Top 20 Apps Similar to احلى اختبارات الحب

إختبار الشخصية 3.0
اختبار الشخصية. مرحبا بكم في إختبار اكتشف شخصيتك هل انت شخصيةسياديةأو إجتماعية أو متزنة او تحليلية لمعرفة اي من هذه الشخصياتانت قمبهذا الإختبار
Arabic speakers Personal Test 1.7
Arabic speakers Personal Analysis Test - Know Yourself(WithoutInternet)
اكتشف شخصيتك 1.1
تطبيق يجمع أكثر من 10 اخبارت علميه ونفسيه لتحليل الشخصيةواكتشافهاوتحسينها يضم هذا التطبيق : "♥ شخصيتك من طريقة جلوسك ♥" ,"ツ شخصيتكمن طريقة ضحكتك ツ", "♫ شخصيتك من طريقة نومك ♫" , "∀ شخصيتكمن حرفإسمك ☂ ", "Ü شخصيتك من برجك ✈" , " ✌ هل أنت شخص متكبر ♔ " ,"♤ لعبةاختبار قوة الذاكرة ♡", "ッ شخصيتك من شكل عيونك ッ", "✓ اخترصورةواعرف شخصيتك ✔", "ஜ شخصيتك من الفاكهة ஜ" , "❥ اختبارالشخصيةللدكتور Dr.Phil ❥" وسيتم إضافة العديد من الاختبارات بشكلدوري وسيتمتحديث البرنامج باستمرار الكثير من الاختبارات بانتظاركم إنجميعالأطباء النفسيين ينصحون دائما بأن يكون الإنسان في رحلة سعيدائمللتعرف على شخصيته ومعرفة سلبياتها وايجابياتها، وخصوصا لو كانيبحثعن النجاح والتألق والسعادة في حياته سواء المهنية أو الخاصة،فمعرفةالإنسان بنمط شخصيته بلا شك سيكون له أثر بالغ في محاولةتفاديالأنماط السيئة التي تظهر من خلال علاقاته وتعاملاته مع من حولهفيالحياة، كما أن معرفته بالأنماط الايجابية التي يتمتع بها سيزيدمنثقته بنفسه، وتجعله يعمل على تنميتها بالقدر الذي يساعده علىخلقمساحة من التفاؤل والسعادة يساعده على المزيد من التألق والنجاح ,هذاالتطبيق من إعداد : ثائر الزغل , فلسطين , لآرائكم واقتراحاتكم:[email protected]
اختبارات شخصية ممتعة 3.1
اكتشف شخصيتك بطريقه ممتعه ومسليه معاختباراتشخصية freeiqquizzDiscovered thecharacterfun and entertaining way with a personal freeiqquizztests
أعرف نفسك - إختبارات نفسية 1.3
A wide range of psychological tests That will help you toknowyourself more
كيف تجعل الفتاة تحبك بدون نت 4.0
Application offers you the most important tips inromanticrelationships and in how do you know that your lover lovesyouAochks
مقياس الحب الحقيقي 1.0
مقياس الحب الحقيقي ( Love Test ) بين شخصينمنأشهر الاختبارات الحب التي تعطيك نسبة التوافق بينك وبين أكثرواحديحبك.جرب حظك واكتب اسمك بالعربي او بالانجليزي مش فارقة وعالناحيةالتانية حط اسم حبيبك وشوف في كل مكان قياس الحب قد ايه واذامفيش ايعلامة ولا المؤشر طلع ولا نزل نصيحة لوجه الله ارمي الموضوعورا ضهركوربنا يعوض صبرك خير اما لو كان المؤشر مرتفع فعليك بالشبكةوالدبلةوالقايمة بالمرة وجهز نفسك لشر لابد منه ومعلش كلنا لها بسالمهممتضيعش نفسك قبل ما تشوف وتعرف التوافق مع لعبة الحب الجامدةوالرائعة..لعبة مقياس الحب لعبة حب و رومنسية رائعة فيها تستطيع قياس نسبةللحببينك و بين اي شخص و طريقة اللعبة سهلة جدا قم في هذه اللعبة فيالجهةالأولى وضع إسمك قم في الجهة الثانية وضع إسم الطرف الأخر ثم يابطلبالضغط على زر القياس لترى نسبة الحب في لعبة مقياس الحب تستطيعكتابةاسمك و كتابة اسم الطرف الأخر و ترى نسبة حبك له أيضا تستطيعكتابةاسم الطرف الأخر ثم اسمك و ترى نسبة حبه هو لك وغيرها من الطرقأيضايا بطل تستطيع في هذه اللعبة كتابة الأسماء بأي طريقة ممكنة و بأيلغةسواء العربية أو الإنجليزية أو الفرنسية أو غيرهم طبعا هذهاللعبةليست النسب فيها حقيقية إنما هي للتسلية و الترفيه و تسجيةالوقت ,فيها نسبة حب إخوانك أمك أبوك أصدقائك و غيرهم و إقضي وقت ممتعومسلية في هذه اللعبةأتمنى أن تستمتع بهذه العبةThe real measure oflove(Love Test) between two of the most famous love tests that giveyoucompatibility ratio between you and the more one loves you.Try your luck and write your name in Arabic or in EnglishMeshmilestone p side Altanih landed your lover's name andLookeverywhere measure of love has any if Mafeesh no sign nor theindexcame and got to face God's advice Armi Thread Laura Dhrk andLordcompensates patience good either if the index is up you networkandAldblh and Alqaama totally evil and prepare yourself fortheinevitable and never mind we all have but importantMtadhaashyourself before you know what is shown and compatibilitywith theGame of Love rigid and wonderful ..Game of Love Scale love the game and romantic fantastic whichcanmeasure the percentage of love between you and a person and thewaythe game so your easy in this game in the first put your namethenin the second put the other party name, and my hero by clickingonthe measurement button to see the proportion of Love In the gameoflove scale can write your name and write party name of theotherand see the love ratio has also can write the other partyname, andyour name and see the percentage of his love is for youand othermethods also my hero you can in this game write the namesin anyway possible and in any language, whether Arabic, English orFrenchor others of course this game is not real but the percentagesarefor fun and entertainment and Tsjah time, the percentage ofyourbrothers love your mother, your father and other friends andspendtime fun and entertaining in this gameI hope you enjoy this new game
شخصيتك من أسمك 1.1
Insta App
تعرف على كل ما يخص شخصيتك من خلالهذاالتطبيقالذى يكشف أسرار كل شخصية بحسب إسمك .إذا كنت تبحث عنحلل شخصيتكالأبراج والحياةعالم الفلك والأبراجمفاتيح الشخصيةأسرار الأبراجأريد تحليل شخصيتي ,,,, وغيرهاليس هذا فحسب بل ويمكنك تحميل الصور والموضوعات علىجوالكومشاركةالموضوعات أو الصور الموجودة بالتطبيق مع أصدقائك عبرالواتساب، البىبى إم، الرسائل القصيرة، الفيس بوك، تويتر وغيرها.•حمل التطبيق ولا تنس التقييم 5 نجوم ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆Learn everythingrelatedtoyour personality through this application that revealsthesecrets ofeach character according to your name.  If you're looking forAnalyze your personalityTowers and lifeAstronomer and towersPersonal keysSecrets towersI want my character analysis and other ,,,,Not only this you can even upload photos and topics onyourmobilephone and post topics or images in the application withyourfriendsvia Alwats August, BBC IM, SMS, Facebook, Twitterandothers.• Do not forget to download the application rate 5 Stars ☆ ☆☆☆☆
تحليل الشخصية من اللون المفضل 1.0
تحليل الشخصية من اللون المفضلحلل شخصيتك وشخصية احبابكمن اللون المفضل ليك وليهمPersonal analysisofthefavorite colorAnalyze your personality and personal loved onesLake of the favorite color and matter
مواصفات البنت من برجها 1.1
يسر فريق العمل أن يقدم لكم تطبيق(مواصفاتالبنتمن برجها ) الذى يكشف الكثير من أسرار المراة ، صفاتالبنت ،تحليلالشخصية ، عالم الفلك ، أسرار الأبراج ، اعرف شخصيتك,,,,,وغيرها .مميزات التطبيق•متوافق مع جميع أجهزة الأندرويد.• إمكانية مشاركة الصور والمحتوى عن طريقتطبيقاتالتواصلالاجتماعي.• التطبيق يحتوي على مساحة إعلانية، نعتذر إذا كانتهذهالإعلاناتتزعجك.حمل التطبيق مجانا و إدعمنا بخمس نجوم ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆The team ispleasedtooffer you an application (the girl specifications ofthetower)which reveals many of the secrets of the mirror, thegirlrecipes,personal analysis, astronomer, the secrets of thetowers, Iknowyour character ,,,,, and others.Application features• Compatible with all Android devices.• the ability to share images and contentthroughsocialnetworking applications.• application contains the ad space, we apologize if theseadsarebothering you.Download the application for free and support us five-star ☆ ☆☆☆☆
Numerology - Your Personality 8.2
Mobile Plasma
you can learn what your Birthday number in your Numerology
تحليل الشخصية من لون العيون 2.0
New 2016
تحليل الشخصية من لون العيونPersonaleyecoloranalysis
تحليل الشخصية بالأرقام 1.0
تحليل الشخصية بالأرقامPersonalanalysisoffigures
تحليل الشخصية بالأرقام 1.0
Mnmona Apps
تحليل الشخصية بالأرقامPersonalanalysisoffigures
كيفية تحليل الشخصية 2.0
koshi apps
كيفية تحليل الشخصيةHowpersonalanalysis
اختبار وتحليل الشخصية 6.2
Mr. Jamal
اختبر الان مستوى الذكاء الفطري الذيوصلتاليهعبر هذا الاختبار . ... هذا الاختبار يحدد لكالأسلوبالذيتستخدمهNow tested thelevelofinnate intelligence that got him through this test. ...Thistestdetermines which method you should use
Love Pattern Lock Screen 1.2.0
To say welcome with International Women'sDay,TKTech release a new Love Pattern Locker application'Love Pattern Lock Screen' is one of the best parallaxeffectpattern locker with your lover's photo.With this pattern screen lock you can set pattern passwordtoenhance your phone security, and put your lover's photo intothebeatiful hearts.This Parallax Pattern lockscreen is the best choice for whoaregetting bored of his/her default launcher lockscreen.Features:★ Beautiful Retina HD Wallpaper ,cool looks and nicegraphicalinterface.★ Custom background from gallery.★ Replace each heart node by your own photo(your lover, friendsandfamily members etc.)★ Consume less memory and battery.★ Display real time clock and date.★ Disable HOME/MENU/BACK key in Pattern Lockscreen,so no onecanaccess your phone without right password.★ Security : easy to set pattern password to enhance yourphonesecurity.★ Custom love text at bottom screenThis 'Love Pattern Lock Screen' has been tested extensivelyonfollowing devices:* Galaxy S3,Galaxy S4,Galaxy S5* HTC One,HTC Explorer,HTC M8, HTC One, HTC M8.* LG2,LG3, LG Optimus G.* Xperia Z1,Xperia Z2,Xperia Z3.* Nexus 4,Nexus 5,Nexus 7.Please email us if your device is not supported,we will try ourbestto support it.If you love this locker application, please give 5 starstoencourage developers. Thanks for your choice.
DIY Fashion Design Ideas 2.0
Fashion advice, especially to someoneasvulnerable as teenage girls, is something that can godisastrouslywrong if one does not know what they're talking about.And it hasbeen known to happen so don't judge me for being a littletoocondescending about it. Fashion as I see it, and as I'm suremany,many girls all around the world see it, is a matterofself-confidence seasoned with a bit of creative thinking and alotof resourcefulness. You don't have to own every latest pieceofclothing that has walked a ramp to be well-dressed andpresentable.That's one major piece of advice that is underused; bythosedishing out the advice and the ones receiving it. In thisarticle,there are some basic tips to ensure that you have anall-seasonwardrobe. So get ready for a wardrobe upheaval that doesnotnecessarily involve super-expensive couture.Fashion Tips for Teenage Girls in DIY fashion design ideasWhen it comes to styling DIY fashion design ideas teenagegirls,one needs to be overly cautious. It's not just about makingthegirl wear the latest clothes. It's about helping her toidentifywith her inner self and recognize what is going to help herenhanceher best features. Just giving a girl a lecture about whatyouthink is the best for her is not enough. She should be abletorelate to what you're saying. You need to put yourself intheirplace, but advice them from the point of view of a person whowillbe looking at them (literally). So, let's check out someverysimple and (un)fortunately cliché fashion advice that teenagegirlscan benefit from.DIY fashion design ideas - Stick to BasicsWhat goes into having a perfect wardrobe that boasts ofsomethingnice to wear during every season? What do you need to laythefoundation of a wardrobe so awesome, that you don't need tospendhours agonizing over the dreaded 'what to wear' question?It's thebasics! Or essentials if you will. Honestly, there isnothing moresimple to understand than the 'stick to basics'philosophy. So whatdo the basics encompass? Here's a list of someof the items, whoseimportance and contribution to your wardrobeyou should NEVERunderestimate.Well Fitting Jeans: If you haven't come across a girl whowearsDIY fashion design ideas that are either so tight theythreaten toexplode, or so loose they look like they're hung on ahanger, thenyou live in a perfect world. I am yet to find adictionary in whichthe word 'fitting'means'extra-tight-to-the-point-of-tearing-if-worn-when-seated'.Girls,we know you're at an age when the first and last thing onyour mindis how you look. So please, refrain from wearing jeansthat are toosnug or too loose. Flaunt your body, but do it withdignity.Tops: T-shirts, tanks, spaghetti straps, the world isyouroyster! You need to have these in strong colors thatwillcomplement your skin tone and your body type. Do not go in foranill-fitting top. Your upper body needs to breathe, so you needtohave something that will facilitate this basic necessity oflife.At the same time, having just sweatshirts and loose tees willtakeaway the femininity from your wardrobe. Include smartbutton-downshirts, some girly tops, and classy jackets in neutralcolors forthe winters.Skirts and Shorts: If you know how to look good in shorts,thennothing should stop you from flaunting your legs in thesummer.Follow the cardinal rule of not too tight, not too loose forthemas well. If you're more of a 'girly' girl, then you needacollection of pretty skirts in varying lengths: short, medium,andlong. You can team the extremely short ones with leggings, wearthemedium ones as they are and heavily accessorize with the longonesfor an ultra-chic Boho look!
Diary with lock 4.96
Create your own personal DIARY with lock.
Hijab Tutorials For Fashion 1.0
Hijab tutorials for women latest fashion.Inthis application, you get some ideas for step by step tutorialinwearing hijab. There also many photos, so you can wear itinfashionable and easy ways.It is usually the scarf or veil that a woman adores on herhead,neck and chest. Not only it identifies a woman as Muslim butalsoprotects her from sexual harassment.Traditionally, hijab style is similar to wearing apashminashawl. It usually consists of an under-scarf and a scarf.There arevarieties of fabrics, colors and prints that are used tocomplementhijab fashion, and it is worn with different methods ofwrapping.While looking for a hijab you can go for underscarvesthatcomplement the outer veil. It is your liking for colors andprintthat is reflected in the scarves. In hijab fashion, the colorsofthe scarves are also determined by seasons or the occasion.Manyhijabs are adorned with pins to hold fabric in place. In ordertodrape the fabric, you can use a plain scarf and fold it overinsuch a way that the scarf points downward on your back. Itshouldnot be folded in half; rather it should be folded inaboutone-third. Now it should be wrapped evenly over your headandpinned together under chin. Then pull it from one side overandacross your opposite side. Pull it now gently over yourback-head.Use a pin to hold it in place at the crown of your head.The frontcorner should be pulled up to your left shoulder and holdin placewith the help of a pin. For those who prefer patternedfabric, theyshould pin one front side to the shoulder when thescarf is drapedover the head. Thereafter the other side of thescarf should bepulled up to your opposite cheek. Using a decorativepin, it shouldbe clipped in place.Although girls belonging to religious families seem tocomprehendthe importance of wearing hijabs in Islam, certain womenfeel theneed to experiment and research on their own accord tocome to theconclusion about its importance. This leads to testingand trying anumber of outfit variations before settling forsomething that theyfeel confident about. Many young girls whoalready wear hijabs atthe time of entering college also getinfluenced by the stylish oneson display around campus.This is the most important factor behind finding hip andtrendyIslamic clothing stores conveniently located near universityandcollege campuses and in particular around university townswithlarge number of Muslim students. These boutiques featurefunky,fashionable and distinctive styles in all clothing itemsincludinghijabs and abayas. This allows the young women to figureout whatthey prefer to wear the most.Colors and styles are another important element which theyoungwomen take into account when selecting their signaturehijabs.Different colors have different effects on the varying skintonesand face cuts.Similarly different styles in which hijabs are wornalsocontribute a great deal to the overall appearance of theperson.For certain women, a square scarf wrapped around the headlooks themost elegant, whereas for others, a rectangular one withone endloosely draped across the forehead adds a touch ofgracefulness.Therefore it is important to try out different stylesand colorsbefore selecting a few that compliment your eye colour,complexionand facial structure the most.