Top 31 Apps Similar to RKP Quick Learn Data Science

Learn All PRO Python Tutorials Offline in 2020 0.0.5
NO ADS | ADS FREE Learn Artificial Intelligence withPythonArtificial intelligence is the intelligence demonstratedbymachines, in contrast to the intelligence displayed byhumans.Learn BioPython Biopython is an open-source python toolmainly usedin bioinformatics field. Learn Concurrency with PythonConcurrency,natural phenomena, is the happening of two or moreevents at thesame time. Learn Cryptography with Python Moderncryptography isthe one used widely among computer science projectsto secure thedata messages. Jupyter Jython Jython is the JVMimplementation ofthe Python programming language. LogisticRegression in PythonLogistic Regression is a statistical method ofclassification ofobjects. Learn Matplotlib Matplotlib is one of themost popularPython packages used for data visualization. LearnMachine Learningwith Python Learn Numpy NumPy, which stands forNumerical Python,is a library consisting of multidimensional arrayobjects and acollection of routines for processing those arrays.Learn ObjectOriented Python Python has been an object-orientedlanguage sinceit existed. In this tutorial we will try to getin-depth featuresof OOPS in Python programming. Learn PyGTK PyGTKis a set ofwrappers written in Python and C for GTK + GUI library.Learn PyQtPyQt is a GUI widgets toolkit. It is a Python interfacefor Qt, oneof the most powerful, and popular cross-platform GUIlibrary. LearnPython As mentioned before, Python is one of the mostwidely usedlanguage over the web. Learn Python-3 As mentionedbefore, Pythonis one of the most widely used language over the web.Learn PyCharmPython Blockchain Blockchain is the current buzz thatis dominatingthe software development trends. Python Data AccessPython is ageneral-purpose interpreted, interactive,object-oriented, andhigh-level programming language. Python DataPersistence PythonDeep Learning Python is a general-purpose highlevel programminglanguage that is widely used in data science andfor producing deeplearning algorithms. Python Design Pattern Thistutorial explainsthe various types of design patterns and theirimplementation inPython scripting language. Learn Python DigitalForensics Digitalforensics is the branch of forensic science thatanalyzes,examines, identifies as well as recovers the digitalevidences fromelectronic devices. Learn Python Web Scraping LearnPython DataStructure Computers store and process data with an extraordinaryspeed and accuracy. Learn Python Data Science Data is thenew Oil.This statement shows how every modern IT system is drivenbycapturing, storing and analysing data for various needs.LearnPython Network Programming Python Network Programming isaboutusing python as a programming language to handlecomputernetworking requirements. Learn PyTest Pytest is a testingframeworkbased on python. It is mainly used to write API testcases. LearnPyTorch PyTorch is an open source machine learninglibrary forPython and is completely based on Torch. Learn PythonTextProcessing Python Programming can be used to process text dataforthe requirements in various textual data analysis. LearnPythonForensics Python has built-in capabilities to supportdigitalinvestigation and protect the integrity of evidence duringaninvestigation. Learn Python Panda Learn Python WebDevelopmentLibraries Python provides multiple frameworks for thewebdevelopment. Learn PySpark Apache Spark is written forsupportPython with Spark, Apache Spark community released a tool,PySpark.Learn Seaborn Seaborn is an open source, BSD-licensedPythonlibrary providing high level API for visualizing the datausingPython programming language. Learn Scipy This tutorial ispreparedfor the readers, who want to learn the basic features alongwiththe various functions of SciPy. Learn WxPython wxPython is ablendof wxWidgets and Python programming library.
Learn Data Science & Analytics 4.2.6
Learn Data Science with step by step lessons, tutorials,programs& more
Enki: Learn to code 2.23.2
An AI-powered mentor in your pocket for coding, data, workandtechnical skills
Data Science | ML Guide 3.6
XpertUp Labs
Your Perfect high quality study material for Data Science, MLandDeep Learning. Coding Contests 2.1.2
Rating updates, upcoming contests, recent actions, and problems.
Learn Machine Learning 4.2.6
Learn Machine Learning - ML with Python, ML Tutorials,Programs& more
EASY CODER : Learn Python 5.8.9-python
Learn to code! Learn python coding with easy video python
Algorhyme - Algorithms and Data Structures 1.5.4
This Algorhyme - Algorithms and Data Structures app isforvisualizing core algorithms and data structures. Inthisapplication we focus on 4 main topics: 1.) SEARCH ALGORITHMSWe'llcover the theory as well as the implementation of the mostrelevantsearch algorithms! • linear search • binary searchSearchalgorithms are used on a daily basis in applications andsoftwares.This is why it is crucial to know how they work exactly!2.)SORTING ALGORITHMS Sorting is another fundamental topic incomputerscience and software engineering. Let's consider whatapproachesyou can learn: • bogo sort • bubble sort • cocktail sort•selection sort • insertion sort • shell sort • merge sort•quicksort These are the fundamental sorting algorithms! Youcancheck the algorithms on few items as well as on a hugedatasets!3.) DATA STRUCTURES "Bad programmers worry about the code.Goodprogrammers worry about data structures and theirrelationships".This is why it is crucial to learn about datastructures: how tostore data efficiently and how to access it asfast as possible. •stacks • queues • binary search trees • treerotations in AVL trees• AVL tree animations • red-black treeanimation 4.) GRAPHALGORITHMS The final topic is graph algorithms -the most commonand most important approaches when dealing withgraphs! •breadth-first search (BFS) • depth-first search (DFS) •Dijkstra'sshortest path algorithm • spanning tree algorithm(Kruskal'smethod) • Hamiltonian path and the Traveling SalesmanProblemvisualization You can visualize and test maze solving aswell. Howto use BFS, DFS or A* search to get out of a usergenerated maze?Check it out! ** NEW FEATURE ** DARK MODE ISAVAILABLE! This appwill help you to understand sorting algorithms,search algorithm,data structures and graph algorithms (without theneed ofinternet). Algorhyme is brought to At Global Software Support, wehelpyou with programming, algorithms, data structures,quantitativefinance and artificial intelligence, so you feelconfident puttingyour best foot forward in the professional world.Enjoy the app!
Memorize By Heart 5.2.1
Craig Walker
Quick memorization of any text, poem, lyric, bible verse,stageline, etc
Data Structures Handbook 0.9.7
Bash Overflow
Minimal and Updated Handbook on Data Structures - now atyourfingertips!
IELTS Essay - Writing Task 2 2.1
IELTS Essay: Everything you need to achieve a high score inIELTSWriting Task 2
AlgoPrep - Algorithms & Data s 10.8
A tool to see how sorting & searching algorithms work&compare with each other.
IELTS Liz 5.0
Free IELTS preparation with IELTS Liz for a high band score target.
Skillsoft Learning App 3.6.13
Corporate training & personal development at yourfingertips,wherever you go.
Learn R Tutorial - PRO 1.3
ArcX Dev
Welcome to the ApkZube's interactive R Programming OfflineTutorialwithout AD
CompTIA Network+ Practice Test 3.6.0
CompTIA Network+ study guide helps you easily pass your exam
Codinguru: Programming quiz 3.0.5
Codinguru is a collection of programming questions. Test yourcodingskills!
Leetcode Algorithm Coding, Jav 5.2.2
Leetcode Algorithm and Data Structures Coding, JavaInterviewOffline APP
CertMaster Learn Companion
CertMaster Learn is an online tool that prepares you for aCompTIAexam.
EQally 1.6
Learn and practice micro-expression recognition to improve your EQ.
Perlego: Your online library 5.9.2
1 subscription - 1 million books
Official CLEP Study Guide App 1.7.3
ExamIam LLC
The Official CLEP Study Guide App
W3Schools v21
Stone Age.
W3schools is a web developers app, with tutorials andreferenceswhich will help you to learn languages such as HTML,CSS,JavaScript, PHP, SQL, W3.CSS, and Bootstrap, covering mostaspectsof web programming. ***This App is All in One Bundle ofFollowingApps*** * HTML ONLINE Tutorial * PHP ONLINE Tutorial *JAVASCRIPTONLINE Tutorial * SQL And MYSQL * CSS ONLINE Tutorial *HTML5ONLINE Tutorial * JQUERY ONLINE Tutorial * BootstrapONLINETutorial * XML ONLINE Tutorial * Angular ONLINE Tutorial *ASP .NETONLINE Tutorial * PYTHON ONLINE Tutorial
SQL Practice PRO - Learn SQL D 1.8.9
Simple, clean app to help you learn SQL and perfect yourSELECTquerying skills!
Going Merry Scholarships 1.12.0
Find scholarships & financial aid to pay for college
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This application is used only for getting various ideasondifferentsubjects. There are number of topics which arelistedbelow:-Advertisement Transport Communication Food City orruralarea etc.The main feature of this application is that it hasanumber ofquestions on different subjects but some of it hassamequestionsbut has different answers. good luck. Logo credit :VijayThakkar(Bro)
GMAT Problem Solving 1.4
Prepare for GMAT exam with system that selects questionsspeciallyfor You
Learn Kotlin & Android 4.2.21
Learn Kotlin Programming with programming lessons,tutorials,programs & more
Code News - Articles for Progr 2.5.1
Code News
A programming news app that sharpens your dev skills &updatesyour coding craft
GRE Vocabulary Flashcards Prep 6.30.5598
★★★★★ Master your GRE with over 2,900 practice questions &2,800must-know vocab
CISM Certified Information Security Manager exams 1.2.1
Do you need to earn your CISM certification? If so, you'vecometothe right place! With 9 practice exams containing75questionseach, I have carefully hand-crafted each question toputyou to thetest. After passing these exams, you will befullyprepared forwhat it is like to take the CertifiedInformationSecurity Manager(CISM) Certification Exam. This courseis designedaround theofficial Exam Guide from CISM, weighting theKnowledgeAreasappropriately, so you can pass the actualCISMCertificationExamwith confidence! You won't be hoping you areready, you willknowyou are ready to pass the exam, saving you timeand money.Afterpracticing these tests and scoring an 85% or higheron them,youwill be ready to PASS on the first attempt andavoidcostlyre-scheduling fees. After each practice exam attempt,youwillreceive your total final score, along with feedback oneachandevery question -- telling you exactly why each answer iscorrectsothat you can pinpoint the areas in which you need toimproveandperform some additional studying. These Practice Examshavethetimed test taking capability and provides youwithinteractive,question-level feedback. We'd love to hear fromyou.Please sendyour feedback to [email protected].