Top 24 Apps Similar to San Andreas City map for MCPE

Bikini Bottom map for MCPE 1.0
Do you want to discover a cartoon city?Thentrythis Minecraft map!Bikini Bottom is the city and main setting for thefamousanimatedTV series. This mcpe map includes everything fromhis ownpineapplehouse to the Bikini Bottom Mall. If you’ve everwatchedit on TV thenwe can guarantee you will find manysimilarities tothis Minecraft PEmap.It is often updated with more locations but at itscurrentstateit is already really good and resembles the area seenintheanimated tv show.This is an unofficial map for Minecraft. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe mapforMinecraftis not affiliated in any way with officialMinecraftDeveloper. Allrights reserved.
Modern City map for MCPE 1.0
Do you want to discover a modernorfuturisticcity? Then try this Minecraft map!Modern City for MCPE is a futuristic city designed inawhitetheme. Here and there we can see colors such as blue andgreentobreak the otherwise white theme which is a great improvementofthecity. In this mcpe map you will find everything from abigcampuswith apartment complexes to public parks withbeautifulflowers andfountains.This city was the first one created and we can seeadrasticincrease in his incredible building skills. The ModernThismcpemap is still one of the best looking futuristic citieswithanincredible attention to detail both on the outsidebutespeciallyif you have a look at the interiors.This is an unofficial map for Minecraft. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe mapforMinecraftis not affiliated in any way with officialMinecraftDeveloper. Allrights reserved.
Last King Standing MCPE map 1.2
Last King Standing MCPE is a PvP map whereeachteam’s objective is to kill the other team’s king or destroythecastle using the TNT cannons. The only thing dividing thetwokingdoms is a river. It’s a good versus evil map for mcpewherethere’s only room for one ruler.It’s a fun PvP Minecraft world where one of your teammates willbethe king and the rest of you have to act as soldiers and defendtheking as well as his castle. On the walls of each castle thereareTNT cannons setup which can be used to fire TNT blocks attheopposite castle.Game ObjectiveThe objective for each team is to destroy the enemy cannons orkillthe enemy king. Its design allow 2-8 players to participateandbefore starting each team should decide on a king. The king mustbeprotected at any cost as well as the cannonsMake up your own rules. There’s no strict guidelines what’sallowedand what isn’t.How to use the cannons?Around the castle is a fortification wall which hold a numberofcannons. Some of these cannons can be loaded with TNT blockswhichcan be fired at the enemy.1. At each cannon there is some ladders. Climb downtheladders.2. Load a TNT block next to a diamond block (max 1 TNT blockperdiamond block).3. Climb the ladder back up.4. Place one TNT block in the cannonball hole.5. Press the “Ignite Gunpowder” button.6. Press the “Cannonball” button.7. FIRE!How to install the map:1. Download the app from store2. Open it and click button "Install"3. Open the game and enjoy it ;)Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the best MinecraftPEMaps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpe parkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsThis is an unofficial map for Minecraft. This applicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe map forMinecraftis not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name,Brand andthe Assets are all property of Mojang AB or theyrespectful owner.All rights reserved.
Fantasy Town map for Minecraft 1.1
This is a fairy small MCPE town, andthatwastotally put intended. The entire place just feels likeyouaregoing into a world of fairies.This is the perfect place to write up your new RPG plottwists,orjust an ordinary game of survival.The town in this map for Minecraft PE is highly decked-outwithasignificant amount of attention to details.There are bundles of things to explore around town. Andifyouever get tired, just choose any house you like as the placeofyourown.This is an unofficial map for Minecraft. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe mapforMinecraftis not affiliated in any way with officialMinecraftDeveloper. Allrights reserved.
Minigames City map for MCPE 1.1
Minigames City MCPE is an amusementparkwithmore than 15 different minigames you and your friendscanenjoy. Wehighly recommend playing this mcpe map with otherplayersseeing asmost minigames require at least two players tobeenjoyable. Thereare everything from archery games to boatraces.You can expect atleast one hour worth of gameplay here.Some of the games are completely new ones which I haveneverseenin Minecraft PE before. This archery game is one ofthem.It’sreally clever and probably lots of fun too.Climb to the top of a tower and then compete with your friendsinaboat race!Here’s a PvP minigame which will most likely includesome“heated”arguments!King of the ladder is an intense minigame where you needtoclimbquickly and then push everyone else the top tobecomethewinner.There are lots more games to explore but I’ll leave you todothatby yourself in-game!Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPEMaps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpeparkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsThis is an unofficial map for Minecraft. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe mapforMinecraftis not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheName,Brand andthe Assets are all property of Mojang AB ortheyrespectful owner.All rights reserved.
Redstone Display map for MCPE 1.2
Redstone Display MCPE consists of onelargedisplay board which uses redstone mechanisms to displaypresetnumbers (1-9) and letters (A-Z). Even though it’s not thatmanythings you can use it for it’s still incredible as it createsanidea of things which you can build using redstone. If you arearedstone novice then have a look at this mcpe map and try to getabetter understanding of how it was created.There are 35 preset letters and numbers which you can activatebypulling one of the levers. Once the lever has been pulled itshouldquite soon display the number, or in this case the letter‘M’, onthe display board.Use the levers on the other side of the room to display yourownpattern. And if you want to go all geeky you can even createyourown preset pattern by entering the backend of themachine.Here’s an overview of the entire structure on a screenshot.It’squite amazing to look at!How to install the map:1. Download the app from store2. Open it and click button "Install"3. Open the game and enjoy it ;)Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the best MinecraftPEMaps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpe parkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsThis is an unofficial map for Minecraft. This applicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe map forMinecraftis not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name,Brand andthe Assets are all property of Mojang AB or theyrespectful owner.All rights reserved.
Map GTA San Andreas for MCPE 0.15.6
This is a ported map from PC which isareplicaof San Andreas in Minecraft. It’s only the center ofLosSantoswhich appears to have made its way into the creationasother partsof the city is non-existent.Map for Minecraft: GTA San AndreasCreator: UnknownHow to play in Minecraft PE World.Your first night (Minecraft PE survival)Before you start playing, pause your game and press thequittotitlebutton. (Pause button on iOS, back symbol on Androidtopuase)because in pocket edition time always passes, even whenthegame ispaused. Minecraft PE days last 20 minutes and forabeginningsurvivalist there is no time to waste on yourfirstday.This guide will explain how to survive your first nightinMinecraftPE. Although there are already several tutorials onhowto do so,none are on the pe version.The key difference between Minecraft PC and PE is thecrafting.ThePC editions crafting system is based on shapedcrafting, whilethisedition is based solely on the users knowledgeof thetools,materials and crafting recipes. This tutorial willassumethat youknow nothing about Minecraft in general, but willnotgivebackground information on each item. For that one mustconsultthematerials individual pages which will be linked. Theformat willbein minutes into the day.This map for MCPE is an unofficial MCPE App. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This map forMinecraftisnot affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name,Brand andtheAssets are all property of Mojang AB or they respectfulowner.Allrights reserved.
Dungeon Tower map for MCPE 1.1
The Dungeon Tower MCPE is by far one ofthebestarena maps I’ve ever come across for Minecraft PE. Itcontainssixbeautifully designed levels (especially so if you’vegot theoptionaltexture pack applied) and the redstone mechanismsseem toworkflawlessly. It’s a perfect MCPE map for anyone whoenjoymonsterbattles or just want to improve their fightingskills.Also, it canbe played by up to three players!ClassesAs soon as you’ve entered the map and read all of the rulesit’stimeto pick a class. Each class is different from the othersothinkcarefully before picking one to make sure it suitsyourpreferredfighting style.- Archer: High damage, long range, low armor- Blade Master: High damage, medium armor- Paladin: High armor, high knockback, low damageShopNext, go to the shop to see all the different things youcanbuy.Before being able to buy any of these items you will needtoslaysome monsters. The loot from monsters is used as thecurrencyforthe shop.ArenaBefore entering the arena make sure to create a checkpointeitherbysleeping or by using the /spawnpoint text command.Each level has five monsters waves. To start one press thebuttononthe emerald block. Then press it again after you’vecompletedonewave to start the next one.Look at the redstone lamps on the wall to keep track ofhowmanywaves you’ve completed.You have to complete six different floor battlesbeforefinallyreaching the top of the tower where a boss is waitingforyou.Don’t forget to visit the shop to upgrade yourgearandweapons!Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPEMaps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpeparkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsThis is an unofficial map for Minecraft. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe mapforMinecraftis not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheName,Brand andthe Assets are all property of Mojang AB ortheyrespectful owner.All rights reserved.
Toadstool Castle map for MCPE 1.2
Toadstool Castle MCPE is a famousbuildinginthe famous game series. It has been featured inseveraldifferentgames with mario. This mcpe map is largely inspiredby thecastlebut it is by no means a replica. However, theexteriorlooksastonishingly similar and it even includes many of theroomswhichyou will recognize from the games.It has been in the works for over a year so please takeamomentor two to experience this map which might for some ofyoumightbring back some memories of the past!Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPEMaps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpeparkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsThis is an unofficial map for Minecraft. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe mapforMinecraftis not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheName,Brand andthe Assets are all property of Mojang AB ortheyrespectful owner.All rights reserved.
Cowboys vs Indians MCPE map 1.1
Cowboys vs Indians MCPE is an oldchildhoodgamewhich has been recreated in Minecraft PE. It’s ateamdeathmatch PvPmap where you select a side and then fight theotherteam witheverything from primitive weapons such astomahawks(axes) to moremodern ones like pistols (snowballs). It’sa greatmap which can beplayed by up to 10 players!KitsThis mcpe map can be played by anywhere between 2 – 10players.Youcan either use the gear and weapon kits provided orusecustomkits.Cowboys- Leather Armor (Chestplate: Projectile Protection I)- Cowboy Knife (Stone Sword)- Pistol (Snowballs)- Splash Potion of HealingIndians- Leather Armor- Tomahawk (Stone Axe)- Bow + 30 Arrows- Splash Potion of Healing- Potion of LeapingHow to play?Once everyone have entered the arena then make sure thateachteamstand at the black line at their base.When everyone are ready then use the text chat to startacountdownfrom 10.This is team deathmatch and the objective is to kill theotherteam.If you get killed you are not allowed to reenter untilaround hasbeen finished.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPEMaps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpeparkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsThis is an unofficial map for Minecraft. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe mapforMinecraftis not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheName,Brand andthe Assets are all property of Mojang AB ortheyrespectful owner.All rights reserved.
Modern Village map for MCPE 1.1
The Modern Village MCPE isanincrediblydetailed and stylish village currently consistingofthreemansions. The biggest mansion, apparently the home ofthismcpe mapplayer, have everything from a basketball court,anoutdoorswimming pool to a beautifully designed interiorwithuniquefurnitures like couches, bookshelves and beds thatlookamazing.No space in this map for Minecraft PE is leftuntouchedandeverything in the map has thoroughly been thoughtthrough tocreatea balanced and inconceivably beautifullookingenvironment.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPEMaps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpeparkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsThis is an unofficial map for Minecraft. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe mapforMinecraftis not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheName,Brand andthe Assets are all property of Mojang AB ortheyrespectful owner.All rights reserved.
Abandoned Theme Park MCPE map 1.0
This is a survival games arena located inanoldabandoned theme park. It can be played by up to 12 playersandoffersa challenging survival experience in an amazingenvironment.Survivalgames is one of the most popular PvP styles inMinecraft.It’s mostlikely to the hunger games movies wherecombatants haveto compete ina deadly survival game to be the lastman or womanstanding.How to play?To play this mcpe map it’s recommended to be anywhere between 2to12players. Find a yellow platform and stand on thetrapdooruntileveryone have entered the game. Make a countdown from10 andthenopen the trapdoor. Everyone will then fall down intosomecobwebbefore they finally entering the survival games.The rules are simple. Find a way to survive and be the lastmanorwoman standing.There are several chests scattered all over the park whichyoucanscavenge for items.Surrounding the theme park is a large wall which ensuresthatnoplayer exits the arena. You are never allowed to placeanyblocksor abuse glitches in this mcpe map to escapeitsboundaries.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPEmaps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,PvP,mcpe creations, mini-games and minecraft mods.This is an unofficial map for Minecraft. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe mapforMinecraftis not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheName,Brand andthe Assets are all property of Mojang AB ortheyrespectful owner.All rights reserved.
Modern Island House MCPE map 1.1
This mcpe map can make your dreams cometruboutluxury mansion you may live in!Modern Island House for MCPE features a luxuriousmansionsituatedon a small island out in the ocean. There are nomainlandto be seenanywhere close which makes the island aluxurious andexotic locationto retire to when you are tired ofmining andcrafting and just wantto chill out for some time. Thehouseconsists of two floors withmultiple bedrooms, one bathroomand alarge room to just hangout.Basically this would be a great place in minecraft worldforyouafter the work drudgery. No noise of crowded urban fantasy,notthemarket, car alarms, only the roaring waves, the cutefish.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPEmaps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,PvP,mcpe creations, mini-games and minecraft mods.This is an unofficial map for Minecraft. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe mapforMinecraftis not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheName,Brand andthe Assets are all property of Mojang AB ortheyrespectful owner.All rights reserved.
Diamond Dimension map for MCPE 1.0
The Overworld, the Nether and the Endaretheonly three dimensions in Minecraft PE. That’s all greatbutimaginea dimension which was entirely made out of diamonds. Ifthatisinteresting to you then you have to give this map a try.It’saconcept which introduces the Diamond Dimension to MCPE andwhatitcould look like if it existed.How to go to the diamond dimension?The spawn is in an artifical environment which is supposed tolookasif it’s the Overworld. Your first little mission it tofindProfessorOak’s lab, read his instructions and enter throughtheportal.The portal will teleport you to the diamonddimension.Remember,this is purely just a concept and not a realdimension.It’s infact built in a flat world in the Overworld.In the diamond dimension you will find lots of diamondblocksandalso diamond golems who protect the treasures againstmonsters.Butdon’t worry, they are friendly toward players.Important: This mcpe map uses a texture pack. It’s includedinthedownload. To make sure that it works open the Settings onceyouhaveentered the world and make sure that there’s a resourcepackappliedfor the world.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPEmaps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,PvP,mcpe creations, mini-games and minecraft mods.This is an unofficial map for Minecraft. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe mapforMinecraftis not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheName,Brand andthe Assets are all property of Mojang AB ortheyrespectful owner.All rights reserved.
NxusMas City map for MCPE 1.2
Shilai map
NXUS Modern Architecture Series is one ofthemost dedicated and realistic modern creations which is beingbuiltspecifically for Minecraft Pocket Edition. The map cityforMinecraft never gets boring as every block got a varying typeoffeeling in terms of different textures and architecture.Themainthing which makes the NXUS city map for Minecraft look sogreatthis early is the realistic streets.The MCPE project startedover ayear ago and has since then grown into an amazingly detailedcityconsisting of skyscrapers, office buildings, a huge sciencecenter,embassies and a fully working metro system. It’s an endlesssourceof inspiration and generally a mind-blowing city map forMinecraftto explore.UNOFFICIAL PRODUCT MINECRAFT. NOT APPROVED Mojang or affiliatedwithMojang .All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Hypixel TN city map for MCPE 1.2
Shilai map
Realistic map for Minecraft withhighskyscrapers , airports , headquarters of Facebook,McDonald'srestaurant , construction site and more!Hypixel TN Citymap forMCPE is a big city which has been in development for overtwo yearsby two brothers.The Hypixel TN City map for Minecraftinclude avast variety of areas and buildings.Some of the onesinclude a bigairport, several famous company buildings such as theFacebookheadquarters, McDonald restaurants and even an IBMofficebuilding.There are lots of weird things to come across in theMCPEcity such as a tank in the middle of the street.UNOFFICIAL PRODUCT MINECRAFT. NOT APPROVED Mojang or affiliatedwithMojang .All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Porco Rescue map for Minecraft 1.0
This is a unique type of minigame whereyouneedto save Mr Porco (which is the name of a pig) through aseriesofobstacle courses. You (and the pig) will be separatedontwodifferent platforms and together you will have to find awaytocomplete each level. You can most likely expect morethan30minutes worth of gameplay in this mcpe map!How to play?To start the game get a pig spawn egg from one of the chestsandthenplace it in the chest on top of the hopper. Wait 12secondsfor thepig to spawn. If you haven’t got a carrot then makesure tograb itfrom one of the chests before entering the game.Mr Porco will follow you as soon as you’ve got a carrotinyourhand but there is a big gap which will keepyouseparated.All through this map for mcpe there are obstacles (oftenpoweredbyredstone mechanisms) which might kill Mr Porco ifyouaren’tcareful.Here is an example of a dangerous passage where some blockspushedMrPorco off the cliff. If this happens you have to walk backtothelast checkpoint.After you’ve completed a level you will get to acheckpoint.Thereyou will get new items and sometimes you will begiven amission torescue a new type of animal.It’s a quite long map for Minecraft PE with lotsofdifferentlevels. But everything looks really cool and youwillactually comeacross many great-looking creations.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPEmaps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,PvP,mcpe creations, mini-games and minecraft mods.This is an unofficial map for Minecraft. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe mapforMinecraftis not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheName,Brand andthe Assets are all property of Mojang AB ortheyrespectful owner.All rights reserved.
Tic-Tac-Toe map for Minecraft 1.0
Tic-Tac-Toe for MCPE is a game whereyoutaketurns marking spaces in a 3×3 grid. To win you havetosuccessfullyplace three of your markers in a horizontal,verticalor diagonalrow. In this mcpe map you will play against amachinewhich isentirely powered by redstone! I played two times andbothtimes wasa draw. It really speaks to the intelligence of thething!How to play?Find the room as seen in the screenshot. There you willfindsomebuttons on the floor, a couple of redstone lamps andalever.Before you begin make sure to pull up the lever (markedredin theimage) before selecting your first marker in the grid.After you’ve selected a marker (X) it will takeseveralseconds(around 15 seconds) for the computer (O) to make itschoice.Youdon’t need to press any button for the computer to start.Itactsautomatically.Continue until there are no spaces left in the grid. Lookattheredstone lamp to see the result. In this case it got toadraw!To play again pull down the lever, wait a few secondsandthenpull it up again.This is the computer on a screenshot which powers it. Itisreallynice experience in Minecraft PE!Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPEmaps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,PvP,mcpe creations, mini-games and minecraft mods.This is an unofficial map for Minecraft. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe mapforMinecraftis not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheName,Brand andthe Assets are all property of Mojang AB ortheyrespectful owner.All rights reserved.
Modern city map for minecraft 2.0
On this city map for mcpe recreatedlargemapwith a modern city where you can even play hide andseek. You can hide in a separate building or in a certain area, andyoucaneven throughout the city. If you do not have friends toplaywiththem hide and seek, you can simply admire the beauty ofthecard orcreate it on their buildings. This is a large-scalemapwith a moderncity maps for minecraft PE 0.16.0, in principle,ofall existing.Here you can find mansions for minecraft, villages andmorecitystuff for mcpe.You can use Modern city map for minecraft at0.15.0,0.15.1,0.15.6. 0.16.0, 0.16.1, 0.15.2.So let's play and have fun with brand new Modern citymapformcpe. With your help we can make our city map morepowerfulandmuch better.This application is not affiliated in any way with MojangAB.TheMinecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsare allproperty of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.Allrightsreserved. Inaccordancewith
Deep Ocean City map for MCPE 1.1
The development of Deep Ocean City mapforMinecraft PE has been in progress for over two months.Today is the first release and this is without doubt one of thebestcities we’ve reviewed. The city is situated on relativelysmallisland far out in the ocean. On a very little area thebuilder havebeen able to fit many different types of creations.Ashipyard, abeach with a boardwalk and a ferris wheel, skyscrapers,lots of finehomes and everywhere just beautiful details. Theshipyard got loadsof containers and just a little further out inthe sea is ananchored ship.The bridge doesn’t yet lead anywhereelse than to theMinecraft city. It’s likely it will be connectedwith another islandin the future but at this point we can’tconfirm anything. Along theshoreline there are lots of beautiful(and probably expensive)houses. The details are almostoverwhelming. Here you can see somesewers and a bus.The Deep Ocean City map for Minecraft is made in the modeofconstruction.It is also worth noting that in this mode, the MCPE game playerisno need for constant collection of resources,defense against enemies and no death threats from the water (donotdrown) and height (do not break if dropped from agreatheight).See our collection of the best maps for Minecraft PE and a bunchofother realms including adventure, survival, parkour, modsandmini-gamesATTENTION:UNOFFICIAL PRODUCT MINECRAFT. NOT APPROVED Mojangoraffiliated with Mojang.
Imperial City Minecraft Map 1.3
The Imperial City is a mind-blowingcreationwith the most magnificent builds so far seen in MinecraftPocketEdition. The architecture is inspired by old Roman standards,itsgrand and imperial which makes anyone understand theenormouswealth and importance of the rulers in the city.Every turned street corner and next you will face anothermajesticbuild of some sort. You are never left unsurprised, thatsforsure.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition. This application is not affiliated in any way withmcpedevelopers. The Minecraft Name, Brand and the Assets areallproperty of their respectful owner. All rights reserved.Inaccordancewith
Blaze PvP Arena map for MCPE 1.1
Challenge your friends (and enemies) inaduel.This is a PvP arena map for mcpe suitable for anywherebetween2-10players. Its limited size makes it most suitable formeleecombat(e.g. sword fights) as the bow is more suitableforlong-rangecombat. The arena is very well built and this makesthismcpe map somuch more cool to play!How to play?Grab some food, a weapon and gear from the chests. Then walkintothearena and wait for the other player(s) to join. Onceeveryonehaveentered then start a countdown from 10.The objective is to kill everyone in the arena and be thelastonealive. You can play multiple rounds as you will respawninthelobby once you die.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPEMaps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpeparkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsThis is an unofficial map for Minecraft. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe mapforMinecraftis not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheName,Brand andthe Assets are all property of Mojang AB ortheyrespectful owner.All rights reserved.
Wrestling Arena map for MCPE 1.0
Here we have one of the frequent arenasusedbyfamous wrestling organization recreated in the world ofMCPE.Thebuild is quite big and can hold hundreds of players iftheplayerlimit allowed it. In the center of the arena isthewrestling ringwhere the contestants have to fight one anothertowin the match andgame title.Wrestling is a combat sport involving grappling typetechniquessuchas clinch fighting, throws and takedowns, jointlocks, pinsandother grappling holds. The sport can either betheatricalforentertainment, or genuinely competitive.Perhaps you can use this map to make a similarwrestlingchallengein Minecraft PE. It’s surely a unique mcpemap.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPEmaps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,PvP,mcpe creations, mini-games and minecraft mods.This is an unofficial map for Minecraft. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe mapforMinecraftis not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheName,Brand andthe Assets are all property of Mojang AB ortheyrespectful owner.All rights reserved.
Surgeon Simulator map for MCPE 1.1
Surgeon Simulator for MCPE is a clever andfunminigame where you need to successfully complete operation oneightdifferent patients to complete this map for Minecraft PE.Eachperson has his or her own problem which you need to figure outandtry to solve in order to save her or his life. It’s a stressfuljobto work as a surgeon but nonetheless one of the most importantonesin the world.How to play?Take the tools from the chest and when you feel ready start themcpemap by entering the first room.In each room you will find a patient who needs medical assistanceinsome way. Before entering each room there will be abriefinstruction of the patient’s problems given by a nurse (alsoknownas the signs). Read the instructions and then try to findasolution for her or his problem.How to install the map:1. Download the app from store2. Open it and click button "Install"3. Open the game and enjoy it ;)Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the best MinecraftPEmaps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,PvP, mcpe creations, mini-games and minecraft mods.This is an unofficial map for Minecraft. This applicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe map forMinecraftis not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name,Brand andthe Assets are all property of Mojang AB or theyrespectful owner.All rights reserved.