Top 1 Games Similar to Lurn2Dance: Salsa Free

Lurn2Dance: Bachata Free Lurn2Dance
Dance by using two of your fingerstorepresentyour feet, and your device represents the dancefloorandthespeakers. The more correct steps you perform, the morepointsyouget. You lose points by missing steps, stepping on thewrongfoot,or stepping on your partner (if you chose to dance withapartner).We recommend that you use your index finger and yourmiddlefinger– it doesn’t matter whether you are left-handedorright-handed. Youmay be able to play by using both of yourindexfingers, but we donot recommend it, because it can getverychallenging at higherspeeds and difficulty levels.There is no pausing the game. You can stop thegameplaysequenceat any time by pressing the “Back” button on yourdevice.Doingthis will bring you back to the Main Menu and no scorewillberecorded.Since Android has a system limitation in terms ofeventtimingprecision – i.e. ticker events on Android, as of thetimeofwriting of this text, cannot be expressed in unitsmoreprecisethan milliseconds – we have also included the Speed+andSpeed-buttons. You will use them to speed up or slow downyourdancing ifyou feel that you are “falling out of rhythm” withthemusic. Youcan choose whether you want these two buttons to beonthe left oron the right side as you play. All Lurn2Dancegamescater to bothleft-handed and right-handed users.You cannot speed up or slow down the music, so insteadyoucanspeed up or slow down your steps, by reducing orincrementingthenumber of milliseconds between your steps. Thistakeseffectimmediately, and will be very useful for example withSalsaat Fastor Ultra Fast speed. For the best possiblegameplayexperience, werecommend that you use the Speed+ and Speed-buttonssparingly,because you can very quickly make your steps toofast ortoo slowfor the music.Single Player:First, you select your dancing speed. This affects thespeedofthe music, the speed of the steps, and the overallexperienceyouwill get. For more information on dancing speed,please refertothe Speeds page.For beginners we recommend slow or medium speed settings.Onceyouget better, feel free to advance to the Fast andUltraspeedsettings, but again, please be careful of how much andhowlong youplay.Then, you select whether you want to dance alone(goodforpracticing steps at lower difficulty levels where thereisplentyof repetition), or with an AI partner. The AI partnerwon’tstep onyou, so please try not to step on them, either.After that, you select whether you are leading orfollowing.Inmost traditional dances, men lead and women follow. Sohere youarebasically choosing whether you are dancing the “men’s”steps,orthe “women’s” steps.Then, you select your shoes and your partner’s shoesbyclickingon the respective shoe icons. The shoe selection youmakeis merelyaesthetic and does not affect the gameplay in anyotherway.Underneath the “PLAY” button you have an option todisplayhighscores, and underneath that, you can select whether youwantyourSpeed+ and Speed- button to be on the left side or ontherightside.When you are ready, press the “PLAY” button. Themusicbeginsimmediately. Wait for the introductory measure to countout,andbegin dancing.When a shoe flashes blue, that means that you need to steponitas soon as possible. When a shoe flashes green, that meansthatyoumade a good step, and you will get 100 points. When ashoeflashesred, that means that you should not have stepped onthatfoot atthat time, whether it be your own or your partner’sfoot.You willthen lose 50 points. As a general rule, you should notstepon yourpartner’s feet any time while playing any Lurn2Dancegame,or whiledancing in real life.