Top 1 Apps Similar to 收簡訊大師

MissedCalls/Email/SMS Widget
Big Icon for Missed Income Calls andUnreadedSMSInstall process:1.Download and install this APK2.Long press on your Home Screen to open Widget menu3.choice Cloud95 Missed Calls Widget4.choice Cloud95 Unread Email Widget5.choice Cloud95 Unread SMS Widget6.Complete installReadme:1.White Phone Icon meaning NO Missed Income Calls2.Red Phone Icon meaning have Missed Income Calls, Top-Rightnumbermeaning how many calls be missed3.Click Phone Icon enter Calls history list and reset theTop-Rightnumber4.White Mail Icon meaning NO Unread Email5.Green Mail Icon meaning have Unread Email, Top-Rightnumbermeaning how many new Emails6.Click Mail Icon enter Email InBox and reset theTop-Rightnumber7.White Envelope Icon meaning NO Unread SMS8.Blue Envelope Icon meaning have Unread SMSs, Top-Rightnumbermeaning how many new SMSs9.Click Envelope Icon enter SMS Income list and reset theTop-Rightnumber