Top 43 Apps Similar to Young mathematician (full)

Flash Cards for Kids 1.1
We provide the children entertained while learning a new language.
Patrick's Math Tasks for kids 1.8
Tobias Eckert
Train Math Tasks: Multiplication Table, Addition,Subtraction,Double & Halve
Math for Kids 4.2.0
Application "Math For Kids" will help your child in learningofoperations "Addition", "Subtraction" and "Comparison" andprovideyou easy and flexible control over the process and trackingtheresults. One of the techniques / strategies for learning: 1.Selectarithmetic operation in menu: "Addition", "Subtraction"or"Comparison" 2. Go to “Settings” and set "Maximum value ofresult",based on the current knowledge of the child. For example,if childis learning Additions up to 5 (inclusive), then 5 should bechosenas the value of the "Maximum value of result" field 3. Settheduration of one lesson by setting "Number of examples" 4.Encourageyour child to complete example 5. Child should pronouncearithmeticexpression and choose the answer which he thinks is right6. Thenext example will be started only when the current exampleiscorrectly solved 7. Number of solved examples on the firstattemptand the total number of examples will be displayed as soonas childcorrectly solves all examples of the current lesson 8.Based on theresults of the solved examples, you may repeat thislesson orchange the settings to complicate or simplify it Existentknowledgecan be checked in "Exercises" section. The exercise isinterruptedin case of three errors. The next exercise is a bitcomplicated andbecomes available after a successful completion ofthe current.Description of exercises: Exercise 1: 10 examples on"Addition" ofnumbers from 1 to 5 Exercise 2: 10 examples on"Addition" and"Subtraction" of numbers from 1 to 5 Exercise 3: 10examples on"Addition", "Subtraction" and "Comparison" of numbersfrom 1 to 5Exercise 4: 10 examples on "Addition", "Subtraction"and"Comparison" of numbers from 1 to 10 Exercise 5: 10 exampleson"Addition", "Subtraction" and "Addition/Subtraction" ofthreenumbers from 1 to 10 Exercise 6: 10 examples onoperations"Addition", "Subtraction" and "Comparison" with tensExercise 7: 15examples on "Addition/Subtraction" and 15 examples on"Comparison"of numbers from 0 to 15 Exercise 8: 20 examples onoperations"Addition/Subtraction" of three numbers from 5 to 15Exercise 9: 15examples on "Addition/Subtraction" and 15 examples on"Comparison"of number from 5 to 20 Localization: English,Ukrainian, Russian
Manatee: Family Mental Health 0.351.0
Manatee, Inc.
Mental health for today’s family
Английский язык на слух. Трена 3.1.2
Sergei Lupov
The simulator will learn the skills to take the English languagebyhearing
Baby Flashcards for Kids 4.7
Baby Flash Cards - Over 450 high quality flash cards withtext,sounds & voice!
Letters Numbers Colors Shapes 1.01
Our talking alphabet app will help youenjoyteaching toddlers. Every letter, number, shape and colorhasspecial picture (flashcard) that help remember the letter.Besteducational app for toddlers, kids. Kids learn ABC letter namesandsounds using pictures. A great way to learn to recognizeletters,numbers, colors, and shapes. Kids Preschool ABC Letters.Our educational game shows children the alphabet lettersandteach them to recognize letters as they appear. As aresult,preschoolers kids learn the letters sounds much morefaster.Features:★ install to SD card★ abc for toddlers★ good quality of letters sounds★ image of each Alphabet's letter★ beautiful wallpapers for babies★ entertain your child with numbers and shapes★ best interface for toddlers★ educate your kids★ abc flashcards for kids★ helps child pronounce letters and numbers★ human voice for each color★ help your child learning 26 letters of English alphabetwithenjoyable way★ touch the letter and listen the sounds of ABC★ abc flash cards for kids★ abc family app- talking alphabet- numbers for preschoolers- talking abc- math for pre-school- talking numbers- talking letters- talking colors- geometric shapes for babies- help mothers, fathers, parents, nurses, sisters to studynumberswith kids- could be used in nursery, kindergarten, pre-school,school,universityEach flash card is highly illustrated and an animatedpictureflashes up with the associated shape and sound. Alphabetandnumbers flash cards help children develop memory andlisteningskills. Children will get to know phonics and be able toconnectletter sounds with objects, for example: A is forApple.Geometry (Ancient Greek: γεωμετρία; geo- "earth",-metron"measurement") is a branch of mathematics concerned withquestionsof shape, size, relative position of figures, and theproperties ofspace. A mathematician who works in the field ofgeometry is calleda geometer. Geometry arose independently in anumber of earlycultures as a body of practical knowledge concerninglengths,areas, and volumes, with elements of a formal mathematicalscienceemerging in the West as early as Thales (6th Century BC). Bythe3rd century BC geometry was put into an axiomatic form byEuclid,whose treatment—Euclidean geometry—set a standard formanycenturies to follow.Biologically, a child (plural: children) is a human betweenthestages of birth and puberty. Some biological definitions of achildinclude the fetus, as being an unborn child. The legaldefinitionof "child" generally refers to a minor, otherwise knownas a personyounger than the age of majority.An infant (from the Latin word infans, meaning "unable to speak"or"speechless") is the very young offspring of a human. Whenappliedto humans, the term is usually considered synonymous withbaby, butthe latter is commonly applied to the young of any animal.When ahuman child learns to walk, the term toddler may beusedinstead.
Learn Multiplication Table 1.1.1
Learn Times Tables and Feed Animals with your Points,MultiplicationTable tests
Lullabies Baby Mozart
Two B Soft
Relaxing bedtime music for babies and toddlers
Tower Math™ 2.3
Tower Math™ makes practicing arithmetic fun! Build towers andfreethe numbers!
ABC Flashcards PRO 4.75
Fun & Easy Ways to Learn the English Alphabet
How Are Things Made? 3.2
Learny Land
From chocolate to skateboards
Stack the States® 2 2.0
Stack the States® 2 makes learning US geography fun!
Leeloo AAC - Autism Speech App 2.7.3
AAC talking speech app for autism communication therapy autismappfor kids
Math & Logic - Brain Games 9.3.4
#1 Adaptive Math Exercises for Children 2 to 10 Years of Age
Educational cards for children 1.0.21
Learning to talk with fun and colored cards with sound
First Words Baby & Toddler Pro 8.26
First words flashcards for kids.
ForgetMeNot - Flashcards 1.9.0
A flashcard app that won't let you forget anything.
Soft Kids: Activities and game 1.3.19
Games and tools to do as a family to cultivate kids' soft skills
Dono Words - ABC, Numbers, Words, Kids Games 6
Teach preschool kids to write ABC in, tracing, game DonoWords!“DonoWords - Learn Alphabets Games for preschool kids” isyourfree, wordgames for kids, to Teach your preschool how toLoveLearning. Thosewho develop a love of learning at an earlyagecontinue the processthroughout their lives and are generallymoresuccessful,interesting, improving their memory skills andhappierthan those whodon't. Preschool kids education game to learnabcdin a fun andentertaining way. Whats is “Dono Words -LearnAlphabets Games forpreschool Kids”? Learn ABC was created tobe afun and freealternative to conventional, improving theirmemoriesand uninspiringmethods of learning how to write thealphabet. ABC,Tracing kidsgames, with, abc flash cards, in thetransition topreschool, ourfree innovative and educational wordgames for kids,will teach yourChild how to recognize and write theletters of thealphabet. Whythis ABC, Tracing, kids games, wordgames for kids,with, abc flashcards? With bright colors andinteractive elements,This learn ABCgame helps to keep yourpreschool child curious andwith a hunger tolearn. Prepare yourchild for upcoming educationfrom ages 4-6. Weknow your strugglefinding, word games for kids,for toddlers wherethey can play andlearn abcd. This is your appto teach abc forpreschool kids. BestABC, Tracing, kids games,word games for kids,with, abc flashcards. game: Tracing, letterswith finger is a skillthat they canthen translated to a pen orpencil when the time comes.Enjoy andLearn ABC, Tracing, kidsgames, word games for kids, with,abc flashcards, anywhereHighlighted features of this preschoolkidseducation game: •Accompanying images and a choice of colorstopaint with, • Tracingletters is separated into easystepsaccompanied by bright arrowsand our unique big green andredcircles signing where to begin andwhere to stop tracing.•Interactive elements are a key part of theABC for preschool kids.•Short animations to encourage them toprogress further •Largeletters and preschool kids education gamelike elements •TracingABC of full screen sized letters for easywriting even onsmalldisplay. • All Capital and lowercase Englishalphabets. •Tracing,letters correctly is guaranteed by especiallydevelopedalgorithm. •Professional voiceover assistant Age rating:For allages - Adultscan learn easily foreign languages. Theperfectstarting point forany child aged 4-6; we bet yourpreschool kidswill love it! Lightapp: "Dono Words - LearnAlphabets Games forpreschool Kids" notconsume data from yourdevices. If you like thislearn game, pleaserate it and recommendit to your friends. Hope youwill enjoy withour app for youngchildren to learn the alphabet attheir own pace.Our privacypolicy:
Meditation for Kids - Calmness 2.7
Meditation App for Kids to relax, Sleep Better, Stay Calm &Copewith Stress
Аутизм: Общение 1.3
АНО «Центр реабилитации инвалидов детства «Наш СолнечныйМир»,ведущая организация в области профессиональной помощи детямсаутизмом в Российской Федерации, объявляет о выпуске новойверсииуникального бесплатного приложения-коммуникатора «Аутизм:Общение».Первая версия коммуникатора «Аутизм: Общение»,созданногоспециалистами Центра в 2012 году была первым в миреподобнымприложением на русском языке, способным помочь ребенку саутизмомнаучиться общаться с окружающими и развить навыкиспонтанной речи.Приложение создавалось при помощи ведущегоспециалиста поприкладному анализу поведения – Юлии Михайловны Эрц.Новая версия,полностью сохранив функционал предыдущей, прибрелановые,уникальные возможности. Теперь родитель или специалистможетиспользовать для общения с неговорящим ребенком нетолькостандартный набор карточек, но и сможет добавлять свои,создаваемыеиндивидуально. Такой функционал позволяет использоватьприложениене только для неговорящих детей с аутизмом и другиминарушениями вразвитии, но и для любых других людей, не имеющихвозможностиговорить. Это могут быть дети и взрослые с церебральнымпараличом,взрослые люди с последствиями травм и после инсульта,простопожилые люди. Новая версия приложения создана прифинансовойподдержке Фонда поддержки исторических и культурныхисследований«Истоки». Приложение содержит: • Галерею карточек,содержащую более150 качественных изображений, которые ребенокучится различать,наименовать и соотносить с различными категориями(например,животные, буквы, числа, формы, цвета и др). Умениеразличать инаименовать предметы также способствует развитию речевыхнавыков удетей с аутизмом и другими нарушениями в развитии.Родители испециалисты смогут добавлять свои карточки(фотографировать иозвучивать), используя в диалоге с ребенком тепредметы и объекты,которые нужно изучить именно ему (папа, мама,поликлиника, детскийсадик и пр.) • Коммуникатор, при помощикоторого ребенок может какпросто обозначать желаемые предметы, таки составлять полноценныепредложения-просьбы. Звуковое сопровождениепозволяет ребенкуозвучить собственные желания и дает возможностьдля повторения иречевой имитации. Разработанное с учетоммноголетнего опытаспециалистов центра реабилитации инвалидовдетства «Наш СолнечныйМир» пособие подходит для эффективногообучения детей с аутизмом,синдромом Дауна, алалией и другимирасстройствами,сопровождающимися трудностями в развитии речи.Приложение можетбыть использовано и в качестве развивающего пособияв процессезанятий с обычными детьми младшего возраста. •Специальныйфункционал приложения позволяет создаватькоммуникативные,озвученные карточки для взрослых и пожилых людей снарушениямиречи. Такие как – «ходунки», «чашка», «лекарства», «мнеплохо», «яхочу позвонить дочери» и т.д. Можно создавать иозвучивать карточкидля любых слов. Столько, сколько потребуется.Главная задача этогоприложения – помочь в общении людям, которые немогут говоритьсами. Главный эксперт проекта – Шпицберг ИгорьЛеонидович.Основатель и руководитель АНО «Центр реабилитацииинвалидов детства«Наш Солнечный Мир» (с 1991 года), член ПравленияМеждународнойАссоциации “Autism Europe” (Autism Europe’s CouncilofAdministration), член Экспертного Совета МинистерстваПросвещенияРоссийской Федерации по вопросам комплексногосопровождения детей срасстройствами аутистического спектра, членСовета Всероссийскойорганизации родителей детей-инвалидов (ВОРДИ),член СоветаМосковской Городской Ассоциации родителейдетей-инвалидов (МГАРДИ),член Координационного Совета по деламдетей-инвалидов и других лицс ограничениями жизнедеятельности приОбщественной палате РФ. С1991 г. по настоящее время активноучаствует в разработке исовершенствовании методов реабилитациидетей с расстройствамиаутистического спектра (РАС). Автор методикикоррекции особенностейв развитии сенсорных систем у детей срасстройствами аутистическогоспектра.
123 Numbers Flashcards PRO 4.75
Fun & Easy Ways to Learn Numbers.
FlashCards - study flash cards 13.4.1
Make, Learn & share. Memorize faster and easier. Justswipecards right or left.
uLingo – Chinese & English 3.20.00
VMX Limited
Learn English Mandarin on ulingo! Memorize Chinese words&English phonics
MusiQuest ECE: Sketch-a-Song K 1.0.9
Making and learning music has never been more fun. See
Score: Cornelius Composer 1.32.00
A simple-to-use music notation editor specially designedforelementary-levels.
Memorie Mobile
Neeuro Memorie Mobile - brain training for memory andothercognitive skills.
Cute Animals Cards PRO 4.75
Fun & Easy Ways to Learn Animals.
Multiplication table Pro 1.50-premium
Learn multiplication tables fast and fun!
GloRead - Global Reading 7.0
Teach reading with Global reading method
Women Who Changed the World 3.1
Learny Land
Great stories to inspire you
Times Tables Game 4.06-pro
To learn the times tables by heart can be hard. This app makesiteasy&fun!
DoodleMath: Elementary Math 8.1.8
Personalized practice for grades K-5 that builds math skillsandconfidence.
Flashcards App 3.5
Edward Grude
Study smart. Learn anything you need. Prepare for exams.Improveyour vocabulary
Times Tables 2.2.6d
Benjamin A.
This app helps you learning the multiplication tables easily.
Squeebles Times Tables 4.1
Multiplication tables have never been more fun! Learn withtheSqueebles.
Slice Fractions 2 1.00.12
Make your kids excited about their next math discovery throughsillypuzzles!
Learn Slovak - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Speech Therapy 2 - old 2.40
Speech and Language Therapy : articulation App for childrenandadults.
Multiplication table 1.5.4
Learning Multiplication table, Division Math Table for kids willbereally fun!
Hexpress musical instrument 0.39.0
Musical instruments on your phone