Top 21 Apps Similar to Bezpieczny Lokalizator 3.5

Find My Phone 21.3.1
Find My Phone! Find My iPhone & Android Phone istheessentialtracking tool for anyone who has experienced thestress,worry, andinconvenience associated with a lost or stolendevice.What’s more,it’s free for iPhone, and Android! Tracking youriPhone&Android has never been easier. Using thisstate-of-the-artGPStracker, you can instantly: • Find a lost,stolen or missingdevicewhether it belongs to you, your spouse oryour child • Keeptabs ona lost or missing device with real timelocation updates.When themissing or stolen phone is moved, itsposition is updatedinstantlyon the app’s map and our website. • Youcan even track& locateAndroid tablets, or an iPad Our app’snavigationalassistance canguide you to it, making retrieval quickand easy.Essentially,cellular companies know a mobile device’sdistance fromcellulartowers. Our app secures this data and displaysthewhereabouts ofyour cell on the app’s map. From there, it’s easyforyou toretrieve the lost device. We’ve been developing ourGPStechnologyfor over 5 years, making our app the most accuratemobilecelltracker you can find! Note: For the tracking featuretofunction,the app must be installed on the iPhone or Droidyou’relookingfor. Once you’ve installed the app on your iPhone,orAndroidPhone, simply log into our website. You’ll see a pin onthemapshowing the location of your phone. The mapalsofeaturesdirections to the device’s exact location. Anotherkeyfeature isreal time updates on both the app and our website.You’llsee themap instantly updated whenever the device moves.LocationHistoryYou can see where your Droid has been throughout theday,using thelocation history feature. As the Droid is moved, wetrackit.Later, you can just open the app and find out where ithas,andwhere it hasn’t, been!
Mobile Location & GPS tracking 3.0
Find Mobile By GPS and also see isdstdcodes,caller id number locater & tracker,*GPS location tracking,gps mobile location tracking ,trackcallerlocation,caller id number locater,find mobile by gpsNow locate caller or any mobile location on map withoutinternetconnection. No data loss to track caller location.App provides mobile number locator service, caller informationonmap and caller id. Apart from finding caller, you can alsosearchany other mobile number directly about which you wantanyinformation.You will get phone number register location, service provider ofanymobile number and check it on map.You can also find STD, ISD code with their city and country nameandvice versa.
Find my Phone-Location Tracker
"Family Locator-Device Manager" is aspecialuse case of TrackView. It can be used to find my phone,locatefamily or friends and for anti theft. Its main featuresincludeactivity detection, real-time location tracking,audio-videomonitoring, remote recording and buzz. The Windows PCversion isavailable for free download at: can beconsidered an Android Device Manager with Audio andvideosurveillance function.Please note that this app contains in-app purchase which willallowyou to monitor more devices. Please use the free version firstandonly purchase when you are satisfied. We do not processrefund.Thanks.Here is how it works:(1) Install TrackView on your phone or tablets;(2) Login this app using your gmail account;(3) Put the app in the background.After that you can use your phone however you like and your phoneisprotected for anti theft. In case your phone is lost or stolen,youcan go to another TrackView Installed device (WindowsPC,Smartphone, tablet etc), and login TrackView using the samegmailaccount as your lost or stolen phone. Instantly, you willknowwhether your phone is online or not. You can also receivealertmessages from the lost phone if someone is using your phone.Youcan also track your lost phone's location in real-time or audioandvideo monitor its surroundings. You can even do remote audioandvideo recording as a evidence as to who has your phone. This isavery powerful tool to find my phone and for anti theft.Some times, you may misplaced your phone somewhere with the phoneinsilent mode, then you can use location tracking to finditslocation, then use the "buzz" feature to ring the phone.Themisplaced phone will ring even it's in silent mode. This willhelpfind my phone quickly. TrackView can replace life360 anddropcamaltogether for Free.You can also use TrackView installed phone for other usagescenariossuch as: home security, track your car, protect yourfamily members,anti theft, video surveillance, baby monitoring ,nanny and petsmonitoring etc...Main Features:*****************1. GPS Location tracking in real-time2. Video and audio monitoring the surroundings of the phone3. Event detection and instant alert to your mobile devices4. Remote recording of event of interests as it happens5. Two-way audio6. Remote buzz that rings a missing device, even if it’s insilentmode7. App works in background and sleep mode that conservesyourbattery8. High reliability and excellent video quality at lowbandwidththat saves you money9. Super easy to install and one click connection from anywhereinthe world10. Remote control of Front and Rear camera switch11. Integration with Google Gmail account12. Secured access: You are the only one who can accessyourconnected devices.13. Always on: devices are accessible even in sleep mode.14. Multi-network support: TrackView supports all types ofnetworks:Wifi, 2G, 3G, 4G etc.15. Automatic network switch: When the network switches,TrackViewwill auto switch to the network available.16. Real-time and low latency: to ensure you get updates oneventsimmediately and watch video in real time.17. Universal accessibility: Access any of your devicesfromanywhere in the world.and much more!Support*********E-mail: [email protected]. If you have any issuesorsuggestions, we'd love to hearing from you.
Auto-Lokalizator SMS 1.3
Roman Junczys
auto-lokalizator SMSAplikacja podaje lokalizacje GPS (dokładnośćkilku,kilkudziesięciumetrów) lub (w przypadku kiedy sygnał GPS jestzbytsłaby)lokalizacje z nadajników siecikomórkowych(dokładnośćkilkudziesięciu, kilkuset metrów). Następniewspółrzędne(liczby)są zamienianie na możliwie najdokładniejszydostępny adresczytelnydla człowieka. Adres jest z kolei wysyłanysmsem na podanynrtelefonu (najczęściej jest to nr telefonu na, naktórymaplikacjajest zainstalowana).Zastosowanie aplikacji to podanie adresu gdziesięaktualnieznajdujemy, choćby po to by zamówić taksówkę, przyczymadres jestod razu wpisany do telefony jako sms, którymożemyprzesłaćdalej.Możemy też w ten sposób określić i przechowaćadresy,któreodwiedzaliśmy. Fakt, że będą to smsy z godziną idatąprzysłaniabędzie dodatkowo dokumentacją odwiedzonychmiejsc.Zaletą jest fakt, że nie musimy uruchamiać całej mapycowymagasporego transferu danych oraz większegozapotrzebowanianaenergię.lokalizator SMSAplikacja została wyposażona w mechanizmumożliwiającylokalizacjetelefonu przez wysłanie smsa z innegotelefonu. Sms zwpisanąodpowiednią wiadomością (fabrycznie jest towiadomość„gdziejestes?” (bez cudzysłowów) uruchamia proceslokalizacji iwysyłazwrotnie sms z adresem.Zastosowaniem takiej aplikacji jest możliwośćzlokalizowanianp.swojego dziecka, partnera, pracownika.Aplikacja umożliwia użytkownikowi zdecydowanie czypozwolimynalokalizowanie innym numerom telefonów oraz podaniejakienumerytelefonów mogą korzystać z tej usługi.Dokładna instrukcjaużytkowania: jest obecnie w fazie testów (wersja produkcyjna).SMS auto-locatorThe application provides GPS locations (accuracy of a fewtensofmeters), or (in the case when the GPS signal is tooweak),thelocations of mobile transmitters (accuracy of a few dozen,afewhundred meters). Then the coordinates (numbers) arereplacingthemost accurate available on possible human-readableaddress.Theaddress is in turn sent text message to a specifiedphonenumber(usually it is the phone number on which theapplicationisinstalled).The use of this application to provide the addresswhereyoucurrently are, if only to order a taxi, the addressisimmediatelyentered into the phone as a text message, whichcouldbeforwarded.We may thus define and store the addresses we visited.Thefactthat it will be text messages with time and date willbefurtherobscures the documentation visited places.The advantage is that you do not have to run the wholemapwhichrequires a great deal of data transfer and increaseddemandforenergy.SMS locatorThe application has been equipped with a mechanismthatenablesmobile locations by sending a text message fromanotherphone. Smsentered the appropriate message (default messageis"where areyou?" (Without quotes) starts the process of locatingandsendsback the text message with the address.The use of such an application is the ability to locate,eg.Yourchild, partner, employee.The application allows the user to decide if we allowotherstolocate phone numbers and give you phone numbers canbenefitfromthis service.The exact instructions for use: program is currently in the testingphase(productionversion).
Find My Phone
"Find My Phone" is a smart &simplesecurity application that you need on your devices!This application provides you the GPS location of your lostorstolen devices in one simple SMS message. We will help youfindyour device swiftly and precise.How to use it?1. In the first field, “Safe word for recovery SMS”, insert asafeword that you able to send via SMS message.2. In the second field, “Safe mobile phone number”, you needtoinsert the phone number that will be used to send the SMSmessagewith the safe word to your phone.3. Click "Go safe".That’s all, now you are safe!!! You can test it by sending thesafeword from the mobile number that was inserted in thesecondfield.The mobile phone will receive an SMS message with a link tothedevice location.Simple and easy, after installing and configuring theapplicationyou can exit the application. Do not worry, theapplication willrun in the background and you will stay safe.For any suggestions or feature requests for "Find My Phone"pleaseemail us and we will get back to youEmail ID: [email protected]: Find my phone applicationWeb site: http://www.bensoftapps.comBenSoft - Free applications for android
Simple IP Config Display
Generic Co
Easily check your device IP configuration values! It is FREE!
GPS Phone Tracker Locator 1.3
This app uses your phone tracker positiontoquickly show you the nearest locator Bank, Bar, GasStation,Hospital, Hotel, Police Movie Theater, Restaurant,Supermarket,Theater and Taxi... choose from infinit categories..Get access to detailed maps phone locator anywhere aroundtheworld with GPS Phone Tracker locator.Simply open the gps app to have your Android deviceinstantlyzoom in on your position. Coordinates, address, and evenaltitudewill be displayed so you know your exact location.Key Features:★ Offline gps tracker locator★ Offline gps maps★ Free gps map updates★ Address and place search: lookup an address phone locator,oraccess the nearby places locator to phone tracker find aspecificplace.★ Nearby gps tracker places - find what you have around you :cafes,businesses, malls and more.★ Directions auto follow - when displaying a route toyourdestination you can enable gps phone tracker on the maptoautomatically move to your current position.★ Night mode based phone locator on local sunset time★ Gps tracker recording - Gdzie jest VIN? 1.4
Aplikacja numerVINCzy wiesz, że wszystkie informacje o samochodzie są zawartewjednym kodzie? Gdzie znaleźć i jak rozkodować kod?Wszystkieniezbędne informacje mogą znajdować się w zasięgu Twojegotelefonudzięki aplikacji numerVIN.Numer VIN to indywidualny numer nadwozia, który nadawanyjestprzez producenta na niektórych elementach pojazdu. VIN to ciąg17cyfr i liter. Każdy znak to „zaszyfrowana” informacja natematsamochodu. Sprawdzenie i rozszyfrowanie numeru VIN będziepomocnewszystkim tym, którzy kupują samochód z tzw. „drugiejręki”.Każda marka samochodowa ma własny system kodowania. WaplikacjinumerVIN znalezienie kodu odbędzie się bez problemów.Pobierz aplikację, a następnie wprowadź takie dane jakmarka,model i rocznik samochodu. Po chwili dostanieszniezbędneinformacje o tym gdzie dokładnie znajduje się numerVIN.Nie daj się oszukać handlarzom samochodów i sam sprawdźdokładniehistorię danego pojazdu. Aplikacja numerVIN posiadabardzo bogatąbazę pojazdów. W szybki i łatwy sposób znajdzieszumiejscowieniekodu.application numerVINDid you know that all vehicle information are included inonecode? Where to find and how to decode the code? All thenecessaryinformation can be within range of your phone withapplicationsnumerVIN.VIN is an individual chassis number, which is assigned bythemanufacturer for some components of the vehicle. VIN is a stringof17 numbers and letters. Each character is "encrypted"informationabout the car. Check and deciphering VIN number will behelpful toall those who buy the so-called car. "Second-hand".Every car brand has its own coding system. In theapplicationnumerVIN find the code will be without problems.Download the app, and enter information such as the make,modeland year of the car. After a while you will get thenecessaryinformation about exactly where the VIN number.Do not be fooled by car dealers and see for yourself theexacthistory of the vehicle. The application numerVIN has arichdatabase of vehicles. In a quick and easy way to find thelocationcode.
whistle phone finder 3.2
Jumbo std
If you have ever lost a phone inyourhouse,room, desk or car, and you could not find it.this app is for you This application detects whistleandinformyou about the location of your lost phone, You only havetowhistleand your phone will start vibrating, emitting aloudnoise.- you can Choose the notification sound that will beplayedwhenyou whistle- you can activate headphone mode- you cab activate call mode- you can add a password for more securityevery thing is explained in the application just downloaditandenjoytags: where is my phone,phonefinder,phonewhistle,whistlefinder,call your phone,find yourphone,whistle,whereis thephone,Whistle Phone Finder.[whistleblower][whistle][find my phone app ][find your phone app][find my device app][app to find your phone][where is my phone]
Oman Airports 6.30
The official Oman Airports mobile application
Find Incoming Caller 1.0
Locate Caller app help you tofindcaller’sdetail from which State, telecom operator a mobilenumberbelongsto. Its display caller's info details of all calls.LocateCallerapp provide you latest or current location of thecaller.LocateCaller is an amazing app. It’s also providing youmanuallysearchoption to find out any number information and checkthecurrentlocation of the number on the map. It’s the bestmobiletrackingapp among other tracking apps in India/USA/Canada.Here yougetcomplete details of the complete mobile number. Tolocate anyphonenumber in India/USA/Canada, just type the telephoneormobilenumber in the search box, you can get completeinformationlikeoperator, Location, GPS information, ServiceNetworkprovider,etc.Features:-1. Shows Caller’s Information.2. Track any mobile number and view location on Map.3. Easy to use the application.4. Call Log with service provider detail.5. Block any phone number.6. Find the STS and ISD codes of any location.7. Show service provider detail along with your contact list.
Find My Phone (Android Wear) 1.5.8
It's time to say goodbye to forgetting or losing yourphone.Withbrand new Android Wear app you will never forget yourphoneandquickly find it in one tap. Android Wear Watch will buzzingtostopyou from going out from your phone. Can find your phone?Justtapon notification or start Find My Phone app on your watch andtaponthe button to launch alarm and visual signals on yourphone(evenif it’s in silent mode). The alarm can be setting upforyourneeds. You can: - Set alarm volume - Turn ongradualvolumeincreasing - Turn on vibration - Select ringtone -Setscreenbrightness - Turn on Flashlight The mainfunctionalityavailablefor free, but some alarm customizationfeatures availableonly inPRO version, that can be purchased in app(price is $1,99).
Life360: Live Location Sharing 23.43.0
Comprehensive family safety membership plans for busy, modern life.
Bezpieczna Rodzina
Z Gdzie Jest Dziecko:*** namierzysz wybrany telefon (wystarczy, że jest włączonyizalogowany do sieci operatora) za pomocą aplikacjimobilnej,serwisu www lub SMS,*** ustawisz miejsca (strefy), w których przebywa Bliskichiotrzymasz automatyczne powiadomienie, gdy się w nich pojawi,*** zlokalizujesz Bliskiego nawet jeśli nie ma telefonu,wystarczyże dokupisz Lokalizator GPS kostka*** wyposażysz Bliskiego w Rodzinne S.O.S,*** Abyś mógł namierzać, Bliski musi wysłać JEDNORAZOWY DARMOWYSMSze zgodą na lokalizację. Potem Bliski nie będzie już informowanyonamierzaniu./więcej: http://www.gdziejestdziecko.plZ aplikacją na telefon Bliskiego Rodzinne S.O.S.:*** wystarczą 3 sekundy, aby wezwać POMOC,*** dokładna lokalizacja GPS,*** komunikat S.O.S. automatycznie wyśle alarm do Ciebie,wybranychBliskich oraz odpowiednich służb,*** Bliski może załączyć wiadomość tekstową, film lub zdjęciedokażdego zgłoszenia,Gdzie Jest Dziecko jest częścią unikalnej na polskimrynkugrupy usług Bezpieczna Rodzina .W skład Bezpiecznej Rodziny wchodzą:** Gdzie Jest Dziecko - lokalizator rodzinny,** Rodzinne S.O.S. - aplikacja na telefon Bliskiego,** Gdzie Jest Auto - lokalizator samochodu,** Bezpieczny Dom - monitoring domu.Dzięki Gdzie Jest Auto:*** Sprawdzisz, czy Twoje auto jest tam, gdziejestzaparkowałeś,*** Automatyczny Strażnik powiadomi Cię, gdy Twoje auto poruszysiębez Twojej wiedzy,*** Ustawisz limit prędkości auta i otrzymasz powiadomienie,gdyzostanie przekroczony,*** Sprawdzisz historię tras, którymi poruszało sięTwojeauto,/więcej informacji oraz wybór nadajnika GPS nastronie:http://www.gdziejestauto.plZ Bezpiecznym Domem:*** Oglądasz Twoje mieszkanie, dzięki kamerom współpracującymzaplikacją,*** Otrzymasz automatyczny alarm SMS, e-mail oraz w aplikacji,gdykamera wykryje ruch,*** Nagrasz dowolny obraz z kamery i pobierzesz gonakomputer!/więcej informacji oraz wybór kamery nastronie:http://www.bezpiecznydom.plFrom the Where istheChild :*** Namierzysz selected phone (it is enough that it is switchedonand connected to the network operator) using themobileapplication, web service, or SMS,*** Set the location (zone), which resides Relatives andreceiveautomatic notification when they appear,*** Middle locate even if there is no phone, just that dokupiszGPSlocator ankle*** Middle equip the Family S.O.S,*** To be able to track down, the Middle must send a SINGLE FREESMSwith the consent of the location. Then the middle will notbeinformed about the successful targeting./ More http://www.gdziejestdziecko.plWith the application on the phone Middle Family S.O.S.:*** Suffice 3 seconds to call the HELP,*** Accurate GPS location,*** Statement S.O.S. will automatically send alarm youselectedRelatives and relevant services,*** Middle can attach text message, video or photo toeachapplication,Where is the Child is a unique part of the Polishmarketservices group Safe Family .The Safe Family includes:** Where is the Child - locator family** Family S.O.S. - the application on the phone Middle,** Where is the Auto - locator car** Safe Home - monitoring house.With Where is the Auto :*** Check, if your car is where it is parked.*** Automatic Guard notifies you when your car moves withoutyourknowledge,***'ll Set the speed limit of the car and get a notification whenitis exceeded,*** You will check the history route, which moved your car,/ More information and a selection of GPS transmitteron:http://www.gdziejestauto.plFrom the Safe House :*** Viewing your apartment through cameras cooperating withtheapplication,*** Automatically receive alarm SMS, e-mail and applications,whenthe camera detects motion,*** Record any camera image and download it to your computer!/ More information and camera selectionpage:
GPS Location Finder
Crazy Softech
GPS Location Finder - Find GPS Mobile Location on Map, LiveCompass,Speedometer
GPS Locator 1.18.1
I present to you "GPS Locator".This application is designed to present the current location ofthedevice on the world map.You can also add 10 other users, which can be located onthemap.The ability to record the route in the database and presenting itonthe map.The application stores the data in a database SQLLite availableonany Android device.High standard used when creating the database providesinstantaccess to data.Convenient, easy use user interface and navigation.Active development application (email me if you have anyquestions,suggestions, comments).More coming soon!Enjoy it!Required qualifications:INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - to display ads in the freeversionand support my workRECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED - starting after rebootGET_ACCOUNTS - requires a Google accountWAKE_LOCK - keeps the processor from sleeping when a messageisreceivedVIBRATE - control vibratorACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION - GPSlocationserviceMAPS_RECEIVE - mapy Google
Live Recorder Lite 1.0
36 Green Apps
A very neat and nice recorder for recordingandsaving the voice, environment sounds and surrounding near thephone.Features:-------------A perfect app for eavesdropping and recording thevoice,environment and the surrounding of the phone.The whole process can be controlled by a single button, veryeasyto switch between recording and normal modes.Records can be saved, played, and shared.Notes can be added to the records and the same canbemodified.Voice and Surrounding recording can be recorded and managedinthree modes 1. Activating by calling from a predefined phonenumber2. Start recording after certain amount of time. 3.Manualrecording. (1 and 2 options available in Pro andStealthversions).Auto clear option to automatically delete the older recordsaftercertain number of days.Options available for searching the records by Name, Notes,andby Date.One important feature of our App is as and when the call isover,the recorded file is sent automatically to the pre-configured Gmailaccount. The records can be saved and sent to theemail in threedifferent modes in Mail Settings: 1. Save, 2. Mailand Save, 3. Mailand Don't Save. Default option is Save.One more good feature is, the important records can be hidden.Tohide a record, go to records list, long press on any record. Apopupappears that asks for confirmation for hiding the same. Toview thehidden records, just tap four times on the Call Recordertext (topleft corner).Our App has a very cool Green UI, so your eyes wouldneverstrain.Notes:---------1. Please uninstall any other voice and environmentrecordingapps before using this app.2. The Voice Recording does not work on certain handsets andcanresult in inferior quality recordings. We suggest that you trythefree version before purchasing the paid app.3. If you encounter any issues with the voice quality,tryrecording from a different audio source in Sound FormatSettingsoption. The default option is Mic, you may switch to otheroption,test and use the same.4. For the records to be sent to your Gmail account, in theMailSettings, you have to provide your Gmail credentials (atthebottom).5. As this is a free app, this contains ads. If the adsdisturbyou, please install our Pro version. If you have any issuespleasesend us an email at [email protected], we would try tosolvethem soon, so please don't underrate our app. Also, we wouldloveto hear from you about any suggestions, so that we can improvetheperformance of our app.6. Also as this is a free app, only the first 24 call recordscanbe saved and sent to email. Please install either Pro orStealthversion for unlimited access.
Phone tracker Find my friends 1.0.6
Blur Apps Ltd
Turn your Android phone into a gpsphonetracker locate anyone for free. Now you can turn your phoneinto areal cell phone tracker device and track location by phonenumber.You will be reassured to know the kids went to school /homesafely, the husband / wife traveled safely, and your familywillinform you the position during the traveling.Use your phone to know where your friends and family in the cityoranywhere in the world. Our application combines the friendlocatorgps tracker of the Android platform with most popular map tocreatea system that allows people to know each other's currentlocationand track a friends cell phone by gps.* The features of mobile location tracker by phone number canhelpyou:✓ Is the phone tracker by number exact location✓ Track wife, girlfriend cell phone location at any time✓ Track the location of employees during working hours✓ Find friends location by phone number✓ Search for the phone which is lost or stolen✓ The application is completely free app to track by gps cellphoneby number* The advantages and safety when you use the application forcellphone tracker number:✓ Combine the gps track someone elses cell phone and myfriendlocation tracker on map by phone number✓ The application was designed as phone number tracker withlocationto track the security for families, children andfriendseasily.✓ The privacy of your position and your family is always ourfirstconcern, your location is only revealed to those youbelieve✓ Know the location when loved ones lost, or the dangerous regiononthe map and instantly message to your family✓ In case your phone is lost, check the position of the phoneandfollow up with a phone of your family member. To view thelocationof your phone on a map and find the culprit, the locationservicesmust always be allowedNote: To our application works properly, the location servicesmustalways be allowed. Phone Tracker application always needs tocheckyour position and it take up to 11% of your battery.
New Applock - Snaplock 3.11
Snaplock The Best Android Applock,Memorycleaner and Media vault.Lock Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, SnapChat, Tinder and otherappsas well as your media files such as pictures, videos andprotectthem from being accessed by anyone else.App Lock - You can choose from Pattern and Pin locktoprotect your Applications and Phone. To activate pattern or pin,Goto SnapLock Applock app -> Settings -> ChangeLockStyle.Secret Snap - This important feature takes photos(selfie)ofpeople who try to unlock your apps and phone with thewrongpassword. It saves intruder's selfies with application namewhichthey tried to open.Phone Booster - Improve your phone's performance byStoppingunnecessary running applications. It improves yourphone'sperformance and makes it faster.Beautiful Themes - This app has lots of beautiful themeforpattern and pin lock. We are regularly adding new themes tomakeyour lock screens more beautiful. Harry Potter, Game ofThrones,Sports and Music just to name a few. So, In Applock, youcan makeyour lock screen as per your favourite characters, sports,cartoonsetc.Background Images - You can choose any background imagefromyour gallery for your Applock screen.Snaplock Applock is one app solution for all yourprivacythreats.Apploc allows you to choose what apps, photos, videos andmediafiles you want to lock.Turn on/ off the applock feature whenever you want.How to activate after downloading.1> Set a Passcode for Applock2> Set your Recovery Email.3> Permit drawing over other apps - Set it as ON4> Permit Usage access - Set it as ONHow it works:1> AppLock - Choose the apps you want to lock.2> Lock Background - In case you choose no theme, you canstillchange your Lock Background screen.3> Lock Themes - Choose from a wide range of pattern lock andpinlock themes.5> Memory Cleaner/Booster - Stop unwanted apps and boostyourphone memory and performance.6> Settings - Choose your Snaplock app behaviorwithSettings.7> Secret Snap - Secretly record photos of intruderssnoopinginto your phone. A secret snap is taken and stored after 3failedlogin attempts.Contact us at:@realmohibmalgi@tuppleapps
Wheres My Droid 6.6.9
Find My Phone!The first find your phone app on the Android Market continues togetbetter and better. Now with more features, it is easier thanever totrack down your lost phone.Wheres My Droid Features~ Find phone by making it ring/vibrate~ Find phone using GPS location~ GPS Flare - Location alert on low battery~ Text your attention word~ Passcode protection to prevent unauthorized app changes~ Notification of changed SIM card or phone number~ Stealth Mode hides incoming text with attention word~ White/Black list to control who can use the app via text~ No battery drainAdvanced Security Features in Pro~ Take pictures with the devices camera~ Remotely lock device - Requires Android 6.0.1 or less~ Remotely wipe SD card~ Remotely wipe phone data~ Prevent app from being uninstalled - Requires Android 6.0.1orless~ Hide the app icon~ Use a landline to activate the app~ Customizable ringtone when lostPremium Features in Elite~ Geofencing~ Auto Theft Detection~ Passive Location Updates~ Location History~ View Contacts and Call Log~ View Device Stats and Nearby Wi-FiLost Phone?Where's My Droid can turn the ringer volume up and make yourphonering. The app can also get the GPS coordinates with a linktoGoogle maps if you're not near enough to your phone to heartheringer. You have the freedom to track your phone from anywherewitha text messaged attention word or with our onlineCommander.Stolen Phone?Feel secure knowing that a thief won't be able to accessyourpersonal information on your lost phone. In the Pro version youareable to wipe and lock your stolen phone. Locking your phonewillmake it unusable while you try to track your lost phone'slocation.If there is no hope of finding your phone, then you canerase yourpersonal information with the wipe feature.The app does require a lot of permissions. For more details onwhythe app needs these permissions visit
Avast Anti-Theft 4.2.0
Best free cell phone tracker helps youfindand track your lost or stolen phone, making ‘lost’Androidphones/tablets a thing of the past.No need to think “How can I find my phone?” – its cellphonelocator features find and control it remotely.TOP FEATURES■ Locate and Track your lost phone or droid on a mapthroughour web-based mobile phone tracking feature (uses GPStracker andother triangulation methods).■ Control your cell phone remotely, manage your device viaaweb-based interface or SMS if the phone is stolen (to do this,goto:■ Remotely lock or wipe the phone memory, to keep yourdatasafe.■ Remotely take photos or listen to audio of thephone’ssurroundings.■ Set up a SIM-card-change notification to another device.■ Stealth Mode automatically hides the app on your phonewheneverAnti-Theft is activated, so that a thief is not even awareof itspresence.REMOTE FEATURE HIGHLIGHTSYou can trigger remote features via SMS command from afriend’sphone or via our web interface at■ Remote lock.■ Find my phone and display it on a map. (locatethephone)■ Wipe and erase the phone memory to keep your privatedatasafe.■ Activate a customizable siren or alarm.■ Custom locked-screen text (e.g. show rewards foritsreturn).■ Send an on-display message to the phone.■ Have the phone call you elsewhere to listen to surroundings(withblacked-out screen, so invisible to thieves).■ Have calls and messages forwarded to a different phone.■ Device manager to manage your device remotely.FEATURES HIGHLIGHTS★ Remote identification: Takes a picture of the thief, knownasTheftie, when he/she tries to unlock the device (can use frontorback camera, with face recognition). Also can listen to andrecordaudio and locates it.★ Password check: Marks the device as stolen if a wronglockedscreen password is entered 8 times.★ Remotely send SMS: Your device will send them for you.★ Remote data retrieval: Retrieve call logs, SMS messages, andotherpersonal data from your phone – e.g. before remotely wipingitsmemory.For a full protection install Avast Free Mobile Security