Top 16 Apps Similar to Escala Notas Lions

Escala de Notas 21
The best Grading Scales and Average Calculation App
Escala de Notas 2.0.0
Escala de Notas is a simple application that allows youtocalculatethe marks of a test giving the maximum score andtheaccordingscale. In this application, free distribution, youcanenjoy thefollowing qualities: * A simple and clean interface.*Formrequesting just and necessary data and remembers thelastentereddata. * A robust and efficient algorithm forcalculating,which willdeliver the results in minimal time. * Cleanand welltabulatedresults, which make more efficient use of thescreen.
Escala de Notas 1.0.5
Escala de Notas es una aplicación que te permite calcular lasnotasde una evaluación. Útil para profesores y estudiates quenecesitansaber las notas correspondientes en la escala quecorresponda.CONTIENE: * El porcentaje de exigencia * Puntaje máximo* Notamínima * Incremento de puntaje * Nota máxima * Nota deaprobación *Color distinto entre la nota de aprobación ydesaprobación.
Escala de Notas 7
Generator grading scale. Very useful for proofreading!
Ayuda Profe - Escala de Notas 2.5
Help Profe aims to assist teachers in their daily tasks
Escala de Notas 1.2.1
Grading scale generator (edumetrica)
Notas U: School Planner 13.3.0
Class schedule, homework, grades and everything a student needs.
Escala de notas 1.0
Maestro o evaluador, con estaaplicaciónpodráscrear fácilmente una escala de notas para no tenerque hacerturegla de tres o cálculos individuales cuando eltrabajoseacalificar exámenes, indícale a la aplicacióncuantosreactivostiene el examen que aplicaste y a partir de elloemitirálascalificaciones en relación con la cantidad de reactivosquecadaquien tengaAHORRO DE TIEMPOAhorra tiempo al realizar la revision de tus exámenes,pueslacantidad de reactivos en cada examen no siempre es la mismaloquenos obliga a realizar este calculo de forma manualenmuchasocasiones,MÍNIMO APROBATORIOConfigura tu aplicación para generar únicamente unaescaladevalores aprobatorios.Teacher orevaluator,withthis application you can easily create a gradingscale toavoidhaving to make your rule of three or individualcalculationswhenthe work is qualifying examinations indícale theapplicationfewreagents have the test you applied and from that itwill issuemarksin relation to the amount of reagent that everyonehasSAVING TIMESave time by making the review of your exams, becausetheamountof items in each test is not always what it forces us tomakethiscalculation manually in many cases,MINIMUM approvingConfigure your application to generate only approbatory ascaleofvalues.
Notas U Pro: School Planner 13.2.0
Enjoy the Notas U experience without ads.
Alfa Notas 2.0.0
Led Labs
This is an app that facilitates the calculation of averageforstudents of the Faculties Alpha.
My Grades
Don't spend more time calculating your grades, this app willdothat!
Minhas Notas
Com esse aplicativo você élembradopreviamentedas avaliações e obtém cálculo da médianasdisciplinas.1 - Diversos cursos cadastrados2 - Possibilidade de criação, alteração e exclusão de Cursos3 - Possibilidade de criação, alteração eexclusãodeDisciplinas4 - Possibilidade de criação, alteração e exclusão deTiposdeavaliações com diferentes pesos (Prova, teste,trabalho...)5 - Cálculo de média ponderada6 - Permite definir média mínima para a provação7 - Lembrete das avaliações8 - Semestre dividido em 2 bimestres9 - Os cursos pré-cadastrados são compatíveis comaFaculdadeCatólica Salesiana do Espirito SantoWith this appyouarepreviously reminded of the reviews and get the averaginginthedisciplines.1 - Miscellaneous registered courses2 - Possibility of creating, changing and deleting courses3 - Possibility of creation, modification anddeletionofDisciplines4 - Possibility of creating, changing and deletingtypesofevaluations with different weights (Test, test, work...)5 - weighted average calculation6 - Set minimum average for trial7 - Reminder of ratings8 - Semester divided into 2 bimesters9 - Pre-registered courses are compatible with theCatholicSalesianCollege of the Holy Spirit
Notas de Clase 1.0.3
App para dispositivos Android en lacualpodrástener ordenadamente los apuntes de tus clases.Si no tienes tu cuaderno podrás apuntar aquello que ocupesentuApp "Notas de Clase".>Ten tus notas de forma ordenada por:Nombre de la materiaFecha o semana de la clase.App forAndroiddeviceswhich can be neatly notes from your classes.If you do not have your notebook you can aim that youoccupyinyour App "Class Notes".> Keep your notes in an orderly fashion by:          Nameofcommodity          Dateorweekof class.
Calculadora de Notas - ETEP 1.6.0
This application assists ETEP students in the management ofsubjectsand their grades.
Calculate Your Grade 3.3.2
San App
Very useful when calculating your grades in school orcollegeapplication.
School Agenda K-12 2.3
Notepad Timetable Exam/Assignment Reminder GradingCalculatorQuestionmeter