Top 1 Apps Similar to Bali Travel Pemandu Wisata

BALI GUIDE JP Tour Travel info 2.0
Bali is one of resorts islandslocatedinSoutheast Asia, namely Indonesia. Bali has a wide rangeoftouristcharm that makes a lot of tourists visiting Bali. Suchabeautifulbeach that’s great for surfing, cultural diversity, etc.And PT.APPKEY summarizes various kinds of informationaboutBaliinto a tourist information application thatcompatibletoSmartphone called “Bali Guide” application.Bali Guide is an application that provides a varietyoftourisminformations of Bali and help you travel to becomfortableandenjoyableSpecial Features included in the Bali Guide ApplicationThe Bali Guide aims to provide users with usefulinformationaboutBali, so their stay in Bali island may be a happyandpleasantone.Special features1) Includes a detailed map of Bali, introducing variousshopsandfacilities and can be used offline.2) Introduces Bali’s local sightseeing spots,tours,activities,hotels, restaurants, shops.3) Posts photo galleries of sightseeing spots, hotelsandshopswhich is compatible with the Retina display.4) Allows booking of tours, activities, spa viainternetandphone, also agency service for some restaurants.5) Offers special discount coupons for spas andrestaurants.Showthe coupon screen and get the benefit.6) Includes general and useful information aboutBali,itsculture, how to use the phone, things to be aware of,etc.7) Provides phone lines and inquiry forms so usersmayaskquestions or book through exclusive online services.8) The application comes with anEnglish-Indonesiandictionarysystem that can help you to talk withlocal peopleOther than that, we have designed this application to enable ittobeused as much as possible offline.Incase internet access is required, it will be informed withanicon.This application will be updated continually to bringusersthe mostup to date information.Terms and conditions for Bali GuideTerms and conditionsThis application has been brought by the Bali Guidestaffswhoexercised their reasonable care and skill to cover,examineandedit the information about Bali and to ensure that thecontentsarecorrect, however information regarding hotels,restaurants andspasand other contents are subject to changesuddenly and ourcontentsmay differ from the actual data. Hencekindly use thisinformationas one of your useful references andutilize it underyour ownjudgment.