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Soccer Wallpapers 1.0
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In game play, players attempttocreategoal-scoring opportunities through individual control oftheball,such as by dribbling, passing the ball to a team-mate,andbytaking shots at the goal, which is guarded bytheopposinggoalkeeper.Opposing players may try to regain control of theballbyintercepting a pass or through tackling the opponentinpossessionof the ball, however, physical contact betweenopponentsisrestricted.Football is generally a free-flowing game, with playstoppingonlywhen the ball has left the field of play or when playisstopped bythe referee for an infringement of the rules.After a stoppage, play recommences with a specified restart.
Free Soccer Wallpapers 1.0
Association football, more commonlyknownasfootball or soccer, is a sport played between two teamsofelevenplayers with a spherical ball.It is played by 250 million players in over 200 nations,makingitthe world's most popular sport.The game is played on a rectangular field with a goalateachend.The object of the game is to score by getting the ballintotheopposing goal.
Best Soccer Wallpapers 1.0
The team that has scored more goals attheendof the game is the winner, if both teams have scoredanequalnumber of goals then the game is a draw.The primary law is that players other than goalkeepersmaynotdeliberately handle the ball with their hands or armsduringplay,though they do use their hands during a throw-inrestart.Although players usually use their feet to move theballaround,they may use any part of their body (notably, "heading"withtheforehead) other than their hands or arms.Within normal play, all players are free to play the ballinanydirection and move throughout the pitch, though the ballcannotbereceived in an offside position.