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The flora is diverse and colourful. Andthemodern person does not think of the life without plants. Theyarenecessary for food, breath, are used in the industry, usedasmedicinal raw materials and, certainly, are used as a sourceofpositive emotions. People grow up plants about houses,createparks, flower beds, lawns, plant trees and shrubs in thehouses andapartments. And it is justified – thereby the personkeeps thehealth. But very few people think of what not all plantsbringbenefit and favorably influence the person. After all amongplantsthere are a lot of those who is poisonous not only for theperson,but also for animals. Thus often under external appealpoisonousplants disappear.Poisonous plants accompany us everywhere. They can be met inthewoods coniferous and deciduous, on dry and damp soils, on bogs,oncoast of the rivers, on meadows and fields, in the steppe and,asweed, near dwellings. Beautiful red wolf berries especiallyattractchildren, the small stalk of a gentle spring lily of thevalley canchew and the adult (many like to take a blade in amouth). And veryoften person, having seen the pleasant plant,brings it from thewild nature to itself in a front garden, oftenwithout reflectingand without knowing that this plant can bedeadly.The Yadovitost of plants depends on the content in them ofchemicalswhich belong to various classes of chemical compounds.Most often inplants find alkaloids, glycosides, organiccompounds.Poisonings with vegetable poisons arise mainly in a warm seasonatthe use in food of unfamiliar plants or unknownmushrooms,especially children of younger age who are attracted by abeautifullook and bright color of many inedible berries andplants.According to researches of scientists, children of early,preschooland younger school age become victims of poisoningsmostoften.Before you the reference book of poisonous flora in which herbrightrepresentatives are reflected most, effect of vegetablepoisons on ahuman body, ways of first aid to the injured personisdescribed.The reference book consists of four sections:1. Poisonous plants2. The cultivated poison3. Poisonous beauty near us4. Carefully: mushrooms!We hope that our reference book will help to preserve healthandlives of the scientists, trying to learn the world throughpersonalfeelings, will help everyone to look at beauty of thenature fromthe point of view of careful attitude to the health andhealth ofthe relatives.