Top 6 Apps Similar to EyeTraining: лечение амблиопии

Lazy Eye Circles 5.0
BeBa soft
App provides advanced tratment forambylopiaandlazy eye. To use the application to cure lazy eye youshouldplay thegame with 3D glasses. (You can play the game withoutthe3D glassestoo but for color adjustment it is useful.)You can calibrate the game to be visible the fallingcirclesonlyfor one eye the landed circles for the other eye only inthatwaythe eyes forced to work together as a team and helptoimprovevision in the most modern way.Please read the following brief to get a pictureaboutthepurposes.- Lazy eye \Amblyopia is a visual disorder in whichthebrainpartially or wholly ignores input from one eye.- The popular video game has been found to beeffectiveattreating adult amblyopia, also known as 'lazy eye',accordingtonew research conducted by scientists.- Playing the puzzle game requires information to be senttobotheyes, making them work cooperatively.- By making both eyes cooperate, the amblyopic brain isabletorelearn as a result of an increase in the level ofplasticityinthe brain.(You should have a two color glass (3D glasses, anaglyphglasses)thecolor is not important because you can adjust thecolors in theappas you wish)If you encounter any issue please contact me and send me thenameofyour device and a description about the issue and I will fixitassoon as possible, thanks.
AmblyApp 1.7
Tria Design App
Questa app è stata studiata appositamente perisoggetti affetti da ambliopia ed è stata sviluppata in basealleindicazioni di un oculista specialista.AmblyApp è adatta a vari supporti (tablet o minitablet, ipadpro,ipad, ipad mini).La struttura della app prevede alcuni giochiselezionabilisovrapposti per un periodo predefinito a una grigliarotante.In automatico la griglia verrà sostituita con un'altra didiversaspaziatura a secondo del tempo scelto all'avviodell'applicazione.Gli esercizi di questa app vanno tutti eseguiti rigorosamenteconun occhio bendato (quello non affetto da ambliopia) per tuttoiltempo selezionato all’avvio.I giochi ora disponibili sono- oggetti che cadono e da cliccare (con punteggio)- Tangram (con 7 figure ricaricabili)- l'elefantino Cicerone da trascinare nella ciotola(conpunteggio)- tabelline con risultato corretto da individuare su trerisultatiproposti (con punteggio)- sequenze casuali di personaggi da ripetere a memoria(conpunteggio e 3 livelli)E' prevista una funzionalità di controllo per ilmedicospecialistaPer informazioni più dettagliate sull’utilizzo di questaappscrivere a [email protected] app hasbeenspecially designed for people with amblyopia and wasdevelopedaccording to the recommendations of a specialist eyedoctor.AmblyApp is suitable for various media (tablet or minitablet,proipad, ipad, ipad mini).The structure of the app includes some overlapping selectablegamesfor a predefined period in a rotating grid.Automatically the grid will be replaced with another ofdifferentspacing depending on the chosen time when the applicationstarts.The exercises in this app are all done strictly with eyepatch(the one not suffering from amblyopia) throughout the selectedtimestartup.Games available now- Falling objects and click (with score)- Tangram (with 7 rechargeable figures)- Cicero to drag the elephant in the bowl (with score)- Tables with correct result to be identified on threeproposedresults (with score)- Random sequences of characters to be repeated from memory(withscore and 3 levels)And 'it provided a control function for themedicalspecialistFor more detailed information on using this app write [email protected]
VisionUp Eye Exercises 3.2.15
Improved vision and eye coordination with VisionUp
Lazy Eye Breaker 1.4
BeBa soft
(If you experience any bug please contact meinmail I will fix it in short time)This type of wall breaker game can help you to impove yourvisionin a pleasure way. You must play the game with 3D glassesyou can'tplay without the glasses.You can calibrate the game to be visible the paddle only foroneeye the ball for the other eye only in that way the eyes forcedtowork together as a team and help to improve vision in themostmodern way.Please read the following brief to get a picture aboutthepurposes.- Lazy eye \Amblyopia is a visual disorder in which thebrainpartially or wholly ignores input from one eye.- The popular video game has been found to be effectiveattreating adult amblyopia, also known as 'lazy eye', accordingtonew research conducted by scientists.- Playing the puzzle game requires information to be sent tobotheyes, making them work cooperatively.- By making both eyes cooperate, the amblyopic brain is abletorelearn as a result of an increase in the level of plasticityinthe brain.(You must have a two color glass (3D glass) the color isnotimportant because you can adjust the colors in the app asyouwish)If you encounter any issue please contact me and send me the nameofyour device and a description about the issue and I will fix itassoon as possible, thanks.
Лечение язвы. 1.2
Это приложение называется "Лечениеязвы.".Здесь содержатся советы по лечению язвы, а также советыдляпрофилактики против появления язвы.This application iscalled"Treatment of ulcers.". It contains advice on the treatmentofulcers, as well as tips for prevention against the appearanceofulcers.
eyeworkout101 1.1
This easily deployable,accessible,portablevisual rehabilitation app is designed to testandameliorate thevision ofthe large population with age relatedmaculardegeneration,amblyopia, diabetes, and cataracts (22 millionin theUS) byworking on fixation, developing the Oculomotor Nerve,andchangingsaccadic movement.The app both tests for basic visual deficienciesthroughthevirtual Optokinetic Nystagmus (OKN) test (users can watchanOKNtape, consisting of a continuous pattern of alternating 1in.blackand white stripes to stimulate saccadic movement)andimprovesvision through an interactive game.This app does not replace a visit with your doctorordietician.The authors of this app are not responsible foranyillness,injury, death, impairment of sensory function, visualloss,strokeor exacerbation of any and all medical conditions due totheuse ofthe app or the materials on the app. This appispurelyeducational.Software designed by Agastya Gupta© Gratak 2013