Top 7 Apps Similar to Ratio

FrenQ 1.0
A multiple choice quiz for studentsandhomeschoolers. If your teacher asks you to learnFrenchdepartments,prefectures and regions, this app is the easiestway todo it. Takethe quiz as many times as you need until you getthemall correct.Great for trivia questions or for knowyou need to!
Attivamente 1.0
Ormai non siamo più abituati adeseguirecalcolia mente perché abbiamo a disposizione numerosistrumentielettroniciadatti a questo scopo che, utilissimi nellavita ditutti i giorni,hanno di fatto impigrito il nostro cervello;ma avolte capita di nonavere a disposizione una calcolatrice edidover eseguire mentalmenteun calcolo. Allenare la mente èunadelle strategie chiave per vivereben al di sopra delpropriopotenziale. La capacità di calcolo non èuna dote innata,ma,grazie ad un corretto allenamento, si puòsviluppare.Individua,selezionandola tra quelle proposte, lacorrettaoperazionearitmetica che ha come risultato ilnumeroproposto.We are nolongeraccustomedto performing calculations in mind because we haveanumber of toolsthat are suitable for this purpose that areveryuseful in everydaylife, have in fact lazy our brains,butsometimes you do not haveaccess to a calculator and havingtoperform a mental calculation.Training the mind is one of thekeystrategies for living well abovetheir potential. Thecomputingpower is not an innate gift, but,thanks to a properworkout, youcan develop. Locate by selecting itfrom among thoseproposed, thecorrect arithmetic operation whichresults in thegivennumber.
Idem 1.0
Verifica la tua conoscenza o arricchiscilatuacultura personale con le domande a risposta multiplapropostedaIdem. Individua il sinonimo esatto tra quelli proposti,ovveroiltermine che possiede un significato simile aquelloindicato.Test yourknowledgeandenrich your personal knowledge with multiplechoicequestionsproposed by Ditto. Locate the exact synonym amongthoseproposed,which is the term that has a meaning similar tothatshown.
Skip counting 1.0
Improve your mental math skills: speedupskipcounting and addition skills. It is a great brainexercise
formathpractice on the go. It also provides students,parents,andteachers with several tests about skip countingskills.Endlessseries of exercises to practice with.
Fifty 1.0
A multiple choice quiz for studentsandhomeschoolers. If your teacher asks you to learn the U.S.Capitals,myapp is the easiest way to do it. Take the quiz as manytimes asyouneed until you get them all correct. Great for triviaquestionsorfor homework. Learn know you need to!
Africa 1.0
A multiple choice quiz for studentsandhomeschoolers. If your teacher asks you to learn bothAfricancountriesand capitals, this app is the easiest way to do it.Takethe quizas many times as you need until you get them allcorrect.Great fortrivia questions or for homework. Learn them...youknowyou needto!
ComuneMente 1.0
Attraverso le domande a risposta multiplapuoiprepararti per affrontare un esame, un concorso, o soloperarricchire la tua cultura personale. Individua la Regionediappartenenza del Comune Italiano proposto selezionandola fraleopzioni indicate.Throughthemultiple-choice questions can you prepare to face an exam,acontest, or just looking to expand your personal culture.Locatethe region they belong to the Italian municipality proposedbyselecting from the choices given.