Top 6 Apps Similar to शीघ्रपतन से कैसे बचे

शीघ्रपतन से कैसे बचे? 1.1
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Shigrapatan is known as Prematureejaculation(PE) in English. Premature ejaculation is a condition inwhich aman ejaculates earlier than he or his partner would like himto.86% men is suffering from this in India. Premature ejaculationisalso known as rapid ejaculation , Rapid Climax, PrematureClimax,or Early ejaculation.In this app you will found the simple treatment for ShigrapataninHindi font.And also find sex tips that how to last long on bed withyourpartner during sex.We have put a lot of time and thought into this application andhopeyou will enjoy it.friend ko girlfriend banaye:app apko ye information deti he kiappapni best friend ko girlfriend kaise bana sakte he?kai bar esa hota he ki ladka apni best friend se love kar bethtahelekin usse bolne ki himmat nahi kar se apko ese tips mil sakte he jisse app apni friendkogirlfriend bana sakte ho aur use propose kar sakte se apko iske upay bhi mil sakte he ki agar friendgirlfriendbanne se inkar karde to kya puri tarah se offline he.u dont need internet to usethisapplication.Some Features of This App* Offline App so does not require internet connection.* Share Tips with all social media apps* 100% free application* Beautiful user friendly interface* Copy to clipboard feature to set status where you want toupdate(paste).No special permission required to run this app.If you like this app please recommended it to yourfriendcircle.This app is just for entertainment, not real.Thanks in Advance for Downloading....Download it and enjoy.Rate Us if you like So much.
शीघपतन के घरेलू उपाय 1.0
To enjoy for Shighrapatan Rokne KeGhareluUpayin hindi version for more fun.Jane Tips Shighrapatan Rokne Ke Gharelu UpayAgar aap Shighrapatan Rokne Ke Gharelu Upay iss app to meidiyegayitips and tricks ko use karei.features :- Simple step to tap to start with Shighrapatan RokneKeGhareluUpay.- All pages are Fully offline content for user friendly.- Easy to use for life time.- Lot's of desi tips and apply it.- Easy to read and fully desi content.- If you like it you can share it via social linktoyourfriends.
शीघ्रपतन के उपाय और इलाज 1.0
Shigrapatan is known asPrematureejaculation(PE) in English.Shighrapatan ke upay aur ilaaj app is Give you guideline forallanykind of upay aur ilaaj for Male and Femaleandtheirtreatment.Prevention of Sexually transmitted diseases.Shighrapatan ke upay aur ilaaj app is free availableinandroidmarket in Hindi language. So please keep downloadingandshare withyour friends.Shighrapatan Se Kese Bache is a free to used and do notusedinternetfor reading this hindi content language. It is afreeoffline modeapp for all the users.Shighrapatan ke upay aur ilaaj is a very personal problem ofmenandwomen which they generally unable to discuss with any onesothisapp through you can know about the gupt rog and thisapphelpyou.Shighrapatan ke upay aur ilaaj Features:- Shighrapatan ke upay aur ilaaj available in hindi.- Shighrapatan ke upachar aur ilaj- Shighrapatan ke upay aur ilaaj ke upchar- Beautiful User interface.- Update regular basis.- Unique and Simple Layout.- 100 % Free applicationDisclaimer :- We have developed this application justforknowledgepurposes.This app is a funny app and if you like this app then giveusbestrating and reviews or feedback for us.Thank You
गुप्त रोग के उपाय 1.1
परिचय (Introduction)जानकारी (Information)शीघ्रपतन के कारण (Cause of Premature Ejaculation)सावधानी (Caution)चिकित्सा (Treatment)परिचय (Introduction)चिकित्सा (Therapy)गर्भपात दो तरह का होता है (Abortion is a two-way)एड्स (Aids)एड्स के वायरस के बारे में कुछ जरूरी जानकारी (Someimportantinformation about the AIDS virus)एड्स के कारण (Due to AIDS)एड्स रोग चिकित्सा जानकारी सावधानी (Careful medical informationonAIDS)परिचय Introductionकुछ आयुर्वेदिक उपाय (Ayurvedic remedy)ब्लड प्रेशर (Blood Pressure)फाइमोसिस (Phimosis)(शुक्रमेह) Shukrmehस्वप्नदोष (Emission)सुजाक और आतशक (Gonorrhea and syphilis)श्वेत प्रदर (ल्यूकोरिया) Blennenteria (leukorrhea)मधुमेह (Diabetes)मासिकधर्म (Menstruation)नपुंसकता (Impotence)हिस्टीरिया (Hysteria)कीगेल एक्सरसाइज (Kigel exercise)हानिकारक दवाईयां (Harmful drugs)अठरा (Eighteen)स्तंभन दोष (Erectile Dysfunction)प्रमेह (Gonorrhea)रतिरोग (Venereology)अण्डकोष की सूजन (Swelling of the testicles)भगोष्ठ व भगनाक (Labia and vulva)भगन्दर (FISTULA-IN-ANO)मलाशय का गिरना (Malasay ka girna)गुदा चिरना (ANAL FISSURE)गुदा में ऐंठन सा दर्द (TENESMUS)सन्तति निरोध (BIRTH CONTROL)मृत्वत्सा दोष (HABITUAL DEATH OF FOETUS OR NEONATAL DEATH)गर्भनिवारक योग (Contraceptive formulae)प्रसव वेदना (LABOUR PAIN)स्तनों में रसूली (TUMOUR BREAST)योनि की बदबू (Bad smell of the vagina)योनि रोग (VAGINAL DISEASES)योनि दर्द (PAIN IN VAGINA)गर्भकाल के दौरान रक्तस्राव (Bleeding during pregnancy)गर्भवती स्त्री को प्रदर रोग हो जाना (Leukorrheaduringpregnancy)योनिद्वार की खुजली (Vagina eczema)स्तनों से अधिक दूध बहना (Secretion of milk from the breasts)रजोनिवृति (Menopause)योनिभ्रंश (PROLAPSUS OF THE VAGINA)छोटी उम्र में रक्तस्राव (BLEEDING IN EARLY AGE)संतति योग (CHILDREN CONJECTURE)प्रसवोत्तर रक्तस्राव (Post Partum Haemorrhage)माहवारी का अधिक आना (Too much bleeding duringmentstrualexcretion)स्तन रोग (Breast problems)अण्डकोष का बढ़ना (Hydrocele)लिंग दोष (Defect of the penis)अण्डकोष की जलन (Inflammation of the testicles)अण्डकोष के एक सिरे का बढ़ना (Enlargement of one portion ofthetesticles)अष्ठीला (Enlargment of prostate gland- Hypertrophy prostatic)लिंग में वृद्धि (Enlargement of the penis)लिंग का गलना (Decaying of penis)लिंगोद्रेक (Chordee)पौरुषग्रंथि का बढ़ना व सूजन (ENLARGEMENT OF PROSTATE GLAND ANDITSSWELLING)शिश्न चर्म रोग (SKIN DISEASES OF THE PENIS)वीर्य के दोष दूर करें (REMOVING SPERM DISORDERS)वीर्य की कमी (SEXUAL DEBILITY)भगन्दर (Fissure)बवासीर (Piles or Haemorrhoids)अण्डकोषों में पानी भर जाना (Hydrocele)मूत्राशय में सूजन (CYSTITIS)योनि की खुजली, योनि दाह (Vaginal itching,vaginalinflammation)वीर्य में शुक्राणुओं की कमी (Lack of sperm in the semen)शीघ्रपतन पिता बनने में बाधक है (Premature ejaculation is ahindranceto Fatherhood)योनि की सफाई (Vaginal irrigation)स्तन का फोड़ा (Abscess of the breast)बाजीकरण (SEXUAL POWER)असामान्य व अविकसित स्तन (Abnormal and underdeveloped breasts)प्रसव प्रक्रिया में सावधानियां (Precautions during delivery)समय से पहले बच्चे का जन्म (Pre-mature birth)अचानक प्रसव होने की दशा में क्या करें (What to do whilesuddendelivery)गर्भावस्था की प्रारंभिक समस्याएं (Problems in the initial stageofpregnancy)अण्डकोष के रोग (Testicles problems)कांच निकलना (गुदाभ्रंश) (PROLAPUS ANI)गुदा में चुनेने व कीड़े (WORMS IN ANUS)लिंग का आकार (Penis Size)उपदंश (Syphilis)स्तन कैंसर (Breast Cancer)योनि संकोचन (Vaginal shrinkage)सोजाक (Sojak)समलिंगता (HOMOSEXUALITY)फिरंग (Firang)गर्भवती महिला का मोटा होना अच्छा नहीं (Thickening of pregnantwomennot)सेक्स में आत्म संयम (Sex in the self-restraint)यौन शिक्षा (Sex Education)किशोरों की समस्याएं (Teen Problems)
वीर्य की कमी दूर करे 1.0
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वीर्य की कमी दूर करे..वीर्य की कमी | घरेलू इलाज |कैसे वीर्य की मात्रा बढ़ाएँवीर्य बहुत कम और पतला है ?शीघ्रपतन से निजात पाने और वीर्य बढ़ने के उपायवीर्य में स्वस्थ शुक्राणुओं को बढ़ाने के चंद उपाय ...वीरय बढ़ाने के उपायकैसे वीर्य की मात्रा बढ़ाएँ ....
Gupt Rog 1.0
Gupt Rog is a very personal problem ofmenandwomen which they generally unable to discuss with anyone,ButGuptRog may not be underestimate,So We develop Gupt RoginHindiApplication.With help of Gupt Rog Application you can easily find allkindofGupt Rog of Male and Female and their treatment.This Gupt Rog app is a right place to get rightinformationandaware about this kind of disease.Guptrog contain detail like :- Shigra patan- Yoni Sankochan- Stano ka Dhilapan- Napunsakta- Andkosh Ka cancer- Swapndosh- Masik Dharm ka ruk janaiand Many more.Features / how to used:► click on topics then open it’s full guideline innewpage.► All pages are Fully navigated► Easy to read and fully desi content.► Great illustrationsIf you Like this app so please doesn’t forget to givethereviewand rate also…Thank you…