Top 12 Apps Similar to Сам себе графолог

Cognitive Bias cheatsheet 1.0.3
DB of cognitive biases with short descriptions and links todetails.
Mintalitea - Mental Health CBT 1.2.15
Gratitude & Emotions Tracker
Мои эмоции: антистресс медитац 2.2.1
The best antistress meditation in just 2 minutes! A hugesteptowards health and to success!
Runes Reading–Runic Divination 2.9
Get an Ancient rune every day to find answers, divining,&fortune telling.
Trigger Points 2022.12.30
Treatment of headaches, back, leg cramps and much more.
Анти-депрессия: психолог 1.4.1
Psychological help for depression: tests, mood diary, meditation
Буквица древних Славян 1.5
The app is designed for those who study the ancient Slavic letter.
Биоэнергетика. Эзотерика. Астральный мир 1.5
В приложении "Биоэнергетика. Эзотерика. Астральный мир"собраноболее100 самых познавательных статей о скрытых граняхмира:биоэнергетика,как увидеть ауру, эгрегоры, осознанные сны,астрал,душа,реинкарнация, различные техники и методики, духовныепрактикиимногое другое. Приложение поддерживает ночной режим иоффлайнрежим(без интернета), есть поиск. Понравившиеся статьиможнодобавить визбранное, а также можно поделиться сдрузьями.Приложениязапоминает, где вы остановились для каждойкатегории.Благодаря этомувы сможете позже возобновить чтение стого жеместа. Подборка статейна такие темы: - Энергетика -Практики иупражнения (раздел доступенпосле просмотра рекламы) -Аура -Сновидения - После смерти - Прочее
The Szondi Personality Test
Examinee №23“After I saw the results I had goose bumps. The coincidenceisstunning, I didn’t expect this”Examinee № 11“It was like someone got into my mind. The results are verypreciseand personal, don’t show it to anybody if u don’t want tolose it"(laughing)Examinee № 3“I’ve always been skeptic about tests like that. But this onejustimpressed me, it came to my mind so deeply, it described myinnerworld so precisely that I’m shocked”The Sondy’s Test is projective personality test, developed byaSwiss doctor, psychoanalyst and 
psychologist Leopold Szondy.Thistest brought worldwide fame to him. The Sondy’s method is averysubtle and accurate way of diagnostics.Diagnosis:- diagnostics of the content and structure of humanbeings’impulses;- assessment of emotional States and personality traits;- identifying the level of emotional tension;- prediction of the probability of different diseases;- prediction of behavior in extreme situations;- prediction of professional and criminal preferences.This method can be used:- in clinical practice, psychological counseling andpsychotherapyfor clarifying the problems and possibilities of thecustomers,identifying the level of stress and emotional disorders,assessmentthe effectiveness of psychological and pharmacologicalcorrection,judicial-psychological expertise;-in personnel management and professional consultation forcareerguidance and occupation selection, assessment of theemployees 'professional potential, forecasting their behavior inextremesituations and the effectiveness of task solutions, choosingthemethods of motivation.
Mind Catcher 22.0
Systematic monitoring of your emotions and thoughts, withgraphicalstatistics
Космоэнергетика 1.8
Manuals for kosmoenergetov (All classic + Zoroastrianism andfourthblocks)
Navamsha: Moon Phase Calendar 4.3.5
Navamsha LLC
Moon phase calendar, lunar cycles tracking, healingmantrameditations, quotes.