tutorials & tools for online and offlinemarketing& advertising
Sales Marketing 1.0
Sales and Marketing Guides. FreeSales&Marketing Guides about:Email MarketingProduct CreationProductivitySocial Media TacticsTraffic TacticsUpsell TacticsWeb Copy TacticsEasy Guides to increase your knowledge aboutSales&Marketing.
Marketing Plan Course 1.0
Detail your objectives, identifyyourtargetmarket and connect with your customers with asuccessfulmarketingplan!Dear Internet MarketerIs promoting your products and serviceseffectivelyandcompetitively in the online market seeming like aHerculeantask?Have you given up hopes of reaching your targetmarket withSEO andSEM? Are your search engine ads costlier thanyour earnings?Isyour bounce rate high and conversion rate low? Allis NOT lostyet!There is an easy way of attracting and convertingvisitorsintolong term clients!Show Up on Every Search Result by FormulatinganEffectiveMarketing PlanDid you know that in 2000, the Internet was usedby360,985,492people worldwide? Now, the Internet usage is1.7billion, which is25% of the earth’s population, and thisnumberis constantlygrowing! Google sees 31 billion searches everymonth!You can showup on these search results very easily if youhave astrongmarketing plan and an efficient team to execute it! Doyouknow themany benefits of formulating a comprehensivemarketingplan?Get to know your target market, focus on specificgeographiczonesthat has your potential customers and count yourprofits fromthevery first dayImpress your financers and fill them with confidence inyouwiththe fact that you know your target market thoroughlyandwillachieve your objectivesFind new leads and create new networking prospectsforyourselfand your businessIdentify your precise client needs, designyourproductsaccordingly and see the demand graph surgeOutline different measures for generating money foryourdailyoperations, repay old debts and double your profitsIdentify your competitors, analyze your competitiveadvantageandget ahead in the raceFind out the potential areas of growth, evaluate themarketdemandfor new products and services and launchthemsuccessfullyConduct market experiments to check whether yourstrategiesareyielding the desired resultsInterpret information correctly, makerealisticfinancialprojections and gear your business in thedirection ofgrowthIdentify the strengths and weaknesses in yourbusinessskills;capitalize on your strong points, get rid of yourflaws andgrowyour business smartly and quicklySee your website featuring in different search resultsandenjoybrand exposure like never beforeUse How to Create a Successful Marketing Planto Become an Online Sensation in No TimeDid someone tell you that social media optimization willgiveyourwebsite the necessary leverage? It is true that there areover50million Facebook users. It is also a fact that Twitteruserssend outover 1,000,000,000 tweets per weeks. However,promoting onsocialnetworking sites are just ONE way of branding.There aremany otherways in which you can get more and more peopletorecognize yourbusiness…and this is possible only by developingasystematicmarketing plan.Learn internal linking to reach out to yourpotentialcustomers,easily and quickly.Formulate a winning link strategy and insure a high pagerankonGoogle.Add appropriate keywords, optimize your website’scontentandshow up on the first search engine results page!Give a boost to your Alexa ranking and see a markedincreaseinthe inflow of targeted traffic.Strategize your ad placements, appear for everyrelevantsearchquery and let people wonder why your business seemsto showupeverywhere in the online world!Learn the tricks of getting high turnovers onverylowinvestments.Become an undisputed leader in your field within amatterofweeks.Sit back, relax, see your business take wings and allyourdreamscome true!
Marketing Interview Questions 1.0
Placecom - Interview Question & Answers provides you awiderangeof questions (with smart answers) that anorganizationdemands fromcandidates. This App is an attempt todistribute thewell-appraisedPlacecom Books, that will instill youwith theconfidence that youneed to endure most difficultinterviews. Thesemost asked interviewquestions/answers are theresult of 2 years ofresearch inrecruitments field. Features : - 40Most ImportantQuestions covered- Helps you rehearse/practice ownanswers &compare - EasyNavigation These questions & itssmart answerswill develop atremendous smartness inside you tohandle any typeof pressuredsituation in the interviews. Some ofour FREEbooks/apps on Playstore include : (1) .NET InterviewQuestions andAnswers (2) C/C++Interview Questions and Answers (3)JAVAInterview Questions andAnswers (4) PHP Interview QuestionsandAnswers (5) DBMS InterviewQuestions and Answers (6)ElectronicsInterview Questions and Answers(7) Networking InterviewQuestionsand Answers (8) Android InterviewQuestions and Answers(9) FinanceInterview Questions and Answers(10) Marketing InterviewQuestionsand Answers (11) UNIX InterviewQuestions and Answers (12)SoftwareTesting Interview Questions andAnswers (13) DataStructureInterview Questions and Answers We lookforward to yourreview& suggestions. We're open for feedbackfrom almost everysocialmedia & emails. Google : Facebook: Email :[email protected]
Digital Marketing Magazine 2.0
Digital Marketing Guide Magazine - Find outhowto market your online or offline business effectively usingDigitalMarketing and Social Media, how to increase your salesthrough yourwebsite and much more. This is a superb guide forlocal businessowners and online marketers alike. Every issue ispacked full ofresources and ideas to help accelerate your businessgrowth:In this issue:How to Turn Your Website into a 24 Hour SalesGeneratingMachineDrive Targeted Traffic To WebsiteSecrets To Making Google Love Your WebsiteFind Out How To Use Social Media For Your Business8 Simple Ways That You Can Increase Your ProfitsFromInstagramand more.....Digital Marketing Guide Magazine first issue out now -Downloadright away!
SMS Marketing 1.2
Anique Azhar
1.Sends SMS to Client and customer .2.Maintains unlimited lists of phone numbers.3.Sends entered sms to their relevant phone numbers ,notifythemwith offers , discounts and other quires which are typedinbox.4.Save Phone numbers as sorted lists permanently.
Project Planning Pro 1.5.6
Project Planning Pro is a simple, easy to use &intuitiveprojectmanagement app. Create plans and schedules orimportexistingMicrosoft Project plans and edit/update on the go.The appprovidesflexibility to manage projects during meetings orwhen outof office.It is designed to ensure complete mobility andis anideal app formanagers and planners looking for aprojectmanagement tool on atablet or mobile device. *** BestAppEverAwards 2013 "Best BusinessApp (iOS)" - 2nd Place It can alsobeused as a basic task managementapp to plan your daily taskswithdue dates and duration. Use thetasklist view to use the app asasimple task manager. Features: -Create new project/schedule.-Import plans from Microsoft Projectvia Dropbox, GDrive andEmail.- Add tasks - create summary tasks andsub tasks - Entertaskdurations, start and finish dates - 4 Kinds oftasklinks:finish-to-start (FS),start-to-start(SS),finish-to-finish(FF) andstart-to-finish(SF) -Gantt chart and tasklist view modes -In-built auto schedulingengine - Add resource andcost - Add tasknotes - Project summary inPDF export - Downloadready to useproject templates - Resource viewand timeline viewImport Options:- Import your existing MicrosoftProject Plans andview or editthem in Project Planning Pro - Import& manage yourexistingMicrosoft project plan as XML file fromDropbox, GDrive& Emailattachment. - Install desktop addin &import plansdirectlyfrom MS Project to Dropbox. (Visit Support Siteformoreinformation). Share Options: - Share as XML file –OpenswithMicrosoft Project and Project Planning Pro - Share as CSVfile–Opens with Excel or other spreadsheet applications - ShareasPDFfile – Opens with Acrobat or other PDF reader applicationsFreetoTry: - Create one plan - Import one plan - Norestrictiononfeatures Paid Version: - Create unlimited plans -Importunlimitedplans - Remove Ads Use Cases: - Best personalprojectmanagementtool - Manage projects remotely - Access yourplans whileout ofoffice, on site or meetings and presentations withprojectteammembers and customers - Create a simple project plan inlessthan 5mins - Kickstart your project in no time with readytousetemplates - Create a comprehensive projectmanagementplananywhere, anytime - Use the app as a simple taskmanagement appbycreating a tasklist with due dates and durations Wevalueyourfeedback. Please email us or use the contact form onourwebsite.Tell us about features you may require or any bugsorcrashes youmay encounter. We will be in touch with youwithin24hrs.
Local Marketing Course 1.0
With so much Internet marketingeffortsgoingon, are you taking advantage of all the localmarketingefforts youcan take advantage of?It can often be overlooked in both Internet andlocalmarketing,the extent of local marketing techniques andstrategiesthat can beapplied, which can boost your business tonewheights.This course is not so much of a course, but ratheracomprehensivelist of 101 local marketing strategies, tipsandtactics that youmost certainly should consider adding toyourmarketing arsenal.Some of these ideas are more traditional, such asyellowpagesadvertising and classified ads. Of course that doesn’tmeantheyshould be neglected.Other ideas are traditional, but not used as much, or Ishouldsaynot always used as effectively as they could.Directresponsemarketing and publicity are two that come tomind.And then there are really creative ideas thatareoftenoverlooked, such as valuable joint venturesandstrategicalliances. Some of these ideas have the potentialtoreally delivera lot of leads and sales with minimaltraditional“work.”You’ll find these ideas start out somewhatsimplisticallyandgradually get more creative and complex. So dig inandstartthinking about how you could apply these ideas toyourbusinesstoday!Here's what you'll get:* 101 effective ways to promote your business* Traditional local marketing strategy* Creative local marketing tips and ideas* Free advertising and exposure through publicity* Networking and mutual partnering with other businesses* Profiting off of existing and former customersAnd much, much more ...
Brand360 – Marketing Dashboard 4.1
Justin James
Digital Marketing is not easy. A Typical campaignwouldinvolvemanaging logins for Google Analytics, Google AdWords,GoogleSearchConsole, Facebook, Twitter and various third party sitelikeMoz,Ahrefs, SEMRush, Call Tracking etc. What if you can trackallthisvia a single dashboard? No logging into 10 differentsites?That’swhat we help you do with our Digital MarketingDashboard.Look atsome of our features – SEO Dashboard – Simple andeasytounderstand. The SEO project dashboard will give youacomprehensiveoverview of what’s happening with youraccount.Organic KeywordRankings – Displays the total number ofkeywordsranking in Google(Desktop and Mobile) and Bing searchengine. Alsoshows the numberof keywords improved and declined sincethebenchmark date i.e. thefirst day of the campaign so you knowhowyour campaign isperforming.
Wannabiz - Small BIZ Marketing 1.78
Wannabiz is the one app small businessownersneed to grow sales online by easily running expertmarketing,including multi-channel content marketing (Facebook,Twitter, awebsite and others), promoting special offers, emailcampaigns,advertising, and more advanced tools.Using Wannabiz is like having a marketing consultant on-call,inyour pocket, 24/7!Small Business Owner use Wannabiz to:- Increase engagement with the business by posting, on onlineandsocial channels, relevant suggested content tailored totheirclients' interests.- Boost sales by offering special deals.- Improve the brand's exposure and awareness online.- Grow the business by attracting more clients viatargetedadvertising.- Ensure retention by running direct email campaigns totheirexisting clients.- View and discover what other similar small businesses do tomarkettheir business.- Explore and find content that is relevant to their business,suchas articles, how-to videos, interesting TED talks, andmore.Start using Wannabiz today and watch your business grow.
Affiliate Marketing Course 2.0
Learn how to benefit from the rapid growthofaffiliate marketing.Why should your competition cash in while you only make afewdollars here and there? Don't be an affiliate deadbeat thatnevertakes in any real money. Learn about the best affiliateprograms,how to effectively market products and services, andsubstantiallyincrease your affiliate commissions so you have a realincome.Learn How to Generate Real Cash With This "AffiliateMarketingCourse"This special app course contains valuable info that will showyouhow to become an Affiliate Marketing expert:* Learn about the 3 important factors that all seriousaffiliatesneed to know to survive and thrive.* Discover how to become a Super Affiliate in niche markets.* Find out the strategies for selecting and joining themostprofitable and reliable affiliate programs available.* Get valuable information on working with affiliate networksandhow to make them work effectively for you.* Maximize your affiliate revenues by learning how to takeadvantageof pay-per-click (PPC) programs.* Find out how to increase your affiliate sales through the useofreviews and recommendations.* Discover the top 3 ways to boost your affiliaterevenuesovernight.* Protect yourself from making common mistakes thataffiliatemarketers make.And much, much more!Gain an Edge in Affiliate Strategy With This "AffiliateMarketingCourse"Stop settling for pennies or a few dollars when you can bemakinga nice hefty income from affiliate commissions.Learn the valuable secrets of the pros with this app course.Gain an edge on your competition that might be selling thesameproducts or services by substantially outselling them.Avoid wasting your time on worthless affiliate programsandnetworks.Grab your copy of our "Affiliate Marketing Course" app rightnowso you can start reading it on your mobile device'sscreentoday.