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Dengerin Musik Indonesia 3.0
Radio Streaming Dengerin MusikIndonesia(DMIRadio)Radio Streaming Indonesia yang menyajikan lagu laguPopIndonesiaselama 24 jam nonstop.Channel 1 MP3 24kbps monoChannel 2 AAC 32kbps stereoWebsite: Page: Group:
ini adalah aplikasi berita,, yang populer di indonesia,menyediakanribuaninformasi, pergerakan band, kesempatan ribuanmanggung,berbagaimacam promosi, band-band, lagu-lagu, event,aktivitaspeliputan,wawancara, foto, kamu bisa dapatkan info eventsetiapbulan disini,ayo,, biar kan bandmu, bersinar !!more info :www.INFOEVENTBAND.comThis is a news application, taken, which is popular inIndonesia,providingthousands of information, movement of bands,thousands ofgigopportunities, various promotions, bands, songs,events,eventcoverage, interviews, photos, you can get informationeventeverymonth here, come on, let's your band, shine!!INFOEVENTBAND.COM, is one of the indie website, theinformationisalso engaged as a media campaign, which focuses on asegmentofmusic, especially the world of bands, includingpromotingevents,look for a variety of information on stage, as wellaspromotingthe band.Our web movement began in late 2010, as acommitmenttoparticipate and contribute to the development ofmusic,whichthrough the web, we do a variety of movements spreadofinformationneeded for the bandThe above, the support by linking to our website tovarioussocialnetworks, like facebook, twitter etc, where all thenews wepublish,it also automatically spread to dozens of socialnetworksthat belongto our affiliates, which every single account,group,pages , hasthousands friendlist, so if totalized can reachtens ofthousandsfriendlist (connection), and we may publish itrepeatedthe samestory though, as it is, it encourages visitorsfrom man"band","Event Organizer "and the" General Public "may alsobe"MusicBusiness Performer "for visiting our website and receivealltheinformation on our website.Not only that we do, we also optimize what's known in theworldofinternet, namely technique of SEO (Search EngineOptimization),wherewe constantly preach the info with the keywordsof interest,whichencourages someone found us on the web searchengines, suchas googlesearch, which is now our website has alwaysoccupiedFIRST PAGEGOOGLE SEARCH with key words, "CARI INFOMANGGUNG","PROMOSI BAND","CARI INFO EVENT", and many otherkeywords, then wehave won thecompetition more than 19 millionkeywordsavailable( satisfied, we also do ofline movements, suchasthedistribution of brochures / pamphlets,standingbannerinstallation, coverage, interviews, working withtheEventOrganizer, moving as a media partner at hundreds ofevents,and wealso do our own program called Event Music Chartsareselectingfeatured songs from the bands, which in turn we provideafree gigopportunities in various locations / events that workwithus, aswell as spreading the compilation CD Music Charts eventtovariouslive music events taking place, the inside cover of theCDislisted multiple media, business music etc ... and wearealsoworking with several online radio in a special event onceaweek,so that the movements we are encouraging "curious / wanttoknow"that eventually people visiting our website.we also undertake various promotional ways, one throughtheIEBBLAST SMS services, we collect any mobile phone numberofbands,media, event organizers into a database, so we canspreadthenotification / reporting directly through their mobilephone,whichhas reached more than 400 numbers.Given the changes that many Internet users also use thetablet/android phone too, we have also arranged for ourfriendlywebsiteaccessible to the media, as well ascreateAndroidapplications.Can I promote in INFOEVENTBAND.COM WEBSITE?yes, because this is a promotional website, so we openedwidethepromotional materials along the positive and do notviolatethenorm, or rule of law.