Top 5 Apps Similar to Arduino Serial bluetooth GCM

Arduino Bluetooth 6CH Servo 1.0
This application can control 6 servo motorsviaandroid smartphone. 6 pieces of the servo motor, connected toallthe PWM pins on the Arduino.***MORE DETAILS***Arduino pin 3 = Servo Channel 1Arduino pin 5 = Servo Channel 2Arduino pin 6 = Servo Channel 3Arduino pin 9 = Servo Channel 4Arduino pin 10 = Servo Channel 5Arduino pin 11 = Servo Channel 6***NOTE***On the sketch, adjust baudrate baudrate according to thebluetoothmodule you use. If not the same, then the "SERVO WILLNOTRESPOND".*** Arduino Sketch***Click on this link : info
Bluetooth Terminal Pro 2.9
★★★★★ Bluetooth Terminal ★★★★★ ▶ This app let your androidsmartphone to connect with your bluetooth module. ▶ You can sendandreceive string data to your Bluetooth Module using this app.▶Bluetooth Control Device Application is to allow you tocontrolvarious electrical devices. ▶ Using Bluetooth Terminal onecancontrol HC-05 & HC-06 Bluetooth Controller. ▶ You cancontroldevices like Automation System ,Smart Home Automation,lightcontrol, RC car etc. ▶ Store Unlimited bookmark commands tosend itwithin a single click. ▶ Setting Menu to view and managehistory. ▶Setting Menu to Add & Delete bookmark commands. ▶Maintain allthe history of sent data. ▶ Auto complete help fromhistory datawhile typing commands. ▶ Bookmark command popup to sendwith singleclick. ▶ App UI is very much clean and easy to operate.▶ Tried andtested with HC-05 & HC-06 Bluetooth Modules. ▶▶︎Supportedlanguages: English, Russian, Spanish, Italian, German,Portuguese,French, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese,TraditionalChinese. ▶▶︎ Note : All the supported language aremachinetranslations. There are possibilities of mistakes in anylanguage.If you found any type of mistake then please write [email protected] and we will verify and resolve it.
HC-05 Bluetooth Terminal 1.0
As of now, this app only workswiththepopular HC-05 module. Other modules might besupportedlater.Source code can be found here: sample code can be found here: sample code can be modified for your own project.
Bluetooth Terminal HC-05 1.20
Simple HC-05 / HC-06 Terminal to Sending and Monitoring dataforembedded system
Arduino Communication 1.0
No need for extra Host Shield orBluetooth.Allyou need is a Micro USB OTG to USB Adapter.Send data from your Arduino with Serial.println(),Serial.print()orSerial.write() in 9600 baud rate. Receive between hex and ascii by clickingonreceived/sentdata.Let your own Android application receive data fromArduinobylistening tothe"primavera.arduino.intent.action.DATA_RECEIVED"intent. Thisintentwill contain the"primavera.arduino.intent.extra.DATA" bytearraywith the receiveddata.CallgetByteArrayExtra("primavera.arduino.intent.extra.DATA")toretrievethe data. Send data to Arduino from your applicationbybroadcastingan intent withaction"primavera.arduino.intent.action.SEND_DATA".Add the data tobesent as byte arrayextra"primavera.arduino.intent.extra.DATA".