Top 6 Apps Similar to Regelungstechnik Einstellregel

Regelungstechnik Regelstrecken 014 UPDATE 2021
Control technology for students, trainees and students
AndroBode 1.4
Lorrai Paolo
This app can be used to plot Bode and Nyquist diagrams.
Bode Plot 4.4
Jukic Hrvoje
Draws the Bode plot for the entered transfer function.
Control Systems Engineering 7
The app is a complete free handbook of ControlSystemsEngineeringwhich covers important topics, notes, materials,news& blogson the course. Download the App as a referencematerial&digital book for Control engineering programs &degreecourses.This useful App lists 150 topics with detailednotes,diagrams,equations, formulas & course material, thetopics arelisted in5 chapters. The app is must have for all theengineeringsciencestudents & professionals. The app providesquickrevision andreference to the important topics like a detailedflashcard notes,it makes it easy & useful for the student oraprofessional tocover the course syllabus quickly before an examsorinterview forjobs. Track your learning, set reminders, editthestudy material,add favourite topics, share the topics onsocialmedia. You canalso blog about engineering technology,innovation,engineeringstartups, college research work, instituteupdates,Informativelinks on course materials & educationprograms fromyoursmartphone or tablet or at useful engineering app asyour tutorial, digital book,areference guide for syllabus, coursematerial, projectwork,sharing your views on the blog. Some of thetopics Covered intheapp are: 1. Introduction to control system 2.Examples ofcontrolsystems 3. Engineering design 4. Control systemdesign5.Mechatronic systems 6. Open loop systems 7. Closed loopsystems8.Closed-loop control versus open-loop control 9.Complexvariable& Complex function 10. Differential equationsofphysicalsystems 11. Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic Systems12.Nonlinearsystems 13. The transfer function of linear systems14.Concept ofTransfer function 15. Impulse response function16.Transferfunction of a field controlled DC motor 17.Transferfunction of anarmature controlled DC motor 18. Transferfunction ofa hydraulicactuator 19. Transfer Functions of DynamicElements andNetworks20. Block diagrams 21. Block diagram of aclosed-loopsystem 22.Open-loop, feedforward and closed looptransfer function23.Closed-loop system subjected to a disturbance24. Proceduresfordrawing a block diagram 25. Block DiagramTransformations 26.Blockdiagram reduction 27. Modeling in statespace 28.State-spaceequations 29. Correlation between transferfunctionsandstate-space equations 30. State-space representationofdynamicsystems ( forcing function does not involvederivativeterms) 31.State-space representation of dynamic systems (forcingfunctiondoes involving derivative terms) 32. Signal-flowgraphmodels 33.Transfer function of an interacting system 34.Transferfunction ofa multiple-loop system 35. Transfer functionofanarmature-controlled motor 36. Transfer function of acomplexsystem37. State-space model of mechanical systems 38.State-spacemodelof Electrical systems 39. Transfer functions ofcascadedelements40. Transfer functions of nonloading cascadedelements 41.Mason’sgain formula 42. Introduction to Time domainanalysis 43.Unit-stepresponse of first-order systems. 44. Unit-rampresponseoffirst-order systems 45. Unit-impulse responseoffirst-ordersystems. 46. DC servomotors 47. A servo system48.Effect of loadon servomotor dynamics Each topic is completewithdiagrams,equations and other forms of graphical representationsforbetterlearning and quick understanding. Control Engineering ispartofengineering education courses and technology degreeprogramsofvarious universities. Control engineering has anessential roleina wide range of control systems, A system canbemechanical,electrical, fluid, chemical, financial andevenbiological, and themathematical modeling.
Nyquist plot 3.1
Jukic Hrvoje
Draws the Nyquist plot for the entered transfer function.
control loop 1.0
The APP is based on a PT2 system withdeadtimeand a PI controller. With the parameters a Bode diagramiscreated,and, alternatively, a simulation is performed in thetimedomain.Explanation:BODE: With the given values a Bode diagram is drawnControlled system PT2 red, Dead time black, PI controllerblue,openloop greenSIM: Simulation of a Setpoint step functionSet point red, manipulated variable blue,controlledvariablegreenWiping in the left area upwards increases Kp by a factorof1.1Wiping in the left area downwards decreases Kp by afactorof1.1Wiping in the right area upwards increases Tn by afactorof1.1Wiping in the right area downwards decreases Tn by afactorof1.1These changes are only effective within the simulation.RES: Resetting to the default valuesGeneral limitations in calculations:T1min = T2min = Tnmin = 0.1s Ttmax = 9.9sAdditional limitations in the simulation:0.1 <= Kp <= 99.99 0.1s <= Tn <= 99.99s Ks >=0.2