Top 19 Apps Similar to Возьму Попутчика + Я Таксист

Попутчик 2.95
Мы социальный сервис, призванный объединять людейдлясовместныхпоездок. Особенно актуален сервис для людей,совершающихежедневныепоездки на работу или учебу. Тысячи людейвыезжают израйоновгорода и едут на общественном транспорте водномнаправлении.Автомобилисты едут в пути одни, хотя места всалонесвободны.Почему бы автомобилистам не брать попутчиков,которым попути.Пользоваться приложением просто: - установитеприложениенателефон; - найдите автомобиль для поездки илипопутчиков; - еслиненашлось подходящего маршрута - создайте свой исистема уведомитвасо появлении подходящих вариантов; - после выборанужногомаршрутаоставляете заявку на поездку, получаетеподтверждение,садитесь ивы в пути. Если все понравилось, делитесь сдрузьями,рекомендуйтесервис и путешествуйте вместе. Вступайте внаши группы:ВКонтакте - Остались вопросы -пишитечерезчат в приложении и ждите быстрого ответа.
VPuti (ComRide.Net) v2.16.4
VPuti (ComRide.Net) is a real-time ridesharing(carpool)service.Using it you have a real chance to share andreducetransport costswithin the city and beyond. Our service workslike aclassicalcarpooling (real-time ridesharing) service when 2 ormorepeopleare driving together in the car. You haven't to bookanexpensivetaxi or wait for a hitchhiker or a bus in the streetwhenit'sgetting cold. Using our app you can in 3Click to make atripandfind your ideal ridesharing partner savingtime.Yourridehsharing-driver will take a lift you for free orcheapbecausehe/she is by the way. Now you can travel or reach aplacesafely.Ridesharing is a hitchhiking of new generation. Soonyou canfind aridesharing partner in accordance with interests andhobby.Shareit with your friends and maybe someone will be yourdriverorpassenger and say: I'll take you a lift! Be clever, shareyourrideright now! Our communityatFacebook: Our Our app atAppStore:
Я Попутчик + Все такси города 1.2.1
2764 пароль для входа, если непришлосмс!Лучшее приложение для заказа такси и поискапопутногоавтомобиля!Очень просто, никаких дополнительных настроек.Все такси города! Все ценовые категории!Скидки до 25% в каждой поездке!Возможность сделать заказ одновременно во всех такси иполучитьмаксимально быструю подачу.Возможность поиска попутного автомобиля.Сверхбыстрая подача машины - от 3 минут!Лучшие тарифы - от 50 руб!!! ДЕШЕВЛЕ ТОЛЬКО ПЕШКОМФиксированная цена (не изменится даже если Вы попадетевпробку)Точный расчет стоимости во всех такси одновременно!Время подачи известно до заказа во всех такси одновременно!Статус исполнения заказа на всех этапах обработки в режиме онлайннаэкране Вашего устройства!Возможность позвонить водителю и лично проконсультировать оВашемадресе, либо о его спонтанном изменении.Только лучшие водители. Постоянный контроль качества!Возможность оценки водителя после поездкиЛучшее приложение по мнению http://WWW.OTDOHNI.PROИ на десерт!!! ;)Теперь Вы всегда знаете на каком расстоянии от Васнаходитсяавтомобиль! Информация обновляется каждые 30 сек (этогораздоудобнее чем следить за автомобилем по карте и оцениватьрасстояниесамим. А также экономит интернет трафик!).Если у Вас возникли сложности по работе приложения, илиестьпожелания по его улучшению, напишите пожалуйста нам почту:[email protected]Что нового- Добавлена система скидок и возможность бесплатных поездок- Обновлен интерфейс и доработано юзабилити- Добавлена история поездок, для быстрых повторных заказов- Добавлено на каком расстоянии от Вас находится автомобиль- Добавлена возможность заказа такси сразу в несколько адресов"Кудаехать", для эффективного построения маршрута поездки, атакжеотображения стоимости всей поездкиВаш выбор лучший. Вам всегда везёт!Абакан Азов Альметьевск Ангарск Арзамас АрмавирАрхангельскАстрахань Ачинск Барнаул Белгород Бийск БлаговещенскБратск БрянскВеликие Луки Великий Новгород Владивосток ВладикавказВладимирВолгоград Волгодонск Волжский Вологда Воркута ВоронежГрозныйДзержинск Екатеринбург Ессентуки Иваново Ижевск ИркутскЙошкар ОлаКазань Калининград Калуга Камышин Кемерово КировКисловодск КовровКоломна Комсомольск на Амуре Кострома КрасногорскКраснодарКрасноярск Курган Курск Кызыл Липецк Магадан МагнитогорскМайкопМеждуреченск Миасс Москва Мурманск Муром Мытищи НабережныеЧелныНазрань Нальчик Находка Нефтекамск НефтеюганскНижневартовскНижнекамск Нижний Новгород Нижний Тагил НовокузнецкНовокуйбышевскНовороссийск Новосибирск Новоуральск НовочеркасскНовый УренгойНорильск Ноябрьск Обнинск Одинцово Омск Орел ОренбургОрехово ЗуевоПенза Пермь Петрозаводск Петропавловск КамчатскийПсков ПятигорскРостов на Дону Рыбинск Рязань Самара Санкт ПетербургСаранскСаратов Сергиев Посад Серпухов Смоленск Соликамск СочиСтавропольСтарый Оскол Стерлитамак Сызрань Сыктывкар ТаганрогТамбов ТверьТобольск Тольятти Томск Туапсе Тюмень Улан УдэУльяновск УссурийскУфа Ухта Хабаровск Химки Чебоксары ЧелябинскЧереповец Чита ЭлистаЭнгельс Южно Сахалинск Якутск Ярославль идр.2764 login passwordunlessit's sms!Best Application for taxi and car Search for free!Quite simply, no other settings.All of the city's taxi! All price categories!Discounts up to 25% on every trip!The possibility to order at the same time in all the taxi andgetthe fastest flow.Ability to search the associated vehicle.Ultrafast feeding machine - 3 minutes!Best Rates - 50 rubles !!! CHEAPER only on footFixed price (does not change even if you get stuck intraffic)The exact calculation of the value of all the taxi at thesametime!Time of order is known to all taxi at the same time!The status of order execution at all stages of processing onlineonthe screen of your device!The ability to call the driver and advise you personally aboutyouraddress, or his spontaneous changes.Only the best drivers. Constant quality control!The ability to assess the driver after the tripBest app according http://WWW.OTDOHNI.PROAnd for dessert !!! ;)Now you always know how far you are from the car! Informationisupdated every 30 seconds (it is much more convenient than thecarto follow the map and measure the distance itself. And alsosavesInternet traffic!).If you have any difficulty in the application, or havesuggestionsfor improvement, please write us a mail: [email protected]'s new- Added a system of discounts and free trips- Updated interface and refined usability- Added history trips for quick re-orders- Added how far away from you is the car- Added the ability to order a taxi to several addresses "Wheretogo", for efficient travel route, as well as display the cost oftheentire tripYour best choice. You are always lucky!Abakan Azov Almetyevsk Angarsk Arzamas Armavir ArkhangelskAstrakhanAchinsk Barnaul Belgorod Biysk Blagoveshchensk BratskBryansk GreatLuke Novgorod Vladivostok Vladikavkaz VladimirVolgograd VolgodonskVolzhsky Vologda Vorkuta Voronezh TerribleDzerzhinsk YekaterinburgYessentuki Irkutsk Izhevsk Yoshkar OlaKazan Kaliningrad KalugaKamyshin Kemerovo Kirov Kislovodsk CarpetsKolomnaKomsomolsk-on-Amur Kostroma Krasnogorsk Krasnodar KurganKursk KyzylLipetsk Magadan Magnitogorsk Maikop MezhdurechenskMiass MoscowMurmansk Moore Mytishchi Naberezhnye Chelny Nazran,Nalchik NakhodkaNeftekamsk Nefteyugansk Nizhnevartovsk NizhnekamskNizhny NovgorodNizhny Tagil, Novokuznetsk NovokuybyshevskNovorossiysk NovosibirskNovoural'sk Novocherkassk Novy UrengoyNorilsk Noyabr'sk ObninskOdintsovo Omsk Eagle Orenburg Nut ZuevoPenza Perm PetrozavodskPetropavlovsk Kamchatka Pskov PyatigorskRostov on Don RybinskRyazan Samara St. Petersburg Saransk SaratovSergiev Posad SerpukhovSmolensk Solikamsk Sochi Stavropol StaryOskol Sterlitamak SyzranSyktyvkar Taganrog Tambov Tver TobolskTolyatti Tomsk Tuapse TyumenUlan Ude Ulyanovsk Ussuriysk Ufa UkhtaKhabarovsk Khimki CheboksaryChelyabinsk Cherepovets Chita ElistaEngels Yuzhno SakhalinskYaroslavl and others.
inDrive. Save on city rides 5.87.1
More than a taxi app! Save on city rides: Set the price &getmore as a driver!
Dublway Ridesharing
Dublway Team
Dublway is a ridesharing app for thedailycommute.Our users are usual people going to the office or study inthemorning and back home in the evening.Using our carpool application you can find people going thesamedirection.You can offer somebody a ride in your own car, or you canjoinanother group of commuters already going to the same placeasyou.DUBL help drivers and passengers save money, reduce trafficjams,save the environment, meet new people and have greatconversationswith them. It's more fun & profitable than stayingalone intraffic for 2 weeks a year, burning fuel and listening totheradio.We have an interactive map so you can check if there are anyusersin your city, area or on your street.You can easily find commuters in New York, Los Angeles,Chicago,Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Diego, San Francisco,Boston,Dallas, Austin, San Jose and other cities.Join us and share Dublway with your friends!Welcome to the family!
TourBar - Chat, Meet & Travel 4.7.0
Find adventure travel buddies, friends worldwide, and cute guides!
Mini Taxi Wrocław
Aplikacja służąca do zamówienia taksówkiwkorporacji Mini Taxi Wrocław. Zamów szybko isprawnieon-line.Application fortaxiservices in the corporate Mini Taxi Wroclaw. Order quicklyandefficiently online.
NextTo - choosing travel mates 2.1.4
Create profile, fill in your next tripdetailsand get to know your fellow travellers – NextTo members: onyourflights, in the airports you depart from and arrive to as wellasin other places of your trip. Look up fellow travellers’profilesand choose those, you want to sit next to or to get intouch. Startcommunicating via NextTo.Moreover, with NextTo you can:- Communicate with NextTo members from all around the world,maketravel plans together, share impressions and exchangephotos.- Receive timely alerts on your or your friends’ flight statusandchanges.- Save your budget by sharing costs with fellowtravellers(transfers, extra luggage etc.).NextTo constantly develops additional opportunitiesfortravellers.See this for yourself, download NextTo right now!
Flamp app for Android features a localbusinesslistings with reviews and a search for the best placesaround you.Read reviews, choose what’s best for you and share yourownexperiences from anywhere!Features:- local business listings with rating and reviews in 91Russiancities: Novosibirsk, Moscow, Saint-Petersburg,Krasnoyarsk,Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Ufa,Tumen', Samara,Tol'yatti, Sochi, Krasnodar, Tomsk and others;- easy access to the most important information aboutlocalbusinesses: addresses, phone numbers, websites, hours ofoperation,payment methods, etc;- advanced search for businesses in the neighbourhood orbyparameters needed;- a base of reviews on local businesses;- ability to add reviews and photos about any company directlyfromyour Android;
CurrenSeek - Money Changer App 2.9.5
Compare, book and PAY for great exchange rates near you orbealerted to changes
HitchAHike 1.01
HitchAHike offers a very simple way foryoutofind a ride to a place where you want to go or will helpyoutoreach more potential customers. The application providestworoles,drivers who offers a opportunity for a ride andcustomerswhich arelooking for such a possibility.As a customer you can send requests to several driverswithinyourvicinity and ask them to give you a ride from any placetoanydestination. You can store several addresses for placesthatyouhave to visit over and over again. The application triestoresolveyour current position to an address which can beusedas a starting point for your journey. You can plan trips inthenearfuture and check the availability of drivers with themap.Once youstarted a request you should not leave theapplication.After youlog in again you will not receive any answersanymore tothe oldrequest, you have to start the request again.As a driver you set up some data about you andyourbusiness.After that you just start to listen to incomingrequests.You willbe informed about incoming requests, if they arematchingto yourpreferences. You can always fine-tune yourpreferences togetmore/less offers, depending on the region whereyou act.Theapplication offers to you a very convenient way ofstoringupcomingrides in a to do list. Out of this to do list, youcanstartdirectly your navigation to go to the pick up point foryournextride.You can store your rides in your calendar. YourCalendarwillremind you when it's time to get ready. All requireddetailsforthe ride will be stored there, so it is recommended todoso.HitchAHike will help to make the use of cars moreefficientandhelp therefore to preserve the resources and toprotectourenvironment. If more people with the same direction wouldsharearide e can achieve that goal. The app connects people whooffersaride and people who are looking for a ride directly.So get out and hitch your hike!All functions:As a driver you can:- receive on incoming requests- filter incoming requests with your preferences- make an offer for an incoming request- propose a pick up time- store the conditions in your calendar and get reminded- plan your trips with some navigation software- contact your customers if needed- keep an eye on all upcoming ridesAs a passenger you can:- save several addresses- set the number of seats that are required- ordering a car without knowing your address- find a driver that gives you a ride- select the best offer for you out of the incoming offers- set the time when you want to be picked up(f.e.airportshuttle)- store all relevant data in your calendar- contact your driver- check if drivers are available in the vicinity of youHitchAHike is applicable for non commercialdrivers,commercialdrivers, taxi drivers, hitchhikers, people whoarelooking for aride for free. It's a social car sharing app. It'sachatapplication by nature.Feature graphic: "Old checkercab"by - under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons modifiedbyus(cropped).
Airline Flight Status Track & Airport FlightBoard 3.0.5
FlightHero is a flight-tracking app that provides a realtimeflightstatus information and helps you to know flight status,letsyou totrack a flight. Aware of the fact that is also shows arealtimeflightboard with arrivals and departures, airporttrafficdelays anda current airport weather in addition to a 10daydetailed weatherforecast and synchronizes with your TripItbyConcur account Thesefeatures make FlightHero to be one of thebesttravel apps: FLIGHTSTATUS • Actual position of the aircraftwiththe actual speed formost flights. Use it as your personalvirtualflight radar to knowthe aircraft speed, latitude, longitudeandthe altitude NEARBYFLIGHTS • Nearby flights within 140 miles(200km) including a tailnumber FLIGHT BOARD WITH ARRIVALSANDDEPARTURES IN REAL TIME •Auto-refresh with the ability tocacheflights during offline mode •Advanced sorting order •Advancedfilters: airlines, flight status,arrival and departureinformationand time range for the mosteffective sky scanning • 3days (72hours) time interval forarrivals and departures AIRLINES.THELARGEST COVERAGE • 1500airlines: commercial, cargo,chartersAIRPORTS. THE LARGEST COVERAGETOO • 16500 airports aroundtheworld • Nearby airports within 140miles (200 km) SYNC •Syncflights with Calendar app • Sync flightswith TripIt by ConcurPUSHNOTIFICATIONS • Alerts on flight statuschanges CURRENT WEATHERATTHE AIRPORT AND AIRPORT TRAFFIC DELAYS •Delay on a 5-pointscalewith the 0.2 step • Actual temperature •Wind speed anddirection •15 day detailed weather forecast helpsyou stay dry whenyou grabyour kayak for fishing on vacationTERMINAL PLANS •Available formajor airports. Download all at oncefrom the“Additional content”tab SEAT MAPS • Available for majorairlines.Download all at oncefrom the “Additional content” tab•Specifications for 400+aircraft types MAPS USING GOOGLE MAPS •Liveflight maps in 3different modes: Standard, Satellite, Hybrid•Actual flight pathsshown when available • Your actualcurrentposition • Road pathfrom your current position to theairportFLIGHT SEARCH • By flightnumber and departure date • Byroute anddeparture date • Saves 10recent flights and airportsREVIEWS: -Rate your recent flight,airline or airport - Write arewiev flight,airline or airport -Read a review before purchasing aticket andknow what to expectFAVORITES • Add flights and airportsby swipingfrom the right tothe left TEXT • Send messages 1:1 or ingroup chatvia built inmessenger PICTURES • Store boarding passesincludingpasses with QRcodes BOOKING • Hotels booking • Carsbooking • Private driversbooking via UberCURRENCYCONVERTER WITH CALCULATOR • Exchange ratefor the mostcurrenciesin the world SHARE INFORMATION ON FLIGHTSTATUS • SMS •Email •Twitter • Facebook • Instagram MULTILINGUAL •29LanguagesUNIVERSAL APP • Single version for Android PhonesandTabletsBACKUP • Store your infomation in the cloud throughonedriveContacts: • Facebook: Used forsynchronizing your fligths with a calendar-Photos/Media/Files: Usedfor viewing your stored boarding passesinthe app and for moving anapp to an SD card - Device andcallinformation: Used for ability tosend a text message withflightstatus To help us improve our servicewe may collect thefollowingdata on an anonymous basis: OperatingSystem, Date &time,Latitude, Longitude, Accuracy (GPS),SSID/BSSID,(network),Internal MAC address (network),DeviceModel/Manufacturer, CarrierCode/Name, Sim Code, Country,andLocale. Our TOS:
Авиа Табло 2.0.0
Scoreboard airport delays and schedule online in your pocket
Аэропорт Толмачево 1.2
Неофициальное приложение "АэропортТолмачево".Информацию о рейсах можно фильтровать по направлению:прилет иливылет, а также по времени: вчера, сегодня, завтра.Информациязагружается с официального сайтааэропорта app"AirportTolmachevo". Flight information can be filtered in thedirectionof: arrivals and departures, as well as over time:yesterday, todayand tomorrow. Information downloaded from theofficial site airport
TopTripTip Russia 4.0.3
Appreal LLC
It is your faithful guide who will always be there to helpinyourtravels to the largest cities and most remote partsofRussia!Landmarks, natural monuments, popular tourismdestinations,routes,audio guides, transportation info – all this isnowavailable onyour smartphone, offline and without a connectiontothe internet!The goal of our project – to bring together all ofthetourismresources of Russia into a single digital product,toimprove thesafety of travelers, and to provide informationaboutthe tourismopportunities of Russian regions.
Novosibirsk City Guide 2.0
Going to Novosibirsk? Get this FREENovosibirskCity Guide Catalog, a personal advisor in your pocketwhich helpsyou pla and have perfect trip.
Novosibirsk (Metro 24) 1.1.6
★ BEFORE USING THIS MAP YOU NEEDINSTALLAPPLICATION CALLED "METRO24"★★★Metro map of Novosibirsk (Russia) for app called "METRO24".Don't try to open it after installation, you just need tochangethe map in "METRO24"settings.