Top 9 Apps Similar to Porn Addiction Stop in 30 DAYS

Ever Accountable - Defeat Porn 22-16-494-Oct-2023
Protection from porn through the power of accountability
Porn Addiction Calendar - Stop Porn! Quit Porn! 3.1
Having trouble with a porn addiction is a real thing, and notmanypeople are willing to admit that. It is a way of life formanypeople, but some do not understand how much of an impact beingaporn addict has on your life. Watching porn changes the waythatyou view the world and changes the way that you view women fortheworse! Porn Addiction Calendar addresses the need to stopwatchingporn, and helps you become accountable for making thechangeshappen! Features: 1. Use our counter to track your progressdown tothe second. 2. Track how much money and time you have savedsinceyou quit watching porn. 3. Create your own reasons to quitwatchingporn, or use one of our scientifically based facts aboutquitting.4. Change the look and feel of the app with our skinssection topersonalize the app to what you want. 5. Add reasons whyyou wouldlike to see yourself succeed and stop the porn abuse. 6.Ourspecial panic button will help you send a text to a friend thatmaybe able to help you and be an accountability partner. 7. Ourbadgesystem allows you to be rewarded for your success. 8.Ourdistractions section will help you take your mind off of thepornabuse and introduce you to something more positive andsoothing. 9.Porn Addiction Calendar automatically calculates howmuch money youhave saved since you quit watching porn. 10. Ourmotivationalquotes and testimonials will ensure that you are notalone on thisprocess to shake dependence on porn. Here are our top7 reasons tostop watching porn now: 1. Porn addiction destroys yoursex lifeYou may have heard that watching porn with a partner canignite amore satisfying sex life, but countless hours ofscientificresearch would suggest otherwise. Even light exposuretopornography can cause both men and women to become lessinterestedin their partners looks and sexual performance. 2. Beingaddictedto porn may cause erectile dysfunction Erectile dysfunctionwasnearly unheard of in men under 35 before the days of internetporn.Now, with the easy accessibility of internet porn, menmayexperience erectile dysfunction in their teens, twenties,andbeyond. Studies have shown that this is caused by a combinationoflowered pleasure chemicals in the brain as well as theuserspropensity to consume porn alone, in front of a screen, whichmakesit difficult to be aroused by a real life partner. 3. Pornishighly addictive Just like with drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes,whensomeone consumes porn, their brain is flooded with a feelgoodchemical known as dopamine. After viewing porn consistently,aperson's brain is inundated with dopamine, and the brainrespondsby shutting down dopamine receptors. With fewer receptors,thebrain cannot respond to dopamine in the same way. 4. Porn fuelssextrafficking There are plenty of young women who enter thepornindustry by their own free will, but many of the performers inpornare victims of human trafficking, ofter recruited by the useofviolence or threats 5. Porn addiction negatively affectsyourrelationships The more porn a person consumes, the more likelytheyare to associate pleasure with a fake fantasy. This makes itharderto become aroused by a real person, or be interested inarelationship. This causes porn users to become alienated fromtheirpartners, and puts people at risk for psychological problems.6.Porn addiction destroys your body image Because of the factthatmost performers in porn are touched up with makeup,cosmeticsurgery, or photoshop, porn users are regularly exposedtounrealistic expectations of the human body. This causes pornusersto become more likely to feel badly about the way that theylook.7. Porn addiction can cause psychological problems Porn isoftenwatched by a user in secret, which can leave usersfeelingshameful, insecure, and lonely. Download Porn AddictionCalendarfor FREE to quit being addicted to porn!
Reboot: Quit Fap No Porn 1.1.8
Quit Pornography Addiction the Smarter Way
Brainbuddy: Quit Porn Forever 24.3
Quit Porn Addiction, Porn Blocker, PMO, and Adult Porn Filter
Bulldog Blocker – Porn Filter 99-Oct-2022
Are you sick of how porn makes you feel after you watch it? Doyouhate how it isolates you from God and from others, reducesyourpassion for life, and hurts your relationships with themostimportant people? Bulldog Blocker is a simple to useinternetfilter that blocks pornographic websites to give you thehelp youneed to stop looking at porn and feel great about yourself.Itincludes powerful locking so you won't turn it off in a momentoftemptation. FEATURES •Block pornographic websites •Blocksmanyknown malware, spyware, and phishing sites •Block any appsyouchoose. Does a certain social media app keep tripping you up?Youcan block it! •Lock the filter to prevent disabling in a momentoftemptation. You can use PIN protection, a timed delay, orevenrequire permission from someone else remotely! WhileBulldogBlocker is a great first step in your fight against porn,many ofus find that getting the porn out of our hearts requiresbringingothers into the fight through accountability. So first tryoutBulldog, free on us. Then if you would like to step up thefight,check out our highly rated, paid accountability appEverAccountable. NOTE: This app uses Accessibility Services andDeviceAdministrator permissions while the blocking feature is inuse. Weneed these permissions to ensure the filter is not bypassedordisabled. We don't use them for anything else. Period. Don't wait-try Bulldog Blocker now see how much better you feel!
Boho Beautiful Official 146
Yoga - Fitness - Lifestyle
Dopamine Detox: Breaking Bad Habits 1.1.6
Break your bad habits and track the process easier by usingDopamineDetox App
BlockerX: Block Websites & App 4.7.14
Atmana, Inc.
➤ 100 Million+ Adult Content Blocked till date. ➤ 50K+ 5starratings. ➤ Use Accountability Partner & Activate SafeSearch. ➤Community Of More Than 100k Like-Minded People To HelpYou. ➤ SetDaily Goal & Improve Your Streak Count. ➤ Watch VideoCoursesFor Free. BlockerX is the most effective app to avoidunsolicitedcontent. It will help you in improving yourproductivity, focus andrelationship. Main features: 1) AdultContent Blocker: Thisfunctionality restricts all types of contentwith the click of abutton. If you want to avoid specific websitesor apps, you canfurther use the app blocker / website blockerfunctionality. 2)Prevent Uninstall: The most common problem withother apps is thatthey can be turned off easily. With BlockerX, youcan’t uninstallunless permitted by your accountability partner.This makes the appeffective and helps remove dependency onwillpower. This requiresdevice administrator permission(BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN). 3) Community:BlockerX has a vibrant communityof 100k+ people, who are on asimilar path of avoiding relapses. Youcan post to the entirecommunity. The community helps users fighttheir bad habittogether, and eventually improve their productivity.4)Accountability Partner: Quitting bad habits can indeed beverydifficult on your own. Hence, we team you up with a friend,calledan accountability partner. Your friend helps you stayaccountableto your goals. 5) Safe search: It ensures that adultcontent isfiltered in search engines like Google, Bing, etc. Thisalsoenforces restricted mode in YouTube, which filters adultvideos. 6)Word Blocker: Different people get “triggered” bydifferent kindsof content. This feature is very useful for peoplewho want torestrict specific words on their browsers and apps. Forexample, ifyou want to avoid the word/phrase “adult video”, you canblock it,and any web page containing this word/phrase will beautomaticallyfiltered. 7) App Blocker: It can help you block appsthat you finddistracting like Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc.Apps added tothe blocklist will not be accessible. 8) Articles& VideoCourses: Do you want to know more about how to improveyour digitallifestyle? Don’t worry, we have experts who write abouttopics likedealing with urges, improving your relationship, whyit’s hard toquit, etc. Other important permissions required by theapp:Accessibility services: This app uses the accessibilityservicepermission (BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE) to block adultcontentwebsites. System alert window: This app uses the systemalertwindow permission (SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW) to show a block windowoveradult content. Use BlockerX - Improve digital lifestyle&protect yourself or your child from adult content.
Rewire Companion: Quit Porn 3.30.5
Personalised guidance, tools, and support to reclaim control ofyourlife.