Top 15 Apps Similar to Taste of Romania

Yurtdışı Rehberi 1.0
Vodafone Yurtdışı Rehberiuygulamasıilebireysel hattınızla ilgili yurtdışı işlemeleriniziyapmak artıkçokkolay!Vodafone Yurtdışı Rehberi uygulaması ile yapabilecekleriniz;•Tarifenizi yurtdışında kullanıma açabilir,•Yurtdışındaki data kullanımlarınızı yönetebilir,•Yurtdışı paketleri alabilir,•Faturasız aboneyseniz, yurtdışındaykenpaketinizeTLyükleyebilir,•Gittiğiniz ülkeye ait gezilmesi gerekenyerler,konsoloslukbilgileri vb. bilgilere sahipolabilirsiniz.Vodafone Yurtdışı Rehberi ücretsiz biruygulamadır.Uygulamayı;uygulama marketlerinden indirmek içinkullanılacakinternetbağlantısı, aboneler mevcut datasıüzerindenücretlendirilir.Vodafone aboneleri, uygulamayıkullanırken(yurtdışındaki ülkelerdahil)ücretlendirilmeyeceklerdir.Vodafone totherelevantoverseas processing line with your individualAbroadGuideapplication is very easy!What you can do with Vodafone International Book application;• You can open it for use in your tariff abroad• You can manage your data usage abroad• you may take overseas packages• Prepaid subscriber, you can upload per package abroad,• Places to be visited of the country you go,consularinformationand so on. You can have more information.Vodafone Abroad Guide is a free application.Application;Internetconnection will be used to downloadapplications from thestore,subscribers will be charged at thecurrent data. Vodafonecustomerswhen using applications (includingforeign countries) willnot becharged.
1001 Locuri în România
1001 Places in Romania is an application for those who wanttotravel
Castele, Romania 2.0
Castles and Fortresses, a walk through history - Romania
Romania Offline Map & Weather 5.0
Discover Romania with free Offline Map and Guide + OfflineWeatherForecast!
Situația Drumurilor - România 1.2.8
Ionita Dragos
Situația Drumurilor din România este o aplicație venită înajutoruloricarui șofer. Aplicația conține informații de ultimă orădesprestarea drumurilor, accidente, drumuri cu circulația oprită,drumuricu circulația întreruptă, starea vremii și temperaturi.Deasemenea, veți primi informări cu privire la stareatraficului,informații de vreme rea sau știri cu privire lainfrastructurarutieră. Tot prin intermediul aplicației puteți căutași vizionainformații despre drumurile naționale sau vă puteți faceo estimarede traseu. Sursele de date sunt C.N.A.I.R (CompaniaNațională deAdministrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere), CentrulINFOTRAFIC(Inspectoratul General al Poliției Române),MinisterulTransporturilor dar și comunitați de șoferi din România.Tot prinintermediul aplicației puteți căuta și viziona informațiidespredrumurile naționale sau vă puteți face o estimare de traseu.Nu neasumăm nici o răspundere in privința corectitudinii datelordinaceastă aplicație și nici urmările cauzate prin folosireaacestora.Recomandăm folosirea ca supliment la informațiileprovenite dinsurse sigure ale organelor abilitate (Politia Rutiera,ISU, ș.a.).Având in vedere ca este o aplicație gratuită ce nuconține reclame,și care a fost dezvoltată din fonduri proprii, fărăvreun ajutordin partea statului român sau din partea vreunuisponsor, te rog săfii îngaduitor în comentarii și în rating. Îțimulțumim că faciparte din această comunitate, Situația Drumurilor
Vodafone Explore Greece 1.12.1
A must have application for everyonevisitingor planning to visit Greece available in English, German,Italianand Greek language.Explore Greece with the best mobile guide and let anamazingjourney begin. Embark on a virtual vacation through theheart andsoul of Greece.Visit the famous Greek Islands and the legendary landwithguidance and tips from expert tourist guides.Discover the most beautiful beaches and watch amazing videosfromprevious visitors.Find out everything about Greek history and culturethroughpictures and related information.Look up for sightseeing, beaches, hotels, restaurants,bars,ATMs, pharmacies and other points of interests on the map whenyouare visiting, using your GPS location.Check out the Greek food section and learn about therecipes.Learn how to speak Greek using the handy audio guide!Get special deals on hotels, travel, restaurants and museumsifyou are a Vodafone Customer.Finally upload a picture of you in Greece as a postcard andshareit with your friends using your Facebook account.
Hey Romania 1.0.31
We are HEY MEDIA IDEAS, a companylocatedinBucharest and we are known in Romania forourwebsite:www.heyromania.roIt all started in London. There, we could see thatRomaniaissuffering from a poor image. All because of one thing: thelackofinformation.And what is the fastest way to getinformationthesedays?Internet. If you want to have informationabout the areayoulive in: a hotel, a good restaurant, where toinvite a friendfor acoffee, which concert there will be in thecoming days,whatare thetourist areas, which companies are settledhere and more.All thisin English, French and Romanian.We have started the project in Bucharest, the largest cityinthecountry, and the most touristic one.After we apply it tothecountyof Buzau and then everything went for itself."Hey," it is information in a fast, direct and clear way. Thegoalisto apply this concept to every county, respecting thesamestyle, foreasy use and to obtain essential information.
Vodafone TraviPay Plugin 2.2.0-vodafone
TRAVIPAY – YOUR MOBILITY ASSISTANTforVodafoneWalletTraviPay enables you to pay your parking fees onpublicparkingspaces and in parking garages with mobile phone inGermany(e.g.Berlin, Cologne and Düsseldorf) and theNetherlands(e.g.Amsterdam). TraviPay helps you to find the cheapestorclosestparking zone and you can pay your parking ticket „withoneclick“.A list of all parking locations where the mobilepaymentsystem forparking is available can be foundat, you can order taxis and find aconvenientpublictransport connection.TraviPay is your mobility assistant - have a greatmobilepaymentexperience!The parking fee is either directly paid via the mobilephonebillor the prepaid credit.NEW FEATURES• Cost savings: the payment of a ticket now workswithoutsendingan SMS• Convenient overview of all payment transactions made• New user friendly design and user experience• Benefit from premium features and register at http://tpay.ioYOUR ADVANTAGES• Find the cheapest or closest parking zone for yourcurrentpositionor destination• Mobile Payment “with one click” without registration• Get the exact price before you buy the parking ticket• You don’t have to walk and make a detour to theparkingmeter• Never search cash and coins again• You get a reminder before the parking ticket expires• You can prolong the parking ticket from remote• Save your cars position and never search your car again• You can conveniently order a taxi – withoutcallingahotline!• Find a public transport connectionLOCATIONS - where can I use the app?Payment of parking tickets: In more than 100 locationsinGermany,e.g. in Berlin, Cologne, Düsseldorf, MagdeburgandSaarbrücken. Alist of all locations can be foundat . Newlocations will becomeavailablesoon, e.g. Nueremberg. We will alsoadd parkinginformation forGermany so that you can find convenientparkingspots in any Germancity!Order taxis: In every German city with morethan75.000inhabitants!Public transport info: Everywhere in Germany!REMARKSThe parking fees are consistent with the tariff structureoftherespective parking operator. At some locations thereisanadditional service fee. You can inform yourself about theamountofthe service fees on our homepage ( andoneverysticker at the parking meter.If needed, a receipt for your parking ticket can bedownloadedonour homepage. ( you are using our service in cologne, you’ll have toprintavignette und put it in your car so that it is wellvisiblefromoutside. You can download the vignette onourhomepage( the „Taxi“ section you can order a taxi by typing inanadresswith the exact house number or by long-tapping on themapforselecting your pickup adress. Please don’t cancel thetaxiorderafter you received the status „Taxi is on the way“ andchecktheterms of service of our partnerbettertaxi(http:// ).
Salvamont 2.15
Application that can save your life when you travel in theRomanianmountains!
Tourist Informator - Romania 1.2.10
Discover the most populardestinationsinRomania with Tourist Informator. Multilingual onlineandofflinetravel app (RO, HU, DE, EN), more than 17,000tourismrelatedservices, attractions. We inform and recommend,youdecide.Get all relevant, up to date information for1326touristdestinations, find the best accomodations,restaurants,bars,travelagencies, tourism information centers, sights andattractionswitchis close to you. Its FREE and easy to use.Main features of the Tourist Informator app:- Up to date information, actualised by ownersandtouristinformation centres- Multilingual (romanian, hungarian, german, english)- Over 17.500 Points of Interrest, with addresses,contactdetails,opening times, general information and reviews- Integrated map for easier navigation- All popular tourist destination- InfoLive – List of all Tourist InformationCentresfromRomania- Online or offline communicationTourist Informator use an innovative multichannelmarketingdistribution and content management technology,thatenables you toget up to date tourist information oninfoterminals,websites(,, iPadsandsmartphones and help interact withowners.
Vodafone Travel Magyarország 1.6.0
Utazni készülsz? Íme a mindentudóútitársaVodafone Magyarország ügyfeleinek! A letöltésingyenes!Valósidejűjáratinformációra lenne szükséged az indulásodnapján,beleértve akéséseket, törléseket is? Szeretnéd tudnimennyibe kerülamobilhasználat külföldön? Olyan praktikus dolgokralenneszükséged,mint például friss időjárás előrejelzés azúticélodrólvagyvalutaváltó? A Vodafone Travel ezt mind tudja!Töltsd le a Vodafone Travel-t és használd kényelmesenutazásaidsorán– például a következő képességeit:Valósidejű járatinformációValutaváltóÖsszefoglaló a Vodafone Magyarország külföldi díjszabásárólReptéri kalauz (angol nyelven)Parkolási emlékeztetőÚtikalauzEseménykalauzIdőjárás előrejelzésÚtiterv szerkesztőEgyszerűen összeállíthatod utazásaidat: Androidostelefonoddalkeressrá, és add hozzá a repülőjáratot, amivel utaznifogsz! Avilág összeslégijárata elérhető (a charterjáratokkivételével)!
Talk Romanian (Free) 1.1
+++ Get your personal Bhuiolanguagecollection! Search for "bhuio" in the Android Market +++Hear, Read & Learn the most important spokenRomanianphrases! The easiest way ever!FEATURES:+ Clear audio recordings of native Romanian girl+ with text output (translation)+ NO INTERNET REQUIRED! Works offline, works whileyou'retraveling+ Very fast and easy to use!+ Organized in three categories+ Compressed audio files to ensure fast download anywhere+ App2SD supported (app can be moved to SD card)Most apps or classes try to teach you thousands of wordsyou'llprobably never need. This app teaches you cleverlypreselectedphrases that you will very likely need!tags: Romania, Romanian, Dracula, Sheep, Castle,Transilvania,Vampire, Zombies, Bucharest, Timişoara, Iaşi,Cluj-Napoca,Constanţa, Craiova, Galaţi, BraşovBhuio apps exist for over 20 languages: Indonesian,Japanese,American, Arabic, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Hindi,Italian,Korean, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish,Thai,Turkish, Hebrew, Danish, Norwegian, Greek and more
IRCTC Authorised eTicket Book 1.9.2
All in one railway reservation app – now with enquiry features.Version 1.6• Tatkal, senior citizen concession, berth/meal preferencenowavailable in the app.• Don’t have an IRCTC account? No problem, register for anIRCTCaccount from the app itself!• You can now specify another mobile number in addition to yourownnumber for sending the booking SMS.Don’t have an IRCTC account? No problem, register for anIRCTCaccount from the app itself! No internet required, you onlyneed tospecify your name and date of birth.Tatkal booking, senior citizen concession, berth andmealpreferences now available within the app.Booked the train from one station and want to board the train fromadifferent station en route? No problem, just specify theboardingstation during the booking process.Booking the ticket for someone else? No problem, during thepaymentprocess you can now specify another mobile number inaddition toyour own number for sending the booking SMS.Updated UI design - simpler, elegant and morestreamlinedinterface.Fastest & easiest way to book your railway ticket!We have done benchmarked testing of 55 seconds!!Just Two steps to book your train ticket & does notrequireInternet.*** New ICICI customers can now book ticket without OTPfromtheir registered mobile numberThis path breaking application allows IRCTC registered userstobook railway tickets - anytime anywhere - without any data orGPRSconnectivity to work (one time download requiresInternet)Booking a railway ticket in India has never been easier!Key requirements for bookinga. IRCTC user Idb. Registered Mobile number with IRCTC to be usedfor Payments** IMPS - Requires MMID & OTPOR** ICICI Bank users using registered mobile number - Requireonlylast six digit of bank account (no OTP)OR** Vodafone m-pesa - Requires m-pesa account pinWhen can you do bookings:This allows booking all day except tatkal window of 8am to12noon.Charges:a. Promotional offer – PG charges limited to Rs FIVE onlyb. Please note that SMS 139 messaging charges apply.
Monumente Romania 1.0.14
Descopera monumentele istorice din Romania!
Romania Map offline 1.38
Romania (Romania) Map offline - isanapplication that allows you to view online and offline Romaniamapin yourmobile phone.2 types of maps are attached in application:1st map: Offline map. You can download it in Wi-fi service areaanduse without Internet.2nd Map: Online map. Allows you to search for addresses, savepointson the map. Map access is free of charge.Application functions are available:1. Add any objects to your favorites.2. Add your own map points (for example, your hotel or yourcarparking space).3. Object search by address.4. Get directions.