Top 18 Games Similar to My Athlete

Taichi Panda 2.81
An exciting action adventure RPG of Panda proportions!
Герои: Огнем и Мечом 12.0.4
ЛУЧШАЯ ОНЛАЙН ЭКШЕН-РПГ ДЛЯ МОБИЛЬНЫХУСТРОЙСТВПрисоединяйся к приключениям в ЛЕГЕНДАРНОЙ ММОРПГ, вкоторуюежедневно играют уже двести тысяч человек! Создай своегогероя,объединяйся с друзьями в эпическом путешествии за трофеямивоткрытом мире!Погрузитесь в мир ожесточенных схваток в реальном временипротивживых игроков. Насладитесь уникальными графическими эффектамиизавораживающей музыки. Используй сотни способностей,тысячивариаций снаряжения для достижения господства в мире!Особенности игры:★Бесплатная игра★Все функции и особенности огромного мира MMORPG, а такжеразвитойсистемы PvP, воплощены на материке Кардалат.★Способности духа★Новая система способностей жизненной энергии, используй еедлянанесения урона по противнику или исцеления союзника вбою.★Изумительные игровые локации★Эпические битвы на Поле Боя, PK стычки и групповые баталии,всепроисходит на живописных локациях Кардалата, состоящего из6материков.★Отличный саундтрек★Музыка заставит вас с головой окунуться в мир, в котором магияивремя создают гармонию. Более тысячи разных звуков и мелодийнеоставят вас равнодушными.★Интересные подземелья★Более 100 различных инстансов, включая: подземелья, рейды,другоймир и так далее, вы не сможете удержаться!★PvP режимы★Безжалостные битвы PK на мировой карте, битвы 1vs1 наарене,командные стычки 4vs4, огромные поля боя 100vs100, все этождетвас! Присоединяйся скорее!★Аватары★Вы отважный воин или гордый лучник, но вам не хватает вколлекциимага, используйте систему аватаров, которая даст вамвозможностьиспользовать любой класс на определенное время!★Улучшение экипировки★На каждой стадии, вам будет предложено получить новое оружие,либоулучшить старое, используйте полученные материалы с умом!★DOTA-подобные мини-игры★Получите свою дозу адреналина сражаясь с тысячами монстров,жаждущихразрушить ваш кристалл. Повелители преисподней откроютпортал, чтобыбросить вызов мастерам своего дела.★Кросс-серверные зоны и PK сражения★Вы никогда не знаете, что может произойти в следующей игровойзоне,может быть там будут ждать огромные монстры, а может ибеспощадныйPvP боец. Будьте начеку, ведь опасность всегда будетблизко!★Общение★Общайтесь с друзьями используя чат или функцию голосовогообщения.Общайтесь внутри гильдии напрямую с функцией голосовогосообщения.Координируйте передвижения на поле боя иполучайтепреимущество.Окунитесь в мир полный яростных битв и захватывающих приключений,сновой MMORPG «Герои: Огнем и Мечом»! Выберите своегогероя,совершайте подвиги и станьте новым королем новых территорий!Укаждого персонажа есть свой уникальный стиль и способыразвития:применяйте магию и заклинания, либо вооружитесь мечом илуком. Увас нет никаких ограничений! Используйте свои навыки испособностив легендарном походе по материку и борьбе с ордойдемонов итысячами других магических созданий. Ждем Вас в новой,эпической,бесплатной игре в жанре RPG!Игровое сообщество:Присоединяйтесь к нашему сообществу и участвуйте вмногочисленныхконкурсах с ценными призами! А так же следите занововведениями иобновлениями на:Сайт: king-2.ruГруппа в VK:Служба поддержки: [email protected] onlineaction-RPGMOBILEJoin the adventure in the legendary MMORPG, which is alreadytwohundred thousand people play every day! Create your hero tounitewith friends in an epic journey of the trophy in an openworld!  Immerse yourself in a world of fierce battles inrealtime against real players. Enjoy the unique graphic effectsandenchanting music. Use hundreds of skills, thousands ofvariations ofequipment in order to achieve world domination!     Features:           ★Free game ★All functions and features huge MMORPG world, and developedPvPsystem implemented on the mainland Kardalat.           ★Abilities spirit ★The new system is capable of vital energy, use it to deal damagetothe enemy or healing an ally in combat.           ★Amazing game locations ★Epic battles on the battlefield, the PK group skirmishesandbattles, everything happens on the picturesque locationsKardalataconsisting of 6 continents.           ★Great soundtrack ★Music will make you plunge into a world where magic and timecreateharmony. More than thousands of different sounds and melodieswillnot leave you indifferent.           ★Interesting dungeons ★More than 100 different instances, including: dungeons, raids,adifferent world and so on, you can not resist!           ★PvP modes ★Ruthless PK battle on the world map, the battle in the arena1vs1,4vs4 team skirmishes, huge battlefield 100vs100, all waitingforyou! Join us soon!           ★Avatars ★You are a brave warrior, or archer proud, but you are missing inthecollection of the magician, use the avatar system, which willenableyou to use any class at a certain time!           ★Improved equipment ★At each stage, you will be prompted to obtain a new weaponorimprove old, use the materials obtained from the mind!           ★DOTA-like mini-games ★Get your dose of adrenaline during battles against thousandsofmonsters, eager to destroy your crystal. Lords of theunderworldwill open the portal to challenge the masters of theircraft.           ★Cross-server zone and PK battle ★You never know what might happen next in the play area, may betherewill be waiting for the huge monsters, and maybe a ruthlessPvPfighter. Be on the lookout, because the danger is alwaysnear!           ★Communication ★Chat with your friends using chat or voice communicationfunction.Communicate directly with inside guild function of thevoicemessage. Co-ordinate the movement on the battlefield and getanadvantage. Immerse yourself in a world full of fierce battles andexcitingadventures, with new MMORPG «Heroes: With Fire and Sword"!Chooseyour hero, perform feats and become the new king ofnewterritories! Each character has their own unique style and waysofdevelopment: use magic and spells, or armed with sword and bow.Youhave no restrictions! Use your skills and abilities inthelegendary march on the continent and the fight against a hordeofdemons and thousands of other magical creatures. We are waitingforyou in a new, epic, free game in the genre of RPG! Gaming Community:Join our community and take part in numerous competitionswithprizes! And also watch out for innovations and updateson:Website: king-2.ruThe group in VK: [email protected]
Риальные Пацаны 610
Thousands of players! Hundreds of gangs! We are waiting for youinthe dashing game "Real Boys"! для Android 1.9.5
Online client for mobile version of the popular onlinegameGangstaWars
Order of Champions 1.0.813
You have been chosen!Order of Champions is a an epic turn-based RPG battler fromthecreators of Dawn of the Dragons and Curio Quest.BATTLE your friends and foes alike in PvP.COLLECT and build a team of epic champions .EXPLORE the world, unlock new treasures and mysteries, anddefeatmighty bosses.Complete with guilds, events and campaigns, Order of Championsisyour next great adventure!
梦武林-四灵圣兽 5.0.5
Sam Bui
梦武林(Kung FuMaster3D)是一款再现真实武术世界的特殊战略游戏,游戏剧情描述了一个正邪不分的大乱江湖。玩家将会扮演每个宗派的掌门人,逐步挑战武林,收复群雄,成为江湖第一宗门,统一武林。在游戏内各位掌门还有机会招募到震荡武林之人:杨过、萧峰、令狐冲、东方不败、郭庆、独孤求败......各位掌门人将会有机会体验超酷3D画面的战斗以及最美的技能特效。请不要错过精彩的武林论剑......一切将尽在梦武林-智能手机独特的3D战斗剑侠游戏。特色:- 武林大会-比武选盟主

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NEW UPDATES INCLUDING FIRE!Build a world of vast landscapes where you have ultimatecontrol.You decide where to go and what to build. Fly on dragonsand othercreatures as you embark on an epic quest to save theworld.Block Story® combines popular 3D block building, sandboxexplorationgameplay with exciting and addictive role playing gameelements.Complete quests to conquer diverse biomes and become thegreatestwarrior in the realm. Build strongholds, encounter a widevariety ofcreatures, battle boss monsters, and mine valuableresources toupgrade weaponry, access better equipment and createartifacts tosummon monsters of all sorts -- including dragons! Thefirst chapterof your story begins...Key Features• Interactive Fire• Farming• Discover several new exciting quests• Learn from a wise Wizard on how to discover the many wondersofBlock Story• Ride on dragons and 29 other creatures• Infinite hours of RPG exploration game play• Explore numerous biomes from desert wastelands to arcticmountainranges but look out for the ice dragon• Encounter numerous supporting characters that will assist youonyour quests.• Level up your hero with customized stats and attributes• Use the crafting system to forge a slew of magical items –fromlighting swords, mystical staves and rare artifacts thatsummondragons and other creatures that will aid you in battle
My Gu – Virtual Pet Game
PEEK-A-BOO, dear fans of pet games forkids!Meet My Gu - Virtual Pet Game! Gu is a cute talking petmonsterwhich will bring you JOY AND BECOME YOUR BEST TALKINGFRIEND! It'swaiting for you to pet, dress, feed, clean and lookafter it! Takecare of your adorable, little Gu, play dress upgames and mini gameswith it and enjoy having the cutest monsterpet!IMAGINE HOW MUCH JOY ONE CUTE VIRTUAL PET CAN BRING YOU. Mypetmonster, baby Gu, is so much more adorable than all thetalkinganimals and virtual pets. Forget about Tomcat - Gu is roundandflexible and can be transformed into any virtual petyouwant.MY GU – VIRTUAL PET GAMES FEATURES:♥ ADOPT the little Gu, choose a nice name for it and watch itbringjoy into your life!♥ DRESS UP your cute monster pet with countless combinationsofoutfit of your choice to give Gu the best look!♥ FEED Gu with candy, cookies, fruits, vegetables and pizzawhenit's hungry.♥ BATH your Gu to keep it clean and happy!♥ TUCK your virtual pet in when it is tired!♥ CURE Gu when it gets sick♥ LEARN how to play the piano with your favorite virtual pet.♥ DECORATE every room of your Gu's house with dozens ofawesomeitems!♥ PLAY MINI GAMES – we created 10 mini games for you to have funandearn coins to buy food for your talking pet♥ SHARE your best moments with your talking pet so your friendscansee how much fun you're having♥ 100 LEVELS – grow with Gu and enjoy endless fun withyouradorable, personalized monster petMINI GAMESPEEK-A-BOO! GUESS WHO?! IT'S GU! Come play talking virtual petgameswith Gu! My Gu is the perfect game for children. Itincludeseducational mini games that develop children’s reasoning,reflexes,hand-eye coordination and motor skills.Have fun with exciting mini games and earn coins to buy itemsandfood for your talking pet! Play Flappy Gu, Mastermind, TicTacToe, Jumping Gu, and 6 other mini games to experience the joyofhaving fun with your new talking friend.My Gu – Virtual Pet Game is a free talking animals game withacute monster pet!BOO OFF ALL THE SILLY GAMES FOR KIDS AND FIND YOUR JOY WITH GU-shapeless talking friend game that will make you feel goodeverytime you play with it!Don’t forget to try our other virtual pet games, includingMyTalking Dog – Virtual Pet, My Talking Kitty Cat, My TalkingPigVirtual Pet, Talking Monkey and others!Developed by Peaksel, published by DigitalEagle.Privacy Policy: of Service:'s Guide:
태극팬더 for Kakao 4.1.4
생생 액션 RPG 태극팬더 : 액션 신세계 for kakao 런칭![ 더욱 생생하게! 새로워진 태극팬더 : 액션 신세계 ]신규 영웅 6종 추가신규 마을 및 신규 던전 3종 추가새로운 방식으로 즐기는 길드전 : 유적 전쟁 추가토너먼트 시스템 및 열혈 전투장, 이벤트 전투장 추가칭호 시스템, 개명 시스템, 코스튬 기능과 데미지 통계 기능 추가[ 고수의 액션을 담은 생생 액션 RPG ]모션캡쳐로 생생히 담아낸 리얼한 전투모션손 끝에서 펼쳐지는 날 것 그대로의 생생한 액션[ 따로 또 같이, 생생하게 즐기는 파티 플레이 ]친구들과 함께 클리어하는 강력한 파티 던전혹은 소환수를 동료로 혼자서도 파티 플레이처럼[ 서버 최강을 위해! 생생한 PvP 대전 ]매일매일 눈을 뗄 수 없는 짜릿한 결투서버 최강 타이틀을 놓고 벌어지는 PvP 대전[ 생생하게 펼쳐지는 강력한 스킬 ]팔괘를 모으고 부적을 조합해 스킬을 강화하라200가지의 장비 조합으로 얻는 레어 스킬의 재미까지[ 한 치도 방심할 수 없는 생생한 보스전 ]스테이지마다 등장하는 거대하고 강력한 보스들그들을 물리치고 승리를 쟁취하라▶태극팬더 공식카페▶태극팬더 고객센터[email protected] RPG vividTaijiPanda: Action for kakao launch the New World!  [More vivid! Taiji new Panda: Action New World]Add new six kinds of heroesAdd a new town and a new dungeon three kindsAdd ruins of war: the new way to enjoy the guild agoAdd your tournament system and passionate battlefield,thebattlefield eventsTitle system, renamed systems, add-ins and damagestatisticsCostumes  [Lively action packed adherence of the action RPG]Nancy put vividly realistic combat motion as a motion captureAt your fingertips action as it unfolds vivid to me  [As another aside, enjoying the lively party play;Powerful party to clear the dungeon with friendsAlone or with a companion pet like a party Play- For ultimate server! Vivid PvP War;Thrilling duel can not take my eyes every dayPlace a war going on PvP servers ultimate title  [Vividly unfolds powerful skills;Bagua Strengthen the skills to collect and combine the charmRare skill to get to the interesting combination of 200 kindsofequipment  - A vivid Tidori former boss can not bangsimhal]Huge and powerful bosses that appear every stageLet them beat of victory  ▶ Taiji official Panda Cafe  ▶ panda Tai Customer [email protected]
My Talking Elly - Virtual Pet
🐘 Want an exotic pet? How about ababyelephant? Download My Talking Elly - Virtual Pet and play dressupgames, mini games, feed, bathe and take care of your ownvirtualpet elephant!🐘If you're not familiar with elephant games, here is a chancetochange that! Elly is a cute baby elephant who is always eagertoplay. Not only will you be able to play with him, butalsobathe him, make sure he gets sleep and eats well so that hecangrow up into being a wonderful adult elephant. Talking gamesandvirtual pets bring lots of laughter, so do not hesitate todownloadthis virtual pet game as soon as possible!Apart from being entertaining, this game encourages creativitywithits dress up games and shows. Dressing up talking animalsliketalking dog or talking cat is fun, but baby elephants are muchmorefun to play with. Virtual pets are a great way topracticetaking care of a pet, which is why this game is one ofthe bestgames for girls and boys!GAME FEATURES:🐘 Talk to Elly and he will repeat everything you say in afunnyvoice🐘 Play dress up games with baby Elly and choose yourfavoritecombination for him to wear🐘 Move up the levels and see Elly grow from baby elephant toanadult elephant🐘 Elly doesn't eat much so don't forget to feed him🐘 Play mini games with baby elephant. Choose your favorite:FlappyElly, Jumping Elly, Food Drop, Elly vs. Spikes, Elly vs.Mice,Mastermind, Tic Tac Toe, Elly and Eggs, Bubble Shooter, andJellySmash🐘 Make sure Elly gets enough sleep so that he can play duringtheday🐘 Pet, poke, and tease Elly to see what else he can doNOTE: You can play the game and collect points in order to moveupthe levels. Once you've moved several levels up, you will getfungifts to help you in the game. Finally, all the rooms haveenergylevels that need to be charged after some time by playingwith thecute baby elephant and taking care of him.Animal games are great games, especially if your virtual petsaretalking animals. Playing with a talking cat or talking dogisusual, but taking care of a baby elephant is totallydifferent.My Talking Elly - Virtual Pet enables you to enjoytakingcare of a different virtual pet and playing funelephantgames.MY TALKING ELLY - VIRTUAL PET MINI GAMESFLAPPY ELLYMake your elephant run and get as much food as you can whiletryingto stay alive for as long as you can. Fly your baby elephantas abird and make sure he gets around all the obstacles.FOOD DROPMove Elly around to get as much good food as possible. Make sureheeats only what is edible because a rotten one meansgameover.ELLY VS. MICE!Tap the screen so that the larger one jumps over the smaller one.Ifthey crash, you lose!JUMPING ELLYMake this cute baby elephant go as high in the skyaspossible.MASTERMINDGuess the code and recreate the hidden row by guessing thecorrectcolor of the pins.TIC TAC TOEPlay the game of X's and O's and make sure you get three of thesamesign first or you will lose.EGG HUNTHelp baby Elly collect eggs, but make sure he does not dropmorethan three because that means game over.Elephant games can be lots of fun, especially when youplaywith a baby elephant. Elly is one happy elephant ready toplaywhenever you are. Talking animals and virtual pets help onelearnhow to take care of a living being and they are veryentertainingat the same time. Download My Talking Elly - VirtualPet and enjoyplaying games for boys and girls all day long!Developed by Peaksel, Published by DigitalEagle.Privacy Policy: of Service:'s Guide:
My Newborn - Mommy & Baby Care 1.2.0
Care for your newborn baby!
RPG Dice 2.0
Your makeshift solution for a quick RPG session
Tiny Dice Dungeon
Tiny Dice Dungeon is a free, epic RPG fullofdanger, dragons, wizards and loot!Adventure with tiny heroes through dark dungeons full ofgiantmonsters to capture the ultimate treasure. Use strengthandstrategy to tame evil creatures to fight by your side, buildingapowerful army to take over this fantasy universe.If you love pure roleplaying games full of super-awesomeness,TinyDice Dungeon is for you. Fight legendary battles againsthundredsof different monsters and bosses, while strengtheningyourcharacters to complete your quest of world-domination!PLEASE NOTE: Tiny Dice Dungeon is completely free to play, butsomein-game items can be purchased for real money. If you don'twant touse this feature, please disable your device'ssettings.==Features==-Roll powerful dice to battle your way through anRPGadventure!-Capture unique monsters to fight alongside you in combat.-Craft new weapons and collect rare artifacts.-Show your skill by battling real players to prove you’re themostpowerful in the land.
RPG Dice Roller Free 1.2
Blank Snow
RPG Dice Roller is a very simple appdesignedto help you in the table. With dices ready for almost everysystem,it counts succeeds in WoD, gives final result in Fudge, andsumsusual dices like d4, d6... d20. And you can have several rowsofdices to remember past rollings. We hope you like it :)
Make the Pet Jump Multiplayer 1.0
Make the Pet Jump Multiplayer - Make ThemJumpBest Free Game os the new Game from the same producers of BIGHITANT SMASHER.The Best free game out there! Make the Pet Jump Free Game -Touchthe screen to make the pet jump the obstacles and make thehigherscore in this great game!You can also play this amazing game with your friends in2different levels. This amazing Multiplayer Game is really funHighly entertaining for kids, boys and girls. Specialvirtualgoods that make the game easier for young players canbeacquired!All... for FREE!Make the Pet Jump Multiplayer Free Game is brought to youby:Best Free Games LtdWe will keep bringing you the top best games and apps! Staytunedfor our other games and visit us at www.strokegames.comSimply touch the screen and relax! Simple, exciting, amust-playarcade game.Be the best jockey player out there!Download Make the Pet Jump Multiplayer Free Game whileit'sFREE!
Colopl Rune Story 1.0.61
It's a phenomenon inJapan,downloadedover89Million times, and now you can playitworldwide!Experienceanaction game made especially for mobile,usingrealskillandstrategy! Play co-op real time with yourfriends,orbattlesolothrough an epic narrative- now with theoriginal 2Dart!* Engaging Story Quests *Complete quests that will reveal Rune Story’smysterywithhoursofintriguing gameplay.* Real-Time Co-Op Action RPG *Perform magnificent combo attacksthatwillsurpassregularpuzzle-solving, dragon-fighting gamesandcontrolallmovements,actions, and skills from the palm ofonehand.* Over 100+ Unique Characters to Play *Unlock hundreds of characters andweaponcombinationswithineightclasses - Fencer, Lancer, Warrior,Brawler,Sniper,Mage,DualBlade and now, Dragon Riders!.*No Play Blockers*Forget about those other games that make you waitforanenergyorstamina recharge. Play all you want in Rune Story!* Fight Epic Bosses With Your Guild *Become the strongest guild! Accumulate Guild Pointsinco-opqueststoobtain special rewards.* Build Your Own Unique Town *Build and upgrade your town to harvest resources tolevelupandtrainyour team.Legend has it that runes imbued with ancientmagicfellfromsevenelder runes in the sky centuries ago,butfewremain.Airships flythe skies between the flying islandAstoraandtheworld’s othercountless islands. Use the wondrousrunecompasstoguide your pathas you attempt to uncover magicalrunesandjourneyto The World’sEnd, a place no one has everreached.Create your own Rune Story now with hundredsofheroesreadytobattle at your fingertips! Venture on anepicadventurewithyourfriends, make your own society, andexperienceadeepaction-roleplaying game! Become a powerful heroandunravelthemystery thatall begins with a talking cat…COLOPL NI presents Rune Story! Based on WhiteCat,themassivehitRPG from the anime capital of the worldJapan,RuneStory willtakeyou on a role-playing fantasy unlikeanyother.SOCIALFacebook:
Seven Knights 7.6.00
Experience a visually-striking RPG like you’ve never seen before!