Top 42 Apps Similar to Blood Sugar Test Prank

Pregnancy Test Scanner Prank 1.0
"Pregnancy Test Scanner Prank"isveryinteresting app and used for fun and joy. PregnancyTestScannerPrank scans the fingerprint detects your"pregnantstatus".How to Scan ,test and check Blood Pressure:* Click on Start button and select the Gender* Place the Thumb or scan your finger on scanning pad,* After few seconds Pregnancy Test.Features:* pregnancy test* Fingerscan Pregnancy Test* Finger pregnancy test* Thumb Scanner* Pregnancy Test* Finger ScannerNote: This application is prank and just for Fun.
Pregnancy Test Checker Prank 1.01
Pregnancy Test Checker astoundingapplicationthat lets you know the amount you are pregnant,utilizing yourfinger on your smartphone.You have the one of a kindchance totrick your companions for them to demonstrate the rateofpregnancy.scan your finger and get pregnancy results . afunapproach to impart giggles to loved ones. Put a finger onthescreen and appreciate! Awesome to play around with yourcompanions!This unique mark Pregnancy test will just figure yourfakepregnancy results. This pregnancy test scanner applicationiscreated in such a way, to the point that individuals wouldbeuncertain whether it's a trick application or genuine.Thisapplication will give you the accompanying data:• whether you are pregnant or not,• on the off chance that you are pregnant then howlongpregnant,• whether you will be having a kid or a young lady, twin kid,twinyoung ladies or both.Appreciate this fun application, spread euphoria andhaveinteresting minutes with your loved ones. Keepeverybodycheerful.Step by step instructions to USE:- Place your finger delicately in the unique fingerimpressionfiltering cushion and sit tight for examination.- Your Fake pregnancy results would be appeared after count.Note: This application is sham, intended for amusementpurposesjust, and is not planned for restorativ
Pregnancy Test Checker Prank 1.02
Pregnancy Test Checker pranksurprisingapplication that tells you the sum you are pregnant,using yourfinger on your smartphone.You have the unique opportunityto trapyour allies for them to show the rate of pregnancy.scan yourfingerand get pregnancy results . a fun way to deal with givechuckles tofriends and family. Put a finger on the screen andappreciate!Magnificent to play around with your sidekicks! Thisexceptionalimprint Pregnancy test will simply figure your fakepregnancyresults. This pregnancy test scanner application is madein such aroute, to the point that people would be unverifiablewhether it'sa trap application or certified. This application willgive you thegoing with information:• whether you are pregnant or not,• in case you are pregnant then to what extent pregnant,• whether you will be having a child or a young woman, twinchild,twin young women or both.Value this fun application, spread happiness and havefascinatingminutes with your friends and family. Keep everyonebright.How to USE:- Place your finger gently in the novel finger impressionsiftingpad and sit tight for examination.- Your Fake pregnancy results would be showed up after tally.Note: This application is prank, expected for delight purposesjust,and is not got ready for restorativ
Teste de Gravidez Pro 1.0
Este aplicativo trabalha com umconteúdorápidoe intuitivo onde é possível saber se está grávida ounão,comtécnicas e pesquisas realizadas e possibilidades de acordocomassuas informações e respostas! Estamos trabalhando paraapublicaçãode versões com mais utilidades no aplicativo!Totalmentesemanúncios! Este aplicativo possui 5 funções:- Teste de gravidez;- Descobrir sexo do bebê;- Peso no final da gravidez;- Dicas para engravidar;- Dicas para não engravidar.Mas não se esqueça, isto é apenas uma aproximaçãomuitogrande,para obter uma resposta concreta, é necessário aconsultacom umespecialista.Foram realizadas diversas pesquisas para auxiliar asusuáriasatirarem a dúvida referente a gravidez, e com perguntasfáceiserápidas, será possível descobrir se o teste deupositivoounegativo.O mesmo vale para a descoberta do sexo, comalgumasperguntaspontuais, é possível obter a grande possibilidadedacriança sermenino ou menina.O peso da gravidez está relacionado com o peso e a alturadamulherno período pré-gravidez.E as dicas essenciais e verdadeiras tanto para as mulheresquequeremengravidar, quanto para as que não querem.O mais completo que tem, e ainda em busca de upgrades!Aprovado por 90% das usuárias teste!Portanto, todas as respostas e resultados são obtidosatravésdegrandes pesquisas, nada é aleatório aqui!Experimente ;)This applicationworkswitha fast and intuitive content where you can know if youarepregnantor not, with technical and research conductedandpossibilitiesaccording to their information and answers! Weareworking to publishversions with more utilities in theapplication!Totally without ads!This application has 5 functions:- Pregnancy test;- Discover sex of the baby;- Weight in late pregnancy;- Tips to get pregnant;- Tips to not get pregnant.But do not forget, this is just a very great approach togetaconcrete answer, consultation with a specialist isneeded.Several surveys were conducted to assist users to takethequestionsregarding pregnancy, and with easy and quickquestions,you can findout if the test was positive ornegative.The same goes for the discovery of sex with somespecificquestions,you can get a great possibility of the childbeing a boyorgirl.The pregnancy weight is related to the weight and height ofwomeninthe pre-pregnancy period.And the essential and true tips for both women who wanttoconceive,and for those that do not.The most complete which have, and stillsearchingforupgrades!Approved by 90% of the test users!Therefore, all the answers and results areachievedthroughextensive research, nothing is random here!Try it;)
Pregnancy Test 1.0.4
Drop App
This application for pregnancysymptomswillhelps you learn how to develop your baby duringpregnancy.thestatus of the future pregnant women is also disclosedthat itwillhappen and what you should pay attention. Informationissuedbypregnancy week by week. Support of multiple pregnancycalculatortocalculate the provisional date of delivery and more.Therearebuilt-in calendar of signs of pregnancy to save notes andeventsinthe system of pregnancy calculator.Welcome to Pregnancy week by week apps! Here you willfindeverythingyou want to know about the world of pregnant womenandpregnancytest, including planning or preparing forpregnancysymptoms, easyand comfortable birth, breast feeding, careof thenewborn beby andearly signs of pregnancy, and raising ahealthy,clever and happyovulation.Our intention is to give maximum useful informationandpregnancytips for future and current parents and pregnancy tipsformenalso. Visit Pregnancy symptoms section of the app, ifyouarelooking for any information related to pregnancy calculatoranditsaspects and my pregnancy week by week tips pregnancyexercise,fromfirst signs of pregnancy to how to cope with toxemiaandovulationtest. You may be interested in articles devotedtopregnancycalendar such as choosing suitable maternityclothes,orpreparation for successful and painless birth toyoupregnantwomen.Sometimes things can go wrong, and sometimes a pregnantwomandoesnot know what is going on with her in her tummy and alsosignesofpregnancy. Articles on pregnancy calculator healthaddressthecases of stillbirth, miscarriage, phantompregnancy,infertility.This information will allow you to copewithdifficulties and toprevent them.this application of pregnancy test contains detaileddescriptiononhow to conceive and save you baby and pregnancystages, Symptomsofpregnancy, home checkup, exercise and diet to befollowedduringpregnancy stages and hospital check up. Thisapplicationisdedicated to all the pregnant women and ladies whoneedinformationon signes of pregnancy. Below is details on how tousethispregnancy calendar application9 weeks pregnant and 28 week pregnant of early signs ofpregnancyforfirst time pregnant women.and also pregnancy tips formen whohave apregnant women.Best free pregnancy app. A guide to conception,withpregnancystages,taking care of your baby and being a parent aswell as youcan.Anything you want to know on pregnancy week by weekandparenting forpregnant women. you can find it here PregnancyWeekby week.Also, in this symptoms of pregnancy application:pregnancydiet,pregnancy stages, pregnancy test and anything youneed..Baby growth tracker during pregnancy and ovulation test.Welcome to Pregnancy week by week apps! Here you willfindeverythingyou want to know about the world of pregnantwomen,includingplanning or preparing for ovulation test, easyandcomfortable birth,breast feeding, care of the ovulation,andraising a healthy, cleverand happy child pregnancy week by weekmyearl pregnancysymptoms..
Finger Pregnancy Test Prank 1.1
I’m Pregnant or not ?! Want to knowsomethingabout health state as concern pregnancy or searching a”PregnancyTest App” for free just to test yourself emotions ? Hereis a newapplication of fun and entertainment to take benefit fromnewtechnologies.Fingerprint Pregnancy Test Prank is a pregnancy test appprankthat lets you know how much you are pregnant usingfingerprint.which is most simple development in pregnancy testpregnancy detector prank is easy to use scan or detectyourpregnancyTry Out a new pregnancy test scanners for couples!. Find outbyDownloading Free Fingerprint Pregnancy Test Prank app is aperfect'fingerprint pregnancy' for Android™.How to Use:- Place your finger on the scanner button.- Your Fake Pregnancy results is going to be shownautomaticallyafter calculation.- Have a good laugh and Share the result on social network withyourfriends if you really like it.Fingerprint Pregnancy Test Prank is one of such pregnancyappsyou cannot miss to have. Download now and play these funnylovegames whenever you wish!Disclaimer: this pregnancy calculator app is perfectforEntertainment Purposes Only!!!. It doesn't calculate yourrealpregnancy results. The displayed answers are random result.It'sthe best application for fooling your family and friends.This app is not a real pregnancy test scanner to see yourbabyfor free or to see is it a boy or girl.
Pregnancy test 1.12
Go pregnancy test and find out what istheprobability that you in an interesting position.Some days you listen to your body and feel the change? Perhapsallthese symptoms of pregnancy. The fastest way to understand thisisa pregnancy test in your smartphone. Go through it and youwillknow whether or not you worried?Our pregnancy test has many advantages:1) A pregnancy test is completely in Russian.2) Accuracy Test - 80%3) Beautiful design4) Fully free version.To determine the pregnancy, you need to answer questions.Allquestions were chosen in accordance with the early symptomsofpregnancy. In our test, the questions only have 3 Answer: Yes,Noand Skip. In answering the question "Yes" or "No" ouralgorithmcalculates the probability of your pregnancy. If you missaquestion, he will not be considered.     This application is in any case cannotsubstitute for a hike to the gynecologist.     The advantage of this test is that youcanestimate the probability of pregnancy, without leavinghome.
My Glycemia : Diabete tracker 1.8.2
Complete tool for diabetic glucose monitoring
Pregnancy Test
Piensas si estás embarazada? Comprueba siteocurren los primeros síntomas. La aplicación analiza tusrespuestasy señala la probabilidad del embarazo. Para cadarespuesta hay uncomentario extra, que te permite enterarprecisamente sobre tussíntomas.
Pregnancy Symptoms 1.0.3
Drop App
dear pregnant women if you'relookingforanswear of these question:What foods should be prevented for me?What exercises are safeand may i do for pregnancy?How will you ensure you are getting the correct diet as well?When must you stop doing certain things you're i did so it?How in the event you make before your first prenatal visit ??my pregnancy tips and pregnancy week by week exercise?being pregnant women week by week mom & baby periods?Congratulations, soon you will be the happiest pregnantwomenonearth! Install associate of pregnancy test "40 weeks" tohelpmakethe child expectation nicer, less tiresome and scary, toavoidsomeworries of being pregnant women, to make your beingpregnantperiodconvenient.This software will help you to know how yourpregnancycalculator,and exactly how you change pregnancy week byweek, willdispel lotsof the fears of being pregnant women, willinform aboutfood diet,how to lessen the negative impact oftoxicity, heartburnsymptomsof pregnancy, cramps in the thighs, theway the futuremother toreside in with hormones..Best free pregnancy symptoms app.Taking care andattentionduringpregnancy calendar is vital for your household. Tohelp withmakingsure you as well as your baby will maintain greathealthy .so alltips be provided by this application and care tricksforpregnantwomen as well as baby. This application of earlypregnancysymptomsin pregnancy test is very helpful for many who areplanningso youcan become pregnant women and also who had alreadygotpregnantwomen. Here you can certainly find and goodinformationaboutPre-pregnancy Tricks for a wholesome Baby and hermom,Basicsymptoms of pregnancy, Diet during pregnancy,SuggestionsforHaving Healthier Infants like that, Eight great ofbeingpregnantwomen exercise plus more, Approaches for Normaldelivery,Steps toa wholesome pregnancy calculator. andpregnancytest..With our signs pf pregnancy app you can be the most"prepared"futurepregnant women with pregnancy stages, becausetheapplication formhas a whole lot of useful information!All necessary services and information for ovulation test -inasingle program! and also early signs of pregnancy.Tips for Having Healthier Babies like that, Seven greatofpregnancyexercise and 28 weeks pregnant and 9 weeks pregnant,Tipsfor Normaldelivery, Steps to a healthy pregnancy test.This program of being pregnant women contains indepthdescriptionhow to get pregnant women and save baby, Symptomsofpregnancy,home checkup, diet and exercise to be used duringbeingpregnantwomen and clinic check-up. This application is focusedonall thepregnant and females who need home elevatorspregnancycalculator.Is details how to use this pregnancy week byweekapplicationbelow50 pregnancy stages techniques for first timeparents.andpregnancytricks for men who have a pregnant wife alsowithovulationtest.Helpful information to conception, ovulation test, caringforyourchild and being truly a parent or guardian as well asyoucan.Whatever you wish to know on being pregnant will get it here Pregnancy Week by week.Also, in this pregnancy calendar application:pregnancydiet,pregnancy symptoms, pregnancy tips.Baby progress tracker during being pregnant.Best free being pregnant women app.
Exames laboratoriais, Testedegravidez,Pré-Natal, Exames para detectar Câncer na Próstata enoÚtero,Check-Up SaúdeLab tests,pregnancytest,Prenatal, tests to detect cancer in the prostate anduterus,HealthCheck-Up
Finger Blood Sugar Test Prank 1.0
J Dee Studio
Finger Blood Sugar Test PrankDo you want some fun with your friends?If yes then checktheirDiabetes level with Finger Blood Sugar Test Prank.Many peoples needs to check their sugar level regularly. Theresultshelp you to manage the sugar levels. This is a prank appdoes notsupport to find the actual sugar level. Till the time thatandroidmake it possible to support these kinds of things inreality you cancarry on to make prank of your friends by thisFinger blood sugartest prank.A blood glucose test measures the amount of a sugarcalledglucose in a sample of your blood.Glucose is a major source of energy for most cells of thebody,including brain cells. Carbohydrates are found in fruit,cereal,bread, pasta, and rice. They are quickly turned into glucoseinyour body. This raises your blood glucose level.Features of Blood sugar Test Prank• Simple to scan and easy to use• Place your Finger on scanning pad and wait for analysis• Realistic looking sugar detector prank• No privacy invasion• High definition graphics• This is a prank app does not test sugar in real• Patients are advised not to use this prank app because it ismadeonly for entertainment purposeWays to check the Blood sugar level♥ From Your Fingertip: You prick your finger with asmall,sharp needle and put a drop of blood on a test strip. Thenyou putthe test strip into a meter that shows your blood sugarlevel.youcan get blood sugar meters and strips at your localpharmacy.♥Continuous Glucose Monitoring System: These devices,alsocalled interstitial glucose measuring devices, are combinedwithinsulin pumps. They are similar to finger-stick glucoseresults andcan show patterns and trends in your results overtime.Disclaimer:Finger Blood sugar test is a prank and fake application and itisnot capable to test the level of sugar, all the reading thatareused in this app are fake and randomly generated by app. Itsonlyfor the entertainment purpose only.
Blood Sugar test Prank 1.6
High apps
Blood Sugar Detector Prank is easy to useScanor Detect your Blood sugar.These days there are many people suffering with diabetes needtocheck their blood sugar (glucose) levels regularly. Aftercheckupresults help you and your doctor manage those levels, whichlaterhelps you avoid diabetes complications.Instructions: Put your fingerprint on examine machine for 4-5secthen this prank app will automatically show the result bloodsugar(glucose) in graphical way.Features:1. It is made in such a way that it gives realistic looking.2. share this app with friends on social media like Google PlusorFacebook etc.3. Best prank game to play and Fun or joke on your " FriendsandFamily ".Disclaimer/DisclosureBlood Glucose Detector Prank is joke app and is only for funandentertainment purposes and there is no relation of real resultinany way.
Pregnancy Detector Prank 1.0
Luis Apps Pro
We will give you "PregnancyTestDetectorPrank", elegant, completely free and easy to use, ontop ofthat,this application of pregnancy test can be workwithoutinternetconnection.This program will allow you to check your pregnancyDetectortestwithout the need for a competent doctor, but you shouldknowthatthis application is not true, it is a prankapplication.How can we use "pregnancy test Fingerprint":When you open the application, select any genre you(WomanorMale), then place your finger in the provision forplacefootprintfor a few seconds, then wait almost five secondsuntilthepregnancy test result is displayed.Some Test characteristics for pregnancy test prank freeandbloodpressure Prank:* Works well without Internet access* Easy to use* Works in almost all Android systems.* Measurement of blood pressure and blood sugarandgestationTest.* Results may directly change after a few seconds=> Test de grossesse gratuit=> إختبار الحمل بالبصمةNote: The application does not give you accurate results,itisonly for the entertainment of friends and family.
pregnancy test machine prank 1.2
Are you in search of any ”PregnancyTestMachine App” that results best during pregnancy test?. Try outthisnew best pregnancy Test mobile Application and find how muchyourare pregnant?are you feeling some pregnancy symptoms inyourbody?take an early pregnancy test. Pregnancy Test machinetakesfinger prints of pregnant women, calculates the result andshow theanswer in positive or negative result.How Pregnancy Machine Scans your pregnancy test?Tap and hold your finger gently on the pregnancy scanningmachineand wait for the result. machine scans the prank animationof yourfinger prints and shows the result on behalf of shows the result in positive or negative test.This pregnancy test scanners application developed in suchamanner that certain who's not really conscious of androidcan'tever get whether it be a prank application or real. Peoplewouldthink as though it's a real pregnancy test scanner.Now put your finger gently in the fingerprint scanning padandwait for a analysis.Result: Your Fake pregnancy results is going to beshownautomatically after calculation.Be careful during pregnancy days, test your pregnancy symptomsonweekly bases.and try your best to not miscarriage.Miscarriageisthe spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week.Mostmiscarriages occur because the fetus isn'tdevelopingnormally.DisclaimerThis pregnancy Machine is joke a joke for girls,teens, andpregnantwomen to let them entertain. This app is perfect forentertainmentpurposes only. Testing your pregnancy through a mobiledevicedoesn't exist. It doesn't calculate your real pregnancyresults.The displayed answers are random result. It's the bestapplicationfor fooling your family and friends.
Prueba de embarazo casera 1.0.0
Si quieres hacerte una prueba parasabersiestás o no esperando un bebé y que además sea “casera”tedoyalgunas ideas. Descubre métodos que se han utilizadoduranteaños,a modo de remedio casero y de hecho seguro que todavíapuedeque osencontréis con que vuestra madre o abuela os de unodeestosmétodos para confirmar vuestro embarazo. Estaaplicacióntambién seincluye una guía de síntomas y consejos sobreelembarazo.Recuerda siempre acudir a tu médico para comprobar losresultadosymuy importante : tu periodo se puede ver afectadoporsituacionesde estrés.If you want to getatestto see whether or not you are expecting a baby and alsobe"home" Igive you some ideas. Discover methods that have beenusedfor yearsas a home remedy and made sure you can still findthemwith yourmother or grandmother you one of these methods toconfirmyourpregnancy. This application guide of symptoms andadviceonpregnancy is also included.Remember to always go to your doctor to check the resultsandveryimportant: your period can be affected by stress.
Blood Sugar Test Prank :Finger 2
Oxi Aerify
Blood Sugar Test Prank is wonderful way toScanBlood sugar level and get the result.Due to people prefer junk food and dont take care of heathsodiabetes has become a common problem. They should checkglucoselevel regularly.When you go for checkup and later results help you and yourdoctorto manage those levels to avoid diabetes complications.Instructions: Select the Gender either male or female thengentlyput your fingerprint on blinking machine for 2-3 sec to allowthisjoke app to detect the result of blood sugar (glucose) ingraphicalimage way.Disclaimer : Blood Sugar Test finger is a prank app and isonlyfor joke and entertainment purposes to play with friends andfamilyand there is no relation of reality result. Made toentertainpeople.
Blood Sugar Test Prank 1.01
Do you need some enjoyment with yourfriends?If yes then check their Diabetes level with Blood SugarTest Prank.Numerous people groups needs to check their sugar levelfrequently.The outcomes help you to deal with the sugar levels.This is atrick application does not backing to locate the genuinesugarlevel. Till the time that android make it conceivable tobolsterthese sorts of things as a general rule you can bear on tomaketrick of your companions by this Blood Sugar Test Prank.A blood glucose test measures the measure of a sugar calledglucosein an example of your blood.Approaches to check the Blood sugar levelFrom Your Fingertip: You prick your finger with a little,sharpneedle and put a drop of blood on a test strip. At that pointyouput the test strip into a meter that demonstrates yourglucoselevel you can get glucose meters and strips at your nearbydrugstore.Nonstop Glucose Monitoring System: These gadgets,additionallycalled interstitial glucose measuring gadgets, arejoined withinsulin pumps. They are like finger-stick glucose comesabout andcan indicate examples and patterns in your outcomes aftersometime.Disclaimer: Blood Sugar Test is a prank application and it isnotable to test the level of sugar, all the perusing that areutilizedas a part of this application are fake and arbitrarilyproduced byapplication. Its just for the amusement reason as itwere.
Diabetes diary, blood pressure 2.1.7
Assemble your organised medicalhistorytimeline on the web from your personal health records onmobile.Always be perfectly prepared for your next doctor's visitwith labresults, weight diary, blood pressure diary and diabetesdiary inyour pocket.It's a hassle to collect all your personal health records whenyougo to visit your doctor. This is why we developed a new featureinLaborom: medical records.Patients with chronic diseases like hypertension (highbloodpressure), diabetes (blood sugar), and patients who needtovisualize and store lab results and case/medication historyfortheir therapy can anonymously upload and gather theirmeasurementsby using laborom personalized test result organizer,diary.With the mobile application users can upload, organize, trackandchart medical measurements (eg. Blood pressure, blood sugar),andrecords of medication, drugs, diabetes diary, logbook. Charttestresults to discover trends over time. Wired in up-to-datedrugs,meds database with reminder setting option. Also laborom isadiabetes diary, logbook, pill reminder for smartwatches,andandroid wear. Blood pressure.Keeping tabs on diabetesEveryone with diabetes knows that keeping a logbook withyourblood glucose level, insulin intake and tracking your carbs isnotan option: it’s a must. With a diary of your diabetesmeasurementsyou can speculate the impact of the food you eat andthe insulinyou take. Using pen-and-paper methods is troublesome,inconvenientand oftentimes inaccurate in forecasting your bloodglucose levelor the units of insulin you need to take. Usinglaborom diabetesdiary and blood pressure logbook you can throw awayyour oldnotebook and use the device that is always at hand to trackand logyour vital measurements. See the trends view to check howcertainactivities affect your blood glucose level and makeeducateddecisions about the next insulin intake or food you eat.Set uppill and activity reminders so that you will never forget totake apill or upload your next glucose level measurement.What is blood pressure?When your heart beats, it pumps blood round your body to giveitthe energy and oxygen it needs. As the blood moves, itpushesagainst the sides of the blood vessels. The strength ofthispushing is your blood pressure. If your blood pressure is toohigh,it puts extra strain on your arteries (and your heart) andthis maylead to heart attacks and strokes. Tracking your bloodpressure ina logbook is essential to monitor your condition.What do the numbers mean?Every blood pressure logbook reading consists of two numbersorlevels. They are shown as one number on top of the other. Thefirstnumber is your systolic blood pressure. It is the highestlevelyour blood pressure reaches when your heart beats. The second(orbottom) number is your diastolic blood pressure. It is thelowestlevel your blood pressure reaches as your heart relaxesbetweenbeats.Before Checking Your Blood PressureFind a quiet place to check your blood pressure. You will needtolisten for your heartbeat.Make sure that you are comfortable and relaxed with arecentlyemptied bladder (a full bladder may affect your reading).Roll upthe sleeve on your arm or remove any tight-sleeved clothing.Yourarm should rest comfortably at heart level. Sit up straightwithyour back against the chair, legs uncrossed. Rest your forearmonthe table with the palm of your hand facing up. Measure yourbloodpressure.Features:- Medical Records: Store your medical history in one place!- Diabetes diary including:-> Estimated HbA1c-> Morning fasting, before meal glucose, after mealglucose-> Rapid, long and mixed insulin-> Food log including carbs tracking and photo log- Blood pressure diary- Weight diary- Medication diary- Detailed graphs for easy-to-understand trends- Pill Reminder (for smartwatch, android wear as well!)- Report anything directly to your doctor- Export your medical data
Pregnancy Tester Scan Prank 1.0
Pregnancy Tester Scan Prank is a justfun.Youcan ask your friends and family to scan theirfingersorthumbto test their pregnancy. This Pregnancy Tester ScanPrankApplicationwill generate a random result about him.If you want real pregnancy test then you to visit your doctor.Nowittime to test your best friends and makethem laugh.How to Use:> Type your Name> Scan your Fingerprints> Then your Fake Pregnancy result will shownEnjoy doing pranks and having fun creating prank videos.
Тест на Беременность 1.2
Это тест на беременность, тоесть,получитьрезультат Вы можете моментально, не выходя из дома.Как илюбойдругой, этот тест состоит из вопросов инесколькихвариантовответов. Первые признаки беременности являютсяосновойбольшинствавопросных пунктов. Смотреть и проходить данныйонлайнтестнеобходимо с максимальным вниманием - постарайтесь неошибатьсяпривыборе ответа, ведь, опираясь именно на них, вы узнаетеоналичииили отсутствии «интересного положения» вашего организма.При прохождении данного теста вы должны знать,чтотакоеменструальный цикл, задержка менструации и овуляция.Подпоследнимимеется в виду наиболее благоприятное время длязачатияребенка.Тесты на овуляцию можно приобрести в аптеке, тогдавы точнобудетезнать период месяца, в который вы можетезабеременеть. Этоуменьшитвашу неопределенность в следующий раз,когдавозникнутсомнения.This pregnancytest,thatis, to get the result you can immediately, withoutleavinghome.Like any other, this test consists of questions andanswersarefew. The first signs of pregnancy are the basis of mostofthequestionnaires points. See and take the online testisnecessarywith maximum attention - try not to make mistakeswhenchoosing ananswer, because, relying on them, you will learnaboutthe presenceor absence of "interesting situation" in yourbody.When passing this test, you should know that suchamenstrualcycle, delayed menstruation and ovulation. By thelatterwe meanthe best time for conception. Ovulation Test canbepurchased atthe pharmacy, then you will know exactly the periodofa month, inwhich you can get pregnant. This will reduceyouruncertainty aboutthe next time you have any doubts.
Gravidez ao Vivo
"Gravidez ao Vivo" é um aplicativo criadoporum grupo de médicos formado por pediatras, obstetraseradiologistas. Sua base de dados é totalmente fundamentadanaliteratura médica.Seus dados são tão corretos que você tem a impressão de queoaplicativo está realmente fazendo as medidas do seu bebê acadasegundo.RECURSOS- Possui informações sobre todas as semanas de sua gestação.- Disponível um banco de dados que refaz os cálculos decrescimentoa cada clique.- Acompanhe o desenvolvimento individual de cada um dos 5sentidosdo seu bebê.- Obtenha dicas e curiosidades sobre cada semana de gestação.- Verifique o peso e a altura do seu bebê a cada minuto.- Todos os recursos e medidas disponíveis.- Otimização e compatibilidade com múltiplas resoluçõesdetelas.- Acompanhe fotos de ultrassonografias a cada semanadegestação.- Desenhos da formação do seu bebê.- Corrija as medidas adequando o percentil de crescimento doseubebê.- Compartilhe as informações do seu bebê com textos diferentesacada semana e medidas atualizadas a cada hora.DIFERENCIALAs diversas curvas de crescimento, disponíveis na literaturamédica,foram transformadas em equações através do método deNewton(interpolação polinomial). Baseado neste equações, oaplicativorefaz os cálculos e você pode acompanhar o crescimento doseu bebêa cada segundo.ATENÇÃO- Antes de adquirir a versão completa, faça o teste naversãogratuita, disponível no google play.IMPORTANTENÃO DEVE SER UTILIZADO COMO GUIA DE CONDUTA MÉDICA."Pregnancy Live" isanapplication created by a group of doctors formed bypediatricians,obstetricians and radiologists. Their database isfullysubstantiated in the medical literature.Your data is correct so that you have the impression thattheapplication is actually doing the measurements of your babyeverysecond.RESOURCES- Contains information on every week of your pregnancy.- Available a database that redoes the calculations of growtheveryclick.- Follow the individual development of each of the 5 senses ofyourbaby.- Get tips and trivia about each week of gestation.- Check the weight and height of your baby every minute.- All resources and measures available.- Optimization and compatibility with multipleresolutionscreens.- Keep pictures of ultrasounds every week of gestation.- Drawings of training your baby.- Correct the measures suiting percentile growth of yourbaby.- Share the information with your baby's different each weekandupdated hourly measures texts.DIFFERENTIALThe different growth curves available in the literature,weretransformed into equations by Newton's method(polynomialinterpolation). Based on these equations, theapplication redoesthe calculations and you can grow with your babyevery second.ATTENTION- Before purchasing the full version, test the freeversionavailable on google play.DISCLAIMERMUST NOT BE USED AS A GUIDE FOR MEDICAL CONDUCT.
I’m Expecting - Pregnancy Tips 1.0.2
Drop App
Baby section concerns this issueofincreasingchildren. It can help to choose a genuine name forthenewborn, tochoose a stroller, clothes and playthings forchildren.Here youcan find out about development of a new baby,child'shealth,feeding and sleep, childhood diseases, educationmethods,how tosoothe a crying baby, how to care of the young childalsotoexpress want to him or her.Also, in this pregnancy application: pregnancydiet,pregnancystages, pregnancy tips.Baby growth tracker during pregnancy.Best free pregnancy app.There are a great many other areas of parenthoodandthey'rementioned in Family section. A few of these issuesare:usefulliterature for women that are pregnant andparents,fitness,relationships in the grouped family, house animals,childadoption,while others.Desire the email address details are found by you foryouquestionshere!Taking good care during pregnancy is vital for yourhousehold.Tohelp with making sure you as well as your baby willmaintaingreathealthy . so this application provide all tips andcare tricksforpregnant girls as well as baby. This application oftipsinpregnancy is very helpful for many who are planning so youcangetpregnant and also who had already got pregnant.With our app you will become the most "prepared"futuremother,because the application contains a lot ofusefulinformation! Hereyou can certainly find and good informationaboutPre-pregnancyTechniques for a wholesome Baby and her mom,Vintagesymptoms ofbeing pregnant, Diet during Being pregnant,Approachesfor HavingHealthier Newborns like that, Eight great ofbeingpregnantexercise plus more, Tricks for Normal delivery, Stepstoawholesome pregnancy.
Best time to get Pregnant 1.4
Simple app to calculate time of ovulationtodetermine the best time to get pregnant1- Choose the first day in your period.2-Choose your period cycle days or the average days between 2periodin normal cases choose 28 days .3-Click here to know best days to get pregnant.
Finger Blood Sugar Test Prank 1.0
Hi Logix
Finger blood sugar test is a prank appanditdoes not check blood sugar level in real. Its onlyforentertainmentpurposeDo you want some fun with your friends?If yes thenchecktheirDiabetes level with Finger Blood Sugar Test Prank.This is a prank app does not support to find the actualsugarlevel.Till the time that android make it possible to supportthesekindsof things in reality you can carry on to make prank ofyourfriendsby this Finger blood sugar test prank.Methods to check the Blood sugar level&bull ;From Your Fingertip: You prick your finger withasmall,sharp needle and put a drop of blood on a test strip.Thenyou putthe test strip into a meter that shows your bloodsugarlevel.youcan get blood sugar meters and strips at yourlocalpharmacy.• Continuous Glucose Monitoring System: These devices,alsocalledinterstitial glucose measuring devices, are combinedwithinsulinpumps. They are similar to finger-stick glucose resultsandcan showpatterns and trends in your results over time.Glucose is a major source of energy for most cells ofthebody,including brain cells. Carbohydrates are found infruit,cereal,bread, pasta, and rice. They are quickly turnedintoglucose in yourbody. This raises your blood glucoselevel.FeaturesSimple to scan and easy to use• Place your Finger on scanning pad and wait for analysis• Realistic looking sugar detector prank• Prank sugar test app does not work in real• Patients are advised not to use this prank app because itismadeonly for entertainment purposeDisclaimer:Blood sugar patient please note thatFinger Blood sugar test is a prank and fake application and itisnotcapable to test the level of sugar, all the reading thatareused inthis app are fake and randomly generated by app
Diabetes:M - Blood Sugar Diary
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Pregnancy Test Scanner pro 1.0
Luis Apps Pro
Pregnancy Test Scanner pro is aPrankScannerfor android, pregnancy test fingerprint and bloodpressureandheart beat using your smartphone, it is justforentertainmentpurposes only.How to use this application:1 - After you enter the pregnancy test Prankapplication,chooseyour gender (male or female)2 - Place your finger on the circle (the fingerprint) andwaitforabout 6 seconds.3 - Congratulations, the application will scan your thumbandtheapplication displays the final result of gestationandbloodpressure test.Main Features :- Totally free for users of Android.- Simple and easy to scan and Easy.- Works well on mobile phones and tablets Android- Application joke for good times with your best friends.- Realistic looking Scanner=> Test de grossesse gratuit=> جهاز الكشف عن الحملNote: This scanner (fingerprint Pregnancy Test) is notarealapplication, it is just a Prank scanner.
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Blood Glucose Monitor | Sugar 2.0.0
Blood Glucose Monitor, Sugar Test Converter - mg/dl to mmol/Lormmol/L to mg/dl
Health2Sync - Diabetes Care 2.31.1
H2 Inc.
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Blood Sugar Test Finger Prank 1.5
App Monkey
Blood Sugar test finger prank isaprankapplication to calculate your blood sugar level in yourbody.BloodSugar test prank have machine that is used to checkglucoselevelin your blood. The scanner of blood sugar checker scanyourfingerand using fingerprint its algorithm monitor yoursugar,glucose anddiabetes and display the result on screen.This is only for fun and entertainment purposes prank app.Ifyourblood sugar level changing than test your blood sugarusingthisapp and place fingertip on the scanner for 5 second anditwillsimulate the result of blood sugar.How to use:- Open blood sugar checker prank app- Place your finger or thumb on the scanner and waitfor5second- Blood sugar tester simulate result usingyourbloodfingerprint- Completing the scanning process, it will monitor sugarlevelanddisplay the blood sugar measure on the screen.
Diabetes sugar Detector- Joke 1.0
A Free glucose detector in free bloodtomeasurethe sugar levels in the blood joke.Play prank with your friends, just press your fingeronthefingerprint scanner and wait for the result.Blood sugar testing is an important part duringdiabetestreatment.Let's have a test of your blood sugar level, andshockyour friendsand family members.The color you like on the device means that everything isgoodorbad.different values for different diabetes levelslikeper-diabetes,high diabetes.Features in Blood Sugar Detector Prank:+ Share the result by finger blood sugar test toFacebook,andother social networks.+ It is prank and Fun or joke App to entertain " FriendsandFamily".+ Easy to use interface.Disclaimer+ Finger Blood Sugar Scanner Prank doesn't calculatesyourbloodsugar level in real. it is only for fun andentertainmentpurposesand a prank application that fools yourfriends andfamily+ Every time you scan it generates random valuesof"BloodSugar"Check now this application for your mobile phone andenterthis"joke".
Contraceptive pill reminder 1.3.1
Created for women who often forget to take that all-importantlittletablet...
Pregnancy Ultrasound Simulator 1.1
Pregnancy Ultrasound Simulatorprankapplication:Make an ultrasound with your mobile phone and watch the baby>>>>One click to know yourpregnancyreport<<<<How to use:1. Point your mobile approximately 5 inches above the selecttheselect body part2. Press on the scanner to start scanning process3. Wait a second4. The result will be shown in term of picture withshortdescription that's easy to understandREMEMBER: This app is just a fun app, don't take theresultsserious.It is just Prank app,entertainment purposes only andmaynot seek medical diagnoses But this did't know your friends, soyoucan trick them with this free app.
Diabetes Journal 2.2.9
Track glucose levels for you and others.
Finger Pregnancy Test prank 1.0
This program allows to do apregnancytestPrank, we have designed to help you do a pregnancycalculatorinyour finger, without having to visit the doctor,ourapplicationworks without internet connection.Some characteristics of the application FingerPregnancyTestprank:* easy to use* Measure the blood pressure and pregnancy test.* Works without Internet access* Works on all Android systems.* Results may directly change after a few secondsNote: The pregnancy test application does not give yourealresults,it is just for entertainment with friends andfamily(PRANK).
I Pregnant Free App 1.00009
MicroLabs App
I Pregnant Free App.Best of the best pregnancy week by week free app.Sections: Pregnancy Health, Childbirth, Birth Control, PregnancyandSex, Baby Health, Newborn, Baby Development.Stretch Marks. What are They & How To Remove?Content:1-40 Weeks Pregnant - Signs and Symptoms, Useful Tips, Embry,FetusDevelopment, Ultrasound, Belly PicturesPostpartum Bleeding - The Healing WoundPostpartum Depression: How To Treat It RightMiscarriage: Causes, Symptoms and Ways to CopeWhy Chemical Pregnancy Will Make You Question EverythingPhantom Pregnancy: a Realistic Wishful ThinkingMale and Female Infertility - Signs, Causes and TreatmentToxemia of Pregnancy: Mothers-to-be and Morning SicknessHeartburn During Pregnancy – How to Put Out a Fire?Ectopic Pregnancy - Causes, Signs and SymptomsNatural Childbirth: The Three Stages To Go ThroughA Surrogate Mother: The Science and the EthicsNatural Childbirth After Cesarean SectionVaginal Tear Prevention by Preparing for Natural ChildbirthWhat Will My Baby Look Like? Why Do We CareWhen is The Best Time to Get Pregnant?Vasectomy - Radical Men ContraceptionChildfree Living: What are The Pros And Cons?11 Benefits of Unplanned Pregnancy. Is it Good to BePregnant?10 First Signs of Pregnancy - Early Pregnancy SymptomsWhat is Contraception? The Main Methods of ContraceptionPregnancy Test: When To Take To Be Positive?Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and PregnancyCan You Get Pregnant on Your Period? Is It Worth A Try?Can You Get Pregnant From Precum? Evaluate Your ChancesAbortion Facts Both Partners Should KnowSex After Pregnancy: The Common ProblemsMale and Female Infertility - Signs, Causes and TreatmentKegel Exercises: the Secret Ingredient of the MarriageSex During Pregnancy. Is it Healthy?Can You Get Pregnant on Your Period? Is It Worth A Try?Can You Get Pregnant From Precum? Evaluate Your ChancesBaby Birthmarks - Types, Causes, Risks and Ways to RemoveAutism Signs and Causes. Your Most Burning QuestionsVaccines and Autism - Cracking The Autism CodeBaby Constipation: Types, Causes and Ways to RelieveDown Syndrome in Baby - Causes, Symptoms, DiagnosisandTreatmentBaby Fever: How to Get Better In 5 MinutesBaby Sleep Problems? Easy SolutionsChildren's Tantrums. How to Talk With Your Child?Haptic Communication and it's Vital Meaning in a FamilyHow to Love Your Child? Inspired by Ross CampbellHumidifier for Baby: How to Choose?Baby Photography: Is Camera Flash Safe for Your Child?A Co-sleeping With the Baby - Is There a Need to Share Bed?Apgar Score - The Vital Assessment For Your BabyHow to Potty Train a Baby and When to Start?Infant Reflexes to Check In Your BabyThe Baby Won't Sleep: What Can You Do?10 Reasons for Baby Crying and How to Soothe OneBaby Acne: How to Treat?Baby Birthmarks - Types, Causes, Risks and Ways to RemoveBaby Constipation: Types, Causes and Ways to RelieveBaby Sleep Problems? Easy SolutionsApgar Score - The Vital Assessment For Your BabyBaby Photography - How to Make Beautiful Baby Pictures?Baby Acne: How to Treat?Pregnancy Acne: Causes, Prevention & TreatmentPregnancy Insomnia: Causes, Consequences & TreatmentPelvic Pain During Pregnancy: Causes & TreatmentHeadaches During Pregnancy: Causes and TreatmentCholestasis of Pregnancy: Symptoms, Risk FactorsPregnancy Workout. Safe Exercises for Pregnant WomenMiscarriage: Causes, Symptoms and Ways to Cope1 Month Old Baby - The Development of a Newborn2 Months Old Baby - Development, Milestones and Feeding3 Months Old Baby - Development, Milestones and Feeding4 Months Old Baby - Development, Milestones, Feeding andSleep5 Months Old Baby - Development, Milestones and Feeding6 Months Old Baby - Development, Schedule and ToysPrenant appsPregnancy week by weekPregnancy by week. Week by week baby calendarPregnancy week by week pregnancy guide.Photo embryo.Prenatal development
Pregnancy Calculator Test Joke 2.1.2
pregnancy calculator test joke orpregnancyultrasound simulator prank application: make an ultrasoundwithyour mobile phone and watch the baby>>> One click to know your pregnancytest<<<How to use:1. Point your mobile approximately 5 inches above the selecttheselect body part2. Press on the scanner to start scanning process3. Wait a minutes for pregnancy calculator4. The result will be shown in term of picture withshortdescription that's easy to understandREMEMBER: This pregnancy test app is just a fun app, don'ttakethe results serious. It is just Prank App, EntertainmentPurposesOnly and may not seek medical diagnoses But this did't knowyourfriends, so you can trick them with this free app.
Sugar Level Detector Prank 2.1.2
Blood sugar levels are literally theamountofglucose in the blood, sometimes called theserumglucoselevel.Knowing how to study your current blood sugar isusuallyanissue. The results of this application is created toeasilyunderstandTry to calculate your blood sugar test with ourfingerprintbloodsugar test. Put your finger on fingerprint padscannerHOW TO USE:- Enter your name and age- Click Check buttom- Share the result on social network with your friends ifyoureallylike it.Disclaimer: Sugar Level Detector Prank application is just aprank,afun game and it is not a real life. This app isintendedforentertainment purposes only!!!
Diabetes, Blood Pressure & Wt 3.10
Cooey is an smart and simple health vaultthatcaptures health vitals, medicines list & lab reports. Youcanshare the summary with doctor or ask an expert your basichealthqueries. It collects vitals like Blood Pressure Log, WeightLossDiary, Blood Sugar Diary(from Cooey devices or manualentry),provide insights of the vital signs.It also captures H1bAC, Insulin, Lipid profile,Rental profileetc.Also provides personalized health tips. Additionalfunctionalityinclude medicine reminders, habits tracking, healthtimeline,digital health record.Most of the features works offline.Learning centre helps to understand diabetics andhypertensionbetter.Chat to full-fill health service requirementsHighlights:-Top 50 app in 10 countries-WhatsApp for Health Management i.e Simple and Effective-Single window for health records and services(Inlimitedcountries)-Does NOT calculate vitals from finger tips, please don'ttrustprank apps. Add manually or via Cooey DeviceSimple vital data capture-Manual-Voice Commands-Cooey DevicesQuantified Self: The Cooey Health Tracker is the simple way totakecontrol of your health. Start life logging (Quantified Self)yourhealth. You need to buy Cooey's Smart Body Scale or SmartBloodPressure Monitor(Hypertension) or Mobile Glucometer (forBloodSugar Test) to track data automatically(Available onlyinIndia).You can do health vital tracking manually also.Remindersfor medicines helps to keep track of all medicines. HealthManageris must to have for your family digital healthrecords.Remote Health Tracking: If your parents are in remote locationyoucan keep track of their health from health app & alsogetalerted. You can also use our web portal: monitoring. Specially designed forremote health monitoring byloved ones or doctors & also forQuantified Self(Lifelogging).Ideal for diabetic, hypertensive or weight management forremoteelderly monitoring.Digitalize Medical Reports/Health Records:-Upload medical records as PDF or Image to digitalizepersonalhealth record-Analysis of Health records/ Medical reportsHealth Vitals Management:Health Timeline: Manage timeline of health vitals. Add notesandremind yourself important things about health.Chat with experts-Clarify doubts about app-Clarify doubts/clarifications with doctor- Order recurring needsBlood Pressure Log:- Blood Pressure Log captured easily and simple way. Instantbloodpressure range sharing & trends of BP.- Buy Cooey Blood Pressure Device to automatically log andcontrolhypertension- Be reminded to monitor your Blood Pressure regularly- Share health data with your doctor & your loved ones.- Get tips for regularizing hypertension based on BloodPressureLog.- Blood Presssure Control Medicine/pills remindersDiabetes tracker:- Helps to track your Blood glucose( Blood sugar ) level- Diabetes Apps also alerts you according to the health state- Get reminded about diabetes control medicines/pills- Share blood glucose or blood sugar data with your doctor&control diabetes- Customized diabetics tipsWeight Loss Manager :- Keep track of Weight Management automatically or viamanualentry- Buy Cooey Smart Body analyzer device to automatically log6vitals.- Keep history of weight & see graphical representationtotrack.- Weight is one factor of health, also visceral fat,body,musclemass, bone mass, total body water & BMI is very important&we measure all this vitals to track weight control--Customized weight loss tipsHealth Tracker for Family:- Track your entire families health(Add Multiple Profiles)- Use our web-portal to remotely monitor your parents.- Weekly reports and alerts on loved ones health.- Dynamic Health Score & Risk Analysis according tohealthrecord logs- Track health habits & improve over time- Store Medical record/ Health Record- Smart connectivity to services like labs, doctors, homecare