Top 18 Apps Similar to Тест для девочек

Психологические тесты рисунки 1.22.
Collection of 24 unique psychological tests presented inthefigures.
Love calculator 3.5.3
Are you in love?Your partner or soul mate it is ideal for you?Are you in search of true love?That a true and lasting love is based on trust, happinessandrespect for others.(Love calculator),love meter will give you some answers toyourquestions.Enter your name, your date of birth or even scan yourfingerprintsand you will be surprised.Here's a good game to determine your valentine.Come on! Download love calculator, put your love to a test andseeif he is elected.This application is just a fun game. Do not take too seriouslytheresults. Have fun!Share love calculator result with your partner or friends onsocialnetwork.
Pregnancy Test Simulator++
Dolphin App
Test your pregnancy now and simulatenowyourpregnancy test with your fingerprint. The latestandbestalgorithms to test the likelihood of your pregnancy.Learnwell,whether it is a boy or a girl.Of course, this app is a fun (prank) app whichsimulatesthepregnancy test.The original app from advertising.If you like the app, please rate!
Тесты для девочек 1.2
+ Какая ты подруга?+ Какое домашнее животное тебе подойдет?+ Какой стиль одежды тебе стоит выбрать?+ Кто твой идеальный парень?--------------------------Ответ на эти и многие другие вопросы ты найдешь в нашиxтестаxдлядевочек и девушек!--------------------------+ Mного тестов+ интересные вопросы+ необычные результаты+ красочные картинки+ отвечай сама и с подругами+ подxодит для любыx устройств!---------------------------Подходит всем девочкам от 3 до 16 лет!+ Whatareyoufriend?+ What pet do you fit?+ What style of clothes you should choose?+ Who is your ideal man?--------------------------The answer to these and many other questions you willfindinnashix testax for girls and girls!--------------------------+ Mnogo tests+ Interesting questions+ Unusual results+ Colorful pictures+ Answer herself and her friends+ Podxodit for lyubyx devices!---------------------------Suitable for all girls from 3 to 16 years!
Love Test Fingerprint Prank 10.0
You can calculate love score using 5 different love test &hasnew love meter
Gender test 1.12
Each of us is born with primary andsecondaryphysical signs of sexual appliances, but not all of it onthedevice correspond to the soul. After passing the test you willseehow you match your gender. Understanding your true essencewillhelp you better understand yourself.According to popular stereotype, the woman - a creatureethereal,soft, impressionable, sensitive. A man as strong,decisive,intelligent. Meanwhile, your character traits maypredominate,opposing stereotypes prevailing in society. This testwill help youto understand the properties of your mind, make sureyou have whatis usually meant by the unconscious nature ofmasculinity orfemininity. If a case seems, love to play "firstviolin" insociety.Men and women: 8 differences1. Brain.Man, as a rule, it can concentrate on solving one problemonly,whereas women are more likely to do several tasks at once.Thereason the brain device: women have more neural fibersconnectingthe right and left hemispheres. Unlike men, women havelanguagecenters are located in both hemispheres - so we arebetterlanguages. But to compete with men in the spatial orientationissimply useless - here they are in the lead by a wide margin.2. The flexibility and posture.Women have a flexible neck. Therefore, to look back, we needonlyturn his head, and men - the whole body as a whole.3. Skin.Men are not for nothing called thick-skinned: their skin isreallymuch thicker than women, so it is less visible wrinkles. Atthesame time women's skin aging and even before. This processisdirectly linked to age-related changes: after 35 years in thebodydecreases production of the hormone estrogen, which affectstheproduction of collagen. That is why the expensiveanti-wrinklecreams and regular visits to the beautician - not aluxury but avital necessity!4. The sense of smell.Women smell better and better versed in them. There isnothingstrange in the fact that we love scented candles, oils,perfumes,and a hot bath with fragrant foam. And that's why we didnot likeit when the house scattered dirty men's socks!5. Color perception.It is, frankly, not the strength of the men - and it has itsownphysiological reasons. Women distinguish up to one hundredmilliontones, while the stronger sex is often not even able to tellthedifference between red and green (color-blind women donothappen).But men can make out the smallest handwriting and see better inthedark!6. Genetics.Men often suffer from hereditary diseases, because they haveoneX-chromosome and women have two. Damaged's X-chromosomeareresponsible for hemophilia and color blindness, as well as -forbaldness. Androgen receptor, a hormone that plays a key role intheprocess of balding are on the X chromosome.7. Portability alcohol.Women do not know how to drink - and absolutely not to blame! Inthewomen's body produces less alcohol dehydrogenase - theenzymeprocessing alcohol. But and alcohol dependence among thefairer sexproduces much less.8. Healthy Heart.Women live longer - and also due to estrogen, which protectstheblood vessels. Before menopause, women are much less than menproneto cardiovascular disease, including heart attack andstroke.
Lie Detector Test Prank 6.1
(joke app) Lie Detector simulates testing the truth.
Тесты для девочек 1.1
Много вопрос для сознаниямолодойдевушкиостаются загадкой! Наши "Тесты для девочек" помогуттебесответами.Особеннсоти:- Тематические тесты- Уникальная графика- Качественный подбор вопросовMany of thequestionsforthe consciousness of the young girl remain a mystery!Our"Testsfor Girls" will help you with answers.Osobennsoti:- Subject Tests- Unique graphics- Qualitative selection questions
СаМЯУчитель 1.0.0
Evgeny Eremin
Интерактивное приложение«СаМЯУчитель»отWhiskas® поможет Вам не только научиться говорить скошкой наодномязыке, но и повысить свой уровень знания кошачьего.Спомощьювстроенного в Приложение переводчика с кошачьегоВысможетераспознать язык, желания и настроение Вашихдомашнихпитомцев.Во всем этом Вам помогут разделы:Изучай кошачийПереводчик с кошачьегоПроверь себя!Кто сказал мяу?Что на вкусное?Надеемся данное приложение будет захватывающим иинтереснымдляВас и Ваших детей, познающих мир.Interactiveapplication"SaMYaUchitel" from Whiskas® help you notonly learn howto speakwith a cat in one language, but also to raisetheir levelofknowledge of the cat. With the built-in interpreterwith thecat,you can recognize the language, desire and mood of yourpets.In all this you will help topics:Learn catTranslator with felineTest yourself!Who said meow?What's good to eat?We hope this application will be exciting and interestingforyouand your children to understand the world.
Тайна имени 1.0
Forest Spirit
Содержит как самые распространенные, такименееизвестные имена. Приложение поможет узнать насколькозначениеименисоответствует характеру своего обладателя. Удобныйинтерфейс:споиском по всему списку имен, а также с разделениемнакатегории,облегчит нахождение соответствующего имени. Высможетенайти нетолько подробное определение, но и происхождение, атакжеименасинонимы, другими словами именаодинаковогопроисхождения.Contains boththemostcommon and lesser-known names. Application helps to knowhowthename value corresponds to the character of itsowner.User-friendlyinterface: a search across a list of names, aswell asthe divisioninto categories will facilitate finding theappropriatename. Youwill find not only a detailed definition, butalso theorigin andthe names interchangeably, in other words thenames ofthe sameorigin.
How many babies i will have 1.0
Risk to Live
A child is a great blessing of god.Everypersonwant it when he/she married. Before the marriage he/shealsoplanningfor their families. If you ask yourself “How manychildrenwill Ihave?” and every week make a pregnancy test waitingfor apositiveresult you can pass the interesting test and knowtheforecast of howmany children you will have. The attachmentisbased on your currentway of livingSo there is complete prank test which tells you the totalnumberofchild will you have after you marriage life.Family checker is completely prank app which gives youtherandomresult just for the fun with your friends.So please don't take it serious and make fun withyourfriends.
Fingerprint Love Scanner Prank 2.1
This app is a prank only for entertainment purposes :)Don'ttreatthe results from this app too seriously - it's just forfun,prankand to cheer you up. Fingerprint love scanner - thelovecalculatorgame for couples. Scan both of your fingerprints andthelove meterwill show you how compatible you are. It's simple,placeyourfingertips on the scanner, keep them there for around3seconds,and you will automatically receive your lovecompatibilityresultand see if you're a good love match! TheFingerprint lovescanneris the perfect app for parties, and notonly! You can alsohave funwith this love calculator during aromantic evening fortwo, or aplayful evening for three :). Ofcourse, you can do thislove testif you are already in arelationship, if you have juststarted todate, if you just want tohave fun with love games withyourfriends, or if you want toconvince someone that you arenotcompatible ;) After scanning yourfingerprints, the love meterwillgenerate a love compatibilitypercentage, which you can thensharewith your friends by email orthrough Facebook. The highestlovecompatibility result you can getin this love game is 100%. Ifthelove meter indicates 100%, it meansyou are a perfect lovematch,and that you have passed the couplelove test! It’s theperfect appfor Valentine’s Day! Love games areideal for thislovers’ holidayand a perfect way to check you lovecompatibility.Have fun withthis love match game! Important Beforeyou add yourcomment/ratethe app please read the advice below (clickmore andscroll down).New Futures We are planning to develop ourapplicationbyincreasing its functionality and adding new futures.If youhavenew ideas please send them to us via [email protected] about it in the comments. We will developthe appaccordinglyso that it serves you well. Report a bug In casethe appdoesn’twork correctly, before you give us low rating, pleasefillin ashort survey at the bug. Wewould like to wish you a pleasant time usingtheapp and also inviteyou to visit our website www.examobile.comandour Facebook Fun Page!In order to make the appwork even smoother we advise youtoupgrade your Android operatingsystem to the latestversionavailable for your smartphone. Thisaction in most of thecasessolves all the problems/issues (thisinformation comes fromthe appusers). Remember - this app is onlyfor entertainmentpurposes.Don't treat the results from this app tooseriously - it'sjust forfun and to cheer you up.
Детские имена 1.0
Приложение "Детские имена" позволяетродителямвыбрать имя ребенку. Так же оно будет полезно тем, ктохочет узнатьзначение имен.Главный интерфейс позволяет выбрать пол ребенка, азатемпосмотреть список имен. Выбрав любое имя Вы можетепосмотретьполное его описание. Сердечками Вы можете отметитьлюбимыеимена.Вернувшись в главное меню, Вы можете пройти небольшой тествзависимости от пола. Тест позволяет в три этапа выбратьодноединственное имя из выбранных в главном списке.Appendix "BabyNames"allows parents to choose the name of the child. As well, itwill beuseful to those who want to know the meaning of names.The main interface allows you to choose the gender of thechild,and then see a list of names. Choose any name you can see afulldescription. Hearts You can mark favorite names.Returning to the main menu, you can pass a little testdependingon gender. The test allows in three stages to select oneof theonly name selected in the main list.
Find Guy - Scanner 1.0.0
When you find your future boyfriend?Findoutnow!
Тест на характер 1.0
Узнайте к какому типуотноситсявашхарактер.Find out what typeofyourcharacter.
Сборник тестов 2.2.22
Сборник психологических тестов – прекрасный способ познатьсамогосебя и открыть в себе внутреннее «Я». В сборнике присутствуеттестыдля всех возрастов и типов личности. Установив нашеприложение, выузнаете, что Вас ждет в будущем, как наладитьотношения с парнемили девушкой, что делать если у Вас есть привычканервничать, какаяВаша жизненная позиция и многое другоеОсобенности: • Простой иудобный интерфейс • Подробное описаниекаждого теста • Не требуетподключения к интернету • Более 110тестов на разные тематикиспециально для тебя. • Ваш результатпоявится сразу же послепрохождения теста • Результат носитисключительно информационныйхарактер и не претендует быть абсолютноверным. Категории: • Работа• Дружба • Любовь • Семья • Характер •Для парней • Для девушек •Секс • Привычки • Деньги • Коммуникация •Разные
Real Love Compatibility 1.0
Install this application for free andknowhowcompatible you are with that person and totally free.What support have with your boyfriend, girlfriend orthatspecialsomeone?What do the stars say?Will Win out love in your relationship?Have future with your boyfriend or girlfriend?Are ye kindred spirits?You have many questions about love but you're hereandourcompatibility test (Real Love Compatibility Calculator)willgetyou out of doubt and calculate the compatibility amongyoufromyour names and your photos. This calculator will answergameoflove.It is easy no problem:Enter your name and your special someone* Choose a picture of you and that special someone.* The scanner will scan your photos and you tellyourlovecompatibility.A good game for a romantic date full of intimacy inValentine,willsee if love unites you and triumphs happiness andforgedacompatiblesolid relationship.Take on the challenge and have a fun time withyourotherhalf.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our freeapplication.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions,please sendanemailto [email protected] before scorable application.We appreciate your participation.
Make Me Bald Prank 3.0
Apply a bald effect to your pictures in a few seconds!