Top 6 Apps Similar to Plot Ploints (Least Squares)

Statistics Study 4.45
Statext LLC
Statistics provides descriptive and inferential statistics
Lab Plot n Fit 21.0
Android app for plotting, curve-fitting and analyzing multiplesetsof lab data
Andy's Graphing Calculator+ 1.2
This is the Paid counterpart ofmyFremiumGraphing Calculator, here are the differences:- no ads.- SmartTV/projector and keypad friendly (intended for classroomandsimilar small group setting)In addition to that, newer features and fixes are firstonthisversion and filter down to Fremium version on next version.Inthisversion this Paid counterpart also get early access to:- additional mathematical shorthands such as"...)(...""...)x..."and combinations of those.- review all graphs at anytime and without leaving the app.The app produces standard Cartesiancoordinate-basedmathematicalgraph from formula and range(optionally can also beformula). Instandard formats so you canre-use them anywhere youlike. It willproduce a pair of HTML textand PNG image under adirectory called"graphs" on your SD card (orpublically accessibleinternal memory,usually employed by Android3.x and 4.x devices)if you use a deviceusing internal public memorywith an optionalSD card slot it isrecommended you also install myfile manager toextract copies ofthe graphs to your SD card, the appcannot dothis for you yet. Allyou have to do is making sure there'snoalgebraic "singularities"and the app will handle the rest.There are few cosmetic blemishes such as a jumpy keypadfocusonthe top row (since it was up to device makers on how itisdone)and a squished tabs for Honeycomb (Android 3.x but NOT4.xnorolder phones) but those problems can easily worked aroundandnofunctional impact.
Linear Fit 1.0
The program calculates and plots the linear fit of data providedinX Y
Least squares regression Daisy
This application allows you to calculate the straight lineofordinary least squares regression (OLS) in samples of smallsize.After each value press the enter button . To get the results,pressthe enter button with an empty value. Use the C button toclear thevalue that you are entering at the moment. If you press Cagain,the last value or pair of values which has already beenentered itwill be deleted. Press the N button to begin to introducea newsample. Press the GRAPHIC button to get the graphic of OLS.Pressthe data button to enter data.
Scientific Graph 1.6
This calculator is developedforgraphingcomplicated functions, includinglogarithmic,exponential,trigonometric, hyperbolic.To plot function one should enter a mathematical expression withxasan unknown variable, as well as the minimum and maximumofX-axis andthe number of points.The list of functions that one can use:exp - exponential functionsqrt - square rootabs - absolute value of a number (module)ln - natural logarithm (logarithm to the base e)lg, log10 - common logarithm (logarithm to the base 10)log2 - binary logarithm (logarithm to the base 2)sin - sinecos - cosinetg, tan - tangentctg, cot - cotangentarcsin, asin - arc sinearccos, acos - arc cosinearctg, atan - arc tangentarcctg, acotan, acot - arc cotangentsh, sinh - hyperbolic sinech, cosh - hyperbolic cosineth, tanh - hyperbolic tangentcth, coth - hyperbolic cotangentarsh, arsinh, asinh - hyperbolic arc sinearch, arcosh, acosh - hyperbolic arc cosinearth, artanh, atanh - hyperbolic arc tangentarcth, arcoth, acoth - hyperbolic arc cotangentceil - returns the smallest integer greater than orequaltoargumentfloor - returns the largest integer less than orequaltoargumentround - round a number to the nearest integertrunc - discards the fractional part of a numberExample of the expression:x ^ 2 - cos (arcsin (x)) * log2 (4) * abs (-PI * x)