Top 3 Apps Similar to Focus

In Focus 14 4.4.1
This is the official interactive mobileappforIn Focus 14.Features of this app:* Update - a quick way to share photos, comments, whereyouare,and which session you're attending* Activity - keep your finger on the pulse of the event,seewhatpeople are doing, view photos from the event,findtrendingsessions and topics, and "like" and comment onotherattendeecheck-ins* Agenda - view the full agenda and relatedinformation(sessiontime, room number, speaker info, etc.)* Attendees - see who's at the event, and connect with themontheapp* Profile - your official app profile, highlighting yourcompanyYou must be a registered attendee to use this application.
Focus GTD 2.05.36
A GTD task manager that synchronizes with Omnifocus 2 for MacandiOS.
Focus. 1.0
Zen focus
Put all of your tasks andresponsibilitiesinone place and let the app help you sort the mosthigh priorityonesso that you can work as efficiently as possible.The app works like this:You dump all of your tasks into the "Master List" andassignthema value of how important the task is and how urgent thetaskis. Themost effective way to work is to complete all of yourmostimportanttasks before tackling less important tasks. Don'tworry,if youmarked them as less important, they probably were notworthyourtime to do them anyways. Since humans can onlycompletelyandadequately finish around 3 tasks a day, the appnarrows yourfocusto your three most important tasks in your masterlist.