Top 3 Apps Similar to Дисконтные карты - Матрешка

Скидочные карты в телефоне 2.5.8
Discounts, bonuses, promotions and cashback in your favorite stores
Картмоне 1.28
Если вы забыли вашу дисконтную илибонуснуюкарту дома, то с нашим приложением ваша дисконтная илибонуснаякарта всегда будет в вашем телефоне.Забудьте о десятках дисконтных карт в вашем кошельке,сохраняйтеваши дисконтные карты в своем телефоне.Получайте номер бонусной карты у кассы в магазинахиливоспользуйтесь сканером QR-кодов и штрих кодов чтобы добавитьвашубонусную карту.При покупке товаров покажите штрих код прямо из телефона накассемагазина. Будьте в курсе о всех скидках и акциях вашихлюбимыхмагазинов.Ваши дисконтные и бонусные карты хранятся в облаке. Выможетесинхронизировать свои дисконтные и бонусные карты сдругимиустройствами Android и iOS.Пожалуйста, сообщайте об ошибках и пишите предложениявкомментариях или на почту разработчика. Мы будем рады внестиновыеизменения в нашем приложении.If you have forgottenyourdiscount or bonus card at home, with our app your discount orbonuscard will always be in your phone.Forget about dozens of discount cards in your wallet, keepyourdiscount card in your phone.Get the number of bonus cards at the cash register in shopsoruse the scanner of QR-codes and bar codes to add yourbonuscard.When buying products show the barcode directly from the phonetothe store's cash register. Stay informed about all thediscountsand promotions of your favorite stores.Your discount and bonus cards are stored in the cloud. Youcansynchronize your discount and bonus cards with other AndroidandiOS devices.Please report bugs and write in the comments or suggestionstothe developer email. We will be happy to make new changes inourapplication.
Cards Free - Barcode Cards Mgm 1.1
Cards Free application will help youtoleavemost of your plastic discount and loyalty cards at home.Listofkey features (exactly the same as in Cards but with Ad):1. Contrary to similar products available, the softwareisverystraightforward and simple, doesnotrequireregistration/subscription and Internet connectivitytowork.2. Functionality of scanning barcodes is embedded, thus youwillnotbe asked to download another 3rd party barcode scanningproducttodo the work.3. You can have cards with and without code, which nolongerlimitsyou to just cards with barcodes.4. You can also enter card information manually or usingembeddedOCRengine (currently supported OCR languages areEnglish,Ukrainian andRussian).5. All your data can be conveniently exported to andimportedfromfavorite cloud (like Google Drive or Dropbox).6. You can share cards with your colleagues using popularcloudsorsimply as email attachment or file.Note: not all commercial barcode scanners canreadfromsmartphones screens. Most of new ones do, but please keepthisnotein mind when dealing with discount or loyaltycardvirtualizationfor the first time.FAQ:* How to delete my item (card or category): long clickonitem-> confirmation dialog.* How to share my card(s): long click on "+" buttonofmainapplication screen activates sharing mode -> buttonchangesto"sharing" -> you can select one or many cards toshare->pressing share button initiates sharing process and youwillbereturned to main application screen automaticallyonceit'sdone.* How to export all my cards data: please navigatetoSettings(rightmost button of main application screen)andclickExport...*****************************************This application is using:* Awesome barcodescanninglibrary* Simple yet powerfulOCRengine