Top 7 Apps Similar to Эндоскопическое лечение

Medical disease FAQ 1.1
This app will allow you to see 546differentdiseases and FAQ (questions and answers) in details alongwith theimages.Titles List##########################Aarskog - Scott syndromeAbdominal PainAbortionAchondroplasiaAcneAcromegalyAcute BronchitisAcute Ear InfectionAcute Lymphoblastic LeukemiaAcute Myeloid LeukemiaAcute Radiation SyndromeAcute Renal FailureAdolescent DepressionAge Related Macular DegenerationAgeing and SleepAgoraphobiaAIDS - Initial Theories and Disease ProgressionAIDS-HIV-CancerAIDS/HIV - Common Opportunistic InfectionsAIDS/HIV - Worldwide distribution and Risk of Tran...AIDS/HIV- Lab Tests and FaqsAlbinismAlcohol abuseAlcoholic Liver DiseaseAllergyAlzheimers DiseaseAmblyopiaAmnesiaAmoebic DysenteryAmpullary CancerAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)Anabolic SteroidsAnaesthesia - History and OriginsAnal CancerAnal WartsAnemiaAnemia in PregnancyAnkylosing SpondylitisAnorexia NervosaAnosmiaAnthraxAnti-aging Secrets to a Younger YouAnxiety DisorderAortic Valve StenosisAphasiaAplastic AnemiaAppendicitisArtificial InseminationAsbestosisAscitesAsperger´s SyndromeAsthmaAstigmatismAtaxiaAthletes FootAtkins DietAtopic DermatitisAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)Auditory TumorAutismAutoimmune DisordersAutopsyAvocadosBack PainBack Pain at Workplace: Prevention and ExercisesBarrett’s EsophagusBasal Cell Cancer of the SkinBedWettingBehcet’s SyndromeBell´s PalsyBereavementBest DiseaseBigorexiaBile Duct CancerBiliary CirrhosisBipolar DisorderBird FluBirth Control PillsBirth Defect - Structural DefectsBladder CancerBleeding DisordersBleeding GumsBlepharospasmBlocked Tear DuctBlood ClotsBlood DonationBlood Pressure ScreeningBoils / Skin AbscessBone Marrow BiopsyBone Marrow TransplantationBotoxBPHBradycardiaBrain TumorBreast BiopsyBreast CancerBreast Cancer Screening using MammogramBreast LumpsBreast Lumps-ScreeningBreech Presentation and DeliverytitleBruxismBulimia NervosaBurnsCampylobacteriosisCancer PainCannabisCardiac CatheterizationCardiac MarkersCardiomyopathyCat Scratch DiseaseCataractCeliac DiseaseCellulite TreatmentCervical CancerCervical SpondylosisCharcot FootChemotherapyChemotherapy DrugsChest PainChicken PoxChikungunyaChildhood AsthmaChinese Green TeaChinese Restaurant SyndromeChlamydia TestChlamydia TrachomatisCholeraChronic Fatigue SyndromeChronic Granulomatous DiseaseChronic Lymphocytic LeukemiaChronic Myeloid LeukemiaChronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseChronic Renal FailureCircadian Rhythm and Sleep DisordersCleidocranial DysplasiaClinical DepressionClinical TrialsClub FootCluster HeadacheCold SoresColo-rectal cancer - ManagementColon PolypsColorectal Cancer ScreeningColorectal Cancer Screening with ColonoscopyColorectal Cancer Screening with Double-Contrast B...Colorectal Cancer Screening with Flexible Sigmoido...Common ColdCondoms And ContraceptionCongenital Heart DiseaseCongo FeverConjunctivitisConstipationConvulsionsCorneal UlcerCoronary Artery Bypass GraftingCoronary Balloon AngioplastyCrigler-Najjar SyndromeCrohns DiseaseCyclic Vomiting SyndromeCystic FibrosisCystitisDandruffDandy Walker SyndromeDecreased ConsciousnessDeep Vein ThrombosisDengueDengue / Dengue Hemorrhagic FeverDental AnesthesiaDepressionDetox DietDiabetesDiabetes - Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose (SMBG)Diabetes in PetsDiabetes ScreeningDiabetic Kidney DiseaseDiabetic RetinopathyDialysisDiaper RashDioxins and Related CompoundsDiphtheriaDiverticulosis and DiverticulitisDouble VisionDown Syndromeand 546 more topics (not adding titles here as allowed spaceisless)
Esophageal Cancer 2.6
Choose This not That forEsophagealCancer. Inside this colorful app, you will find easyto followsuggestions on how to improve your health throughnutrition and thefood choices you make every day. This app providescomprehensiveand actionable nutrition guidelines for how to preventand combatEsophageal Cancer (cancer of esophagus). If you rathertacklehealth issues through proper nutrition and lifestyle changesthenthis app is for you! Last data update: July 2016.A number of powerful, unique and interactive features makethisapp so different and superior to others in the market:• Is this food good for me? This feature answersthecommon question about suitability of various food items foryourpersonal situation. And it does so in an easy to understandandcolorful graphic form.• Health issues often come our way in groups of two or more.Theyare often caused by other health complications or result inotherillnesses and risks. It is for that reason, that we haveincludedseparate guidelines for those who might be at risk withany ofthe following common conditions along withEsophagealCancer:- Depression- Excess body weight or obesity- Gout- High blood pressure- High cholesterol- Stress- Vitamin D DeficiencyIn addition we offer separate guidelines for those who wishtofollow alkaline, detoxification, andanti-inflammationdiets.• Top-5 recommendations on what to eat/do, and what not to.• Food Suggestions. The best food choices within afoodgroup, based on your personal profile. An extremely valuabletoolwhen at restaurants or when grocery shopping. Also includedaresuggestions on appropriate life style choices,alternativetherapies and herbal remedies, when such options arepromising andavailable to you.• ACTIONABLE information on what is good, what is bad, andwhatis neutral for your condition(s). We single out specificfooditems, and give you an ordered list of helpful and harmfulfoodswithin each food group.Suggestions presented in this app are based on thecontentlicensed from Personal Remedies, LLC. The primary sourcesused byPersonal Remedies are US government sources such as USDA(USDepartment of Agriculture), NIH (National Institute ofHealth)agencies, and leading clinics & universities.Personal Remedies is the publisher of the largest collectionofhealth and nutrition apps for chronic conditions in themarket,based in metro-Boston, home to the highest rankinghealthcareproviders and academic institutions in the world.This app is updated by our team on an ongoing basis.Updateshappen seamlessly, and do NOT require frequentinconvenientdownloads.“This technology was developed using the most currentclinicalevidence-based information that is available in the US.Behind thistechnology there is a team of expert clinicians,scientists,endocrinologists, oncologists, and other specialists whoarepassionate about bridging the gap between expert knowledge andthepatient.“Katya Tsaioun, PhD, Nutrition, Tufts University; L.D.N.“Proper nutrition and other alternative treatments showgreatpromise in preventing and treating many of the illnesses thatwedeal with every day. I encourage all my patients tofollowappropriate nutrition and research other options forthemselves.The Choose This Not That series are an excellent steptowardsimproving people’s knowledge in this area.”Shahin Tabatabaei, MDMass General Hospital; Harvard Medical School“The Choose This Not That series of apps providedietaryrecommendations focused on common chronic health problems.They areeasy to understand and thus easy to implement into dailylife. Mostdoctors would find it difficult to discuss dietaryrecommendationsat the level of detail found in the series. Theyshould serve as avaluable complement in helping people managechronic illnessesthrough dietary and lifestylemodifications.”Andrew S. Lenhardt, MDLahey Clinic, Hamilton, MA
Endoscopy 3D 1.1.6
Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón
Endoscopy 3D is a tool for tablets and smartphones that collectsallthe information regarding the Endoscopy in Humans field. Itmakesuse of interactive 3D models that will allow the user abetterlearning and specialization. The application includes atheoreticalintroduction to the endoscope, the connection of thehandle with thedistal end, explanation of ancillary equipment, andcleaning andmaintenance protocol. It also presents an interactive3D atlas ofEndoscopic Anatomy, information about the preparationof thepatient, and an interactive schema of theEsophagogastroduodenoscopy(EGD) along with the visualization ofreal videos. The APP iscompleted with a simulator of the Endoscopyprocedure, that consistsof the exploration of a patient withrandom pathologies, samplecollecting process and foreign bodyretrieval. FEATURES: *Theoretical 3D representation of both thehandle and the distal endof the endoscope. * Practical 3Dvisualization (tutorial) about theconnection of the handle withthe distal end of the endoscope. *Information about up to 15ancillary instruments, using interactive3D models. * Videogame ofthe cleaning and maintenance protocol ofthe endoscope. * 3Danatomic atlas of the human gastrointestinaltract. * Informationabout the preparation of the patient for boththe EGD and thecolonoscopy. * Interactive 3D schema of the EGD,along with thevisualization and access to real videos. * Simulationof theEndoscopy procedure with patients with randompathologies(Esophagitis, Tumors, Ulcers, Duodenitis, Gastritis,Foreign Bodies[Coin, Crystal and Ball]). Exploration process andextraction withcytology brush, biopsy forceps, alligator jawgrasping forceps, rattooth grasping forceps and dormia basket.
Endoscopy 3D (Free) 1.1.6
Endoscopy 3D is a tool for tablets and smartphones thatcollectsallthe information regarding the Endoscopy in Humans field.Itmakesuse of interactive 3D models that will allow the userabetterlearning and specialization. The application includesatheoreticalintroduction to the endoscope, the connection ofthehandle with thedistal end, explanation of ancillary equipment,andcleaning andmaintenance protocol. It also presents aninteractive3D atlas ofEndoscopic Anatomy, information about thepreparationof thepatient, and an interactive schema oftheEsophagogastroduodenoscopy(EGD) along with the visualizationofreal videos. The APP iscompleted with a simulator of theEndoscopyprocedure, that consistsof the exploration of a patientwithrandom pathologies, samplecollecting process and foreignbodyretrieval. FEATURES: *Theoretical 3D representation of boththehandle and the distal endof the endoscope. * Practical3Dvisualization (tutorial) about theconnection of the handlewiththe distal end of the endoscope. *Information about up to15ancillary instruments, using interactive3D models. * Videogameofthe cleaning and maintenance protocol ofthe endoscope. *3Danatomic atlas of the human gastrointestinaltract. *Informationabout the preparation of the patient for boththe EGD andthecolonoscopy. * Interactive 3D schema of the EGD,along withthevisualization and access to real videos. * SimulationoftheEndoscopy procedure with patients withrandompathologies(Esophagitis, Tumors, Ulcers, Duodenitis,Gastritis,Foreign Bodies[Coin, Crystal and Ball]). Explorationprocess andextraction withcytology brush, biopsy forceps, alligatorjawgrasping forceps, rattooth grasping forceps and dormia basket.
SMARTfiches Oncologie Free 1.07
SMARTfiches Médecine est la 1ère encyclopédie médicalenumériquedestinée aux professionnels et étudiants de santé.Retrouvezl’intégralité de votre doctorat en moins d’ 1 minute !Gardez dansvotre poche ‘TOUT, PARTOUT, TOUT LE TEMPS’ !L'inscription nécessite l'activation de votre compte qui vousestenvoyé par mail. Vous rencontrez un problème ? contactez nousàl'adresse [email protected] outentezde vous inscrire depuis notre site web**Au programme dans SMARTfiches Oncologie**Item 186/901 - Asthénie et fatigabilitéItem 291/216 - Adénopathies superficiellesItem 249/295 - AmaigrissementItem 139/287 - Epidémiologie, facteurs de risque, préventionetdépistage des cancersItem 138/288 - Cancer : cancérogenèse, oncogénétiqueItem 140/289 - Diagnostic des cancers,stadification,pronosticItem 141/291 - Traitement des cancersItem 142/292 - Prise en charge et accompagnement d’unmaladecancéreuxItem 143/293 - Agranulocytose médicamenteuse : conduiteàtenirItem 144/294 - Cancer de l’enfantItem 145/295 - Tumeurs de la cavité buccale et des VADSItem 146/296 - Tumeurs intra-crâniennesItem 147/297 - (1/3) Tumeurs du col utérinItem 147/297 - (2/3) Tumeur du corps utérinItem 147/297 - (3/3) Fibromes utérinsItem 148/298 - Tumeurs du colon et du rectumItem 149/299 - Tumeurs cutanées, épithéliales et mélaniquesItem 150/300 - Tumeurs de l’estomacItem 151/301 - Tumeurs du foieItem 152/302 - Tumeurs de l’œsophageItem 153/303 - (1/2) Tumeurs de l'ovaireItem 153/303 - (2/2) Cancer de l'ovaireItem 154/304 - Tumeurs des os primitives et secondairesItem 155/305 - Tumeurs du pancréasItem 157/306 - Tumeurs du poumons primitives et secondairesItem 158/307 - Tumeurs de la prostateItem 158/308 - Tumeurs du reinItem 159/309 - Tumeurs du seinItem 160/310 - Tumeurs du testiculeItem 160/311 - Tumeurs vésicalesItem 162/312 - Leucémies aiguësItem 161/313 - Syndromes myélodysplasiquesItem 165/314 - Syndromes myéloprolifératifsItem 163/315 - Leucémies lymphoïdes chroniquesItem 164/316 - Lymphomes malinsItem 166/317 - Myélome multiple des osAprès une inscription gratuite, les applicationssontconsultables SANS connexion internet et peuvent êtreutiliséesPARTOUT, TOUT LE TEMPS.L'inscription nécessite l'activation de votre compte qui vousestenvoyé par mail. Dans le cas où vous ne receviez pas cemaild'activation dans les 24h, pensez à regarder dans voscourriersindésirables avant de nous contacter. S'il n'y est pas,nous nousferons un plaisir d'activer votre compte.- Pour les médecins : retrouvez une information claire etvalidéeen moins d’ 1 minute.- Pour les étudiants en médecine : révisez avec des fichesconformesau nouveau programme ECNi.Plus de 90% des utilisateurs confirment que ces applicationssontutiles pour réviser et se former (enquête de satisfaction,mai2013). De même, 85 % des utilisateurs utilisent SMARTfichesafind’actualiser leur connaissances à la suite desnouvellesrecommandations qui sont intégrées lors des fréquentesmises à jourde l’application.SMARTfiches Oncologie, parce que le cancer n'est pas qu'unsigneastrologique !Vous appréciez les applications SMARTfiches Médecine ? Faiteslenous savoir en laissant une bonne appréciation et parlezdeSMARTfiches autour de vous!SMARTfiches Médecine,TOUT, PARTOUT, TOUT LE TEMPSSMARTfiches Medicine is the first digital medical encyclopediaforprofessionals and students of health. Find all of your PhD inlessthan 1 minute! Keep in your pocket 'EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALLTHETIME!'Registration requires the activation of your account that issentto you by email. You have a problem? contact us at [email protected] ortryingto enroll from our website program ** in SMARTfiches Oncology **Item 186/901 - Weakness and fatigueItem 291/216 - superficial lymphadenopathyItem 249/295 - ThinningItem 139/287 - Epidemiology, risk factors, prevention andcancerscreeningItem 138/288 - Cancer: carcinogenesis, cancer geneticsItem 140/289 - Diagnosis of cancer, staging, prognosisItem 141/291 - Treatment of cancersItem 142/292 - Care and support of cancer patientsItem 143/293 - Drug agranulocytosis: what to doItem 144/294 - Cancer in childrenItem 145/295 - tumors of the oral cavity andupperaerodigestiveItem 146/296 - Intracranial TumorsItem 147/297 - (1/3) cervical tumorsItem 147/297 - (2/3) Cancer of the uterine bodyItem 147/297 - (3/3) Uterine FibroidsItem 148/298 - Tumors of the colon and rectumItem 149/299 - skin tumors, epithelial and melanomaItem 150/300 - tumors of the stomachItem 151/301 - Liver tumorsItem 152/302 - tumors of the esophagusItem 153/303 - (1/2) ovarian tumorsItem 153/303 - (2/2) Ovarian CancerItem 154/304 - Tumors of primitive and secondary boneItem 155/305 - Pancreatic NeoplasmsItem 157/306 - primitive lung tumors and secondaryItem 158/307 - Prostatic NeoplasmsItem 158/308 - Kidney tumorsItem 159/309 - breast tumorsItem 160/310 - Testicular TumorsItem 160/311 - Bladder TumorsItem 162/312 - Acute LeukemiaItem 161/313 - Myelodysplastic SyndromesItem 165/314 - MyeloproliferativeItem 163/315 - chronic lymphoid leukemiaItem 164/316 - Malignant LymphomasItem 166/317 - Multiple myeloma boneAfter free registration, applications are availableWITHOUTinternet connection and can be used EVERYWHERE, ALL THETIME.Registration requires the activation of your account that issentto you by email. In case you did not receive the activationemailwithin 24 hours, be sure to look in your spam folderbeforecontacting us. If it is not, we will be happy to activateyouraccount.- For doctors locate clear information and validated in lessthan1 minute.- For medical students: Review with plugs conform to the newEcniprogram.Over 90% of users confirm that these applications are usefultoreview and form (satisfaction survey, May 2013). Similarly, 85%ofusers use SMARTfiches to update their knowledge as a result ofnewrecommendations that are built during the frequent updates totheapplication.SMARTfiches Oncology, because cancer is not a zodiac sign!You appreciate SMARTfiches medicine applications? Let us knowbyleaving a good appreciation and discuss SMARTfiches around!SMARTfiches Medicine,EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME
Juan Arkani
Information on endoscopy, capsule endoscopy, colonoscopy and more.
Popar Safari 2.6.1
Popar Toys
Grab your binoculars and prepare to journey into a safariexperiencelike never before! Embark on a thrilling interactiveexcursion aslions, zebras, elephants, rhinos, hippos, and others,come to liferight before your eyes in Augmented and VirtualReality to give youan experience you will never forget! Exploreand interact with allof these amazing animals through marvelousanimations, stunningvideos, educational read-alongs, and so muchmore! Transform into asafari animal and take pictures to sharewith your friends andfamily. Even walk a safari animal around inyour own environment!This immersive app by Popar will keep youentertained for hours.Features: -Interactive Augmented Reality(AR) animations-Educational read-alongs and tons of fun facts-Detailed 360°environments and sound effects -Hours of funexploring, playing, andlearning -Watch a rhino rampage a fallentree; a lion emerge fromits cave to let out a fierce roar; agiraffe eating from the tallestbranches, and more in thisinteractive safari experience -Takepictures with animals to sharewith your friends and family -Resize,rotate, and zoom into everyanimal with easy, one-touch screengesture interactions -Transformyour own head to look like a safarianimal -Immerse yourself inVirtual Reality (VR) mode and watchsafari animals roam around youin your own environment -Watch coolvideos and see the animals intheir natural habitats like neverbefore