Top 35 Apps Similar to Istel ECG

CardioExpert II 2.3.341
Tools for cardiologists.
ECG Report 1.0
An App that helps health professionals in the interpretation ofECGand conduct.
Cardiac diagnosis-heart rate 25
Cardiac Diagnosis measures heart rate, arrhythmia, tachycardia,andbradycardia.
Medicos ECG :Clinical Guide & 4.0.9
Easy guide for ECG / EKG interpretation & practice withmorethan Real 100 cases
Kardia 5.32.1-b16cfabcab
AliveCor Inc.
Remote, medical-grade heart care at your fingertips
ECG Pro - Real World ECG / EKG 1.4
WMS, Inc
Sharpen ECG / EKG interpreting skills with over 2000 Real lifecasesand videos
GP Diagnosis 2.1.2
Dr. A. Roth
The Medical Diagnosis App. Enter symptoms, get a diagnosis.
ECG Basics - Full 2.0.0
Get introduced to one of the most important and challengingsubjectof medicine.
CardioSmart Heart Explorer
This app enhances clinician/patient relationships at the pointofcare.
Preventicus Heartbeats. ECG alike medical test. 1.6.15
With the digital medical product Preventicus Heartbeatsyoucaneasily check your heart rhythm with a smartphonecamera.Regularusage supports the identification of undetectedheartrhythmdiseases, especially atrial fibrillation, forstrokeprevention.Analysis and documentation of your measurementscan beperformed inECG-comparable quality. The high accuracy oftheapplication hasbeen confirmed in international clinicalstudies.With >10million performed analyses, PreventicusHeartbeats isone of themost successful German health apps.Regularself-measurement of theheart rhythm, especially"atrialfibrillation screening", isrecommended in the guidelines oftheEuropean Society of Cardiology(ESC) and the European HeartRhythmAssociation and is particularlysuitable for people withanincreasing risk of stroke: - generallyfrom the age of 65 - from55years of age in the presence of othercardiovascular riskfactors(e.g. high blood pressure, diabetes,after a stroke or heartattack,in case of felt palpitations) -according to doctor'srecommendationThe purpose of the app is todetect evidences(suspected ortentative diagnoses) of cardiacarrhythmias, inparticular -Extremely irregular pulse (absolutearrhythmia) withsuspectedatrial fibrillation - Suspected othercardiac arrhythmiaswithfrequent irregular heartbeats (e.g.ectopic heartbeats)-Determination of the heart rate withindications or suspicionofbradycardia (pulse too low) ortachycardia (pulse too high),withouttheir further diagnosticdifferentiation All results aresuspected(tentative) diagnoses ofa digital medical device, not anactualdiagnosis in the medicalsense. Suspected (tentative)diagnoses areunder no circumstances asubstitute for personalconsultation,diagnosis or treatment by aphysician. This app may notbe used tomake decisions in situationsthat are consideredlife-threatening. Amajor risk factor forstroke is untreated atrialfibrillation (AF).It is oftenunnoticeable and only occursoccasionally, making itdifficult todetect in a doctor's office.Therefore, guidelinesrecommendregular self-checking of the heartrhythm. After medicaldiagnosisof AF, a (mostly drug-based) therapycan almost normalizethe riskof stroke. Use the free basic versionto get to know themeasuringprocess, determine your heart rate andget first hints ifthe appdetects possible heart rhythmdisturbances. The full versionoffersyou additional features: - adetailed analysis andpresentation ofthe measurement results in ECGcomparable manner -saving andsharing measurements as anECG-comparable PDF document -a longer5-minute measurement option,especially if recommended by adoctor,in order to be able to recordless frequent arrhythmicevents moreprobably - optionally thepossibility for ECGtechnicians ofTelecare centers to perform anevaluation of themeasurements toexclude possible measurement errorsand to verifyrhythmdisturbances from a medical-technical point ofview. Usethispossibility especially after a doctor'srecommendation, sinceamedical-technical pre-qualification of yourmeasurementscanconsiderably support the subsequent diagnostics ofyourdoctorLegal information: The Preventicus Heartbeats applicationisaclinically validated Class IIa medical device certified byTÜVNORDCERT GmbH and meets the basic requirements ofthe93/42/EECDirective or its national implementations. Thequalitymanagementsystem of Preventicus GmbH is certified accordingtoISO13485:2016. This standard formulates anddefinestheinternationally valid requirements for qualitymanagementsystems,especially for medical device manufacturers.
AnticoagEvaluator 4.1
Make informed anti thrombotic therapy decisions for AF patients.
Cardiac diagnosis-heart rate 147
Cardiac diagnosis uses a built-in camera to detect bloodcirculationin the measurement area. 1. Measurement of heart rateand heart ratevariability You can measure the exact number usingthe built-incamera sensor of your smartphone or tablet. 2.Measurement CategoryGeneral Measurement- It measures 20 heartbeatsto calculate thenumber of heartbeats per minute, and arrhythmia isdifferentiated bycalculating the heart rate variability. Precisemeasurement - Theheart rate is measured for 1 minute todifferentiate between heartrate and arrhythmia. Continuousmeasurement - Check the heartcondition by looking at the graphwhile continuously measuring. Allmeasurements are indicated ingreen for normal, yellow for caution,and red for abnormal. If redis frequently detected, it isrecommended that an electrocardiogram(EKG, ECG) test be performedat a hospital. 3. Results trackingWhen the measurement result issaved, the measurement value andscreen are saved and historymanagement is possible. "How to useand precautions" 1. In theheart-shaped view on the measurementscreen, find the rear camerawhere the measurement site is visible,place your fingertipslightly, and click the Start button. 2.Measure while your hands arewarm. -> If your hands are cold,blood circulation is notreliable and the measurement value isinaccurate. 3. Do not placeyour finger on the camera flash. [Guideto the access rightsrequired to use the heart diagnosis app] 1.Camera (required) -Required to detect blood circulation in themeasurement site.2.Storage space (required) - Required to save themeasurementresult.
12-Lead ECG Challenge 2.1.1
12-Lead ECG Challenge is the ideal way to sharpenyourinterpretation skills.
ECG Guide by QxMD 2.0.0
Succinct yet authoritative, ECG Guide is a critical companionforclinicians.
TreatHF provides individualized therapy suggestions for a stageCHFrEF patient.
CredibleMeds Mobile 3.6.2
Azcert Inc
Lists of drugs that prolong the QT interval & increase riskofheart arrhythmia
Canadian ACLS Mastery 6.31.5606
Master your ACLS. Review 250+ practice questions, quizzes &tipsanywhere
Camera Heart Rate Variability 1.1.4
A.S.M.A. B.V.
Camera Heart Rate Variability is the first app that lets yourecord,plot and export time and frequency domain Heart RateVariabilityFeatures (as well as heart rate and RR intervals),without requiringany heart rate monitor. Camera HRV uses atechnique calledphotoplethysmography (PPG for short), whichconsists in detectingchanges in blood volume during a cardiaccycle, by illuminating theskin and measuring changes in lightabsorption. PPG has become quitea popular non-invasive method forextracting physiologicalmeasurements such as heart rate and oxygensaturation. However, mostapplications today focus simply on heartrate or respiration rate.Camera HRV can assess cardiac autonomicregulation throughquantification of sinus rhythm variability.Since HRV aims atquantifying autonomic regulations, it can be usedas marker ofsympathetic or parasympathetic predominance, andtherefore becomerelevant in many applications. In athletes forexample heavytraining is responsible for shifting the cardiacautonomic balancetoward a predominance of the sympathetic over theparasympatheticdrive, and HRV analysis attempts to quantify thisshift. Otherapplications span from stress monitoring, assessmentof pathologicalconditions and even emotional regulation duringfinancialdecision-making. Main Features: - extracts, plots, storesandexports heart rate, rr-intervals, time and frequency domainheartrate variability features (AVNN, SDNN, rMSSD, pNN50, LF, HF,LF/HF)- configurable time window for feature extraction (30seconds to 1minute) - automatic RR-interval correction - dataexport/storage onDropbox or via email (csv format, exports rrintervals, and computedfeatures). Find out more at thislink:
Systolic - blood pressure app 3.1.2
Supereasy blood pressure tracking, assessment andreportingapplication
HeartRate+ Coherence PRO 3.3.0
SoftArea srl
Biofeedback system to achieve Cardiorespiratory Coherence
Equate Heart Health 1.4.7
FKA Brands
For use with the Equate Premium Upper Arm Blood PressureMonitor(WMTBPA-240BT)
Qardio Heart Health 2.4.3
Qardio, Inc.
Qardio Heart Health, Weight and Blood Pressure Monitor
Kubios HRV 1.3.8
Kubios Oy
Heart rate variability (HRV) based daily readiness and customHRVrecordings
ithlete -Train.Recover.Perform 4.0
HRV Fit Ltd.
Know when to train, how hard to train, when to rest tooptimisefitness & health
BolusCalc 1.84
Designed for simple calculations of insulin doses in thehome/schoolsetting.
HRV4Training 3.6.0
A.S.M.A. B.V.
HRV4Training helps you optimize goals and improve performance.Nosensors needed
Blood Pressure Companion 4.4.3 (Heinersdorf)
Allows you to track your blood pressure easily.
ManageAnticoag 4.0
ManageAnticoag helps clinicians navigate the risksforanticoagulated patients
iBP Blood Pressure 7.0.1
Leading Edge Apps LLC
What is iBP? iBP is a blood pressure tracking andanalysistool.Please note, it is not possible to measure your bloodpressurebytouching the screen. A separate device is required. Whatkindofanalysis does iBP provide? iBP uses color icons toindicatewhenyour blood pressure values are normal, high, orhypertension.Italso provides interactive graphs that allow you todisplayyourvalues by weeks, months, year and time of day. Thegraphsdisplaylows, highs, averages, and trend lines usingstatisticalanalysis.Why iBP vs. other blood pressure apps? iBP isthe #1 bloodpressureapp on the iPhone and it is now available onAndroid! Wehave beenworking on this app for over 5 years andcontinue tomakeimprovements. iBP is the only blood pressure appwith a builtintransfer capability to sync all your iOS and Androiddevices.Whatare the key features? * Transfer capability to sync allof youriOSand Android devices * Calculates Mean Arterial PressureandPulsePressure * Track one personal item (blood glucose,stresslevel,medication dosage, exercise time) * Backup /Restorecapability *Multiple users * Multiple email addresses (youanddoctor) *Multiple email formats (HTML, CSV, Plain Text) *Snapshotof thegraphs can be saved * User configurable color ranges* Weightunits(lb or kg) * Withings Blood Pressure Monitor &WirelessScaleWithings + iBP = No more data entry! iBP can retrieveyourbloodpressure and weight data directly from your Withingsaccount.TheBlood Pressure Monitor and wireless Body Scaleautomaticallyrecordand send the data to your account. There is nodata entryrequiredand you can view the data anywhere using a webbrowser or avarietyof mobile apps. Free shipping coupon inside theapp!Disclaimer:iBP is intended to be used as a means to collectdata tobe sharedwith your doctor. This application is not intendedto beasubstitute for professional medical advice,diagnosis,ortreatment. We assume no liability for any personal harmorinjurysustained as a result of using this application.
Cardalis Resting Respiratory R 2.0.1
For Dogs with Canine Heart Failure to monitor RestingRespiratoryRate
bodyxq heart 2.3
Body XQ ( bxq ) BodyXQ – body excursion – is the world'sfirstinteractive education program that enables you to travelinside theorgans of the body and explore their functions. A DreamCome True:Did you ever dream of making a virtual journey throughyour heart –the body’s "motor" – and exploring it using the tips ofyourfingers? With BodyXQ you can. Did you ever dream of watchingtheheart operate from inside its own chambers? With BodyXQ youcan.Did you ever dream of looking at the billions of cells thatmake upthe heart and the arteries and exploring how their health,in turn,determines the health of the entire cardiovascular system?WithBodyXQ you can. Imagine: Taking a ride through a coronaryarteryand understanding for the first time why people get heartattacksbut not "nose attacks" or "ear attacks". With BodyXQ youcan.Interactively opening a pumping heart with your own fingers,justlike a surgeon, and your computer being the scalpel that opensitfor you – all in the comfort of your own home. With BodyXQ youcan.Exploring the billions of cells that make up the heart andthearteries, like a scientist, and your computer being themicroscopethat allows you to see every miniature detail – in theclass room.With BodyXQ you can. Interactively studying the effectsofmicronutrients – such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids andtraceelements – on the performance of cells and learning howcellularfunction determines our health and the development ofdisease. WithBodyXQ you can. Improving your own health with thisknowledge – andhelping your family and friends to do the same byintroducing themto this website. With BodyXQ you can. Surprisingyour biologyteacher with knowledge he could not have given to youhimself –because this information was not given to him at the timehe wastraining. With BodyXQ you can. Becoming so fascinated bythefunction of the human body, and by understanding the cellularbasisfor health and disease, that you become a nutritionalconsultant, ahealth professional or a volunteer educator in a newera of health.BodyXQ may trigger that. Looking back in a few yearswith pride andknowing you were part of a groundbreaking interactivehealthliteracy campaign that helped improve the lives of millionsofpeople around the world.
VitaPulse - Heart Rate Monitor 2.3.5
VitaPulse: express diagnostics of the humanorganismstate«VitaPulse» — diagnostic mobile app that allows anypersonwithoutusing expensive medical equipment independentlycontrolhis/herfunctional health state, learn level ofhealthassessment,adaptability of organism, level of stress,balanceexpenditure /recovering energy, as well as improve thequality oflife andreduce the risk of unexpected health problems.Algorithmsapp andinterpretation of obtained results are based onnumerousscientificstudies and recommendations European SocietyofCardiology and theNorth American Society of PacingandElectrophysiology. Appsupports (full version only)Holtermonitoring - a method by whichdiurnal monitoring offunctioning ofheart. It uses wearable heartrate sensor (eg. PolarH7, Mio Link),which provides registrationand transfer ofinformation on the workof the heart in asmartphone. DemonstrationHoltersession: How does it work? Mobileapppulsediagnosis «Vita Pulse» real-time monitors changes inheartrhythm.This does not require any expensive special sensorsordevices,because the heart rate registration performed usingonlythebuilt-in camera of your smartphone (there issynchronizationmodewith the heart rate sensors). App with using thecamera readsbloodcirculation in finger, which gives necessaryinformation onwork ofheart. After pulse being detected, theregistration oftheinterpulse intervals and recording of thecardiointervalogramareconducted. The duration of each cardiac cyclediffers fromtheprevious and app is estimated with an accuracy ofonemillisecond.Sequential change durations cardiac cycles formsacomplex rhythmthat is analyzed by app. After finishingexaminationprogramautomatically generates health-physiologicalconclusionandcalculates parameters of functional state, based onheartratevariability (HRV) - a modern method for researchoffunctionaldiagnostics. Why the need «VitaPulse»? 1.Regularmonitoring of thehealth status of all family members. Allowsyou tostop waitingwhen the disease was coming suddenly, and respondinadvance.Typically, first clinical manifestation of diseaseandtreatment,respectively to the doctor preceded by a longincubationperiod,when the disease is hidden matures. «VitaPulse»revealsthebeginning of the disease process in a timely manner.Booked -isforearmed and can take action. 2. Stress control. Themainreasonfor most of the diseases of modern man - it's stress.«Alldiseasesof the nerves» - there is a narrow-minded view. And inmostcasesit is absolutely true. «VitaPulse» help control thecurrentlevelof stress and live a long life. Information about whatthestresslevel is dangerous, has been well studied by scientistsandisexpressed as a clear digital indicators. These scientificdatahavebeen developed and are now available to any user«VitaPulse».3.«VitaPulse» easily integrated into many methods oftreatmentandself-medication. Massage, wellness exercises,physiotherapy,herbalmedicine, yoga, fitness, medication, etc. - allthisrequiresmonitoring. Regular monitoring of the functionalstatusbefore andafter the procedures will evaluate theeffectiveness oftheselected method and, if necessary, correct it.4.«VitaPulse»applies in sports practice for early detectionofproblems organismadaptation to physical stress andovertrainingstate,implementation of immediate control over theprocess ofphysicaltraining with a view to optimization, which isaprerequisite forachieving high results. App is compatiblewithPolar H7, Mio Linkand other heart rate sensors BluetoothLowEnergy, and also abuilt-in heart rate sensor samsung.Visitofficial site or helpsection in app for moreinformation.Demonstration: Attention!App isintended forpersonal review only and is not intended toreplaceprofessionalmedical advice.
Bluelab Pulse
Measure nutrient (EC) and moisture directly in the root zone, fast
Framingham CardioRisk 2020 3.1
Framingham CR calculates the risk of suffering cardiovasculareventsin 10 years
ESC CVD Risk Calculation 1.2
Individual cardiovascular risk assessment forhealthcareprofessionals