Top 35 Apps Similar to PaginasAmarillasRD Android

InfoCasas 3.8.16
If it's available, it's here
BUREA: Cashback, Cupones & Ahorros 2.64.4
Ahorrar en la compra de tus productos favoritos no tiene quesercomplicado recortando cupones o buscando de tienda en tienda.BUREAte da CASHBACK por comprar tus marcas y productos favoritos enlastiendas participantes. Además de recibir CASHBACK alredimirofertas, también ganas al completar encuestas, compartirlaaplicación con tus amigos y participar en sorteos yprogramasexclusivos. Únete a los miles de usuarios que recibenCASHBACKdesde la comodidad de su celular. Descarga la aplicación ycomienzaa BUREAr. Es así de fácil: 1. BUSCA - Las ofertas en laaplicacióny compra los productos con los que podrás ahorrar encualquiertienda participante. 2. REDIME - Tomándole una fotoalrecibo/ticket de compra o participando en concursos,sorteos,encuestas y programas exclusivos. 3. AHORRA - Una vezaprobada turedención, se te acreditará a tu cuenta de BUREA elCASHBACKcorrespondiente. Es fácil, seguro y ¡gratis! Olvídate depasartrabajo y comienza a ahorrar con BUREA. ¡Anímate, que bureandosevive mejor!
Noticias sobre Dominica 4.3
Everything in the Dominican Republic News | News: latest newsaroundthe world
Gustazos 2.1.25
Todo lo que necesitas para las mejores experiencias ahoramásaccesible que an.. 3.5.8
The official app of, news of El Salvador andtheworld.
todocoleccion auctions 4.04
Purchase, Sale and Online-Auctions of Antiques, Art, BooksandCollectables - Job Search 107.0.1
Find and apply to your ideal job in TheTecoloco.comjob app allows you to create your CV, browse and applyto differentjob opportunities filtered by companies, cities,categories, androles or job titles. Through the app you will getpushnotifications that will let you know when new jobs areavailable,besides saving the jobs you want and receiving jobsuggestionsaccording to your professional profile. JobappFeatures: • Register your CV and apply to jobs • Filter jobs bythebest known companies in the region • Filter jobs by role orjobtitle allows you to reach your professional goalsbymeans of: • More than 4,000 jobs available in the region •Createpersonalized job alerts and receive them directly to youremail •Save the jobs you want is the leader online jobboardin Central America that has been the favorite meeting placebetweencompanies and candidates. is part of Saongroup,asuccessful European group in the job board industry withpresencein four continents. More Job app features: •Jobopportunities in Central America and the Dominican Republic:ElSalvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica andDominicanRepublic. • Job vacancies in the most important cities oftheregion: San Salvador, Santa Ana, San Miguel,Guatemala,Quetzaltenango, Peten, Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula,Atlántida,Managua, Matagalpa, Masaya, San Jose, Guanacaste,Heredia, SantoDomingo, Puerto Plata y Hermanas Mirabal. • Filterjobs bycategories: Administration, Storage, Office Support,Banking,Purchasing, Accounting and Finance, Informatics andInternet,Maintenance, Marketing and Sales, Operations andLogistics,Production and Engineering, Human Resources,Telecommunications,Professional Positions, Call Center, Restaurantsand Health. •Browse and discover different job opportunitiesfiltered by role orjob title. • Through the Job appyou will be able toapply to the jobs published by the best knownand most attractivecompanies to work in the region. More Tecoloco.comis the job board with the greatestrecognition and trajectory inthe region. With our tool, you will beable to create your CV andapply to the job opportunities of themost attractive companies towork in. gives a widevariety of job search optionsaccording to the needs of jobseekers.The job app isthe best option to search for jobs sinceit will allow you to takepart in recruitment processes in an easyway from any mobiledevice. Download the job app anddiscover the best jobopportunities in the region
Cupón Club 1.65
Cupon Club
Exclusive offers Guatemala and El Salvador. Manage your couponsfromyour cel.
Degusta 6.1.8
Part of the community and you will discover restaurants andamazingdishes.
Discover the Vincci Hoteles App, the best way to enjoy our hotels.
Comparabien 1.4.10
Compara préstamos, depósitos, créditos, seguros ypreciosdecombustible en un solo lugar. Comparabien te ayudará aelegirlamejor opción para tus finanzas de manera fácil ysegura.EnComparabien podrás encontrar toda la información de tasasytarifasde todos los productos de los bancos y aseguradorasdelmercado.Además puedes solicitar estos productos directamentedesdetuteléfono o tablet. Además, también podrás encontrarelcombustiblemás barato cerca de ti. Compara los precios degasolina,diésel ogas (GLP/GNV) en estaciones de servicio según tuubicación,paraque no pagues de más. Comparar es muy fácil: - Escogeelproductoque quieres comparar: préstamos personales, tarjetasdecrédito,depósitos a plazo, seguros de auto o combustible - Usalosfiltrospara ajustar la búsqueda a tus necesidades: porejemplo,monto asolicitar, plazo en meses, marca o modelo de tu autoo tipodegasolina a buscar - Revisa en la lista todos losproductosquecumplen con los requisitos de tu búsqueda. Estalistapuedesordenarla por cualquier columna y al hacer clic enunaopciónpuedes encontrar más detalles de ese producto - Puedeselegirlaopción que más te conviene y solicitarla llenandounbreveformulario. Comparabien es el complemento ideal paratusfinanzasen tu celular, es tu asesor financiero personal.Nuestraaplicaciónes una calculadora / simulador que te muestra todalainformaciónque necesitas para encontrar tu préstamo oinversiónideal. Ahorratiempo y dinero con Comparabien, ahora en tumóvil!
Direct Ferries - Ferry tickets 2.4.15
Compare ferry tickets on the Direct Ferries app now to save timeandmoney!
ZipRealty Real Estate & Homes 9.3.17
ZapLabs LLC
Key Features: ◎ 30% More Homes for Sale: Get up-to-date andaccurateinfo on up to 30% more MLS listings ◎ StreetSketch™: Drawacustomized search area on the map with your finger ◎Location-BasedSearch: See what’s for sale around you on theinteractive map ◎ MapBoundaries: View school districts (withscores), neighborhoods andcities on the map ◎ Email Alerts: Be thefirst to know about newlistings or price changes ◎ PersonalizedSearch: Create and savesearches and save homes you love ◎ CustomSearch Filters: Input yourpreferences for beds, baths, price andmore ◎ Home Photo Slideshow:Swipe through hi-res photos on thehome details page ◎ Local OpenHouses: Look up open houses,including dates, times and directions ◎Home Value Estimates:Search by specific addresses to view homevalue estimates ◎Off-market Search: See how much nearby homes soldfor withoff-market search ◎ School Ratings and Reviews: Readratings andreviews of local school listings ◎ Transit Info: Look upWalkScores™ or Transit Scores™ for properties you like ◎ LocalExperts:Contact a realtor to ask a question or go see a home inperson ◎Cross-platform Sync: Access your home search across allyourdevices Let us know what you think! Rate our app, or sendfeedbackto [email protected].
Valencia Valenbisi 2.7.1
Valencia Valenbisi, bikes in Valencia
Social Deal - The best deals 7.6.1
Social Deal
Discover fun hotspots in your area at an unbeatable price.
Weekendesk | Hôtel + Activités 2.1.13
L’application Weekendesk c’est votre réflexe pour desséjoursimprovisés. Une sélection exclusive de qualité au meilleurprixavec un choix de plus de 10 000 hôtels et activités en Franceet enEurope ! N'attendez plus les vacances pourpartir.----------------------------------------------- POURQUOICHOISIRWEEKENDESK 1 - Plus qu’une nuit d’hôtel, un week-end completPetitdéjeuner, repas, activités... nos séjours répondent à vosbesoinspour partir en toute tranquillité ! 2 – Une sélectionEXCLUSIVEd’hôtels ! Nous sélectionnons 1 hôtel sur 10 et tenonscompte devos avis pour garantir des séjours de qualité ! 3 – Desthématiquespour répondre à toutes vos envies En amoureux,détente,gourmandise, culture, nous vous proposons des séjoursincluant lesactivités de votre choix afin de profiter de votreweek-end lesyeux fermés. Autant de raisons de partir DÉCOUVREZ NOSOFFRESSPÉCIALES EN AVANT-PREMIÈRE - Des promotions exclusives surnoshôtels : en acceptant les notifications, accédez à nosmeilleuresoffres de voyage avant les autres ! - Dernière minute :chaquejeudi, ne ratez pas nos offres négociées sur nos séjours ethôtelspour partir le week-end prochain à prix imbattables ! -Ventesflash : les meilleurs week-ends et séjours dans les plusbellesdestinations en Europe. Offres exclusives à durée limitée àpartirde 20% de réduction ! TROUVEZ LE WEEK-END IDÉAL - Recherche «Amoins de 2h » : en acceptant la géolocalisation,accédezdirectement aux hôtels les plus intéressantes depuis votreposition- Recherche "Villes" : découvrez rapidement les villes oùpartir letemps d'un week-end - Recherche "Thématiques" :romantique,bien-être, ski, nature ou bord de mer... des week-endset séjourspour toutes vos envies - Recherche "Carte" : explorez nosoffresdans une région et trouvez l'hôtel le mieux situé - Hôteldecharme, gîte, cabane ou igloo… sélectionnez le logement quivousfait envie ! - Les photos plein écran, les 3 points que nousaimonschez nos partenaires, les avis clients certifiés, leséquipementsde l'hôtel et les points d’intérêt vous aideront à fairelemeilleur choix ! ADOPTEZ LE RÉFLEXE « c’est le WEEK-END » -Accédezen temps réel aux disponibilités de l’hôtel - Petitdéjeuner,repas, activités, entrée au musée ou parc d'attractions:sélectionnez le séjour qui vous convient le mieux - Réservezentoute tranquillité grâce au paiement sécurisé PARTEZ LESYEUXFERMÉS ! - Découvrez l’itinéraire pour vous rendre sur placeàl'hôtel - A votre arrivée, nos partenaires hôteliers vousrecevrontavec la plus grande attention - Notre service clientsveille survous 7 jours sur 7 « Claire, bourrée de bonnes affaires,cetteappli simplifiera la vie de tous ceux qui veulent s’évader àpetitsprix. » - Télé Avec plus de 1 million declientssatisfaits, Weekendesk a obtenu le Travel d’Or et une notede 4.5/5– LABEL QUALITÉ eKomi
Factorial 1.11.11
Human Resources Software
Housers 2.0.2
Housers is the fintech P2P platform for crowdfundingandcrowdlendinginvestment that has revolutionized the rules ofthegame, makingpossible to democratize investment. Housers operateinthreedifferent areas; real estate assets with Housers:RealEstate,business projects with Housers: Corporateandsustainableopportunities with Housers: Green. Housers isauthorizedby thePortuguese National Securities Market Commission(CNMV) andthePortuguese Securities Commission (CMVM). Thefinancialinstitutionthat supports Housers' fintech platform,LemonWay, isauthorized bythe Bank of Spain. Invest from 50 euros inprofitablecrowdlendingand crowdfunding projects and obtain annualyields withdevelopmentloan rates! Housers fintech allows you in aquick andeasy way to:· Dynamize communication between activeinvestors anddevelopers byfacilitating bidirectionality andautomation. · Investdirectlyfrom your smartphone. · Simplify theregistration processand thecreation of the wallet. · Safer and moreagile access to thewalletwith Touch ID and Face ID. · Enjoy all ourpromotions andoptimizeyour investment. · Improved visualization andeasier accessto theHousers platform. · Bring your investments inyour pocket.Businessprojects are selected after an exhaustivefeasibility studyandrisk analysis. All the projects are scored bySilva yAsociadosS.A., an external company specializing in riskanalysisforbusiness projects. We are financial experts seeking toensurethehighest return on your investment! Housers is afintechplatformbased on participative financing (PFP) that allowsyou toinvest indiverse crowdfunding and crowdlending projectswhereveryou are.Thanks to our international network, we are abletoincrease thediversification capacity of our users and makeadifference in thefinance sector. Undoubtedly, Housers is thebestoption to ensureyou a great financial future from acrowdfundingand crowdlendinginvestment of only 50 euros.
Porlalivre: Compra Venta y Ser
Official application of the site of classified adsinCuba. - Ofertas de trabajo y empleo
En llevamos más de 20 años publicandolasmejoresofertas de empleo. ¿Quieres crecerprofesionalmente?¿Necesitascambiar de puesto de trabajo? ¿Quieresrecibir las nuevasofertasde trabajo que encajen con tu perfil? Conel APP lotendrás todo de forma rápida, cómoda ysencilla.Encuentra trabajofácilmente utilizando nuestro buscador deofertasque te permitiráacceder a miles de ofertas de empleo entuprovincia y de tuprofesión. Olvídate de estar pendiente delasnuevas publicaciones,¡seremos nosotros quienes te notifiquemoslosnuevos empleos que sevayan publicando en nuestro portal y así notepierdas ni una solaoportunidad laboral! Con nuestro APP detrabajopodrás buscarofertas de empleo, inscribirte en ellas yporsupuesto, realizar elseguimiento de tus candidaturas entodomomento. Te resumimos lascosas que puedes hacer: 1. BUSCAROFERTASDE TRABAJO: 🔎 ✔ Puedesindicarnos qué tipo de puesto detrabajo esel que estás buscando(administrativo, camarero,marketing,comercial, construcción,...)✔ Podrás seleccionaraquellasprofesiones que te interesan a travésde nuestros filtros ✔Podrásrealizar búsquedas de trabajo en cadauna de las provincias:Madrid,Barcelona, Valencia, Málaga,... 2.RESPONDER O INSCRIBIRTE ENLASOFERTAS DE EMPLEO: 👆 Podrás enviartu CV a todas las ofertasdetrabajo que te interesen. No haylímite. 3. REVISAR EL ESTADO DETUSCANDIDATURAS:🕒 Cualquier cambioque haya en los CV que hayasenviadoa las empresas te lonotificaremos de forma inmediata paraquepuedas ver en todomomento cuál es el estado en el que seencuentranlas candidaturas.Si tienes cualquier aportación osugerencia quenos queráis hacerserá bienvenida:[email protected] 💬 Muchasuerte en tubúsqueda de empleo. Unsaludo, Equipo de
Cooperativa San José 1.5.1
Con nuestra aplicación puedes: -Consultar el balance detusCuentas.-Ver el Historial de tus Transacciones -TransferirEntretus Cuentasy a otros socios de la Cooperativa. -Pagartuspréstamos.-Desembolsar Líneas de Crédito. -Bloquear tu TarjetadeDébito enCasos de Pérdida o Robo. -Acceder a Nuestro SitioWebdesde laPantalla de Bienvenida con la Opción“OtrasInformaciones”. Tu manoamiga de siempre, ahora siemprecontigo.
Noticentro.TV 2.3.0
Wapa TV
Lo mejor de la cobertura noticiosa de Noticentro totalmente gratis.
Bajanda - For Clients 1.1
Bajanda For Clients
Tri Counties Mobile Banking 17.1.89
Mobile Banking from Tri Counties BankSecure banking in the palm of your hand. Manage your accountsfromyour mobile device when it’s convenient for you. It’s fast,secureand free.*• View account balances• View transaction history• Transfer funds• Pay bills• Search for ATM and branch locations• Deposit checksMobile DepositDeposit checks right from your smartphone. Download the freeTriCounties Bank Mobile App and start depositing checks fromanywhere.Simply take a picture of the front and back of yourendorsed check,and then submit it for deposit to your Tri CountiesBank checkingor savings account.Eligibility and Requirements**• Android Phone and Tablet with the latest version of TriCountiesMobile Banking App• A Tri Counties Bank account• Enrollment in Tri Counties Bank Online BankingSecurityTri Counties Mobile Banking App protects your financialinformationfrom unauthorized access using:• Security questions to verify your identity• Secure logon with user ID and password• Advanced encryption technologySupportContact Tri Counties Bank by phone at 1-800-922-8742* Deposit limits and other restrictions may apply. For fulldetails,please refer to the Tri Counties Mobile Banking TermsandConditions.**Tri Counties Bank does not charge fees to download or usetheMobile App. Your mobile carrier may charge for text messagingandweb access services. Check with your carrier for informationabouttheir fees.Copyright © 2016. Tri Counties Bank. All rights Reserved.Member FDIC.
The IBERIABANK app is a free mobile decision-support toolthatgivesyou the ability to aggregate all of yourfinancialaccounts,including accounts from other financialinstitutions, intoasingle, up-to-the-minute view so you can stayorganized andmakesmarter financial decisions. It is fast, secureand makeslifeeasier by empowering you with the tools you need tomanageyourpersonal finances. FEATURES Multi-Account Aggregation:View allofyour financial information (balances, transactionhistory,merchantspending averages) in one place for on-the-goorganization.Alerts& Notifications: Set alerts for low fundsand be notifiedaboutupcoming bills. Add Tags, Notes, Images &Geo-Information:Byenhancing transactions with custom tags, notes orphotos ofareceipt or check, you have the ability to stay organizedandfindexactly what you’re looking for when searchingthroughyourfinances. Contact: Locate ATMs or branches andcontactIBERIABANKcustomer service directly from the app. SAFE ANDSECUREThe apputilizes the same bank-level security that protectsyou whenyou’reon Internet Banking. The app also features aunique4-digitpasscode setting that prevents unauthorized access.GETTINGSTARTEDTo use the IBERIABANK app, you must be enrolled asaIBERIABANKInternet Banking user. If you currently use ourInternetBanking,simply download the app, launch it, and login withthesameInternet Banking credentials. After you successfully logintotheapp, your accounts and transactions will begin updating.
Signed Jobs Management Plus 3.90
Do not lose your work! delivey notes in your phone and forgetthepaper!
QuieroLibros: used books 2.9.20
Trophy Lab
Application to buy / sell books. Sells almost automatically.
Esta aplicación es desarrollada porASSISTCARD, perteneciente al grupo STARR Companies, es lamayororganización en el mundo dedicada exclusivamente abrindarasistencia integral al viajero. Fue establecida en el año1972 enSuiza, y desde entonces se ha expandido rápidamente en loscincocontinentes. Dispone de 14 centrales de asistenciainterconectadasentre sí con tecnología de última generación,garantizandodisponibilidad de atención ininterrumpida 24/7 y en 16idiomas.Posee más de 400 mil prestadores alrededor del mundo ytiene lacapacidad de brindar soluciones y respuesta inmediata enmás de 197países, resolviendo desde una simple consulta médicahasta laseventualidades más complejas como un trasladosanitariotransoceánico, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANY REASON.This applicationisdeveloped by ASSIST CARD, belonging to the group STARRCompanies,it is the largest organization in the world dedicated toprovidingcomprehensive travel assistance. It was established in1972 inSwitzerland, and since then it has expanded rapidly in thefivecontinents. Has 14 support centers interconnected with thelatesttechnology, ensuring uninterrupted availability of care 24/7and in16 languages. It has more than 400 000 providers around theworldand has the capacity to provide more than 197 countriesandimmediate response solutions, solving from a simplemedicalconsultation to complex contingencies as an overseasmedicaltransfer, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANY REASON.
Vueling - Cheap Flights 11.2.1
Fly to over 160 destinations, bookingcheapflights through the revamped Vueling app. Choose the fare thatbestsuits you and travel at the lowest price without sacrificingthemost exclusive services.
Choose your destination and book cheap flights on your mobileappquickly and easily. Choose the fare that best suits you andmakesecure payment by card or PayPal.

* CHECK-IN AND BOARDING PASSESYou can check in up to 4 hours before departure and savetheboarding pass on your phone. Once downloaded, you can seeitwithout having to connect to the Internet. No more queuing atthecheck-in desk and your trips will be more convenientandeasy!* BRING YOUR FLIGHT FORWARD
Passengers can use this service to bring their flight forward toanearlier flight on the same day. So, if your plans changeorsomething unexpected comes up, you can fly home a fewhoursearlier. Passengers travelling on Optima and Excellence farescanmake this change free of charge!* MYVUELING
Sign up to myvueling directly via your mobile phone and enjoyallits advantages! You can save your personal details to makefuturepurchases easier or create your list of frequent travellersto savetime when booking flights.
* FLIGHT STATUSFollow the status of your flights in real time and see thescheduledtimes, terminal and boarding gate. Now, information onarrivals,departures and possible incidents regarding your flight,all in thepalm of your hand.* MY BOOKINGSAccess and manage your bookings, make changes, add bags,chooseseats and swap or bring forward your flights in minutes.Plus, youcan add the date of your flights directly to your mobilephonecalendar so you won't forget the important things!* EVA, YOUR TRAVEL ASSISTANTThanks to our new assistant, EVA, we'll be with you throughoutyourtrip. You'll find all your booking information at the sameplace,receive useful notifications at the airport and be able tointeractwith EVA through our chat.

* WIDGETSSee the status of your next flight or view your boardingpasseswithout having to access the app by using the Widget thatwe'vecreated for your Smartphone.*SMARTWATCHNow, you can also synchronise the Vueling app with yourSonySmartWatch 2. That way, you can carry your boarding passes onyourwrist or see all the key information about your flights.Have we missed anything? Let us have your feedback andsuggestionsand help us improve so we can continue offering you newservicesand enhance your Vueling experience via our app.
Flow Hotel & Workspace by Hour 5.0.15
Hourly booking for hotel rooms & co-working spaces - Save upto75% Search and book student accommodation 2.0.7 is a free service for booking studentaccommodation.With over one million beds in over 400 citiesworldwide, you canfind an ideal place to stay during your studies,and book quicklyand easily. We seek to simplify the student housingbooking processwhich puts security and ease-of-use first. Whetheryou’re lookingfor a long-term or a short-term let, find your homeaway from homewith us today! Easy-to-use accommodation search: -Search by city,university or neighbourhood - Use our maps to findproperties in aparticular area - Compare properties to find theperfect one foryou Filters help you find what you are looking for:- Check whichproperties have free wifi - Look for studios withensuite bathroomsor shared accommodation with flatmates - Find thebest ratedproperties when you filter by review We know that bookinga studentroom can be a daunting task, especially if you are goingabroad.That’s why we’ve taken steps to make sure that,choosing your property is as easy and stress-free aspossible. - Wevet and approve every housing provider we feature -Our dedicatedbooking consultants are always there to help - Pricematch promise:Find a lower price elsewhere and we’ll match it* Ifyou love app, we’d love to hear about it, so doleave us areview. You can also visit our website and follow us onsocialmedia. Twitter&Instagram: @student *Terms and conditions apply
Student Beans 5.8.2
College students! Get more student discounts & better dealswithbig brands.
Mexico Destination Club by XCA 10.9
Grupo Xcaret
Direct access in the palm of your hand to Mexico Destination Club.
Alvarez,sport and leisure time 1.0.17
Álvarez is the top Spanish company on online sales of sports goods.
Univision Noticias 11.1.56
Noticias de EE.UU, política, inmigración, economía, salud, mundoymás