Top 4 Apps Similar to Марковские форумы

Мой Ижевск 0.9.132
НОВОСТИ || АФИША || АКЦИИ ||СПРАВОЧНИК«МойИжевск» - долгожданное городское мобильноеприложение, котороедаетдоступ ко всей информации о нашем родномгороде: новостям,афише исправочнику организаций. Теперь Ижевсквсегда с тобой!Преимуществаприложения: - Забудь про сайты! Всяинформация оИжевска у тебя вкармане. - Не ищи информацию на разныхпорталах!Все собрано водном приложении. - Будь в курсе событий!Всемероприятия родногогорода у тебя под рукой. - Следи зановостямигорода и участвуй вих создании! - Пользуйся оффлайн!Справочникдоступен безинтернета. Проект «Мой Ижевск» создан, чтобыоблегчитьжизньжителям нашего города. С нашим приложением любойгорожанинможетполучать “на ходу” всю самую важную информациюотактуальныхновостей до времени работы любимого заведения. Приэтоммыподдерживаем активных жителей города - организаторовмероприятийибизнесменов, которые получают площадку с большимохватомдляреализации своих проектов.NEWS || EVENTS ||SHARES||DIRECTORY "My Izhevsk" - a long-awaited urban mobileapplicationthatgives you access to all information about ourhometown: news,postersand business directory. Now Izhevsk isalways with you!Advantages ofapplication: - Forget the sites! Allinformationabout Izhevsk inyour pocket. - Do not look forinformation ondifferent websites! Allcollected in one application.- Beinformed! All events hometown youhave on hand. - Follow thenewsof the city and take part in theircreation! - Use offline!Guideavailable without the Internet. Theproject "My Izhevsk"created tomake life easier for the residents ofour city. With ourapp anycitizen can get "on the go" all the mostimportantinformation fromthe relevant news to the time of thefavoriteplaces. At the sametime, we support the active residents -theorganizers of theevents and business that receive largecoveragearea with for theirprojects.
Фестиваль «Читай, Ижевск!» 1.1.4
Книжный фестиваль «Читай, Ижевск!» в 2016годупроходит в четвертый раз. Цель фестиваля — привлечениеинтересагорожан к книге и чтению, популяризация и продвижениетворчестваместных авторов, объединение сообществ по интересам длясовместнойреализации городских культурных инициатив.Фестиваль «Читай, Ижевск» в 2016 году продлится 3 дня, с 9 по11сентября. Организаторы - Центральная библиотечнаясистема,Администрация города и активные горожане.1000-метровый шатёр на Центральной площади на 3 дня превращаетсявинтеллектуальное пространство, наполненное книгами,яркимисобытиями и интересными людьми. Мероприятия фестиваляпродуманытак, чтобы любой ижевчанин мог найти себе занятие по душе.Этотворческие встречи с писателями и актерами, vip-чтения сизвестнымижителями города, открытый поэтический микрофон,театральныепостановки и акустические концерты, мастер-классы имногое другоедля взрослых и детей!За оперативной информацией следите в Сети.Онлайн-поддержкуфестиваля традиционно осуществляет компания«Пиком», разработавшаясайт читайижевск.рф и мобильныеприложения.Book Festival"Read,Izhevsk!" In 2016 takes place for the fourth time. Thepurpose ofthe festival - the involvement of citizens interest inbooks andreading, popularization and promotion of creativity oflocalauthors, the association communities of interest for thejointimplementation of the urban cultural initiatives.Festival "Read, Izhevsk" in 2016 will last for 3 days, from 9to11 September. The organizers - the Central Library System,cityadministration and active citizens.1000 meter tent on the central square for 3 days turns intoanintelligent space filled with books, bright events andinterestingpeople. Events of the festival thought out so that anyizhevchanincould find something for everyone. It meetings withwriters andactors, vip-reading with the known inhabitants of thecity, an openmic poetry, plays and acoustic concerts, masterclasses and morefor adults and children!For operational information should be on the web. Onlinesupportfor the festival is traditionally made by the company"Peak", todevelop a site chitayizhevsk.rf and mobileapplications.
DpsFM 1.1
Слушайте трансляцию радиоэфира МВД и МЧСвЕкатеринбурге и Санкт-Петербурге онлайн.Трансляция ведется сервисом в целяхобщественногоконтроля.Listen to the broadcastofradio and the Ministry of Internal Affairs Ministry ofEmergencySituations in Yekaterinburg and St. Petersburgonline.Translation is service for public inspection.
Video Chat & Dating App
Human soul is generally not satisfiedwithmaterial belongings.People seem to have more interest in physical attractionandbeauty.The only thing which gives deep satisfaction and completenesstohuman soul is undoubtedly love.Love is an universal energy which heals both human soulandbody.To love and to be loved is the key factor behind all socalledphysical attraction.Meetsouls is a new dating site which aims to help people allaroundthe world to find their true love and life partner.We are a serious dating & marriage site and wish that allhungrysouls will start a relationship with their loved onesandget married to their dream man or woman.Online dating has a very important role in society life today,morepeople are meeting on online dating sites than it was 10yearsagoThere is a huge demand to find a loved one regardless ofrace,religion or location. Many lonely souls are starving forloveandrelationship with their soulmates.Meetsouls have some new approaches and concepts to help peopletofind their love. Since it is an international dating siteIt has travel module so that you can advertise your tourinvitationor request.Members can find their travel or tour partner from far locations.Wehave multi language application so members can talk toeachotherby using translator. It is also possible to view your partneronwebcam while talking to them.We also meeting system, by means of this, you can sendmeetingrequest to any partner indication location and time.Meeting souls provide all required functionalities to make iteasierto contact and communicate with a member.Even though a lot of features It is 100% freedatingapplication.Unfortunately many scammers tend to create fake profiles andabusesystem and people, but we have strong scammanagementinfrastructureto prevent scammers like phone number verification,VPN andProxydetection,Black list management,communication trackingetc.There are many sexy girls and handsome guys on our systemseekingfor love and relationship.You can simply create a profile and start dating to your localandoffshore partners by using our free features such assending message, chatting on webcam, sending gifts andinterests,offering travel, sending meeting request etc.It is suggested to create full profile with nice photos toattractother members. When you search people, you can narrow theresultsregardingdistance to you. Also you can see members living near youonmap.You can choose to send message to member or use chat tocommunicateinstantly.We advice you to create webcam video and share it on your profilesothat people think that you are real and contactyouimmediately.You can also check travel pages to see people who are willingtoinvite you to their city providing accommodation or people whoareseekingtravel and ready to accept your invitation.You can send meeting request and indicate details andpreferences,you have also option to request and offer money formeetingThis motivates your partner to meet you.If you have adult photos you can create a password protectedadultalbum and put your photos there, and you can give your code toanymemberyou wish to show your private photos. You can also uploadphotosfrom facebook in case you do not have them on your computerorphone.It is possible to edit your photos like changingdimensions,zoomingor cropping.You have also option to create groups and invite people so thatyoucan have video conference or do zapping on random chatpagetosee people on webcam. Moreover, you can share anything onpublicforums.Meetsouls has many unique features and makes dating very easyforall people with its user friendly screens.We hope that when you use our application you will seethedifference from others and keep using it until you find yourtruelove andget married. Good luck and enjoy meetsouls !